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Collection Number: 03966

Collection Title: Arthur Franklin Raper Papers, 1910-1981

This collection has access restrictions. For details, please see the restrictions.

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in our reading room, and not digitally available through the World Wide Web. See the Duplication Policy section for more information.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Collection Overview

Size 67.5 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 48,000 items)
Abstract Arthur Franklin Raper (1899-1979) was a rural sociologist, civil rights activist, and social science analyst both in the United States and in other countries. Papers document Raper's work for the Commission on Interracial Cooperation (1926-1939); the Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching (1930-1931); the Carnegie-Myrdal Study of the American Negro (1939-1940); the United States Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Agricultural Economics (1940-1952); the United States Foreign Operations Administration and the United States International Cooperation Administration (1952-1962); and the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development (1962-1964). Of special interest are data sets on counties and towns throughout the South that were compiled for the Carnegie-Myrdal Study of the American Negro and photographs by Jack Delano, Dorothea Lange, and others depicting the rural South during the Depression. Postwar materials document Raper's international work and the implementation of rural development programs in North Africa, the Middle East, and Asian countries including Japan and Taiwan. The papers include Raper's correspondence and private reflections; correspondence concerning the ten books and dozens of articles he published; extensive genealogical and biographical information and family letters and other materials; clippings; photographs; slide sets; audiotapes; and videotapes. The collection also contains correspondence, writings, photographs, and other papers of Arthur's wife Martha Jarrell Raper (1905-1979).
Creator Raper, Arthur Franklin, 1899-1979.
Curatorial Unit University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection.
Language English
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Information For Users

Restrictions to Access
Use of audio or moving image materials may require production of listening or viewing copies.
Access to streaming audio or moving image materials may be restricted to researchers who can authenticate with an ONYEN or who are physically present on campus. For further information about access to streaming audiovisual materials, contact Research and Instructional Services staff at Wilsonlibrary@unc.edu.
Restrictions to Use
No usage restrictions.
Copyright Notice
Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], in the Arthur Franklin Raper Papers #3966, Southern Historical Collection, Wilson Special Collections Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Acquisitions Information
Received from Harrison Raper of Houlton, Me., son of Arthur F. Raper, in accordance with his father's will, in January 1980. Additions received from Harrison Raper in April and May 1983 (Acc. 83025 and Acc. 83026); Margaret Hummon of Athens, Ohio, in June 1983 (Acc. 83042) and in 2017 (Acc. 103148, 20240103.2); Charles Raper in May 1990 (Acc. #90053); and Blanche R. Zimmerman in August 1992 (Acc. #92122).
Additional Descriptive Resources
Arthur Raper created a 557-page index to the collection, which essentially functions as a chronological, item-level contents list of the papers. A copy of this index is housed in boxes 1a and 1b and has been digitized. There is also a microfilm copy.
Sensitive Materials Statement
Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. § 132 1 et seq.), and Article 7 of the North Carolina State Personnel Act (Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records, N.C.G.S. § 126-22 et seq.). Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assumes no responsibility.
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Processing Information

Processed by: SHC staff, 1980

Reprocessed by: Jessica Sedgwick, May 2009

Description added by: Laura Clark Brown, Danielle Fasig, Sara Mannheimer, and Julie Seifert 2013-2014 and Amelia Holmes, Laura Hart, and Erin Dickey 2015-2016. The project to enhance description of the files is ongoing.

Updated by: Laura Hart, February 2019; Laura Smith, June 2023; Davia Webb and Laura Smith, March 2024

Encoded by: Jessica Sedgwick, May 2009

Container list updated by: Dawne Howard Lucas, July 2020, January 2022

Processing staff retained Arthur Raper's original order and arrangment in four parts, "Chronological File" (Part I) and "Support File" (Part II, III, and IV). Researchers may consult Raper's own index to "Chronological File." Index is found in boxes 1a and 1b.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subject Headings

The following terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings suggest topics, persons, geography, etc. interspersed through the entire collection; the terms do not usually represent discrete and easily identifiable portions of the collection--such as folders or items.

Clicking on a subject heading below will take you into the University Library's online catalog.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Biographical Information

Arthur Franklin Raper (1899-1979) attended both the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt University. The early years of Raper's career were devoted to an analysis of rural problems and racial discrimination in Depression-era South. He was an activist who delivered speeches and gathered data as he worked to alleviate rural poverty and for the social and legal equality of African Americans. In 1940, Raper began his 22-year career as a social scientist and research analyst for several federal government agencies. His concern for southern agricultural reform continued, but after World War II, he became involved with problems of rural development on a global scale. He studied conditions in Japan, Taiwan, and several other countries in Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East. During these years, Raper continued the activism that had characterized his earlier career. In 1962, he became senior advisor to the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development. He returned to America two years later, and was a visiting professor at Michigan State University until he retired in 1967. Between the time of his retirement and his death in 1979, Raper maintained an active interest in the worldwide struggle against social and political injustice.


1899 Born on 8 November in Davidson County, N.C., the third son of William Franklin and Julia Selina Crouse Raper.
1929 Married Martha E. Jarrell of Atlanta, Ga., on 12 June.
1930 Birth of first son, Charles F., on 5 May.
1932 Birth of second son, Harrison C. (Roper), on 10 May.
1934 Birth of third son, A. Jarrell, on 24 March.
1937 Birth of daughter, J. Margaret (Hummon), on 21 November.
1979 Died in Oakton, Va., on 10 August.


1924 Received A.B., University of North Carolina.
1925 Received M.A. in sociology and political science, Vanderbilt University.
1931 Received Ph.D. in sociology and rural economics, University of North Carolina.

Positions Held:

1925-1926 Research Assistant for the Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina.
1926-1939 Research Secretary for the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Atlanta, Ga.
1930-1931 Member of the Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching.
1932-1939 Part-time professor of sociology at Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga.
1938-1940 Executive Secretary of the Council on a Christian Social Order.
1939-1940 Research Associate for the Carnegie-Myrdal Study of the American Negro.
1940-1942 Social Science Analyst for the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
1942-1952 Social Science Analyst and Principal Social Scientist for the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
1943-1952 Taught graduate courses at the United States Department of Agriculture, at American University, and at the University of Maryland.
1946-1952 Trustee of the Delta Cooperative Farms, Inc., Bolivar County, Miss.
1947-1950 Made three trips to Japan as a consultant on agrarian reforms for the Allied Occupation Command.
1951 Made a trip to Southeast Asia as a consultant on increasing aid to villagers for the Mutual Security Administration (MSA).
1951 Made a trip to the Middle East as a consultant on increasing agricultural production for the American Friends of the Middle East.
1952 Consultant to the Far East Division of MSA.
1952-1954 Project Evaluation Advisor for the Foreign Operations Administration's Mutual Security Mission to China (Taiwan).
1954-1955 Consultant to the Community Development Division of the International Cooperation Administration (ICA).
1955-1958 Regional Community Development Advisor to the Middle East and North Africa for ICA.
1958 Member of the Training Development Staff for ICA.
1958-1961 Assistant Chief for the Orientation and Counseling Branch of the Career Development Division of ICA.
1959-1962 Taught courses on community development at Catholic University.
1961-1962 Acting Chief for the Orientation and Counseling Branch, ICA.
1964 Senior Advisor to the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development, Comilla, East Pakistan.
1964 Worked with the Pakistan Project in the College of Education at Michigan State University.
1965-1967 Visiting professor with the Asian Studies Center and an affiliate in the Department of Sociology, Michigan State University.
1967 Retired in July to his home in Oakton, Va.


1933 The Tragedy of Lynching (reprinted in 1969).
1936 Preface to Peasantry (reprinted in 1968).
1941 Sharecroppers All, with Ira DeA. Reid (reprinted in 1971).
1943 Tenants of the Almighty (reprinted in 1971).
1949 Rural Life in the United States, with Carl C. Taylor, et al.
1950 The Japanese Village in Transition, with Herbert Passin, et al.
1951 Guide to Agriculture, U.S.A., with Martha J. Raper (revised and reprinted in 1955).
1953 Rural Taiwan: Problem and Promise, with the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction.
1954 Urban and Industrial Taiwan: Crowded and Resourceful, with Han-sheng Chuan and Shao-shing Chen.
1970 Rural Development in Action: The Comprehensive Experiment at Comilla, East Pakistan, with Harry L. Case, et al.
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Scope and Content

The Arthur Franklin Raper papers offer detailed documentation of Raper's activities, interests, and reflections. The earliest papers are drawings by Raper, which are followed by essays written while he was attending the University of North Carolina and Vanderbilt University. While Raper was working both with the Commission on Interracial Cooperation and with the Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching, he gathered information, such as statistical analyses, clippings, and case studies, from cities and towns throughout the South on the problem of lynching and other, more subtle, forms of racial intimidation. These materials are included among the 1920s-1930s papers.

In addition to the correspondence and materials on lynching, the papers from 1925 to 1942 also include a number of clippings on rural poverty; audiotapes; speeches and essays by Raper; Race and Class Pressures, Raper's monograph for the Carnegie-Myrdal Study of the American Negro; and reviews and correspondence about his first four books: The Tragedy of Lynching (1933); Preface to Peasantry (1936); Sharecroppers All (1941); and Tenants of the Almighty (1943). Of special interest is data on counties and towns throughout the South, which was compiled by Raper and Ralph Bunche for the Carnegie-Myrdal Study of the American Negro, 1939-1940. In addition, photographs made by the Farm Security Administration (some of which appeared in Raper's books) highlight the rural poverty of the depression-ridden South.

Raper moved from Greene County, Ga., to Washington, D.C., in 1942, and his papers subsequently broadened in scope. Working for the United States Department of Agriculture, he collected a variety of field notes on various locales across the country. The fruits of some of this labor can be found in Rural Life in the United States (1949) and Guide to Agriculture, U.S.A. (1951), both of which are documented in the papers, although not as extensively as his first four books. As his interests shifted to the problem of worldwide rural development, Raper continued to make speeches and write essays, copies of which are included in his papers.

In the late 1940s, Raper started making trips abroad as a consultant for various government agencies, and the papers contain a great deal of information on aiding and implementing post-war development programs in foreign countries. Between 1947 and 1964, Raper's papers include correspondence; extensive field notes he made on Japan and Taiwan; reports and statistical analyses of a number of countries in Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East; orientation materials, including pamphlets, tapes, and slides for employees working abroad for the United States government; and a great number of photographs and slides depicting scenes and patterns of life in foreign countries. There is also extensive documentation of the Comilla Project, a rural development project on which Raper devoted two years working with the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development.

Raper returned to the United States in 1964 to close out his career at Michigan State University, but his papers continue, uninterrupted, until his death in 1979. These later papers include correspondence; further materials on the Comilla Project, including the publication of Rural Development in Action: The Comprehensive Experiment at Comilla, East Pakistan (1970); accounts of public appearances by Raper; oral history interviews; correspondence, minutes, and printed materials relating to Raper's involvement in the National Sharecroppers' Fund and the Southern Regional Council; Raper's reflections on a variety of issues; and more photographs and tapes. Among the papers from Raper's last years are newspaper and magazine clippings (many with his annotations) which pertain to civil rights, American political developments, difficulties of Third World nations, and problems of modern technology.

Processing Note: From the time Arthur Raper began his public career, he carefully collected and arranged his own papers, and the ordering scheme which Raper established has been retained. Raper's organizing system divides the entire collection of papers into four parts: one set of chronological files, which comprises the core of the collection and includes writings, correspondence, photographs, audiovisual materials, and other items; and three sets of support files, which include clippings, correspondence, photographs, and other materials that supplement the chronological files for the corresponding years. Each of the four sets of files is divided into a number of "volumes," Raper having originally housed his papers in three-ring binders. For preservation purposes, the papers have been moved from Raper's binders to archival folders. Therefore, Raper's volume numbers have been keyed to folder numbers in this finding aid. Raper also created a 557-page index to the collection, which essentially functions as a chronological, item-level contents list of the papers. A bound paper copy of this index is available for use in the Southern Historical Collection research room. There is also a microfilm copy.

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Contents list

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series Quick Links

expand/collapse Expand/collapse I. Chronological File, 1913-1979.

About 17,000 items.

Arrangement: chronological.

This series comprises the core of the papers, and includes correspondence; speeches, essays, books, and other writings by Arthur Raper; photographs; audio and video tapes; slides; clippings; pamphlets; magazine and journal articles; book reviews; family and personal papers; and other materials. The series is organized into chronological volumes compiled and labeled by Raper (see Raper's volume number citations in folder lists). Following the chronological run of papers are separate groupings of materials that span a wider chronological range. The groupings include audiotapes, slides, photographs, printed matter.

Additional materials related to the materials in this series can be found filed in Support files (Series II, III, and IV) under corresponding dates.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse I.1. Raper's Volumes, 1913-1979.

About 16,700 items.

Arrangement: chronological.

Disbound volumes compiled and labeled by Arthur Raper include correspondence; speeches, essays, and other writings by Raper; photographs; clippings; pamphlets; magazine and journal articles; book reviews; videotapes; family and personal papers; and other materials. Note that, though photograph folders are physically filed separately, they are listed here next to their corresponding Raper volume.

Box 1a

Index, Part I

Box 1b

Index, Parts II, III, IV

Reel M-3966/1

Index (microfilm copy)

Folder 1-4

Folder 1

Folder 2

Folder 3

Folder 4

1913-1919 (Raper's volume 1-A-1)

Folder 5-14

Folder 5

Folder 6

Folder 7

Folder 8

Folder 9

Folder 10

Folder 11

Folder 12

Folder 13

Folder 14

1920-1928 (Raper's volume 1-A-2 and 1-B-1)

Folder 15-18

Folder 15

Folder 16

Folder 17

Folder 18

1926-1930 (Raper's volume 1-B-2)

Reports with supporting notes and letters written by Raper for various sociology classes at the University of North Carolina. Reports concern race relations, segregation, sociology, and profiles of African Americans in Tampa, Fla., Atlanta, Ga., and other southern locales.

Folder 19-20

Folder 19

Folder 20

1924-1925 (Raper's volume 1-C)

Chiefly materials about Camp Sequoyah for boys in Asheville, N.C., including weekly newsletters and photographs. Clippings pertain to Tennessee's Butler Act, prohibiting instruction on evolution; The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes; and student protests against Fayette McKenzie the white president of Fisk University, a historically black school. Of note is Raper's master's thesis from Vanderbilt University titled Negro Dependency in the Southern Community.

Folder 21-23

Folder 21

Folder 22

Folder 23

1926-May 1928 (Raper's volume 2-A)

Materials concerning race relations in Tampa, Fla., Atlanta Ga., and other urban areas in the South. A report compiled by Raper titled "Study of Negro Life in Tampa" discusses demographics, housing, health, social and religious organizations, and employment. Materials related to the Georgia Commission on Interracial Cooperation include meeting minutes, a report on work completed, and excerpts from Raper's appointment calendar. Also included is a paper written by Raper for Camp Sequoyah and titled "Science of Hiking."

