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This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in our reading room, and not digitally available through the World Wide Web. See the Duplication Policy section for more information.
Size | 77.0 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 40,000 items) |
Abstract | Charles Harvey Crutchfield was born in Hope, Ark., on 27 July 1912, grew up in Spartanburg, S.C., and matriculated at Wofford College for one year, 1929-1930. He began his career in broadcasting in 1929 as a radio announcer and worked at a number of radio stations before joining the staff of WBT in Charlotte, N.C., in 1933. Crutchfield held several positions at the station and at its parent company, retiring as president of the Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company in 1977. Crutchfield had a decades-long friendship with the Reverend Billy Graham and was chiefly responsible for launching Graham's television presence. Following his retirement, Crutchfield founded his own consulting company, Media Communications, Inc., which was devoted to broadcasting issues, and was active with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications, as well as in the larger broadcasting community and in professional and civic organizations. The collection traces the broadcasting career of Charles Harvey Crutchfield, beginning in the 1940s when he was program director and then general manager of radio station WBT and continuing until his retirement as president of the Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company in 1977. The files consist primarily of correspondence, memoranda, clippings, and other materials relating to the Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company in its various incarnations. Of particular interest are files addressing current events in the broadcasting community and Crutchfield's response, in the various capacities he held, to them. Topics covered include union organization efforts, Senate hearings regarding representation of affiliate stations in the national spot sales field, the expansion and growth of the Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company, and the development of Community Antenna Television. Crutchfield's ardent anti-communist stance is reflected throughout these materials. Crutchfield corresponded regularly with Reverend Billy Graham and, later, with CBS News president Richard Salant and Frank Stanton, president of CBS Inc.; routine correspondence with national and local political figures is also included. There are also files, comprised chiefly of correspondence, reports, and clippings, that document Crutchfield's work with his consulting firm, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications, and professional and civic organizations. Audiocassettes primarily contain interviews with Charles Crutchfield and WBT programs prepared in honor of various anniversaries celebrated by the station. A number of video tapes are recordings of obituaries of and tributes to Crutchfield. Films include "Weep for the Innocent" and footage of fired employees picketing WBT in the late 1940s. |
Creator | Crutchfield, Charles Harvey, 1912-1998. |
Curatorial Unit | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection. |
Language | English |
The following terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings suggest topics, persons, geography, etc. interspersed through the entire collection; the terms do not usually represent discrete and easily identifiable portions of the collection--such as folders or items.
Clicking on a subject heading below will take you into the University Library's online catalog.
Charles Harvey Crutchfield was born in Hope, Ark., on 27 July 1912, grew up in Spartanburg, S.C., and matriculated at Wofford College for one year, 1929-1930. He began his career in broadcasting in 1929 as an announcer with Spartanburg's first radio station and worked at a number of radio stations before joining the staff of WBT in Charlotte, N.C., in 1933. When Crutchfield joined the staff of WBT, it was owned by the Columbia Broadcasting System; this station was sold to Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, which expanded its interests in the broadcasting field, purchasing radio station WBTW of Florence, S.C., and television station WBTV, the first such station in the Carolinas, and creating a subsidiary company, Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company. This company is now known as Jefferson-Pilot Communications Company, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jefferson-Pilot Corporation. Crutchfield became program director of the station in 1935 and in 1945, following the sale of WBT to Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, became general manager of the station. Crutchfield had a decades-long friendship with the Reverend Billy Graham and was chiefly responsible for launching Graham's television presence. In 1965, Crutchfield became president of Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company and remained in this position until his retirement in 1977. Following his retirement from the Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company, Crutchfield founded his own consulting company, Media Communications, Inc., which was devoted to broadcasting issues. Crutchfield was nominated to the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) in 1976 by President Gerald Ford, and remained active with the CPB for several years. He also served as the chair of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications (APT), which was started by Governor James B. Hunt Jr. in 1980.
Crutchfield was active in numerous professional and civic organizations, including a United States State Department appointment to assist in setting up the Greek radio network in 1951, serving as a representative of the United States broadcasting industry in a special mission to Russia in 1956, and visiting Radio Free Europe operations in Munich, Germany, in 1962. He was elected president of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce in 1971, received an honorary doctorate from Appalachian State University in 1973, and received the North Carolina Distinguished Citizen Award in 1977. Throughout his life, Crutchfield was an adamant anti-communist.
In 1931, Crutchfield married Jacqueline Williams of Miami, Fla., and they had two children, Richard and Leslie. He died in 1998.
Back to TopThese files trace the broadcasting career of Charles Harvey Crutchfield, beginning in the 1940s when he was program director and then general manager of radio station WBT, Charlotte, N.C., and continuing until his retirement as president of the Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company in 1977. The files consist primarily of correspondence, memoranda, clippings, and other materials relating to the Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company in its various incarnations. Of particular interest are clusters of files addressing current events in the broadcasting community and Crutchfield's response, in the various capacities he held, to them. Topics covered include union organization efforts, Senate hearings regarding representation of affiliate stations in the national spot sales field, the expansion and growth of the Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company, and the development of Community Antenna Television. Crutchfield's ardent anti-communist stance is reflected throughout these materials. Crutchfield corresponded regularly with Reverend Billy Graham and, later, with CBS News president Richard Salant and Frank Stanton, president of CBS Inc.; routine correspondence from political figures Senator Sam J. Ervin, Governor Terry Sanford, J. Edgar Hoover, Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard M. Nixon, and H. Ross Perot is also included. There are also files, comprised chiefly of correspondence, reports, and clippings, that document Crutchfield's work with Media Communications, Inc., the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications, and professional and civic organizations.
Audiocassettes primarily contain interviews with Charles Crutchfield and WBT programs prepared in honor of various anniversaries celebrated by the station. A number of video tapes are recordings of obituaries of and tributes to Charles Crutchfield. Films include "Weep for the Innocent" and footage of fired employees picketing WBT in the late 1940s.
Back to TopArrangement: chronological, and alphabetically within year.
Note that in certain cases, files are arranged by subject rather than strictly chronologically.
These files trace the broadcasting career of Charles Crutchfield, beginning in the 1940s when he was program director and then general manager of radio station WBT, Charlotte, N.C., and continuing until his retirement as president of the Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company in 1977. The files consist primarily of correspondence, memoranda, clippings, and other materials relating to the administration of and topical subjects relating to the Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company in its various incarnations. Of particular interest are clusters of files addressing current events in the broadcasting community and the response of Crutchfield, in the capacities he held, to them. Topics covered include union organization efforts, Senate hearings regarding representation of affiliate stations in the national spot sales field, the expansion and growth of the Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company, and the development of Community Antenna Television. Crutchfield corresponded regularly with Reverend Billy Graham and, later, with CBS News President Richard Salant and Frank Stanton, President of CBS Inc.; routine correspondence, such as courtesy notes, from political figures Sam Ervin, Terry Sanford, J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, and H. Ross Perot, are included. Crutchfield's ardent anti-communist stance is reflected throughout these materials.
Note that, with few exceptions, original folder titles have been retained.
Folder 1-5
Folder 1Folder 2Folder 3Folder 4Folder 5 |
American Federation of Musicians (AFM), 1943-1957 |
Folder 6-9
Folder 6Folder 7Folder 8Folder 9 |
American Federation of Radio Artists, 1942-1949 |
Folder 10-11
Folder 10Folder 11 |
American Federation of Radio Artists, 1951-1954 |
Folder 12-14
Folder 12Folder 13Folder 14 |
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), 1955-1957 |
Folder 15 |
Broadcasting Magazine, 1948 |
Folder 16 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1943-1947 |
Folder 17-31
Folder 17Folder 18Folder 19Folder 20Folder 21Folder 22Folder 23Folder 24Folder 25Folder 26Folder 27Folder 28Folder 29Folder 30Folder 31 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), 1946-1949Correspondence and other materials relating to the firing of ten engineers, allegedly for their involvement in union organizing. The IBEW initiated a boycott of companies advertising on radio station WBT by encouraging individuals to remit postcards to these companies indicating their reluctance to patronize companies which sanction such allegedly anti-union behavior. The sponsoring companies in turn forwarded the postcards to WBT, which recorded the names and addresses of the individuals who had remitted postcards, and sent them material rebutting the union's presentation of the situation. These records may be found in Oversize Papers OP-4022/1. A representative postcard has been retained. |
Oversize Paper Folder OPF-4022/1 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Boycott Records, 1949Records of individuals who sent postcards to advertisers of WBT indicating they would boycott their products due to alleged anti-union policies of WBT. |
Folder 32-40
Folder 32Folder 33Folder 34Folder 35Folder 36Folder 37Folder 38Folder 39Folder 40 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1949-1954Correspondence, newspaper clippings, memos, telegrams, and handbills relating to a labor dispute with IBEW and the trial of labor organizer and former WBT employee Sterling Hicks, who was twice convicted of conspiracy to blow up transmission towers of WBT. |
Folder 41 |
Clippings, 1949-1951 |
Folder 42 |
Armory-TV Cotton Bowl, 1950The Cotton Bowl was scheduled to be aired at the armory with cooperation from the Charlotte Park and Recreation Commission so that those without television could watch the football game, but this was cancelled under pressure from the IBEW, which threatened to picket the armory during the game. |
Folder 43-44
Folder 43Folder 44 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 1954 |
Folder 45-48
Folder 45Folder 46Folder 47Folder 48 |
National Labor Relations Board, 1948-1954Clippings, correspondence, and memos, including material on a Supreme Court decision handed down in December of 1953 upholding the right of an employer to fire picketing employees who publicly deride the employer's product, though what the picketing employees say must have nothing to do with the labor dispute. |
Box 6 |
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 1945-1949 |
Television-Networks, 1950 |
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) Correspondence, Rates, Commissions, 1952-1958 |
Florence, S.C., 1952-1953Materials detailing the interests of Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company (JSBC) in starting a television station in Florence, S.C. |
Rate File: Network, National, CBS, 1953 |
Box 7 |
Radio Sales, Network Clearances, and Rates, 1946-1954 |
WBTW Florence, S.C., 1954-1955Correspondence, clippings, and photographs relating to the advertising potential of the proposed television station. Also included is a bound transcript of a lawsuit brought by PeeDee Electric Cooperative, Inc. against defendants including Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company seeking to stop electricity from being furnished to the new television station. This suit was denied by the Supreme Court of South Carolina. |
Box 8 |
WBTW: J. William Quinn, 1955-1956 |
CBS Radio and Spot Sales Hearings, 1955-1956 |
Senate Hearings, 1956 |
Box 9 |
Senate Hearings, 1956 |
CBS, 1957 |
Broadcast News magazine, 1957 |
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)-Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) Inquiry, 1957-1958The FCC issued a report recommending that "divisions of organizations which also operate networks should be prohibited from representing stations (other than their owned and operated stations) in the national spot sales field." It was alleged that CBS and National Broadcasting Company (NBC) Spot Sales restrained other station representatives in seeking the opportunity to represent CBS and NBC affiliates, restrained competition between network television advertising business and national spot television advertising business, and conspired to control rates. The issue of whether Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company had any agreement or understanding with CBS with regard to the level of national spot rates of its television stations was addressed. |