Folder 24-27

Folder 24

Folder 25

Folder 26

Folder 27

September 1928-1931 (Raper's volume 2-B)

Reports and statistical data sets on public welfare, education, race relations, and rural conditions in Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina. Contains reports on lynchings in Georgia and on land ownership, tradespeople, and community engagement in African American communities. Of interest are letters and forms used to gather statistics on Negro and white prisoners facing life sentences or executions for various crimes throughout the South. Other items are letters discussing Raper's dissertation defense at the University of North Carolina and personal materials including pictures from his wedding and letters concerning the birth of his first son.

Folder 28-31

Folder 28

Folder 29

Folder 30

Folder 31

1930-1931 (Raper's volume 2-C)

Letters, meeting minutes, case study outlines, and other materials relating to the Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching. Also contains letters from various journal editors, publishers, educational administrators, and churches regarding the publication of Raper’s book, The Tragedy of Lynching.

Folder 32-35

Folder 32

Folder 33

Folder 34

Folder 35

1932-1933 (Raper's volume 2-D)

Letters, reports, maps, and other materials chiefly concerning lynchings in Georgia and Alabama. Also contains reports, letters, and studies of the Great Depression's impact on African Americans, particularly the displacement of Negro workers by whites in urban settings and the impact of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA). One report titled "The Subnormal Negro and the Subnormal Code" by J.F. Ames addresses discriminatory employment practices. Of interest is an anonymous piece titled "Our Two Heritages," which posits that hostility toward immigrants and Negroes "violates our heritage of righteousness and mercy."

Folder 36-39

Folder 36

Folder 37

Folder 38

Folder 39

1933 (Raper's volume 2-E)

Chiefly reviews of Raper’s book The Tragedy of Lynching. Also contains the contract between Raper and the University of North Carolina Press for the book and letters to the Press's editor. Other materials include reviews and letters pertaining to a report by the Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching titled "Lynchings and What they Mean" .

Folder 40-43

Folder 40

Folder 41

Folder 42

Folder 43

1934-1935 (Raper's volume 3-A)

Reports, field notes, statistical data sets, short essays and addresses concerning socioeconomic conditions of rural African Americans, effects of the New Deal, lynch mobs, and crime rates in Georgia and the Black Belt. Of interest are reports by Raper and Taylor C. Miller describing a failed study in Putnam County, Ga. Community members balked at the use of Negro field workers and the equitable pay and treatment these workers received. Also included are data sets on loan company land holdings. In short essays and addresses, Raper reflects on among other subjects, the field of sociology, a white-supremacist group in Atlanta, Ga., called the Men of Justice, and the dangers of another world war.

Folder 44-49

Folder 44

Folder 45

Folder 46

Folder 47

Folder 48

Folder 49

1936-January 1937 (Raper's volume 3-B)

Reports, clippings, and field notes pertaining to the condition of tenant farmers, particularly the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union in Hillhouse, Miss., and eastern Arkansas. Also contains clippings and reviews of Raper's report, "The Mob Still Rides," and a letter to Raper from former Alabama governor Thomas E. Kilby concerning arrests and convictions of lynch mobs during his term in office. Other materials address the history of race relations, Negro education, the "Buy White," movement, and urban and rural economies.

Folder 50-55

Folder 50

Folder 51

Folder 52

Folder 53

Folder 54

Folder 55

1926-1937 (Raper's volume 3-C)

Clippings, programs, and handwritten notes from addresses and speeches given by Raper on race relations, tenant farmers, and the effects of soil erosion on social conditions. Raper’s membership card for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is included.

Folder 56-62

Folder 56

Folder 57

Folder 58

Folder 59

Folder 60

Folder 61

Folder 62

1936-1937 (Raper's volume 3-D and 3-E)

Chiefly materials concerning Raper’s book, Preface to Peasantry, including letters, reviews, and excerpts. Most letter writers praise the book; others request review copies. Raper’s responses are attached.

Folder 63-66

Folder 63

Folder 64

Folder 65

Folder 66

1937 (Raper's volume 3-F)

Clippings, notes, statistical data sets, and typescript draft reports on tenant farmers, soil erosion, race relations, African American education, and job displacement in Georgia and the South. Includes copies of "The South’s Landless Farmers" and "The South Strains Towards Decency." Also included are Raper's reviews of others' works and letters concerning his publications.

Folder 67-68

Folder 67

Folder 68

Folders not used

Image Folder PF-3966/12-15





Photographs made by Raper in 1937 (corresponds to Raper's volume 3-G)

Folder 69-75

Folder 69

Folder 70

Folder 71

Folder 72

Folder 73

Folder 74

Folder 75

1938 (Raper's volume 4-A)

Reports, articles, and addresses by Raper on socioeconomic conditions and race relations in the South. Titles include "The South Today," "The City Pays for Rural Poverty," "The Negro and the South as Economic Problem No. One," "Overcoming Racial Cleavages," and " Reconciliation in the South," which he delivered to the Fellowship of Reconciliation at an October 1938 meeting. An untitled address was delivered to the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching in November 1938. A letter to a journalist in Chattanooga, Tenn., outlines Raper's position on anti-lynching legislation. Also included are a memorandum about the Delta and Providence Cooperative Farms and correspondence between Raper and James Weldon Johnson concerning a speaking engagement at the YWCA at Agnes Scott College. Raper's brief, handwritten recollection of Johnson's visit and a memorial statement about Johnson a few months later follow. Of interest are reactions by Raper and others to Donald Davidson’s book The Attack on Leviathan: Regionalism and Nationalism in the United States.

Folder 76-83

Folder 76

Folder 77

Folder 78

Folder 79

Folder 80

Folder 81

Folder 82

Folder 83

1939 (Raper's volume 4-B)

Reports and addresses by Raper on "peasantry" in America, education in the South, democracy, social conditions, rural conditions, and farm tenancy. Of interest is a Carolina Magazine article by Howard W. Odum on Negro education and the University of North Carolina. Also includes field notes about Greene County, Ga., a Southern Tenant Farmers Union conference, peonage, and Will Percy's plantation. A study by Raper examines state reactions to the United States Supreme Court case Gaines v. University of Missouri. Correspondence is primarily with Lillian Smith and concerns publication of Raper’s book Sharecroppers All.

Folder 84-88

Folder 84

Folder 85

Folder 86

Folder 87

Folder 88

1938-1940 (Raper's volume 4-C)

Chiefly clippings, notes, and programs related to delivering various speeches. Topics of the speeches delivered include soil erosion, population growth, race relations, and democracy. At the Southern Students’ Christian Conference, Raper remarked that "American civilization is going to hell" as a result of soil erosion and the depletion of natural resources. Also included are Raper's biographical notes and correspondence he had with the Fellowship of Reconciliation about war.

Folder 89-90

Folder 89

Folder 90

1940 (Raper's volume 5-A)

Typescript draft of Raper’s Race and Class Pressures written for the Myrdal study titled The Negro in America, and correspondence with publishers dating from 1945 and 1970. Race and Class Pressures examines race in the context of policing, courts, crop liens, peonage, labor unions, lynching, the Ku Klux Klan, violent crime, and vice, particularly vice in New Orleans, La.

Folder 91-98

Folder 91

Folder 92

Folder 93

Folder 94

Folder 95

Folder 96

Folder 97

Folder 98

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 5-B)

Chiefly materials pertaining to Sharecroppers All, co-written by Raper and Ira De Augustine Reid. Materials include correspondence, reviews, articles, excerpts from the book, and Raper's written accounts of events. Of note is an account of the Southern Sociological Society's "embarrassing afternoon with W.E.B. DuBois." Also notable are Raper's observations on the treatment of white and African American defendants in a police court and his description of testimony he gave before the Greene County, Ga., grand jury. He had been summonsed because of his liberal social views, his treatment of Negroes, and his non-conformity to accepted racial norms. Other materials include notes on lynching; a summary of the Conference on Lynching in Alabama; a clipping advertising a Ku Klux Klan meeting and parade; one of Raper's addresses on sharecroppers; notes and transcriptions from a meeting about the nutrition of low-income families; and clippings concerning Raper’s involvement in the U.S. Wage Hour Division Textile Industry Committee. Of interest is a typescript document about the daily life and welfare of the Rapers's cook and other Negro community members. Written by by Martha J. Raper and titled "Living and Dying in Greene County, Georgia," the document includes discussion of health, birth control, and social conditions.

Folder 99-106

Folder 99

Folder 100

Folder 101

Folder 102

Folder 103

Folder 104

Folder 105

Folder 106

1940-1942 (Raper's volume 5-C)

Correspondence, reviews, and advertisements for Sharecroppers All, co-written by Raper and Ira De Augustine Reid. Correspondence is chiefly with Ira Reid, Howard Odum, Will W. Alexander, and William T. Couch and concerns preparation for publication, the book's reception, and royalties. Correspondence with others pertains to a possible Hollywood adaptation and the preparation and distribution of a circular leaflet to advertise the book.

Image Folder PF-3966/16

Photographs: Farm Security Administration (corresponds to Raper's volume 5-C)

Folder 107-109

Folder 107

Folder 108

Folder 109

1941 (Raper's volume 5-D)

Reviews of Sharecroppers All.

Folder 110-115

Folder 110

Folder 111

Folder 112

Folder 113

Folder 114

Folder 115

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 5-E)

Field notes, chiefly typescript, on Greene County, Ga., by Raper and his assistant Carolyn Blue, a white woman. Raper’s notes concern relations between Black and white community members, African American schools, the Farm Security Administration (FSA), and healthcare and include profiles of individual white and African American community members. Of particular interest are Raper’s notes on FSA clients that describe conflicts over taxes and rent and include transcriptions of confidential conversations between Raper and various clients. Blue’s notes chiefly describe white women in the community, particularly their treatment of domestic servants they employed most of whom were Black. Other topics addressed in Blue’s field notes are white community members’ suspicions about Raper’s “subversive activities” as a white civil rights activist, etiquette between Black and white children, and educational and political inequalities for Black and white community members. The file does not contain any consent agreements from the community members represented in the field notes.

Folder 116-120

Folder 116

Folder 117

Folder 118

Folder 119

Folder 120

1942-March 1943 (Raper's volume 6)

Folder 121-124

Folder 121

Folder 122

Folder 123

Folder 124

January-October 1942 (Raper's volume 7)

Folder 125-128

Folder 125

Folder 126

Folder 127

Folder 128

October 1942-March 1943 (Raper's volume 8-A)

Folder 129

December 1942 (Raper's volume 8-B)

Folder 130-134

Folder 130

Folder 131

Folder 132

Folder 133

Folder 134

April-December 1943 (Raper's volume 9-A)

Folder 135-138

Folder 135

Folder 136

Folder 137

Folder 138

1943 (Raper's volume 9-B)

Folder 139-145

Folder 139

Folder 140

Folder 141

Folder 142

Folder 143

Folder 144

Folder 145

Late 1943-early 1944 (Raper's volume 10 and 11)

Image Folder PF-3966/17

Photographs: Miscellaneous images from the early 1940s (corresponds to Raper's volume 10)

Folder 146-150

Folder 146

Folder 147

Folder 148

Folder 149

Folder 150

1944 (Raper's volume 12)

Reports, speeches, radio scripts, and field notes for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Life Trends in Wartime project. Field notes address labor shortages, wages, and rural attitudes to post war conditions with observations made in Ward County, N.D., Lowndes County, Ga., Polk County, Fla., Corcoran, Calif., Dallas County, Ala., Dent County, Mo., Belknap County, N.H., and Hampshire County, Mass. A report titled "Cultural Reconnaissance" of Greene County, Ga., describes the community's cultural origins, work patterns, class structure, race relations, family life, schools, churches, ideas, and values. One section, "Worth of Man," examines the valued qualities of men of different classes. Also included is a detailed guide for reconnaissance surveys. In "Regional Values are Important", Raper explores the "Attitudes toward Ethnic Differences in the Midwest and in the South." Articles and speeches address the role of private agencies in post war rehabilitation and the use of courthouse records, specifically observations made in a police court, for a social science study. In one letter Raper discusses his family’s activities, including their use of the "Pasteur treatment" for rabies.

Folder 151-157

Folder 151

Folder 152

Folder 153

Folder 154

Folder 155

Folder 156

Folder 157

1945 (Raper's volume 13)

Chiefly reports, outlines, memoranda, and other materials pertaining to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Life Trends in Wartime project. Materials include descriptions of the purpose and context of the project, procedural guidelines for surveying and reporting on communities, and samples of county descriptions. Of interest is a report by Arthur Raper titled "Prohibition on Cultural Studies" in which he addresses condemnation of the cultural reconnaissance surveys by U.S. Representative, Jaime L. Whitten, of Mississippi. Whitten claimed that Frank D. Alexander’s survey of Coahoma County, Miss. had slandered his state. His complaints halted federal funding for the surveys. Other materials are reports, transcriptions of speeches and meetings, and articles on topics such as the effects of cotton mechanization on the South, the post war prospects for farming, "southern rural slums," the impact of education on race relations, and Camp Sequoyah, a youth summer retreat near Asheville, N.C. In a September 1945 letter, Raper's brother John R. Raper discusses the atomic bomb and the future of atomic energy for "constructive and destructive applications." John was a Harvard University biologist who had worked on the Manhattan Project.

Folder 158-163

Folder 158

Folder 159

Folder 160

Folder 161

Folder 162

Folder 163

1946 (Raper's volume 14)

Chiefly articles, reports, and speeches by Raper on rural topics including mechanization of cotton farming, rural employment, farm workers' wages, and the future of the family-sized farm. Many documents pertain to the social effects of agricultural technology on rural education, juvenile delinquency, and rural churches. One article describes the social and demographic characteristics of the "Deep South." Of interest are reports from sociological surveys of 13 selected counties in the "Cotton Belt" states, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. Also of interest are Raper’s notes written after learning that his speeches and statements required clearance from the Economic Information office at the U.S. Department of Agriculture prior to the event or public release. Other materials include clippings about democracy in India, the death of Georgia's governor-elect Eugene Talmadge, and the ensuing "Three Governors Controversy."

Folder 164-166

Folder 164

Folder 165

Folder 166

1947 (Raper's volume 15)

Chiefly articles, speeches, statements, drafts, and reports concerning rural conditions and in particular the role of rural churches in land use and land policy in the South. Correspondence concerns the Rural Section of the Southern Catholic Committee. A conference publication "Land Policy and Church Stability" describes improving living conditions in the South and the effects of increased use of mechanized farming methods. Other materials include incomplete notes about Raper’s trip to Japan in 1947 and correspondence with John Rust of the Rust Cotton Picker Company about small equipment for family farms.

Folder 167-172

Folder 167

Folder 168

Folder 169

Folder 170

Folder 171

Folder 172

1948-1949 (Raper's volume 16)

Reports, drafts, notes, correspondence, project proposals, and outlines of speeches by Raper. Topics include the decline of family farms, the commercialization and mechanization of farming, and rural churches. Correspondence with Will W. Alexander of the Julian Rosenwald Fund concerns an enclosed proposal for a study of rural laborers titled "Nearly Quittin' Time." Of note is Raper's 1949 narrative account of a 1939 trip through Georgia and Alabama with Gunnar Myrdal and Myrdal's African American research associate Ralph Bunche. The three were gathering information for the Myrdal Study. During the trip, Myrdal had to duck a warrant sworn out on him for insulting a white woman in her Atlanta, Ga., home. He had asked her if she ever had "intercourse with a Negro man."