Box 10 |
Network-Spot Sales Hearings, 1959The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released its decision stating that television stations may not be represented in the national spot sales field by the spot sales organization of the network with which the station is affiliated. |
Channel 8, 1957-1958Correspondence, clippings, and memos relating to the proposal submitted by Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) seeking to operate a television station in Greensboro. Four companies were vying for control of this channel. |
Box 11 |
Channel 8, 1957-1958 |
Box 12 |
Channel 8, 1958-1960 |
Box 13 |
Channel 8, 1959-1960 |
Box 14 |
Channel 8, 1960-1962 |
Correspondence with the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) and CBS, 1957-1960 |
Box 15 |
Channel 8, 1959-1964 |
Box 16 |
1961Affiliates "Anti-Communism:" Foreign Policy, Alan Newcomb, etc. (Primarily correspondence relating to anti-communist activities, including correspondence with North Carolina Governor Terry Sanford, Senator Sam Ervin, Edward R. Murrow, and J. Edgar Hoover) Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. Agencies ASCAP Associated Press Educational TV E Miscellaneous F Miscellaneous G Miscellaneous Kiplinger Letters Land of the Free (Correspondence regarding a locally produced television program of the same title on the subject of communism) "Letter from a Young Communist" |
Box 17 |
1961L Miscellaneous M Miscellaneous Negotiations: Art Elliott North Carolina Association of Broadcasters N Miscellaneous Political Pulse P Miscellaneous Religion Radio Moscow (Correspondence and clippings related to a WBT radio program dedicated to "interpreting and refuting Soviet propaganda" in an effort to counter the "persistent bombardment from Radio Moscow of twisted news, half-truths, and red herrings designed to confuse and divide us.") Representation Negotiations |
Box 18 |
1961R Miscellaneous S Miscellaneous Talent Thanks Letters Television Advertising Representatives, Inc. T Miscellaneous U Miscellaneous WBT: John Blair & Co. WBTV: Broadcast Policies WBTV: Correspondence with Viewers WBTV: Federal Trade Commission WBTV: National Association of Broadcasters WBTV: Personnel Responsibilities WBTV: Political Complaints |
Box 19 |
1961WBTV: Political Policy WBTV: Program Format WBTV: Station Coverage WBTV: Station and Program Popularity WBTW: Young Television Corporation Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Board Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: General Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Interest in Other Stations Jefferson Standard Foundation Charles H. Crutchfield: Confidential: Business Charles H. Crutchfield: Government Agencies Announcers Contributions: Company |
Box 20 |
1961Editorials Federal Communications Commission (FCC): General Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Miscellaneous Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Official FM Inter-Office: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Inter-Office: General Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. Kirkland, Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz, & Masters Legal Matters: Company A. G. Myers (Gastonia) |
Box 21 |
1961Personnel Department Personnel: Bonus, Salary, Insurance Personnel: General A. M. Pullen & Co. A. D. Ring Associates Talent WBIG Greensboro Thomas B. Cookerly J. R. Covington M. H. Crocker Engineering: General T. E. Howard W. J. Jorgenson Paul Marion News: Radio & TV Program: Radio: St. Clair Program: TV: Rierson |
Box 22 |
1961Promotion: Radio: Larry Harding Promotion: TV: John Dillon Property & Purchasing: P. M. Covington, George Adams William Quinn Research: General Robert Rierson Salary Administration Lacy Sellars: Manager, Quality Control Department K. T. Tredwell WBTW: General J. M. Bryan CBS: Executive File: CBS Inc. CBS Radio CBS Television Charles H. Crutchfield: Confidential: Business ABC Network American Federation of Television and Radio Artists |
Box 23 |
1961-1962WBTW: Spot Sales: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Relay-Florida America Illustrated Magazine Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Board Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Foundation Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: General Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Interest in Other Properties Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Boards & Committees Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Civic Miscellaneous Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Company Business Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Government Agencies |
Box 24 |
1962Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Trip to Europe, October 1962 Joseph M. Bryan Jack Burney Research Michaux H. Crocker Business Office: Reports, recaps, etc. Thomas B. Cookerly J. R. Covington Engineering: General Thomas E. Howard W. J. Jorgenson |
Box 25 |
1962Paul Marion William Melson Alan Newcomb: Director of Public Affairs News: WBT and WBTV: Ervin Melton Program: WBT Radio Program: WBTV Television Promotion: WBT Radio Promotion: WBTV Television Property & Purchasing: P. M. Covington, George Adams Public Service William Quinn Research Dallas Robbins Sales Department: WBT Radio Sales Department: WBTV Television Lacy Sellars Announcers Budgets |
Box 26 |
1962Community Antenna Television (CATV) Proposals (Proposals, correspondence, comments, and questionnaires related to the interest of Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company in obtaining a CATV franchise in Florence, S.C.) Contributions Federal Communications Commission (FCC): General Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Official FM Howard Holderness Inter-Office: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Inter-Office: General Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company Kirkland, Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz, & Masters Legal Matters: Company A. G. Myers Overtime Reports Personnel: Bonus, Salary, Insurance Personnel: General |
Box 27 |
1962Policy (Company): Donations, Editorial A. M. Pullen Company Salary Administration WBIG: Greensboro, N.C. WBTW CBS Inc: Executive CBS Radio CBS Spot Selling: Compensation Reduction CBS Television NBC Network CBS Affiliates CBS Affiliates: Advisory Board |
Box 28 |