Folder 173-178

Folder 173

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Folder 177

Folder 178

1947-1949 (Raper's volume 17)

Image Folder PF-3966/18

Photographs of Japan (corresponds to Raper's volume 17)

Folder 179-183

Folder 179

Folder 180

Folder 181

Folder 182

Folder 183

1949 (Raper's volume 18)

Folder 184-188

Folder 184

Folder 185

Folder 186

Folder 187

Folder 188

1949 (Raper's volume 19)

Typescript drafts of Rural Life in the United States with handwritten emendations. Chapters six through nine focus on rural regions in the United States including wheat country, range livestock country, and western specialty crops country. The remaining chapter is a discussion of rural life and its differences with urban life. Also included are the citations, maps, and appendices for this publication and a report published by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics and titled "Generalized Types of Farming in the United States."

Folder 189-194

Folder 189

Folder 190

Folder 191

Folder 192

Folder 193

Folder 194

1950-1951 (Raper's volume 20)

Chiefly materials about international agricultural programs run through the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Foreign Service of the United States, and the International Cooperation Administration. Most items pertain to rural life and agriculture in Japan, with some materials concerning the Philippines and nations in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Of interest are an outline of an international training program on tropical agriculture, an instructional document titled "Securing the Cooperation of the Villagers,"" and a memo "Comments by Agricultural Attache on NRS Publication Entitled 'The Japanese Village in Transition.'" Other materials include reports, speeches, conference proceedings, and notes on rural and social trends in the United States. Of interest is a bulletin with proceedings from the 1950 Tuskegee Rural Life Conference titled "The Changing Status of the Negro in Southern Culture." An isolated handwritten document addresses a question posed by a census taker working in Robeson Co., N.C. about the birth and death rates of Lumbee Indians and Black people living in Robeson County, N.C.

Folder 195-196

Folder 195

Folder 196

1951 (Raper's volume 21)

A study for the International Motion Pictures Division, Department of State titled "A Recommended Film Program on Agriculture and Rural Life for Eleven Countries in the Near East and South East Asia." The document contains plans, guides, recommendations, maps, and other details for a project to produce and distribute educational films and other visual materials for villages in Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Notes from a 1952 meeting offer Raper’s observations of rural villages in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Burma, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt during a 1951 trip for the film program. Raper was sent to observe rural conditions in relation to potential acceptance of "technical aid." He also recorded villagers' reactions to Americans and American aid.

Folder 197-202

Folder 197

Folder 198

Folder 199

Folder 200

Folder 201

Folder 202

1951 (Raper's volume 22-A)

Folder 203

Folder not used

Image Folder PF-3966/19

Photographs of Jordan (corresponds to Raper's volume 22-A)

Folder 204-208

Folder 204

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Folder 206

Folder 207

Folder 208

1941-1952 (Raper's volume 22-B)

Folder 209-213

Folder 209

Folder 210

Folder 211

Folder 212

Folder 213

December 1951-December 1952 (Raper's volume 22-C)

Folder 214-218

Folder 214

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1953 (Raper's volume 23)

Folder 219-222

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1954 (Raper's volume 24)

Folder 223-227

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1955 (Raper's volume 25)

Folder 228-240

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August 1955-October 1957 (Raper's volume 26 through 27-B)

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1956-1958 (Raper's volume 28)

Folder 248-251

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1959 (Raper's volume 29-A)

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1960 (Raper's volume 29-B)

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1961 (Raper's volume 30)

Folder 262-273

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1958-1962 (Raper's volume 31-A and B)

Image Folder PF-3966/20

Photographs: Arthur Raper's retirement from federal service (corresponds to Raper's volume 31-A)

Folder 274-279

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Folder 279

August 1962-March 1963 (Raper's volume 32-A)

Folder 280-287

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Folder 287

April 1963-September 1964 (Raper's volume 32-B)

Folder 288-294

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January-June 1965 (Raper's volume 33)

Folder 295-296

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August 1965 (Raper's volume 34-A and B)

Folder 297-302

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June-December 1965 (Raper's volume 35)

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January 1966-September 1967 (Raper's volume 36-A and B)

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September 1967-July 1968 (Raper's volume 37)

Folder 320-325

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July 1968-December 1969 (Raper's volume 38-A)

Folder 326-336

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Folder 336

1961-1969 (Raper's volume 38-B and C)

Folder 337-342

Folder 337

Folder 338

Folder 339

Folder 340

Folder 341

Folder 342

1961-1969 (Raper's volume 38-D)

Magazine and newspaper clippings, chiefly concerned with black urban life and civil right struggles. Major topics include race riots in Detroit, Mich., Newark, N.J., Washington D.C., and other cities; the black power movement and the white backlash against it; civil rights legislation; the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Black Panther Party, and other civil rights organizations; media coverage of race relations; the death and funeral of Martin Luther King, Jr.; the Vietnam War; and South African apartheid. Of interest is a letter to Dr. Edward P. Morgan of Channel 26, WETA with comments on that station's recent television report on police and minority groups. Identifying the migration of rural farm families to crowded city centers as a forgotten factor in contemporary urban agitation, Raper notes, "Thus it is that the people least equipped to participate in a complex modern economy are accumulating in the heart of the big cities, within sight and sound of the most advanced economic and cultural segments of American life."

Folder 343-350

Folder 343

Folder 344

Folder 345

Folder 346

Folder 347

Folder 348

Folder 349

Folder 350

January-October 1970 (Raper's volume 38-E)

Chiefly correspondence, notes, and clippings related to Raper's 1970 tractor accident and planning materials related to the Raper Family reunion. Also included are correspondence with Akhter Hameed Khan, Director of the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development in Comilla, and manuscript materials related to a study of rural development projects in Comilla, East Pakistan; publications related to rural development; clippings pertaining to farm labor; correspondence with Mills B. Lane, IV., about Lane's preparation of an illustrated history of Georgia; acquisition inquiries from archivists; letters relating to Raper's inclusion in the anthology, Sociology of Underdevelopment, and his book, Rural Development in Action; and correspondence with family.

Folder 351-357

Folder 351

Folder 352

Folder 353

Folder 354

Folder 355

Folder 356

Folder 357

1970-1972 (Raper's volume 39-A)

Chiefly correspondence relating to the publication, receipt, promotion, and review of Raper's book, Rural Development in Action, which explores development efforts in the Comilla district of East Pakistan. Included are congratulatory letters from friends and associates; sample book jackets for Rural Development in Action; lists related to the distribution of complimentary copies of the book; clippings of the book's catalog and journal listings; notes about printing and citation errors; and clippings and draft versions of reviews. Some reviews mention bombings in the Comilla district as a result of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.

Folder 358-361

Folder 358

Folder 359

Folder 360

Folder 361

November 1970-August 1971 (Raper's volume 39-B)

Correspondence, clippings, notes, and manuscript materials, relating mainly to a paper and presentation, "The Crucial Role of the Villager in the Comprehensive Rural Development Experiment at Comilla, East Pakistan," delivered at the 1971 meeting of the Rural Sociological Society. Also included are correspondence and clippings about Akhter Hameed Khan; Martha and Arthur Raper's annual Christmas letter to friends; and correspondence, program, draft remarks, and travel documents related to a U.S. Agency of International Development conference on population, agriculture and rural development.

Folder 362-368

Folder 362

Folder 363

Folder 364

Folder 365

Folder 366

Folder 367

Folder 368

November 1970-1972 (Raper's volume 39-C)

Chiefly correspondence related to an oral history interview with Raper conducted by Daniel J. Singal, then a graduate student working on his dissertation on southern intellectual history in the 1920s and 1930s. The folders also include correspondence related to the interview's subsequent transcription and deposit in Columbia University's Oral History Research Office and promotional materials about Columbia's oral history collection. Of particular interest is the transcribed and indexed interview, which spans Raper's early life, upbringing, and education as well as the whole of his career. Other correspondence with Singal relates to his repeated visits to the Rapers' farm and his dissertation progress.

Folder 369-372

Folder 369

Folder 370

Folder 371

Folder 372

January-July 1971 (Raper's volume 39-D)

Mainly correspondence with Morton Sosna, graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, concerning an interview with Raper and the subsequent transcription and deposit of that interview in the manuscripts division of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Also included is the transcribed interview; a review of Cry from the Cotton: The Southern Tenant Farmers' Union and the New Deal, written for the Wisconsin Magazine of History; and tax documents. Other notable correspondence is related to Raper's receipt of the Stuart A. Rice Merit Award from the District of Columbia Sociological Society; A. Jarrell Raper's letter to Supreme Court Justice Warren E. Burger on school desegregation in Richmond, Va.; and the death of family member Ralph Raper.

Folder 373-378

Folder 373

Folder 374

Folder 375

Folder 376

Folder 377

Folder 378

September 1971-February 1972 (Raper's volume 39-E-1)

Chiefly correspondence, promotional materials, and clippings. Of interest is a letter from Raper to the National Coalition for Land Reform drawing a connection between the spread of agri-business and the plight of the inner city: "The problems of farm and city must be dealt with as a composite whole." Materials concerning the US/AID official Ernest Neal are heavily represented; Neal worked with Raper in the 1940s at the Tuskeegee Institute, and was an official at the U.S. Agency for International Development when he died at the age of 60. Documents include letters about Neal's festschrift, correspondence containing Raper's draft corrections of Neal's work-in-progress, and clippings and letters concerning Neal's death. Also included are correspondence, program materials, and remarks from Raper's participation in the Tuskeegee Institute's conference, "The Changing Status of Southern Agriculture: A Twenty Year Review", and published proceedings.

Folder 379-381

Folder 379

Folder 380

Folder 381

1937-1971 (Raper's volume 39-E-2)

Correspondence relating to and mimeographed copies of Ernest Neal's "Reflections on My Life up through 1947" and "Hope for the Wretched: A Narrative Report of Technical Assistance Experiences, 1939-1971".

Folder 382-387

Folder 382

Folder 383

Folder 384

Folder 385

Folder 386

Folder 387

June 1969-1972 (Raper's volume 39-F-1)

Chiefly correspondence, clippings, reports, publications, and notes concerning the 1971 civil war in East Pakistan, the liberation of Bangladesh and subsequent refugee crisis; and relief efforts in East Pakistan in the wake of cyclone and flood devastation in 1970. Also included are letters relating to the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development at Comilla, both before and after the formation of Bangladesh; correspondence and donation receipts concerning humanitarian aid in East Pakistan,including a telegram sent by Raper to President Nixon; and correspondence and program materials related to Raper's participation in conferences and meetings concerning relief efforts for Bangladesh. Of particular interest is a letter noting that Akhter Hameed Khan, long-time Director of the Academy, left East Pakistan after the conflict because he was not Bengali.

Folder 388-393

Folder 388

Folder 389

Folder 390

Folder 391

Folder 392

Folder 393

1971-1972 (Raper's volume 39-F-2)

Primarily letters from associates inside Pakistan describing firsthand experience of the civil war in East Pakistan,including one from Akhter Hameed Khan after his resettlement in Lyallpur, Pakistan; copies of scholarly reports on Bangladesh and Comilla after the war ended; and clippings about Pakistan's diplomatic recognition of Bangladesh. Also included are a fundraising solicitation from the Emergency Relief Fund and a final report released after that organization's resolution to dissolve.

Folder 394-402

Folder 394

Folder 395

Folder 396

Folder 397

Folder 398

Folder 399

Folder 400

Folder 401

Folder 402

September 1971-1972 (Raper's volume 39-G)

Primarily personal correspondence, clippings, programs, and pamphlets related to Raper's deposit of his papers in the Southern Historical Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; events at the Oakton United Methodist Church, the Organic Living Society of Northern Virginia; and the death of Frank P. Graham, who was one of Raper's professors at UNC. Other materials include correspondence with H. L. Mitchell of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union, a request for comments on a research proposal concerning white sociologists and black studies, clippings about ventriloquist Arty Freda, personal letters from Raper's grandsons, and various notes.

Folder 403-409

Folder 403

Folder 404

Folder 405

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Folder 407

Folder 408

Folder 409

March-September 1972 (Raper's volume 39-H)

Chiefly correspondence, clippings, pamphlets, notes, draft proposals and writings sent to Raper for his advice and comments. Personal and business letters include several exchanges with Ed Kemp, librarian at the University of Oregon, on the proposed disposition of Raper's files; a copy of Jarrell Raper's letter to the United States Supreme Court justices on integration in Richmond, Va.; and family letters, one of which includes Raper's reflections on the 1972 presidential election. Proposals sent to Raper include a plan for an experimental farm and training center from the National Sharecroppers Fund, a draft synopsis of a meeting at the International Center for Dynamics of Development, and a pilot program for a human resource center in downtown Toronto, Canada inspired by the Comilla, Pakistan development program. Other materials include clippings about segregation and bussing, oil rights in Saigon, economist Gunnar Myrdal, and the death of sociologist Thomas Jackson Woofter, Jr.; notes related to events at the Oakton United Methodist Church; and informational materials on the Southern Tenant Farmers Union Records.

Folder 410-413

Folder 410

Folder 411

Folder 412

Folder 413

October-December 1972 (Raper's volume 39-I)

Chiefly correponspondence and program materials concerning recent sales information on Rural Development in Action and Raper's participation in meetings for the American Friends Service Committee, Inc., and the Southern Regional Council. Also contains Ernest Neal's publications "Hope for the Wretched," "Men, Ideas, and Institutions: The Keys to Development," and "The Alternative to Black Power." Other notable clippings and personal letters include a discussion between Raper and George H. Esser of the Southern Regional Council about Jarrell Raper's collected materials on the integration of Richmond, Va., city schools.

Folder 414-421

Folder 414

Folder 415

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Folder 419

Folder 420

Folder 421

December 1972-January 1973 (Raper's volume 39-J)

Contains correspondence with civil rights activist Eliza Paschall Morrison; Morrison's draft texts on the women's movement and civil rights in Atlanta, Ga.; documents related to planning, travel arrangements, and summary reports for a National Sharecroppers Federation meeting concerning rural movements in North America and China; and correspondence with Edward Hake Phillips on a discrepancy Phillips found in Raper's book, The Tragedy of Lynching. Of particular interest is detailed correspondence with A. E. Cox on the early history of the Mississippi-based Delta Cooperative Farms, Inc., a project of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union, on whose Board of Trustees both Cox and Raper served. Cox provides copies of letters from William Amberson alleging financial malfeasance on the part of another Trustee, Sherwood Eddy. Also included are other personal notes, letters, and clippings, some pertaining to Oakton United Methodist Church activities, Howard Raper's retirement, and a manuscript about the Raper family written by Carlene (Cardy) Raper.