1962Affiliates Agencies Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. Applications Associated Press A Miscellaneous John Blair & Co. Clients: Active Clients: Perspective Comments from Audience Contributions (Company) Congratulatory Notes C Miscellaneous D Miscellaneous Educational TV E Miscellaneous Football F Miscellaneous G Miscellaneous |
Box 29 |
1962H Miscellaneous K Miscellaneous "Letter from a Young Communist" L Miscellaneous Mc Miscellaneous National Association of Broadcasters North Carolina Association of Broadcasters N Miscellaneous Other Stations Pay TV Political Promotion: WBT's 40th Anniversary |
Box 30 |
1962P Miscellaneous Radio Moscow Religious Research Russia/Greece/Radio Free Europe Miscellaneous, 1951-1962 R Miscellaneous Staff Memos: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Staff Memos: General Land of the Free Talent Thanks Letters Tickets: Theater and Broadcast |
Box 31 |
1962Television Advertising Representatives, Inc. T Miscellaneous U Miscellaneous W Miscellaneous Young Television Corporation Cancellation: "The Defenders" Anti-Communist Miscellaneous WFMY Proposal |
Box 32 |
1962-1963Harry Golden National Labor Relations Board and National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians (Addresses, memoranda, and correspondence relating to a vote whereby the technicians of WBT and WBTV rejected representation by the NABET) Unions: General American Federation of Television and Radio Artists Affiliates Affiliates: Advisory Board Agencies Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. Applications Associated Press |
Box 33 |
1963A Miscellaneous John Blair & Co. B Miscellaneous Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Personal: Confidential Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Personal: Family Charlotte News Charlotte Observer |
Box 34 |
1963Editorializing: Supplementary File Educational TV E Miscellaneous Football G Miscellaneous Insurance: Charles H. Crutchfield Kiplinger Letters K Miscellaneous Literacy Program, 1960-1963 L Miscellaneous Miscellaneous: Charles H. Crutchfield |
Box 35 |
1963Miscellaneous: Charles H. Crutchfield M Miscellaneous National Association of Broadcasters North Carolina Association of Broadcasters N Miscellaneous Other Stations Photographs Political Presbyterian Synod Sesquicentennial |
Box 36 |
1963Promotion Pieces: WBT Promotion Pieces: WBTV Public Service Publications P Miscellaneous Q Miscellaneous Radio Free Europe: Fund Drive, 1962-1963 Radio Free Europe: Chairman Radio Liberty Programs |
Box 37 |
1963Radio Moscow Religious R Miscellaneous Staff Memos: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Staff Memos: General S Miscellaneous Television Advertising Representatives, Inc. Tickets: Theater and Broadcast T Miscellaneous WBTW General W Miscellaneous Young TV Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Board, Minutes, etc. Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: General Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Foundation Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Interest in Other Properties |
Box 38 |
1963Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Boards and Committees Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Confidential: Company Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Government Agencies Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Medical Expense (Insurance) Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Paid Bills Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Trips Business Office: Anticipated Cash Receipts and Disbursements Business Office: Miscellaneous Reports and Figures Business Office: Revenue Comparisons: All Stations Business Office: Revenue Comparisons: WBT Business Office: Revenue Comparisons: WBTV Business Office: Revenue Comparisons: WBTW Business Office: Salaries: Overtime Business Office: Statement of Sales Commissions |
Box 39 |
1963J. M. Bryan Grady Cole Tom Cookerly J. M. Covington M. H. Crocker Engineering: General T. E. Howard W. L. Jorgenson Paul Marion Alan Newcomb News Personnel Department Program Department: WBT and Wade St. Clair Program Department: WBTV and Robert Rierson Promotion: WBT |
Box 40 |
1963Promotion: WBTV Property and Purchasing J. M. Quinn Research Dallas Robbins Sales: WBT Sales: WBTV Lacy Sellars Lacy Sellars: Quality Control Announcers CATV Contributions Federal Communications Commission (FCC): General Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Official Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Rosel Hyde Letters |
Box 41 |
1963FM Howard Holderness Inter-Office: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Inter-Office: General Jefferson Productions: John Dillon Jefferson Productions: General Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company Kirkland, Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz & Masters A. G. Myers Personnel: Bonus, Salary, Insurance Personnel: General A. M. Pullen Company A. D. Ring & Associates Salary Administration ABC Anti-Communism: Miscellaneous CBS: General CBS: Radio CBS: Television CBS Inc.: Executives Syndication: Arthur Smith WBIG WBTW |
Folder 476-479
Folder 476Folder 477Folder 478Folder 479 |
1963Charles Harvey Crutchfield: National Association of Broadcasters: Research Committee Charles Harvey Crutchfield: North Carolina International Trade Fair: Entertainment Committee Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Special Mailings Section 315 Correspondence (Correspondence related to the suspension of Section 315 of the Federal Communications Act, which had mandated that equal time be allotted to political candidates for presidential, vice-presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial races. Crutchfield was in favor of suspension of Section 315) |
Box 43 |
1964Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Board, Minutes, etc. Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Foundation Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: General Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Interest in Other Properties Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Boards, Committees, Memberships Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Chamber of Commerce Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Checkbooks Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Christmas: Lists, Correspondence Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Civic Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Confidential: Company |
Box 44 |