Folder 422-429

Folder 422

Folder 423

Folder 424

Folder 425

Folder 426

Folder 427

Folder 428

Folder 429

February-June 1973 (Raper's volume 39-K)

Varied correspondence, clippings, draft remarks, and manuscripts, including correspondence with Bill Finger, the son of a former student. Also included is the text of Finger's summary of his visit with the Rapers, "Recollection of a Visit", which provides context for Raper's 1932 work with Mississippi's Delta Cooperative, an initiative of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union. Of particular interest in this work is Raper's mention of his decision over whether to accept a teaching post at Black Mountain College, in Asheville, NC. Also contains correspondence and draft text related to Raper's unpublished article, "Needed: A Third House of Congress." Other notable materials include clippings on executive seizure of legislative power, President Nixon, and Watergate; correspondence with University of Virginia graduate student Nevin C. Brown on landlord-tenant relationships in tobacco agriculture; and requests for Raper's remarks and comments on scholarly manuscripts in the areas of land reform, the economy in Bangladesh, and rural development. Family correspondence includes some discussion of Watergate amd a detailed letter from Martha Raper discussing the context behind and reasons why Raper wrote his book, The Tragedy of Lynching.

Folder 430-436

Folder 430

Folder 431

Folder 432

Folder 433

Folder 434

Folder 435

Folder 436

July-October 1973 (Raper's volume 39-L)

Chiefly correspondence and clippings, with some of Raper's notes and writings. In an unpublished piece "Out of Watergate Comes...?" Raper meditates on ways the country might improve after the Watergate scandal. Of interest is a letter from Marilyn Keyes Raper with an account of her arrest during an anti-Nixon demonstration. Includes a large number of newspaper clippings on race relations from the Herald-Journal of Greene County, Georgia. Correspondence topics include urban community improvement projects; plans for the National Sharecroppers Foundation's Graham Center, a training cooperative for low-income farmers; and political scientist Ralph Bunche. Other materials include publications by Akhter Hameed Khan, program and draft remarks for the Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, clippings on the growing income gap and proposed public financing of elections, and an itinery of the Rapers' 1973 trip through the southeastern states.

Folder 437-442

Folder 437

Folder 438

Folder 439

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Folder 441

Folder 442

October-November 1973 (Raper's volume 39-M)

Detailed manuscript account of the Rapers' roadtrip through Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida to visit relatives, friends, and past sites of Arthur's professional activity, including the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Ga., and the Tuskeegee Institute in Alabama. Of the trip, Raper wrote, "Was it an attempt to recapture something from the traditional 'good old days'? Hardly, for those days...were not better days than these now, even if sometimes less confused and hectic." Also included are copies of some of Martha Raper's letters written during and about the trip, along with a photograph of the Rapers in Florida.

Folder 443-450

Folder 443

Folder 444

Folder 445

Folder 446

Folder 447

Folder 448

Folder 449

Folder 450

November 1973-January 1974 (Raper's volume 39-N)

Chiefly materials related to Raper and H. L. Mitchell's visit to Chapel Hill for a panel session on "The New Deal at the Grassroots" at the University of North Carolina History Honor Society in January 1974. Contains indexed transcripts of that session, along with interviews of Raper by Jacquelyn Dowd Hall for her dissertation, for an oral history class at UNC, and for the Southern Oral History Program. The interviews largely center on Raper's research on lynching and sharecroppers in the 1930s. Also included are letters from Gunnar Myrdal requesting Raper's assistance in updating arguments from his 1944 book, An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy; memos about the Graham Center; clippings on Egil Krogh's defense in his Watergate testimony; fundraising materials for the Oakton United Methodist Church; and family letters.

Folder 451-456

Folder 451

Folder 452

Folder 453

Folder 454

Folder 455

Folder 456

February-April 1974 (Raper's volume 39-O)

Varied correspondence, clippings, and notes, chiefly concerning real estate in the Rapers' neighborhood, attempts by scholar Winifred K. Vass to publish her master's thesis, updated sales figures for Rural Development in Action, a report on the Graham Center, and materials pertaining to the 40th anniversary reunion of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union. Of particular interest are letters exchanged with Father Dan Kennerk, a missionary stationed in Comilla, concerning the aftermath of severe flooding in Bangladesh; and with United States Senator Sam Ervin, to whom Raper sent his unpublished work, "A Third House of Congress."

Folder 457-462

Folder 457

Folder 458

Folder 459

Folder 460

Folder 461

Folder 462

May 1974 (Raper's volume 39-P)

Chiefly correspondence, clippings, condolence notes, and copies of eulogies for Raper's brother, John Robert Raper, a noted biologist at Harvard University. Also included are letters, clippings, programs, and planning materials related to Raper's 50th class reunion at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a detailed account of Raper's unpleasant experiences during the weekend.

Folder 463-467

Folder 463

Folder 464

Folder 465

Folder 466

Folder 467

June-July 1974 (Raper's volume 39-Q)

Mainly correspondence, memos, minutes, clippings, and and board member lists pertaining to the Rural Advancement Fund, part of the National Sharecroppers Foundation; materials related to John Wilson's campaign for Washington D.C., City Council; and an exchange of letters with Robert Lindley concerning the post-1971 War status of the Academy for Rural Development in Comilla, Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan).

Image Folder PF-3966/21

Photographs: Ladies Night Out at the Oakton United Methodist Church (corresponds to Raper's volume 39-Q)

Folder 468-472

Folder 468

Folder 469

Folder 470

Folder 471

Folder 472

July-September 1974 (Raper's volume 39-R)

Clippings, primarily from the Washington Post, on the congressional vote to impeach President Nixon, his subsequent resignation, Gerald Ford's ascension to the presidency and pardoning of Nixon, and the removal of many of Nixon's tapes and papers from the White House after the pardon.

Folder 473-478

Folder 473

Folder 474

Folder 475

Folder 476

Folder 477

Folder 478

August-September 1974 (Raper's volume 39-S)

Varied correspondence, clippings, and notes, chiefly pertaining to the Graham Center, rising oil prices, the congressional campaign of Joseph L. Fisher, the recently opened Mormon Temple in Washington D.C., Henry Kissinger, and white collar crime. Also included are transcripts of life and family histories, one of which details Orrin Sage Loomis's 1850s journeys on the Oregon Trail. This history is accompanied by maps and excerpts from a publication on the Oregon Trail.

Folder 479-484

Folder 479

Folder 480

Folder 481

Folder 482

Folder 483

Folder 484

October-November 1974 (Raper's volume 39-T)

Includes correspondence with Raper's sister Blanche on her writings on religion, with Cornell University Press and Richard Niehoff on Rural Development in Action, and with George Esser and Raymond Wheeler of the Southern Regional Council concerning Raper's participation at the annual meeting. Contains guest list, cards, and correspondence pertaining to Raper's 75th birthday party. Also included are clippings and associated notes relating to Muslim rebels in the southern Phillippine islands of Mindanao and Sulu; famine in Dacca, Bangladesh; the U.S. response to world hunger; Gerald Ford's economic plan; Ford's testimony to the House Judiciary committee on pardoning Nixon; the bankruptcy of John H. Candler, a Coca-cola scion; the discovery of early human fossils in Ethiopia; oil discovery in South Vietnam; OPEC and oil prices; the journal Social Forces, founded at the Universiry of North Carolina at Chapel Hill by Howard Odum; the publication of a book on Nate Shaw, a member of the Alabama Sharecroppers Union; Gunnar Myrdal's receipt of the Nobel Prize; and the poet John Beecher.

Folder 485-489

Folder 485

Folder 486

Folder 487

Folder 488

Folder 489

November-December 1974 (Raper's volume 39-U)

Varied clippings and correspondence related to the Graham Center, the National Sharecroppers Fund, and the Bangladesh famine of 1974. Of interest is correspondence from Father Dan Kennerk and clippings pertaining to the famine in Bangladesh and an International Development Review article by Akhter Hameed Kahn, "The Comilla Projects--A Personal Account." Other clippings pertain to the famine and to world hunger more broadly. Also includes agenda, correspondence, board member list, and other planning documents associated with the board meeting of the National Sharecroppers Fund; and notes prepared for meetings of the Men's Club at Oakton United Methodist Church; and an exchange of letters with a graduate student who interviewed Raper on his experience with the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, and with Nevin C. Brown, who sent Raper his paper, "A Sociologist for the South: Arthur Raper and the Discovery of the 'Problem South.'"

Folder 490-496

Folder 490

Folder 491

Folder 492

Folder 493

Folder 494

Folder 495

Folder 496

December 1974-January 1975 (Raper's volume 39-V)

Chiefly correspondence, notes, publications, and reports related to Raper's service on a committee to evaluate the Tuskeegee Institute in the area of international affairs and correspondence, notes, index, and transcription related to Raper's interview with a graduate student focusing on the Henry Wallace campaign for president. Also contains clippings on various subjects including the verdict in the Watergate coverup trial, Iran and OPEC, and the Graham Center. Other Graham Center-related documents include minutes from a Rural Advancement Fund meeting and correspondence on committee reports and grant funding. Also included are some drafts of Raper's writings, including remarks given near Christmas at Oakton United Methodist Church and reflections on the book Children of Pride, which contains correspondence of southern plantation owners before and after the Civil War.

Folder 497-502

Folder 497

Folder 498

Folder 499

Folder 500

Folder 501

Folder 502

February-March 1975 (Raper's volume 39-W)

Primarily clippings from the Greene Country, Ga., newspaper, the Herald-Journal, including an article proposing a new economic system for the United States, to which Raper responded to the editor with his article, "A Third House of Congress." Other clippings and Raper's corresponding notes and writings pertain to Bangladeshi refugees, famine and food research, oil prices, the nationalization of rural lands in Ethiopia, Kurdish refugees from the 1975 Iraqi-Kurdish conflict, and the death of southern sociologist Carl Taylor. Other writings include a review of All God's Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw, remarks on hunger for the Oakton United Methodist Church, and a reflection "Some Thoughts on Many Things" about farming, industrial production, and the economy.

Folder 503-506

Folder 503

Folder 504

Folder 505

Folder 506

April 1975 (Raper's volume 39-X)

Primarily excerpts from Raper's writings, interviews, and conference talks compiled into "Some Paragraphs written by AFR since mid-1962." The excerpts cover a range of topics, including the Comilla development project, segregation, lynching, reflections on the Rapers' time in Taiwan in the early 1950s, and Bangladesh. Also includes an exchange with economist Laurence Hewes, in which Raper provided comments for Hewes' draft text of "A Study on Integrated Rural Development in Developing Countries. Also included are clippings on the CIA, the death of Chiang Kai-shek, industrial farms, the evacuation of Vietnam and oil firms' subsequent abandonment of investment in Vietnam, the death penalty, white collar crime, and the John B. Connally acquittal on allegations of taking a bribe to influence a milk price decision.

Folder 507-511

Folder 507

Folder 508

Folder 509

Folder 510

Folder 511

May-June 1975 (Raper's volume 39-Y)

Primarily clippings concerning the end of the Vietnam War and U.S. foreign policy in southeast Asia and Raper's handwritten notes on these topics. Other materials include a letter from Father Dan Kennerk on conditions in Bangladesh, Raper's handwritten writings on current events and farm activities, minutes and notes from the annual meeting of the National Sharecropper's Fund, and family correspondence. Of interest are clippings, notes, and correspondence pertaining to the death of Federal Communications Commissioner Clifford Durr, who defended Rosa Parks during the Montgomery bus boycott.

Folder 512-519

Folder 512

Folder 513

Folder 514

Folder 515

Folder 516

Folder 517

Folder 518

Folder 519

July-August 1975 (Raper's volume 39-Z-1)

Chiefly correspondence, photographs, and planning documents relating to the 1975 Raper family reunion; various clippings and reflections on current events, including the deaths of agricultural economist Wolf Ladejinsky and deposed Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie, the August 1975 coup in Bangladesh, and world hunger; and correspondence pertaining to the Graham Center. Of interest is a letter from Father Dan Kennerk, describing reactions to the Bangladesh coup. Also included are clippings and correspondence pertaining to the fraud trials of members of the Pomponio real estate family, former neighbors of the Rapers.

Folder 520-524

Folder 520

Folder 521

Folder 522

Folder 523

Folder 524

September-October 1975 (Raper's volume 39-Z-2)

Varied professional correspondence and material, including Raper's review of "An Analysis of the Emergence of a Rural Development Innovation in Comilla, Bangladesh" for The Journal of Developing Areas; a letter from Richard Niehoff informing Raper that Ahkter Hameed Khan had been forced to resign from the Rural Development Academy because of the political situation in Bangladesh; and letters and reports pertaining to the Graham Center, citing complaints from the Center's volunteers on the quality of the initiative's trainees. Other National Sharecroppers Fund material includes executive committee meeting minutes and organizational bylaws. Also included are clippings on earthquake preparedness, the death penalty in Alabama, atomic war, and inflation, as well as detailed remarks delivered at Oakton United Methodist Church center on the upcoming American Bicentennial.

Folder 525-531

Folder 525

Folder 526

Folder 527

Folder 528

Folder 529

Folder 530

Folder 531

October-November 1975 (Raper's volume 39-Z-3)

Chiefly correspondence with Bob Worrell of the East-West Center on his use of Raper's Comilla development project slides in a training program; clippings and notes on the death of Francisco Franco and on Eldridge Cleaver and Kathleen Cleaver; reports on training and the farm at the Graham Center; and executive committee meeting minutes from the Rural Advancement Fund. Also includes other clippings on Leon Jaworski's decision to block the Nixon indictment, the firing of Defense Secretary James Schlesinger, and the death of sociologist Rupert Bayless Vance and communications from the Sponsors of Open Housing Investment on the resignation of Executive Director Stanly Bigman.

Folder 532-540

Folder 532

Folder 533

Folder 534

Folder 535

Folder 536

Folder 537

Folder 538

Folder 539

Folder 540

December 1975-February 1976 (Raper's volume 39-Z-4)

Primarily clippings with accompanying handwritten and typewritten notes concerning nuclear energy, the death of Paul Robeson, the civil war in Lebanon, farming, and the backlash against Nixon's 1976 trip to China. Also includes correspondence and notes related to Raper's acquaintanceship with Chuck Winslow, a frequent attendee of countercultural "Gathering of Tribes" events, including the "Rainbow Family Health Gathering". Professional correspondence includes a memo written by Raper after his 1976 visit to the Graham Center, discussing the problems of the Rural Advancement Fund in recent years; documents indicating that Raper planned to retire from the board of the National Sharecroppers Fund at the expiration of his term in 1976; and other NSF reports and meeting documents.

Folder 541-547

Folder 541

Folder 542

Folder 543

Folder 544

Folder 545

Folder 546

Folder 547

February-April 1976 (Raper's volume 39-Z-5)

Mainly correspondence with former associates and graduate students containing comments on their manuscript materials, including a chapter from Dan Singal's dissertation chapter on Howard Odum. Also included is board correspondence from the Southern States Cooperative, Inc. and the National Sharecroppers Fund. Of note is Raper's detailed reply to local PBS station WPBT's inquiry about developing a program on the history of the rural poor in the South and a letter to the editor from Martha Raper on food coloring and artificial food additives. Some clippings from the Greensboro Herald-Journal, and from other periodicals relating to family planning progams, voter turnout, farming in Bangladesh, and apartheid.

Folder 548

May 1976 (Raper's volume 39-Z-6)

Index and manuscript of "On the Crests of Forming Waves: Some Autobiographical Notes," Raper's account of his life from growing up on his family farm to settling down at his Oakton, Va., farm in the late 1960s. In providing a framework for his life, Raper writes,"How I was able (I should say we, for Martha and I have always been there together) to maneuver through, I'm not sure except that we tried to tell the truth, and we tried to tell it in an acceptable manner...If I know myself, I've never wanted to be a martyr, or a status-quo-er. I've often been asked if I consider myself a true southerner: no, and yes."

Folder 549-554

Folder 549

Folder 550

Folder 551

Folder 552

Folder 553

Folder 554

May-July 1976 (Raper's volume 39-Z-7)

Chiefly minutes from executive committee meetings of the Rural Advancement Fund discussing the Graham Center's troubled financial situation, publications, correspondence, and Raper's informal writings. Topics include the opening of the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Park and the American Bicentennial celebration at Oakton United Methodist Church. Correspondence contains exchanges with graduate students on southern agrarianism in the 1930s; with members of the Mt. Olivet Methodist Church regarding Raper's family history with the church; with Father Dan Kennerk on improvements in the political situation in Bangladesh; with Father Regis Rodda on Rodda's Toronto community development project; and with Winifred K. Vass on the status of her manuscript, "The Bantu-Speaking Heritage of the U.S." Also included are clippings on Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign, Representative Barbara Jordan's keynote address to the 1976 Democratic Convention, the environment, and the death penalty.

Folder 555-560

Folder 555

Folder 556

Folder 557

Folder 558

Folder 559

Folder 560

August-September 1976 (Raper's volume 39-Z-8)

Mainly Raper's informal writings with correspondence and clippings. Raper comments on news articles with topics including the death of Howard University president Dr. Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, who Raper knew through the Commission on Interracial Cooperation; the company R.J. Reynolds' questionable payments to the Securities and Exchange Commission; Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign; race relations in England, South Africa, and Argentina; and the death of Mao Tse-tung. Other writings include an extended meditation on the physical attributes, plants, and other living things at Slope Oaks, Raper's farm. Detailed letters from Bill Bridges, describing his year-long missionary trip in South Korea, are heavily represented in the correspondence materials. Also included are letters, clippings, and a photograph pertaining to Raper's donation of a collection of books to George Mason University's sociology department.

Folder 561-566

Folder 561

Folder 562

Folder 563

Folder 564

Folder 565

Folder 566

October-November 1976 (Raper's volume 39-Z-9)

Primarily clippings on social, economic, political, and environmental topics, including the controversy surrounding Ford Cabinet Member Earl L. Butz's use of a racial slur; the death penalty, Pakistan leader Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the shrinking of the corporate tax burden, the campaign of Georgia Congressman Andrew Young, and issues surrounding Jimmy Carter's election to the presidency, including the controversy over Carter's interview with Playboy magazine, in which he said, "I've committed adultery in my heart many times;" criticism of political cartoonist Pat Oliphant's caricature of Carter's southern and rural background; and protests against the segregationist policy of Carter's church. Other materials include Raper's notes on remarks given by AID Assistant Administrator for Program and Policy Phillip Birnbaum at a meeting of the Society for International Development; on a program honoring poet Sterling A. Brown; and on a request for information about Raper's involvement in 1930 meetings concerning a report on African Americans in agriculture and rural life, "A Study of the Economic Status of the Negro."

Folder 567-573

Folder 567

Folder 568

Folder 569

Folder 570

Folder 571

Folder 572

Folder 573

December 1976-January 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-10)

Chiefly cards, letters, handwritten notes, and typewritten reflections related to Raper's 24-day hospitalization for a heart condition. In his writing, "Heart Ailment Masked by Indigestion," Raper describes in detail the history and manifestation of his condition and his hospital stay. Martha Raper, in a letter to Bob Hall of Southern Exposure magazine, describes her son Jarrell taking the bedridden Raper's whispered dictation of a book review Hall requested prior to the hospitalization. Other notable materials include the texts of remarks delivered at church; lectures given to a sociology class at George Mason University; Martha Raper's correpondence with a commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission on her appearance as a witness before a public hearing on truth in food advertising; and many clippings on the societal impact of the TV series Roots.

Folder 574-579

Folder 574

Folder 575

Folder 576

Folder 577

Folder 578

Folder 579

February-April 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-11)

Varied clippings, correspondence, publications, and handwritten notes. Raper provides comments on daughter-in-law Gwynn B. Raper's essay, "Religious Ferment in the 18th Century: Prelude to Revolution," and recommends the essay to The Bulletin of King and Queen County, Historical Society of Virginia. Other notable correspondence includes family letters, a letter from Father Dan Kennerk, providing an update of his mission in Bangladesh, detailed letters from former Comilla development project associates Richard Niehoff and Ed Schuyler, and letters from graduate student Walter Jackson, requesting an interview on the topic of blacks in American social science, focusing on Raper's work with Gunnar Myrdal. The indexed transcript of the resulting interview is included. Clippings include articles on unauthorized immigration, Jimmy Carter's church in Plains, Ga., the Peace Corps, energy policy, and nuclear weapons.

Folder 580-584

Folder 580

Folder 581

Folder 582

Folder 583

Folder 584

May-June 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-12)

Clippings and correspondence, some related to the deaths of three of the Rapers' neighbors and associates. Other collected documents include family letters; a published essay, "An Analysis of the Emergence of a Rural Development Innovation in Comilla, Bangladesh;"a memo to the board of directors of the Rural Advancement Fund about the Graham Center's new staff; and clippings on world hunger, the TV miniseries Roots., and the loss of optimism in the United States about what technology can accomplish. Of note is a 1963 report on the Comilla project that includes a detailed description of working with Akhter Hameed Khan.

Folder 585-589

Folder 585

Folder 586

Folder 587

Folder 588

Folder 589

July-August 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-13)

Folder 590-596

Folder 590

Folder 591

Folder 592

Folder 593

Folder 594

Folder 595

Folder 596

September-October 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-14)

Folder 597-600

Folder 597

Folder 598

Folder 599

Folder 600

Late 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-15A)

Folder 601-605

Folder 601

Folder 602

Folder 603

Folder 604

Folder 605

Late 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-15B)

Folder 606-607

Folder 606

Folder 607

Late 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-15C)

Folder 608-613

Folder 608

Folder 609

Folder 610

Folder 611

Folder 612

Folder 613

November-December 1977 (Raper's volume 39-Z-16)

Folder 614-618

Folder 614

Folder 615

Folder 616

Folder 617

Folder 618

January-February 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-17)

Folder 619-622

Folder 619

Folder 620

Folder 621

Folder 622

March 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-18)

Folder 623-628

Folder 623

Folder 624

Folder 625

Folder 626

Folder 627

Folder 628

April 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-19)

Folder 629-632

Folder 629

Folder 630

Folder 631

Folder 632

May 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-20)

Folder 633-637

Folder 633

Folder 634

Folder 635

Folder 636

Folder 637

June-July 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-21)

Folder 638-643

Folder 638

Folder 639

Folder 640

Folder 641

Folder 642

Folder 643

August-September 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-22)

Folder 644-647

Folder 644

Folder 645

Folder 646

Folder 647

September-October 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-23)

Folder 648-654

Folder 648

Folder 649

Folder 650

Folder 651

Folder 652

Folder 653

Folder 654

October 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-24)

Folder 655-658

Folder 655

Folder 656

Folder 657

Folder 658

November 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-25)

Folder 659-664

Folder 659

Folder 660

Folder 661

Folder 662

Folder 663

Folder 664

November-December 1978 (Raper's volume 39-Z-26)

Videotape VT-3966/1

"I Think Mankind Will Do It: A Conversation with Arthur Raper," 1978: tape 1

Acquisitions information: Received as Addition of May 1990

One of three videotapes titled "I Think Mankind Will Do It: A Conversation with Arthur Raper," apparently taped for the National Sharecroppers Fund by North State Public Video in 1978. The tape shows Raper and unidentified interviewers at a rural location where Raper discusses his career and thoughts.

Videotape VT-3966/2

"I Think Mankind Will Do It: A Conversation with Arthur Raper," 1978: tape 2

Acquisitions information: Received as Addition of May 1990

Two of three videotapes titled "I Think Mankind Will Do It: A Conversation with Arthur Raper," apparently taped for the National Sharecroppers Fund by North State Public Video in 1978. The tape shows Raper and unidentified interviewers at a rural location where Raper discusses his career and thoughts.

Videotape VT-3966/3

"I Think Mankind Will Do It: A Conversation with Arthur Raper," 1978: tape 3

Acquisitions information: Received as Addition of May 1990

Three of three videotapes titled "I Think Mankind Will Do It: A Conversation with Arthur Raper," apparently taped for the National Sharecroppers Fund by North State Public Video in 1978. The tape shows Raper and unidentified interviewers at a rural location where Raper discusses his career and thoughts.

Folder 665-670

Folder 665

Folder 666

Folder 667

Folder 668

Folder 669

Folder 670

January-February 1979 (Raper's volume 39-Z-27)

Folder 671-676

Folder 671

Folder 672

Folder 673

Folder 674

Folder 675

Folder 676

March 1979 (Raper's volume 39-Z-28)

Folder 677-682

Folder 677

Folder 678

Folder 679

Folder 680

Folder 681

Folder 682

April 1979 (Raper's volume 39-Z-29)

Folder 683-687

Folder 683

Folder 684

Folder 685

Folder 686

Folder 687

May 1979 (Raper's volume 39-Z-30)

Folder 688-694

Folder 688

Folder 689

Folder 690

Folder 691

Folder 692

Folder 693

Folder 694

June 1979 (Raper's volume 39-Z-31)

Folder 695-700

Folder 695

Folder 696

Folder 697

Folder 698

Folder 699

Folder 700

July 1979 (Raper's volume 39-Z-32)

Folder 701-704

Folder 701

Folder 702

Folder 703

Folder 704

August 1979 (Raper's volume 39-Z-33)

Image Folder PF-3966/22

Photographs of Arthur Raper and Martha Raper and their home in Oakton (corresponds to Raper's volume 39-Z-33)

Folder 705-708

Folder 705

Folder 706

Folder 707

Folder 708

Correspondence about reprints of books, 1967-1969 (Raper's volume 40)

Folder 709-713

Folder 709

Folder 710

Folder 711

Folder 712

Folder 713

Jobs offered or considered, but not taken (except 18 July 1940), 1930-1966 (Raper's volume 41)

Folder 714-717

Folder 714

Folder 715

Folder 716

Folder 717

Sociological dreams and some thoughts, late 1920s-1979 (Raper's volume 42-A)

Folder 718-719

Folder 718

Folder 719

Prose poems, 1940-1976 (Raper's volume 42-B)

Folder 720-724

Folder 720

Folder 721

Folder 722

Folder 723

Folder 724

Rough notes and "think pieces," 1956-1962 (Raper's volume 43)

Folder 725-730a

Raper family and personal papers, 1899-1979 (Raper's volume 44)

Box 33

Other family letters, 1957-1975 (addition of August 1992)

Two volumes of family letters. The letters, written by various family members, are chiefly about individual and family group activities.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse I.2. Audiotapes and Slides, 1941-1979.

About 100 items.

Arrangement: chronological.

Audiotapes relate to the Comilla Project in East Pakistan and overseas orientation programs in the Middle East. Slides are narrated by corresponding audiotapes. Other audiotapes are of interviews with Arthur Raper, family conversations and songs, and other subjects.

Folder 730b

Detailed list of slide sets, 1941-1975 (Raper's volume 45)

Image Folder PF-3966/23

List of tapes and slide sets, 1941-1975 (corresponds to Raper's volume 45)

Audiotape T-3966/1

"Sterling Brown's Cotton," "Slim Jim," and others, 1941-1942

Audiotape T-3966/2

Sterling Brown; Margaret Mead's Genesis; Gunnar Myrdal, Jack Delano, Irene Delano, and others, 1941-1942

Audiotape T-3966/3

A review of Arthur Raper's "Americana: Basic American Democracy," for outgoing overseas personnel, 1961

Audiotape T-3966/4

Snake music at Comilla, East Pakistan, 1963

Audiotape T-3966/5

Music festival at Comilla, East Pakistan, 1963

Audiotape T-3966/6

Recollections of early years at Raper reunion at Booth Bay Harbor, Maine, 1965

Audiotape T-3966/7

In conversation with Joan Titus, 1967: tape 1

Audiotape T-3966/8

In conversation with Joan Titus, 1967: tape 2

Audiotape T-3966/9

In conversation with Joan Titus, 1967: tape 3

Audiotape T-3966/10

Christmas Songs by grandchildren, 1968

Audiotape T-3966/11

Instruments played by family and friends, 1969

Audiotape T-3966/12

Family conversation and Akhter Hameed Khan, Conrad Teauber, Irene Taeuber, and others, 1969

Audiotape T-3966/13

Family conversation, 1973

Audiotape T-3966/14

Raper discusses problems facing Bangladesh, on American University Radio, 1972

Audiotape T-3966/15

Memorial service for John R. Raper, 1974

Audiotape T-3966/16

Family conversation, 1975

Audiotape T-3966/17

Overseas orientation for Afghanistan (provides narration to slides in image folder PF-3966/1)

Audiotape T-3966/18

Overseas orientation for Iran (provides narration to slides in image folder PF-3966/2)

Audiotape T-3966/19

Overseas orientation for Jordan (provides narration to slides in image folder PF-3966/3)

Audiotape T-3966/20

Overseas orientation for Pakistan (provides narration to slides in image folder PF-3966/4)

Audiotape T-3966/21

Americana: Music

Audiotape T-3966/22

Dr. Arthur Raper, 'The Overseas American'

Audiotape T-3966/23

Americana taped by Arthur Raper

Audiotape T-3966/24

The Best of Dr. Arthur F. Raper

Audiotape T-3966/25

Arthur Raper's AID Farewell Party, 28 June 1962

Audiotape T-3966/26

Raper Reunion, August 1965: copy

Audiotape T-3966/27

Harrison Family, March 1965; Margaret Family, June 1965; Gary [Soliner] Family, December 1965

Audiotape T-3966/28

Raper Reunion, 1970

Audiotape T-3966/29

Harrison Beethoven Sonata 17 with Shirley Munger, 10 May 1971; Brass Trio by Flotius; Piano Numbers , Robert Pennington

Audiotape T-3966/30

Walter Jackson, W. E. B. Dubois Institute, Harvard University

Audiotape T-3966/31

Jarrell R. Piano

Audiotape T-3966/32

Harrison, 1979

Audiotape T-3966/33

Lower School Music Department

Audiotape T-3966/34

Preacher Sermon: Dry Bones; Margaret Mead: Genesis

Audiotape T-3966/35-39






[unidentified sound recording]

Image Box IB-3966/5

Slides (PF-3966/1): Overseas orientation for Afghanistan (corresponds to audiotape T-3966/17)

Slides (PF-3966/2): Overseas orientation for Iran (corresponds to audiotape T-3966/18)

Slides (PF-3966/3): Overseas orientation for Jordan (corresponds to audiotape T-3966/19)

Slides (PF-3966/4): Overseas orientation for Pakistan (corresponds to audiotape T-3966/20)

Slides (PF-3966/5): Comilla, East Pakistan

Slides (PF-3966/6): Sierra Leone

Slides (PF-3966/7): Ethiopia (a list identifying these is in Folder 730-b)

Slides (PF-3966/8): Iraq (a list identifying these is in Folder 730-b)

Slides (PF-3966/9): Lebanon (a list identifying these is in Folder 730-b)

Slides (PF-3966/10): Libya (a list identifying these is in Folder 730-b)

Slides (PF-3966/11): Taiwan (a list identifying these is in Folder 730-b)

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse I.3. Photographs, 1925-1977 (additions of 1983).