1964Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Government Agencies Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Medical Expense (Insurance) Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Miscellaneous Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Paid Bills Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Personal: General Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Personal: Social Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Trips |
Box 45 |
1964Business Office: Miscellaneous Reports and Figures Business Office: Revenue Comparisons: WBT Business Office: Revenue Comparisons: WBTV Business Office: Revenue Comparisons: WBTW Business Office: Salaries and Overtime Budget J. M. Bryan Grady Cole Tom Cookerly J. R. Covington M. H. Crocker Engineering: General T. E. Howard W. J. Jorgenson |
Box 46 |
1964Paul Marion Alan Newcomb News Personnel Department Program Department: WBT: Davis and Sinclair Program Department: WBTV: Rierson Promotion: WBT Promotion: WBTV Property: P. M. Covington Purchasing: George Adams William Quinn Research Dallas Robbins Sales: WBT Sales: WBTV Lacy Sellars WBTW Announcers Contributions |
Box 47 |
1964Federal Communications Commission (FCC): General Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Official FM Howard Holderness Inter-Office: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Inter-Office: General Jefferson Productions Jefferson Productions: John Dillon Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company Kirkland, Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz, & Masters Legal A. G. Myers Personnel: Bonus, Salary, Insurance Personnel: General Pusan, Korea Student (Ung Rhee) |
Box 48 |
1964Salary Administration ABC CBS Inc. CBS: Radio CBS: Television Spearhead Group Special Mailings Special Mailings: "Negro Blames Her Race," Cora Walker Station Rates Three-Part Series (Charles Harvey Crutchfield) Technicians' Wages (Charlotte & Florence) Affiliates Advisory Board Agencies |
Box 49 |
1964Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. Applications Associated Press A Miscellaneous Blair Radio & Television |
Box 50 |
1964B Miscellaneous CATV CATV: Dick Shafto Correspondence, 1963-1964 (The correspondence in this file depicts the struggle between Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company and Dick Shafto, president of the Broadcasting Company of the South, wherein the latter sought a CATV franchise for Charlotte (where WBTV is based) but would not agree to a non-duplication of programming clause. The Broadcasting Company of the South already owned a CATV system in Florence, S.C., which duplicated WBTW programming) Clients: Prospective and Active Comments from Audience Congratulatory Notes C Miscellaneous D Miscellaneous Editorials & Editorializing |
Box 51 |
1964E Miscellaneous G Miscellaneous H Miscellaneous J Miscellaneous Kiplinger Letters K Miscellaneous L Miscellaneous M Miscellaneous National Association of Broadcasters National Association of Broadcasters: Research Committee |
Box 52 |
1964N Miscellaneous Other Stations Political Promotion Pieces Public Service Publications P Miscellaneous Radio Free Europe |
Box 53 |
1964Religious R Miscellaneous Staff Memos: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Staff Memos: General S Miscellaneous Tickets: Theater, CBS, etc. Television Advertising Representatives, Inc. T Miscellaneous W Miscellaneous Young Television CATV |
Box 54 |
CATV, 1965-1967 |
Box 55 |
CATV, 1967 |
Box 56 |
CATV, 1967-1969 |
Box 57 |
CATV, 1969-1971 |
Box 58 |
CATV, 1972 |
1965American Federation of Television and Radio Artists Color TV J. Edgar Hoover Speech, "The Faith of Free Men" Political Speaker Ban editorial (Correspondence and clippings related to the N.C. law enacted in 1963 prohibiting Communists and individuals who have plead the 5th Amendment when accused of Communist affiliations from speaking on the campuses of state-supported colleges and universities. Crutchfield was very much in favor of this law) |
Box 59 |
Alan Newcomb |
WBTW: Engineers |
CBS: Executives, 1967 |
Fairness Doctrine and Cigarette Advertising, 1967 |
Letters from President Lyndon Johnson and others re: "Why We Fight in Vietnam" brochure, 1967Crutchfield sent a brochure authored by Colonel Hugh A. Murrill, United States Army to a number of individuals and received numerous letters thanking him for it. In addition to that of President Johnson, letters were received from General W. C. Westmoreland, United States Army, J. Edgar Hoover, and others. |
WBT and WBTV History: Miscellaneous, 1967 |
"Weep for the Innocent"Materials include correspondence and requests for tapes and transcripts of a special television program of this name addressing innocent victims of crime. |
Box 60 |
1968Airport Mural Anti-Discrimination Ordinance of Charlotte CBS: Economic Study Committee CBS: Executives Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Awards Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Personal Communication Workers of America (CWA) Controversy (Correspondence and other materials relating to the refusal of WBT and twenty other broadcast stations to accept certain spot announcements prepared by the CWA, leading the CWA to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)) Daily Telegraph Printing Company Correspondence Employment of the Handicapped Senator Sam J. Ervin Larry Harding Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company Jenkin Lloyd Jones W. J. Jorgenson Kenneth McFarland National Council on Crime and Delinquency |
Box 61 |
1968Alan Newcomb Memorials News Departments Pay Television Bill Quinn Lacy Sellars Special Deputies: Confidential Special Mailings Stock Options Systems Analysis Technicians Salary and Other, 1958-1968 Uncle Sam Stands Tall Violence on Television |
Box 62 |
1968WBTW WBTW: Pension: Confidential WBTW: Tax Certificate Weep for the Innocent Westinghouse Property WRVA-TV: Correspondence WRVA-TV: Publicity WWBT WWBT: Fringe Benefits |
Box 63 |
1969Fred Barber Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Chamber of Commerce: Personal Charles Harvey Crutchfield: National Exchange Club Award Charlotte Rehabilitation Hospital: Board of Managers Tom Cookerly J. R. Covington M. H. Crocker John Edgerton Larry Harding Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Board Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Contributions Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Foundation Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: General Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Insurance Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Interest in Other Properties Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Middle Management Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Stock Option Plan Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Student Loans Tommi Jones |
Box 64 |