About 200 items.

Photographs collected by Arthur Raper, chiefly in the South during the 1930s and 1940s, and in Asia in the 1940s and 1950s. Included are a number of photographs of Raper, circa 1920-1977. The photographs of the South are of the same nature as the Farm Security Administration photographs by Jack Delano in the Series II. Support File, 1925-1942, and are probably chiefly Farm Security Administration photographs as well. Several photographs of Dorothea Lange, photographer, appear, and it is possible that some of the photographs in this group were taken by Lange. As well as documenting living conditions in the South during the Great Depression, these photographs also document southern folk architecture and agriculture during this period, as well as Raper's travels in Asia.

Image Folder PF-3966/82-83



Photographs of Arthur Raper, circa 1920-1977

Image Folder PF-3966/84

Dorothea Lange, Greene County, Ga., circa 1940, and cabins and living conditions in Gee's Bend, Ala., during the Depression, circa 1935

Image Folder PF-3966/85-86



Arkansas: Chiefly conditions at Dyess Farm Security Administration Colony and at a shanty town near Wynn, circa 1936

Image Folder PF-3966/87-88



California; Georgia

California: Weather-worn buildings in Wrightsville, circa 1938

Georgia: Conditions in the Fourth Ward, Atlanta, circa 1936

Georgia: Buildings and farms in Greensboro, circa 1936

Georgia: Farms, buildings and people in Greene County (including "rehab families") showing decay during the Depression, circa 1936

Image Folder PF-3966/89

Georgia: Chiefly weather-worn farm buildings

Image Folder PF-3966/90

Kentucky: Jefferson Davis Monument and other buildings in Hopkinsville and Burdstown, 1938

Mississippi: Chiefly scenes at the Delta Cooperative Farm, Hillhouse, 1936

Digital Folder DF-3966/2

Digitized nitrate negatives

205 images

Black-and-white film

Rural scenes, most of which are from the Delta Cooperative Farm, Hillhouse, Miss., 1936 (See image folder PF-3966/90). Images depict houses, automobiles, barns, windmills, farm equipment, cotton fields, privies, roads, soil erosion, windmills, water tanks, power lines, cattle, mules, wagons, and African American and white adults and children.

Processing Information: The original nitrate negatives were digitized by the Northeast Document Conservation Center in 2009 and then destroyed as a precaution.

Image Folder PF-3966/91

Missouri: Buildings at the La Forge Cooperative Farm, 1938

North Carolina: Farm near Mebane and a cabin at Camp Sequoia, 1938 and undated

Tennessee: Courthouse at Shelbyville and plantation house near Nashville, 1936

Japan: Chiefly images of Arthur Raper, 1944-1978

Image Folder PF-3966/92

Middle East: Iran, Pakistan, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and other Middle Eastern locations visited by Raper. Chiefly images of Raper, 1956-1962

Taiwan: Chiefly images of Raper during his stay in Taiwan, 1952-1953

Image Folder PF-3966/93

Florida Missionary Claim: Photo of Raper and others, 1937

Other Depression-era photos

Southeast during the Depression, with no exact location given.

These are of the same nature as the Farm Security Administration photos elsewhere in this collection, and are probably Farm Security Administration photos as well, circa 1930-1945.

People: Individuals and groups, chiefly southern farmers

Image Folder PF-3966/94

Buildings: Chiefly southern farm houses, barns, and other rural buildings

Farms and woods: Chiefly southern farms, showing effects of erosion and over-production. Other farm and wood scenes

Image Folder PF-3966/95-98





People: Individuals and groups, chiefly southern farmers

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse I.4. Printed Material, 1932-1971.

About 20 items.

Published books and pamphlets written by Arthur Raper and others.

Folder 1470

Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching: "Lynchings and What They Mean" (1932)

Formerly Volume 1

Folder 1471

Arthur F. Raper, The Tragedy of Lynching (1933: reprint, 1969)

Formerly Volume 2

Folder 1472

Arthur F. Raper, Preface to Peasantry (1936: reprint, 1968)

Formerly Volume 3

Folder 1473

Frank Shay, Judge Lynch: His First Hundred Years, with an introduction essay, "Lynching and Racial Exploitation," by Arthur F. Raper (1938: reprint, 1969)

Formerly Volume 4

Folder 1474

Arthur F. Raper and Ira DeA. Reid, Sharecroppers All (1941; reprint, 1971)

Formerly Volume 5

Folder 1475

Arthur F. Raper, Tenants of the Almighty (1943; reprint, 1971)

Formerly Volume 6

Folder 1476

Carl C. Taylor, Arthur F. Raper, et al., Rural Life in the United States (1949)

Formerly Volume 7

Folder 1477

Arthur F. Raper, et al., The Japanese Village in Transition (1950)

Formerly Volume 8

Box 77

The Japanese Village in Transition, Tokyo, 1950


An autographed copy of the report, "The Japanese Village in Transition", Tokyo 1950 signed with notes by contributors.

Folder 1478

Arthur F. and Martha J. Raper, Guide to Agriculture, U.S.A. (1955)

Formerly Volume 9

Folder 1479

Arthur F. Raper, et al., Urban and Industrial Taiwan: Crowded and Resourceful (1954)

Formerly Volume 10

Folder 1480

E. Stuart Kirby, Rural Progress in Taiwan (1960)

Formerly Volume 11

Folder 1481

Arthur F. and Martha J. Raper, Two Years to Remember and Other Writings (1977)

Formerly Volume 12

Folder 1482

A pamphlet, probably by Raper, in Chinese or Japanese

Raper's Volume 13

Box 33

Other pamphlets

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse II. Support File, 1925-1942.

About 8,300 items.

Arrangement: chronological.

This series includes material, chiefly clippings, articles, and scattered correspondence, that supplements the 1925-1942 segment of the Chronological File (Series I). It provides further details about Arthur Raper's study of rural and racial problems in the United States, especially in the South, through 1942.

Folder 731-734

Folder 731

Folder 732

Folder 733

Folder 734

1924-1956 (Raper's volume 1-A)

Chiefly correspondence, reports, and clippings. Correspondents include Will W. Alexander, Howard Odum, W.E.B. DuBois, and Jonathan Daniels of the Raleigh News and Observer and 1945 White House Press Secretary.The materials document Raper’s involvement with the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, including proposed and reported research, anti-lynching campaigns, budget matters, and race relations. Other materials pertain to African American schools and hospitals and to the onset of World War II and its social repercussions. Of note are 1956 field notes on Asia and North Africa "based on a decade of observations."

Folder 735-740

Folder 735

Folder 736

Folder 737

Folder 738

Folder 739

Folder 740

1936-1952 (Raper's volume 1-B)

Notes, clippings, reports, articles, pamphlets, op-ed's, reviews, and interview excerpts related to race, agriculture, rural economics, sharecropping and farm tenancy, and rural conditions especially in the southern cotton belt. Materials also address rural conditions in Utah, California, and Mexico and land reform in Taiwan and Japan. Of interest is a paper co-written by Raper and Pearl Wheeler Tappan about low income families in the South who need to increase their own food production. Also of interest is a series of reports and field notes titled "Cultural Reconnaissance Survey of Coahoma County, Miss."and marked confidential. Abstracts of Raper’s publications from 1942 to 1943 chiefly pertain to regional planning and ethnic groups in the southeast United States. Other materials include synopses and reviews of books on race and class inequalities, labor, agriculture, race relations in the South and the United States, and the incarceration or internment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War.

Folder 741-748

Folder 741

Folder 742

Folder 743

Folder 744

Folder 745

Folder 746

Folder 747

Folder 748

1929-1936 (Raper's volume 1-C)

Papers, essays, reports, field notes, and meeting minutes pertain to race, tenant farmers, cotton farming, lynching, federal relief aid particularly in Georgia, and class or caste differences in the South's black and white communities. Of interest are reports titled "Social Problems and Community Resources in Two Georgia Black Belt Counties" and "The City Pays for Rural Poverty." Field notes from a 1938 trip to Hillhouse, Miss. and eastern Arkansas document Raper's visit to the Delta Cooperative Farm and his introduction to the leaders of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union. Of note are the meeting minutes of the Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching's executive committee. Syllabuses and lecture notes on sociology are from Raper's courses at Agnes Scott College.

Folder 749-754

Folder 749

Folder 750

Folder 751

Folder 752

Folder 753

Folder 754

1939-1963 (Raper's volume 1-D)

Papers, essays, reports, and field notes chiefly pertain to federal relief particularly in Georgia, race relations, tenant farmers, and cotton farming. A few documents have slight content about the National Youth Administration. Of interest are a set of brief notes on race relations in Pine Bluff, Ark., Oklahoma City, Ok., and Dallas, Tx. In the notes, Raper relays a brief story about Walter White and an NAACP meeting in Dallas. Drafts of Raper's work include a lecture titled "The College and the Negro Farmer." and "A Comparative Study of Race Relations as Observed in Decatur, Georgia and Albany, New York." Other rural community studies document Taiwan in 1952 and Karachi, Pakistan in 1963."Two Years to Remember," is a memoir co-written with Martha J. Raper about his family’s experience in Greene County, Ga., where they lived from September 1940 to September 1942. Excerpts from letters to his family during a “round the world trip” from 15 October to 20 December 1951 describe observations and experiences in New York City, N.Y., San Francisco, Ca., Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, India, Lebanon, and Jordan.

Folder 755-758

Folder 755

Folder 756

Folder 757

Folder 758

1941-1943 (Raper's volume 1-E)

Correspondence, reports, research data, and clippings pertaining to the Industry Committee of the United States Department of Labor, which was examining wages and hours of workers in the textiles, furniture, sawmills, and railroad industries and in the government.

1920-1970 (Raper's volume 1-F (removed)

The autograph collection was returned to the Raper family.

Folder 759-762

Folder 759

Folder 760

Folder 761

Folder 762

1933-1938 (Raper's volume 1-G)

Chiefly clippings about African Americans, both prominent public figures including intellectuals, inventors, athletes, artists, and educators and agricultural and domestic laborers. Also included are clippings and a printed booklet about technocracy.

Folder 763-765

Folder 763

Folder 764

Folder 765

1931-1962 (Raper's volume 1-H)

Pamphlets on race relations, "mob murder" and lynching, rural community development and agricultural reform, sharecropping, and economic conditions.

Folder 766-769

Folder 766

Folder 767

Folder 768

Folder 769

1923-1933 (Raper's volume 2-A)

Clippings, correspondence, printed items, and reports pertaining to "racial attitudes." Topics include interracial cooperation, cotton mills, employment, crime, and education. Of note are newsletter issues from an organization called the Blue Shirts. Under the masthead of the self-titled newsletter, published in Jacksonville, Fla., the Blue Shirts are described as the "Chamber of Commerce of the white working class."

Folder 770-773

Folder 770

Folder 771

Folder 772

Folder 773

1934-1940 (Raper's volume 2-B)

Clippings, correspondence, printed items, press releases, reprints, and reports pertaining to "racial attitudes." Topics include suffrage, lynching, white on black crime, southern industry, the minimum wage pay scale, and education. Of note is a copy of a letter to Mark Etheridge editor of the Louisville, Ky. Courrier-Journal. The letter dated 10 August 1937 is from J.A. Lawrence of the Equal Rights for Whites Movement, a group formed "to dissuade anti white labor policy." Writing from Greensboro, Ala., Lawrence states that "curing the rape evil cures the lynching evil." Also included is a brochure for the Blue Shirts.

Image Folder PF-3966/24-27





Photographs: rural churches, schools, tenant homes (corresponds to Raper's volume 2-B)

Folder 774-779

Folder 774

Folder 775

Folder 776

Folder 777

Folder 778

Folder 779

1930-1931 (Raper's volume 3)

Folder 780-782

Folder 780

Folder 781

Folder 782

1931 (Raper's volume 4)

Folder 783-787

Folder 783

Folder 784

Folder 785

Folder 786

Folder 787

1931-1932 (Raper's volume 5)

Folder 788-792

Folder 788

Folder 789

Folder 790

Folder 791

Folder 792

1930 (Raper's volume 6)

Folder 793-796

Folder 793

Folder 794

Folder 795

Folder 796

1930 (Raper's volume 7)

Folder 797-799

Folder 797

Folder 798

Folder 799

1930 (Raper's volume 8)

Folder 800-803

Folder 800

Folder 801

Folder 802

Folder 803

1930 (Raper's volume 9)

Folder 804-808

Folder 804

Folder 805

Folder 806

Folder 807

Folder 808

1930 (Raper's volume 10)

Folder 809-811

Folder 809

Folder 810

Folder 811

1930 (Raper's volume 11)

Folder 812-816

Folder 812

Folder 813

Folder 814

Folder 815

Folder 816

1930 (Raper's volume 12)

Folder 817-821

Folder 817

Folder 818

Folder 819

Folder 820

Folder 821

1930 (Raper's volume 13)

Folder 822-826

Folder 822

Folder 823

Folder 824

Folder 825

Folder 826

1930 (Raper's volume 14)

Folder 827-829

Folder 827

Folder 828

Folder 829

1931 (Raper's volume 15-A)

Folder 830-846

Folder 830

Folder 831

Folder 832

Folder 833

Folder 834

Folder 835

Folder 836

Folder 837

Folder 838

Folder 839

Folder 840

Folder 841

Folder 842

Folder 843

Folder 844

Folder 845

Folder 846

1933-1935 (Raper's volume 15-B, C, and D)

Folder 847-853

Folder 847

Folder 848

Folder 849

Folder 850

Folder 851

Folder 852

Folder 853

1933-1940 (Raper's volume 16)

Folder 854-857

Folder 854

Folder 855

Folder 856

Folder 857

1857-1970 (Raper's volume 17)

Folder 858-863

Folder 858

Folder 859

Folder 860

Folder 861

Folder 862

Folder 863

1930-1936 (Raper's volume 18)

Folder 864-865

Folder 864

Folder 865

1937 (Raper's volume 19)

Chiefly newspaper clippings related to African American labor organizer and Communist Party member Angelo Herndon, who was convicted in Atlanta, Ga., on charges of inciting insurrection. The United States Supreme Court overturned the conviction. Many clippings are from the Georgia Woman's World published by the Southern Association of White Women for the Preservation of the White Race. Correspondence between Raper and J.R. McCain, president of Agnes Scott College, addresses the Herndon case. Also included are materials related to corporate opposition to federal wage hour law, what became the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. Of note are items pertaining to a 1937 interracial student rally for peace held in Atlanta and a printed statement from the citizens of Atlanta concerning freedom of speech and assembly. Also of note is a detailed report on an anonymous telephone call received by Jesse Daniel Ames that pertained to her work on the prevention of lynching.

Folder 866-869

Folder 866

Folder 867

Folder 868

Folder 869

1924-1955 (Raper's volume 20)

Chiefly materials related to racial inequality in education. Statistical data sets show public school expenditures per child according to race and provide percentages of students in Detroit, Mich., public schools held back three of more years, by state of birth. The latter data sets suggest that African American students from the American South who had migrated north were at a disadvantage in school. Printed materials include an NAACP pamphlet titled "Racial Inequalities in Education" and an issue of The Journal of Negro Education published by Howard University. Other materials, including clippings, relate to cotton farming. Of note for their inclusion in Raper's supplemental research files are copies of Eugene ONeill's play All God's Chillun Got Wings, "The Ku-Kluxer" by Gerald W. Johnson, "Lion" by William Faulkner, and the call-and-response script for a performance of "Ceremony of the Land. "

Folder 870-873

Folder 870

Folder 871

Folder 872

Folder 873

1927-1938 (Raper's volume 21-A)

Chiefly clippings, statistics, correspondence, and pamphlets related to education and to "economic reconstruction and human exploitation." Many items pertain to the Julian Rosenwald Fund, which sought to build schools in rural communities and improve educational opportunities for African Americans. Several pamphlets dated between 1927 and 1930 describe the progress of schoolhouse construction. Of note are a pamphlet titled "Racial Inequality in Education" and related correspondence dated November 1938 between Raper and Walter White, secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Also included is a long essay addressing Atlanta's central role in the higher education of Negroes. Other materials, including correspondence, clippings, pamphlets, and a report titled "The Economic Status of the Negro," describe the exploitation of workers and other negative effects of capitalism. Several clippings pertain to capitalist, William Randolph Hearst.

Folder 874-875

Folder 874

Folder 875

1936-1941 (Raper's volume 21-B)

Scattered issues of Georgia Woman's World and The Statesman. The Southern Association of White Women for the Preservation of the White Race published Georgia Woman's World in Atlanta. Issues in Raper's research files date from June 1936 to November 1937. Many articles pertain to race relations and portray African Americans and their white supporters negatively. Addressing the economy and state and national politics, the articles and editorials criticized President Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, and New Deal programs and policies and posited that national politics and many congressional Democrats from the North were corrupt and immoral. Georgia governor Eugene Talmadge was associate editor of The Statesman which published editions in Atlanta and Hapeville, Ga. Issues in Raper's research files date from August to December 1941. The Statesman articles and editorials pertain to national politics and race relations and address local concerns, including agricultural conditions and events at local universities. Of note is an article in the 21 October 1941 issue condemning a Rosenwald Fund poster found on a bulletin board at the University of Georgia that promoted racial equality. Another article in the 5 August 1941 issue criticizes J. R. McCain, president of Agnes Scott College, for following Julian Rosenwald’s teachings and allowing white students from the College to mingle with Negroes.

Folder 876-880

Folder 876

Folder 877

Folder 878

Folder 879

Folder 880

1933-1937 (Raper's volume 22)

Chiefly materials related to a proposed study titled "The Participation of the Negro in the Life of the South." Directed by Guy B. Johnson at the University of North Carolina, the study began in 1933, but was never completed. Drafts of memos describe the need for the study, recommend personnel, and outline proposed methods and potential uses of the findings. The introduction to the study, written by J. Herman Johnson, provides historical background on the legal status of free African Americans between 1619 and 1860. In a 15 February 1937 letter to Raper, Guy B. Johnson announces the suspension of the study and suggests areas where the study could have been more successful. Raper's field notes describe a failed 1934 study in Putnam County, Ga., that was disrupted by mob action.

Folder 881-884

Folder 881

Folder 882

Folder 883

Folder 884

1933-1935 (Raper's volume 23)

Chiefly materials related to the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and its largely negative impact on African Americans. A 5 December 1933 report from the Tuskegee Institute and press releases from the Associated Negro Press dated 1934 and 1935 describe the exploitation of African American workers and their exclusion from NIRA regulations and protections. A letter dated 31 August 1933 from Will W. Alexander to members of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation discusses a movement in southern states to exclude African Americans from the fixed minimum wage.

Folder 885-887

Folder 885

Folder 886

Folder 887

1933-1935 (Raper's volume 24)

Chiefly materials related to the 1934 textile workers’ strike that affected mills in New England, the mid-Atlantic region, and the South. Newspaper clippings from 1934 chronicle developments in the strike. Three pamphlets provide information about labor laws, support programs for workers, and violence during strikes. Also included is the 1936 Review and Summary of Findings published by the Institute on Southern Regional Development and the Social Sciences at the University of North Carolina.

Folder 888-893

Folder 888

Folder 889

Folder 890

Folder 891

Folder 892

Folder 893

1934-1938 (Raper's volume 25-A)

Chiefly materials related to federal funding for education in Georgia. Statistical data sets show the amounts of money spent on educating white and black students and differential expenditures on repairing school facilities for whites and blacks. Other items, including correspondence, pertains to farm tenancy in Georgia, Florida, Missouri, Alabama, and other southern states.

Folder 894-898

Folder 894

Folder 895

Folder 896

Folder 897

Folder 898

1935-1936 (Raper's volume 25-B)

Contains students' papers written for Raper's courses at the Atlanta University Summer School and the Gammon Theological Seminary. Six papers were written for a course titled " Southern Population Elements and Public Policy." Subjects include industry, economics, race relations, education, lynching, and public policy in the South.

Folder 899-903

Folder 899

Folder 900

Folder 901

Folder 902

Folder 903

1936-1938 (Raper's volume 26)

Chiefly correspondence discussing visits to different resettlement farms, homesteads, and communities. Correspondents include individuals affiliated with Scarritt College, the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, and the Rural Resettlement Administration, a New Deal agency. Documents describe resettlement projects, including Tupelo Homesteads in Mississippi and Lake Dick Cooperative Farm in Arkansas. A March 1937 essay titled "Christianity and Social Service" discusses the South's socioeconomic problems and argues that Christian southerners have an obligation to provide an adequate quality of life for all people. A 30 March 1938 report originally published in the Weekly Kansas City Star and titled "100 Missouri Share Croppers Move into a Land of Promise" describes a Farm Security Administration (FSA) resettlement community in La Forge, Mo. Also noteworthy are scattered field notes, including some on Oklahoma's dust bowl.

Folder 904-909

Folder 904

Folder 905

Folder 906

Folder 907

Folder 908

Folder 909

1936-1938 (Raper's volume 27)

Press releases, correspondence, statements, reports, and clippings related to the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (STFU). An 18 September 1938 statement from STFU's executive council to the Arkansas Governor's Commission on Farm Tenancy describes the difficult conditions of tenant farming and reports incidents of violence and injustice. In a 24 January 1937 letter to Raper, an Arkansas planter discusses his experiences with tenant farmers and complains about federal government spending, ineffective extension services, naive extension agents, and the drinking, gambling, and fighting of the tenant farmers. Raper's short reply follows. A 6 May 1938 Delta and Providence Cooperative Farms newsletter, "The Co-Op Call," includes a "Directograph," a "Church Corner," poetry, social notes, and reports about the cooperative. Also included are a press release from the Associated Negro Press titled "Tenant Farmers [sic] Union Offers Plan to End Serfdom and Peonage" and a 1939 report from the secretary of SFTU recounting events, such as National Sharecroppers Week and STFU conventions.

Folder 910-913

Folder 910

Folder 911

Folder 912

Folder 913

1936-1937 (Raper's volume 28)

Press releases, clippings, notes, and correspondence related to the Delta and Providence Cooperative Farms in Mississippi and the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union. The Cooperative Farms' secretary-treasurer, Sherwood Eddy, is a frequent correspondent and author of newsletters describing the progress and struggles of cooperative farms. A 1937 report titled "Farm Tenancy and the Delta Cooperative Farm," provides details about the efforts of the farmers, Sherwood Eddy, and others on the Cooperative Farms. Also included are field notes that describe the socioeconomic conditions and people of Hillhouse, Miss., and eastern Arkansas in 1936.

Folder 914a

1936-1937 (Raper's volume 28)

Folder 914b

1938 (Raper's volume 29)

Correspondence and organizational documents pertaining to the Delta and Providence Cooperative Farms in Mississippi. Correspondents, including William Amberson, Sam Franklin, and Constance Rumbough, discuss the farms, board meetings, visitors, and operations. Other documents include a 26 April 1938 auditor's report, minutes of board meetings, and "By-Laws of Cooperative Farms Inc.," which outlines the duties of the board members, president, and members.

Folder 915-918

Folder 915

Folder 916

Folder 917

Folder 918

1938 (Raper's volume 29)

Folder 919-921

Folder 919

Folder 920

Folder 921

1939 (Raper's volume 30)

Correspondence, minutes of board meetings, and memoranda related to the administrative operations of the Delta and Providence Cooperative Farms in Mississippi and to the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (STFU). Many items pertain to William Amberson's resignation from the Cooperative Farms' board. Of note is Amberson's 22 February 1939 statement explaining his decision. Also included is an August 1939 letter from a visitor to the Cooperative Farms, Nelle Da Vitte, to Raper expressing her admiration and support for the farm and for Sam Franklin. Raper's brief reply follows.

Folder 922-927

Folder 922

Folder 923

Folder 924

Folder 925

Folder 926

Folder 927

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 31)

Reports, minutes of board meetings, pamphlets, letters, and memoranda related to the Delta and Providence Cooperative Farms in Mississippi and to the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (STFU). Sam Franklin is a frequent correspondent who writes at length about the daily operations of the Cooperative Farms and significant developments such as the installation of a pasteurizer. In a union report, Frank McCallistor describes a visit to Caruthersville, Mo., where he spoke with STFU members victimized by a mob. A pamphlet from the Workers' Defense League recounts the struggles of southern laborers.

Folder 928-930

Folder 928

Folder 929

Folder 930

1936-1939 (Raper's volume 32)

Clippings, booklets, and other materials related to the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Committee for Industrial Organization (became the Congress of Industrial Organizations or CIO). Included is a May 1937 booklet, "Americanism versus Communism or American Federation of Labor versus Committee for Industrial Organization," compiled and published by the Southern Labor Federationist. A long essay, "A. Steve Nance: Labor Statesman and Citizen" describes Nance's life, work, and affiliation shift from the AFL to the CIO. Also included is a 14 November 1938 report by John Lewis written for the first constitutional convention of the Committee for Industrial Organization.

Folder 931-934

Folder 931

Folder 932

Folder 933

Folder 934

1939 (Raper's volume 33)

Correspondence, reports, and data sets related to educational and socioeconomic conditions of African Americans across the country and the South, especially Georgia. Included are a May 1938 report prepared by Walter D. Cocking and staff, "Outline for the Discussion of Higher Education for Negroes in Georgia," and data showing the average annual incomes of families. Most correspondence pertains to Raper’s study, "The Economic and Social Status of the Negro in Georgia." The correspondents discuss professional meetings, surveys undertaken for the study, and suggestions to improve the study.

Folder 935

1939 (Raper's volume 34)

Contains the 1938 Report on the Study of Higher Education of Negroes. The report chiefly consists of statistical data and analysis related to population trends, enrollment, and state expenditures on education.

Folder 936-939

Folder 936

Folder 937

Folder 938

Folder 939

December 1938-March 1938 (Raper's volume 35)

Chiefly materials related to higher education of African Americans in general and specifically the United States Supreme Court case, Gaines v. Canada (1938) brought by the NAACP against the University of Missouri for refusing law school admission to African American Lloyd Gaines. An editorial in The Missouri Student, "The Inevitable Mr. Gaines," urged the University of Missouri to accept the court's decision and admit African Americans. In a letter John Creedy of the Carolina Magazine asks Raper to contribute an essay to a special issue of the magazine devoted to the "problem of Negro education in the South as it relates to the University of North Carolina." Raper did not contribute to the issue, but he retained a copy in his files. Also included is an April 1939 booklet written by Rufus F. Clement, "Legal Provisions for Graduate and Professional Instruction for Negroes in States Operating Separate School Systems."

Folder 940-942

Folder 940

Folder 941

Folder 942

April 1939-April 1940 (Raper's volume 36)

Folder 943-947

Folder 943

Folder 944

Folder 945

Folder 946

Folder 947

November 1938 (Raper's volume 37)

Clippings, correspondence, and other material related to the Southern Conference for Human Welfare inaugural meeting in Birmingham, Ala., November 1938. An article by Raper describes the meeting and Eleanor Roosevelt’s appearance there. A program for the conference is also included.

Folder 948-949

Folder 948

Folder 949

April 1940 (Raper's volume 38)

Clippings, correspondence, and booklets related to the second meeting of the Southern Conference for Human Welfare in Chattanooga, Tenn. In his letters to Raper, Frank Porter Graham discusses plans for the event and asked Raper to become a sponsor. Also included is a tentative program, which included topics such as "Children in the South, ""Rural Life in the South, " and "The Meaning of Religion for Democracy."