1969W. J. Jorgenson Jerry King Paul Marion Photographs, 1968-1969 and undated Al Pruitt Dallas Robbins Lacy Sellars Uniscience Laborotories versus Gernsbeck Publications WBT WBT-FM WBTV WBTV: 20th Anniversary WBTW WWBT-Richmond WWBT-Richmond: Research WWBT-Richmond: Tall Tower |
Box 65 |
1970Acquisitions Affiliates Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. Announcers Audience Correspondence Blair Radio Broadcasting Bill (S. 3637) (Primarily correspondence between Crutchfield and Senator Sam J. Ervin regarding the Senator's vote to override President Nixon's veto of bill S. 3637, known as the political broadcast bill. If passed, this bill would limit campaign expenditures in radio and television, resulting in candidates diverting funds from radio and television to newspapers, billboards, and other print media) |
Box 66 |
1970Building Addition CBS: Economic Study Committee CBS: Executives CBS: General CBS: News Meeting, 1 October 1970 CBS: Salant/Cronkite Department Heads Drug Project Editorials Engineering Ernst & Ernst Senator Sam Ervin Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Proposals: Conglomerates Freedoms Foundation Billy Graham "In the Name of Peace" (Materials include correspondence relating to an anti-communist documentary of the same name aimed at questioning the motives of anti-[Vietnam] War protesters, asking if these protesters are "sincerely protesting against the war or actively working to achieve a Communist victory?") |
Box 67 |
1970Jefferson Productions Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Kemper Open Golf Tournament Mario Lazo Script Miscellaneous Legal Lippincott & Margulies Liquor by the Drink (Correspondence and other writings supporting a mixed-beverages bill being considered by the North Carolina General Assembly) |
Box 68 |
1970Management Meeting Metrolina Club Mint Museum National Association of Broadcasters National Council on Crime and Delinquency North Carolina Association of Broadcasters Alan Newcomb Memorials News Departments Personnel: Confidential Personnel: General Planning and Development Committee Police Association Speech, 25 April 1970 Political Proposed Cigarette Ban Public Affairs A. M. Pullen and Company |
Box 69 |
1970Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Annual Meeting Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Board Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Budget Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Contributions Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Forecasts Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Foundation Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: General Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Interest in Other Property Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Middle Management Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Policy Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Sales Commissions Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Student Loans |
Box 70 |
1970Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company vs. Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Civil Action #2413, WBTW Tax Certificate Chamber of Commerce: Audit Report Chamber of Commerce: July-December |
Box 71 |
1970Chamber of Commerce: January-June Charles Harvey Crutchfield: General, January-June |
Box 72 |
1970Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Insurance Charles Harvey Crutchfield: Inter-Office Charlotte Rehabilitation Hospital Board of Managers Fred Barber Frank Bateman J. M. Bryan Thomas B. Cookerly |
Box 73 |
1970J. R. Covington P. M. Covington M. H. Crocker John Edgerton Larry Harding Harold Hinson Tommi Jones Wallace Jorgenson Jerry King Paul B. Marion Lacy Sellars J. W. Timberlake School Integration/Busing South Carolina Tax Assessment Special Mailings Staff Memos: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Staff Memos: General |
Box 74 |
1970-1971"This Tiny, Noisy Minority" (Transcript of and correspondence regarding an address given by Crutchfield to the High Point, N.C. Rotary Club on 26 March 1970; the subject of this speech was the minority of activists engaging in violent and destructive means in order to effect change) WBT WBTV WBTW WWBT Acquisitions Affiliates Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. |
Box 75 |
1971Audience Correspondence Broadcasting Bill Jim Broyhill Cartridge Television, Inc. CBS: Economic Study Committee CBS: Executives CBS: General CBS: Salant CBS: Stanton Contempt Proceeding re: "Selling of Pentagon" (Correspondence, memos, and other materials relating to the vote of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives to hold Frank Stanton, president of CBS, in contempt of Congress for refusing to furnish the Committee with the unused television footage from the CBS news program, "The Selling of the Pentagon") |
Box 76 |
1971CBS: "The Selling of the Pentagon": Miscellaneous Clippings: Miscellaneous Computer Negotiations Editorials Editorial Board Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Conglomerate Questionnaire Freedoms Foundation Billy Graham IBM Paperwork Study |
Box 77 |
1971Jefferson-Pilot Jefferson Productions (Atlanta) Kemper Open Kirkland, Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz, Masters & Rowe Lazo Documentary Management Committee Kenneth McFarland National Association of Broadcasters North Carolina Association of Broadcasters Network News: Miscellaneous North Carolina Council on Crime & Delinquency Project Hope School Integration/Busing |
Box 78 |
1971Special Mailings Speeches: Miscellaneous Staff Memos: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Staff Memos: General WBIG WBT WBT-FM WBTV WBTV: Black Advisory Council WFIL WWBT The White House: Miscellaneous The White House: Special Commission for the President |
Box 79 |
1971Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Annual Meeting Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Board Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Budgets Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Contributions Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Financial Reports & Miscellaneous Figures Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Forecasts Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Foundation Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Insurance Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Operating Plan Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Personnel Jefferson Standard Broadcasting Company: Policies |
Box 80 |
1971Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company Frank Bateman J. M. Bryan Tom Cookerly Bob Covington M. H. Crocker John Edgerton Larry Harding Harold Hinson Tommi Jones Wally Jorgenson Jerry King Ross Perot Roger Soles Bill Wilkinson Chamber of Commerce: Annual Meeting |