Folder 950-953

Folder 950

Folder 951

Folder 952

Folder 953

1930-1935 (Raper's volume 39)

Image Folder PF-3966/28

Photographs: Arthur Raper's photographs of Greene and Macon counties, Ga. (corresponds to Raper's volume 39)

Image Folder PF-3966/29

Photographs: Arthur Raper's photographs of Greene and Macon counties, Ga. (corresponds to Raper's volume 39)

Image Folder PF-3966/30

Photographs: Arthur Raper's photographs of Greene and Macon counties, Ga. (corresponds to Raper's volume 39)

Image Folder PF-3966/32

Photographs: Arthur Raper's photographs of Greene and Macon counties, Ga. (corresponds to Raper's volume 39)

Image Folder PF-3966/33

Photographs: Arthur Raper's photographs of Greene and Macon counties, Ga. (corresponds to Raper's volume 39)

Folder 954-956

Folder 954

Folder 955

Folder 956

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 40)

Image Folder PF-3966/31

Photographs: Farm Security Administration, Greene County, Ga., by Jack Delano (corresponds to Raper's volume 40)

Folder 957-959

Folder 957

Folder 958

Folder 959

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 41-A)

Image Folder PF-3966/34-37





Photographs: Farm Security Administration, Greene County, Ga., by Jack Delano (corresponds to Raper's volume 41-A)

Folder 960-963

Folder 960

Folder 961

Folder 962

Folder 963

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 41-B)

Image Folder PF-3966/38-41





Photographs: Farm Security Administration, Greene County, Ga., by Jack Delano (corresponds to Raper's volume 41-B)

Folder 964-967

Folder 964

Folder 965

Folder 966

Folder 967

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 41-C)

Image Folder PF-3966/42-43



Photographs: Farm Security Administration, Greene County, Ga., by Jack Delano (corresponds to Raper's volume 41-C)

Folder 968-970

Folder 968

Folder 969

Folder 970

1940-1941, 1970 (Raper's volume 41-D)

Image Folder PF-3966/44

Photographs: Farm Security Administration, Greene County, Ga., by Jack Delano (corresponds to Raper's volume 41-D)

Folder 971-976

Folder 971

Folder 972

Folder 973

Folder 974

Folder 975

Folder 976

1789-1941 (Raper's volume 42)

Folder 977-980

Folder 977

Folder 978

Folder 979

Folder 980

1934-1941 (Raper's volume 43)

Folder 981-986

Folder 981

Folder 982

Folder 983

Folder 984

Folder 985

Folder 986

1792-1941 (Raper's volume 44)

Folder 987-991

Folder 987

Folder 988

Folder 989

Folder 990

Folder 991

1786-1941 (Raper's volume 45)

Folder 992-997

Folder 992

Folder 993

Folder 994

Folder 995

Folder 996

Folder 997

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 46)

Folder 998-1004

Folder 998

Folder 999

Folder 1000

Folder 1001

Folder 1002

Folder 1003

Folder 1004

1940-1941 (Raper's volume 47)

Folder 1005-1010

Folder 1005

Folder 1006

Folder 1007

Folder 1008

Folder 1009

Folder 1010

1939-1940 (Raper's volume 48)

Folder 1011-1013

Folder 1011

Folder 1012

Folder 1013

1939-1940 (Raper's volume 49)

Folder 1014-1017

Folder 1014

Folder 1015

Folder 1016

Folder 1017

1939-1940 (Raper's volume 50)

Folder 1018-1023

Folder 1018

Folder 1019

Folder 1020

Folder 1021

Folder 1022

Folder 1023

1939-1940 (Raper's volume 51-A)

Folder 1024-1029

Folder 1024

Folder 1025

Folder 1026

Folder 1027

Folder 1028

Folder 1029

1939-1940 (Raper's volume 51-B)

Folder 1030-1034

Folder 1030

Folder 1031

Folder 1032

Folder 1033

Folder 1034

1940 (Raper's volume 52)

Folder 1035-1039

Folder 1035

Folder 1036

Folder 1037

Folder 1038

Folder 1039

1939-1940 (Raper's volume 53)

Folder 1040-1044

Folder 1040

Folder 1041

Folder 1042

Folder 1043

Folder 1044

1940 (Raper's volume 54)

Folder 1045-1050

Folder 1045

Folder 1046

Folder 1047

Folder 1048

Folder 1049

Folder 1050

1940 (Raper's volume 55)

Folder 1051-1056

Folder 1051

Folder 1052

Folder 1053

Folder 1054

Folder 1055

Folder 1056

1940 (Raper's volume 56)

Folder 1057-1062

Folder 1057

Folder 1058

Folder 1059

Folder 1060

Folder 1061

Folder 1062

1940 (Raper's volume 57)

Folder 1063-1065

Folder 1063

Folder 1064

Folder 1065

1940 (Raper's volume 58)

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse III. Support File, 1943-1962.

About 9,200 items.

Arrangement: chronological.

This series includes material, chiefly notes, correspondence, and other items, that supplements the 1943-1962 segment of the Chronological File (Series I). Many of these papers are field notes on sample counties in the United States and items providing information about Arthur Raper's work overseas through 1962.

Folder 1066-1069

1943-1946 (Raper volume A-1)

Folder 1070-1073

1943-1944 (Raper volume A-2)

Folder 1074-1077

1943-1945 (Raper volume A-3)

Folder 1078-1079

1949-1945 (Raper volume B-1)

Folder 1080-1081

1943-1944 (Raper volume B-2)

Folder 1082-1085

1944-1945 (Raper volume C)

Folder 1086-1087

1944-1945 (Raper volume D)

Folder 1088-1090

1943-1945 (Raper volume E)

Folder 1091-1094

1943-1944 (Raper volume F)

Folder 1095-1100

1947 (Raper volume G)

Folder 1101-1104

1943 (Raper volume H)

Folder 1105-1109

1948 (Raper volume I-1)

Folder 1110-1114

1947-1962 (Raper volume I-2)

Image Folder PF-3966/45-48





Photographs of Japan study staff members, 1947-1950. (corresponds to Raper's volume I-2)

Folder 1115-1118

1947-1962 (Raper volume I-3)

Image Folder PF-3966/49-52





Photographs (corresponds to Raper's volume I-3)

Folder 1119-1122

1947-1962 (Raper volume I-4)

Image Folder PF-3966/53-56





Photographs (corresponds to Raper's volume I-4)

Folder 1123-1129

1947-1962 (Raper volume I-5)

Image Folder PF-3966/57-63








Photographs (corresponds to Raper's volume I-5)

Folder 1130-1135

1947-1962 (Raper volume I-6)

Image Folder PF-3966/64-69







Photographs (corresponds to Raper's volume I-6)

Folder 1136-1138

1952-1956 (Raper volume J-1)

Folder 1139-1142

November-December 1952 (Raper volume J-2)

Folder 1143-1146

November-December 1953 (Raper volume K)

Folder 1147-1149

1953 (Raper volume L)

Folder 1150-1153

1953 (Raper volume M)

Folder 1154-1161

1953-1954 (Raper volume N)

Folder 1162-1164

1955-1956 (Raper volume O)

Folder 1165-1170

1955-1957 (Raper volume P-1)

Folder 1171-1174

1954-1957 (Raper volume P-2)

Folder 1175-1179

1955-1957 (Raper volume Q)

Image Folder PF-3966/70

Photographs of Afghanistan (corresponds to Raper's volume Q)

Folder 1180

July 1955 (Raper volume R)

Folder 1181-1184

1955-1956 (Raper volume S)

Folder 1185-1189

1951-1956 (Raper volume T)

Folder 1190-1194

1951-1952 (Raper volume U)

Image Folder PF-3966/71

Photographs of Indonesia (corresponds to Raper's volume U)

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse IV. Support File, 1962-1972.

About 3,000 items.

Arrangement: chronological.

This series consists of material, chiefly reports, articles, and scattered correspondence, that supplements the portions of Chronological File (Series I), that deal with the Pakistan Academy for Rural Development project. These papers document both the experiences of Arthur Raper and his wife Martha in Comilla, East Pakistan, and the evolution of the Comilla Project.

Folder 1195-1206

July 1962-February 1964 (Raper volume 1)

Folder 1207-1219

March 1964-1968 (Raper volume 2)

Folder 1220-1229

1956-1968 (Raper volume 3-A)

Folder 1230-1237

1961-1966 (Raper volume 3-B)

Folder 1238-1243

1959-1964 (Raper volume 3-C)

Folder 1244-1251

1961-1968 (Raper volume 4-A)

Folder 1252-1258

1961-1970 (Raper volume 4-B)

Folder 1259-1267

1962-1965 (Raper volume 5-A)

Folder 1268-1269b

1963-1964 (Raper volume 5-B)

Folder 1269c-1270

1962-1964 (Raper volume 6)

Folder 1271-1278

1959-1968 (Raper volume 7-A)

Folder 1279-1283

1961-1968 (Raper volume 7-B)

Folder 1284-1290

1960-1965 (Raper volume 8-A)

Folder 1291-1292

1964, 1971-1972 (Raper volume 8-B)

Folder 1293-1301

1962-1970 (Raper volume 9-A)

Folder 1302-1310

1968-1971 (Raper volume 9-B)

Folder 1311-1316

1963-1966 (Raper volume 10-A)

Folder 1317-1318

1963-1964 (Raper volume 10-B)

Folder 1319-1330

1962-1969 (Raper volume 11)

Folder 1331-1335

1963-1967 (Raper volume 12-A)

Folder 1336-1340

1962-1967 (Raper volume 12-B)

Folder 1341-1342

1964, 1966 (Raper volume 12-C)

Folder 1343-1350

1959-1970 (Raper volume 13)

Image Folder PF-3966/72-80

Photographs (corresponds to Raper's volume 13)

Image Folder PF-3966/72-80










Photographs of Comilla, East Pakistan (corresponds to Raper's volume 13)

Folder 1351

1953-1965 (Raper volume 14)

Folder 1352-1354

1953-1966 (Raper volume 15)

Folder 1355-1357

1953-1969 (Raper volume 16)

Folder 1358-1362

1950-1959 (Raper volume 17)

Folder 1363-1367

1959-1963 (Raper volume 18)

Folder 1368-1375

1962-1969 (Raper volume 19-A)

Folder 1376-1380

1959-1965 (Raper volume 19-B)

Folder 1381-1387

1964-1967 (Raper volume 20-A)

Folder 1388-1395

1967-1969 (Raper volume 20-B)

Folder 1396-1398

November 1966 (Raper volume 20-C)

Folder 1399-1403

November 1966 (Raper volume 21)

Folder 1404-1406

1967 (Raper volume 22)

Folder 1407-1409

1967 (Raper volume 23)

Folder 1410

May 1969 (Raper volume 24)

Folder 1411-1413

July 1969 (Raper volume 25)

Folder 1414-1416

July 1969 (Raper volume 26)

Folder 1417-1420

August 1969 (Raper volume 27-A)

Folder 1421-1423

August 1969 (Raper volume 27-B)

Folder 1424-1430

1961-1969 (Raper volume 28)

Folder 1431-1435

July 1962-March 1964 (Raper volume 29)

Folder 1436-1442

April-December 1963 (Raper volume 30)

Folder 1443-1451

January-June 1964 (Raper volume 31)

Folder 1452-1457

July-October 1964 (Raper volume 32)

Folder 1458-1463

July 1962-September 1964 (Raper volume 33)

Folder 1464-1468

1962-1966 (Raper volume 34)

Folder 1469

Corresponds to Raper volume 35

Image Folder PF-3966/81

Photographs: Miscellaneous of Taiwan and Lebanon (corresponds to Raper's volume 35)

Oversize Image Folder OP-PF-3966/1

Photographs of scenes and people in Afghanistan, Taiwan, Iran, and Laos; "Ol' Unca Dick," Decatur, Ga.; Tony Thompson, Greene County, Ga.; and James Cudney's photographs of Afghanistan (corresponds to Raper's volume 35)

Oversize Image Folder OP-PF-3966/2

Photographs of scenes and people in Afghanistan, Taiwan, Iran, and Laos; "Ol' Unca Dick," Decatur, Ga.; Tony Thompson, Greene County, Ga.; and James Cudney's photographs of Afghanistan (corresponds to Raper's volume 35)

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse V. Martha Raper Papers, 1910-1981 (Addition of October 2017 (Acc. 103148)).

18 linear feet (approximately 10,000 items).

Correspondence to and from Martha Raper, Arthur Franklin Raper's wife, comprises the bulk of the addition. Other materials include Martha Raper's writings, narrative accounts of her dreams, calendars and address books, clippings and printed items, and Raper family photographs.

Processing Information: Although this series has not been analyzed or fully arranged and described, the materials may be viewed in the reading room at Wilson Special Collections Library.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse V.1. Correspondence, 1910-1981.

Approximately 7000 items.

Arrangement: Chronological by year only. The correspondence is not in order by month or date.

Chiefly correspondence to and from Martha Raper. Primary correspondents are her husband Arthur Franklin Raper particularly when he was working abroad in Asia and the Middle East, their four adult children, and their grandchildren. Other correspondents are chiefly family friends and colleagues. Many letters contain enclosures including photographs of family members, children's drawings, school work, and letters, and newspaper clippings. Letters between Raper family members tend to be rich in content and details and often include comments on contemporary events. Arthur Franklin Raper frequently discussed his work and the places where he conducted the work, especially Taipei, Taiwan in the 1950s. He occasionally included a report with a letter.

Box 78


Box 79


Box 80


Box 81


Box 82


Box 83


Box 84


Box 85


Box 86


Box 87


Box 88


Box 89


Box 90


Box 91


Box 92


Box 93


Box 94


Box 95


Box 96


Box 97


Box 98


Box 99


Box 100


Box 101-104


Box 105


Box 106

Outgoing correspondence, 1937-1979

Martha Raper compiled copies of her outgoing correspondence in a set of binders. The original order of her correspondence files was retained, but the binders were replaced with archival folders.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse V.2. Other Papers, 1910s-1970s.

Approximately 3000 items.

Box 107

Psychoanalysis and dream narratives, 1940-1976

Chiefly narrative accounts of Martha Raper's dreams. Also includes scattered correspondence with her psychotherapist in the 1950s.

Box 108

Writings and Subject files, 1930-1976

Essays written by Martha Raper from Taipei and elsewhere and scathing commentary she offered on the report Sexual Behavior in the Human Female by Alfred C. Kinsey. Also contains poems and songs, including "Generally Recognized As Safe" by Martha Raper. Subject files pertain to food science, use of preservatives, and nutrition.

Box 109

Biographical and genealogical information, 1910s-1970s

Information is chiefly about Martha Raper, Arthur Raper, and the Jarrell family (Martha's surname at birth was Jarrell).

Box 110

Notebooks, "Mementos," and Other materials, 1950s-1970s

Includes material related to Arthur and Martha Raper's work in Taipei, Taiwan, Tehran, Iran, and Comilla Pakistan; their son Arthur Harrell Raper; and Arthur Franklin Raper's memorial service in 1979.

Box 111

Address books, Date books, and Calendars, 1940s-1970s

Also includes visiting cards and Christmas lists.

Box 112

Printed items and Newspaper clippings, 1920s-1970s

Box 113

Newspaper clippings, 1970s

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse V.3. Photographs, 1926-1979.

Approximately 100 items.

Arrangement: Chronological

Image Box IB-3966/6

Photographs and Photograph albums, 1926-1974 and undated

Images chiefly depict Arthur Franklin Raper, Martha Raper, and their four children. Of note is a 1942 photograph album compiled by photographer Jack Delano. The stylized images and layout of the album show the Raper family in Greene County, Ga., where Raper conducted rural sociological research at the tail end of the Depression. Delano worked for the Farm Security Administration. In addition to creating the album, Delano made an ink drawing of himself and his wife [?] leaving Georgia and saying goodbye to the Raper family.

Also included are images of the Kerman Province, Iran in 1957 and a photograph album with images of Taiwan in the early 1950s.

Image Box IB-3966/7

Slides, 1951-1979

35mm color transparencies

Images depict the Raper family, particularly Arthur Franklin Raper.

Digital Folder DF-3966/1

Digital photograph of oil painting

"Original painting of Slope Oaks, Oakton, Virginia, home of Arthur F. and Martha J. Raper, 1947-1979." Painting was made by a neighbor, Helen Small Bowers, in 1973.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Items Separated

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