Box 81 |
1971Chamber of Commerce: Board of Directors Chamber of Commerce: Bylaws Chamber of Commerce: Charter Commission Chamber of Commerce: Contact Club Chamber of Commerce: Drug Abuse Committee Chamber of Commerce: Dues and Finances Chamber of Commerce: European Tour Chamber of Commerce: Executive Committee |
Box 82 |
1971Chamber of Commerce: General Chamber of Commerce: Lease Chamber of Commerce: Liquor by the Drink Chamber of Commerce: Medical Center Study Committee Chamber of Commerce: Membership Committee Chamber of Commerce: Miscellaneous Committees Chamber of Commerce: Obscenity Committee Chamber of Commerce: Organization Structure |
Box 83 |
1971Chamber of Commerce: Program of Work Committee Chamber of Commerce: State Legislative Chamber of Commerce: University Research Park Chamber of Commerce: Directory in binder Charlotte Rehabilitation Hospital Board of Managers Billy Graham Day: General |
Box 84 |
Billy Graham Day, 1971-1975General, 1971 Photographs, 1971 Legal documents, 1971-1972 Trial clippings, 1975 |
Box 85 |
1972CBS Billy Graham Ross Perot Ross Perot Project (Items relate to an idea of Crutchfield's proposing a television program featuring Perot. This program did not materialize) Phase II Price Controls |
Box 86 |
1972Special Mailings Special Mailing: American Institute for Political Communication Special Mailing: Cincinnati Inquirer Editorial Union (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) Matter: Cameramen & Projectionists The White House: Meeting (Broadcasters), 22 June 1972 The White House: Miscellaneous |
Box 87 |
1973Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. Booth Towers (Salvation Army Project) CBS Chamber of Commerce (National) Charlotte Rehabilitation Hospital Congress |
Box 88 |
1973Editorials Senator Sam Ervin Billy Graham Heineman Foundation Honorary Doctorate: Appalachian State University Commencement Address Kiplinger Letters Lazo Documentary Eugene H. Methvin (Reader's Digest) John Mitchell National Association of Broadcasters New York Times Article re: Crutchfield Speech Ross Perot |
Box 89 |
1973-1974Price Controls Special Mailings "What Price Health" (NBC Documentary-American Medical Association) The White House Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. John Howard (Rockford College) Jefferson Pilot Broadcasting Company (JPBC): Donations |
Box 90 |
1974Miscellaneous |
Box 91 |
1974-1975Special Mailings Watergate The White House Acquisitions Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. Audience Correspondence Bicentennial Celebration, 20 May 1975 Black Advisory Board Burson & Marsteller (National Population Commission) CBS: Affiliates Advisory Board CBS: Arthur Taylor CBS: Executives Charlotte Ford Tractor Charles Harvey Crutchfield: General Consumer Protection Agency |
Box 92 |
1975Employee Inventory Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Fred Friendly Billy Graham Heineman Foundation Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company: Donations Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company: Foundation Kiplinger Letters Mario Lazo James B. McMillan Eugene Methvin |
Box 93 |
1975Minority Training Program National Association of Broadcasters Ned Nordness North Carolina Magazine: Charles Harvey Crutchfield Article, October 1975 Over-the-Counter Drug Advertising Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities within the United States United States Chamber of Commerce WBTV News WBTV Tall Tower The White House Tom Wicker ( New York Times Article & Correspondence) Joe Young |
Box 94 |
1976Acquisitions Beech Mountain & Lake Norman Properties Chamber of Commerce Update Luncheon (National) Ford Campaign Paul Harvey Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company: Capital Expenditures Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company: Miscellaneous Kiplinger Letters Minority Report |
Box 95 |
1976Miscellaneous Mobil Oil Mailing & Related Correspondence National Driving Center, 1972-1976 |
Box 96 |
1976-1977Special Mailings WBTV White House Correspondence Miscellaneous (Includes letters from Dick Cheney, then-assistant to President Gerald Ford. These letters are primarily routine correspondence, such as courtesy and thank-you letters) Acquisitions Association of Maximum Service Telecasters, Inc. The Briarhoppers CBS: Affiliates Advisory Board CBS: Economic Study Committee |
Box 97 |
1977CBS: Executives CBS: General Chamber of Commerce: National Chamber of Commerce: National Accrediting Board Congressmen and Senators (Includes routine letters from senators Edward Kennedy and Jesse Helms) Davidson Seminar Editorials Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Miscellaneous Fox, James F. |
Box 98 |
1977Billy Graham Billy Graham Matter (Correspondence and clippings relating to a 26 June 1977 article published by the Charlotte Observer alleging that Billy Graham had "carefully shielded from public view" information about the World Evangelism Fund, a trust separate from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Graham, and Crutchfield, asserted that this was not the case, and it was found that Graham mentioned the Fund in a taped interview given in 1971) Harvey, Paul Heineman Foundation Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company: Board Meeting |
Box 99 |
1977Jones, Jenkin Lloyd Kemper Open Kiplinger Letters Miscellaneous National Association of Broadcasters Nation's Business Newcomen Society Pfaelzer Brothers Research Richard Salant Correspondence, 1961-1977 (Two bound volumes of correspondence between Crutchfield and Salant, president of CBS News, in which they discuss, and often argue about, national and international events and issues as they occurred from 1961-1977) |
Box 100 |
1977-1978Special Mailings Speech: AP Meeting (Asheville) and Distinguished Citizens Award, 29 October 1977 Speeches: Miscellaneous Union (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) United States Chamber of Commerce The White House |
Arrangement: chronological
Following his retirement from the Jefferson-Pilot Broadcasting Company (now Jefferson-Pilot Communications Company), Crutchfield founded his own consulting company, Media Communications, Inc., which was devoted to broadcasting issues. Crutchfield was nominated to the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) in 1976 by President Gerald Ford and remained active with the CPB for several years. He also served as the chair of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications (APT), which was started by Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. in 1980. The files in this series are comprised chiefly of correspondence, reports, and clippings.
1977-1978Advisory Committee on Public Radio Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB): Charlotte Information Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB): Comments: National Telecommunications |
Box 101 |
Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 1978Employment and Employment Practices General Information Letters on WBTV Programming (Against) Letters on WBTV Programming (For) Magnuson 26 July letter and response National Black Media Coalition Cameron & Fellows, February-April Cameron & Fellows, May-August Public Radio Public TV: Confidential Public TV: General |
Box 102 |
Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 1978Questionnaire Radio Station Information Raleigh Remark Richmond Information Washington, 2 February 1978 WETA-TV Washington Drop-In |
Box 103 |
1978Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB): White House Appointment Miscellaneous Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB): White House Personal Data Statement and Follow Up Miscellaneous, 1972-1978 Kevin Murphy: Trailways National Association of Television Program Executives Award, 1978 Reference Materials |
Box 104 |
Clippings, 1970sArticles on a variety of subjects of interest to Crutchfield, many reflecting his political beliefs. |
Box 105 |
1970s-1979Clippings, 1970s Videotape Production Association, Inc. North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications Public Broadcasting: Cameron & Fellows Public Telecommunications Facilities Program Report to the President from the President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies |
Box 106 |
North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications (APT), 1980-1981Appalachian Regional Committee Application for Funds Board Meetings Budget Contracts Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Educational Exchange Electronic Town Hall Task Force Executive Committee General Assembly Action Grants National Telecommunications and Information Administration Public Radio Telephone Study Lee Wing (Executive Director of North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications (APT)) |
Box 107 |
North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications (APT), 1982-1984Appalachian Community Service Network Board Electronic Town Hall Task Force Health and Human Services National Association of Broadcasters Task Force on Public Broadcasting National Telecommunications and Information Administration North Carolina Department of Commerce Public Radio Advisory Committee Projects Public Telecommunications Facilities Program Teleconference Services Telephone Study Three-Year Report Committee UNC-TV Proposal Lee Wing |
Box 108 |
Bound transcript of Plaintiff General William C. Westmoreland's Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendant CBS's Motion to Dismiss and for Summary JudgementOn 23 January 1982, CBS aired a documentary entitled "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception" alleging that General William C. Westmoreland participated in a conspiracy to deceive the President, Congress, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the American public regarding the true size of the North Vietnamese Army. Westmoreland filed a $120 million libel suit against CBS in response. |
American ValuesAmerican Values is the name of a project created in 1965 that was intended to "select, pool, catalog, and disseminate the best of the advertising industry's public service...for the benefit of all Americans" in response to a perceived drop in morality and increase in crime, drug use, and presence of "filth" in America and American media. Crutchfield was the founding chair of the venture, which never quite materialized and was revisited in the mid-1970s and again in the early 1980s. These files consist of correspondence, clippings, and printed materials. |
Box 109 |
American Values |
Box 110 |
American Values |
Box 111 |
American Values |
Miscellaneous, 1990sPrimarily correspondence with professional associates, politicians, and Billy Graham relating to broadcasting and current events. Also included are selected letters and articles from previous years that were of particular importance to Crutchfield. |
Box 112 |
Miscellaneous, 1990s |
Box 113 |
Miscellaneous, 1990s |
Bound volume, "The History of WBT," 2000 |
Arrangement: by format.
Processing information: Note that original titles have, for the most part, been retained.
Audiocassettes primarily contain interviews with Charles Crutchfield and WBT programs prepared in honor of various anniversaries celebrated by the station. A number of video tapes are recordings of obituaries of and tributes to Charles Crutchfield. Films include "Weep for the Innocent," for which accompanying materials may be found in Series 1, Box 59 and Box 62, and footage of fired employees picketing WBT in the late 1940s (see Series 1, Box 3). These materials are, for the most part, undated, except where noted otherwise.