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Size | 2.5 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 1500 items) |
Abstract | Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban was born in Santiago de Cuba in 1796. He was a lawyer, judge, professor, orator, and eminent poet. Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban was Prudencio's brother and was born in Santiago de Cuba in 1812. He also studied law and, like his brother, received recognition for his writings, but in his case for political ones instead of poetry. The collection chiefly documents events in Cuba and Spain in the 19th century, a period of great intellectual and political upheaval. Included are poems, letters, clippings, and other materials written by or relating to Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. Also included are letters, legal documents, reports, pamphlets, leaflets, and other items pertaining to Prudencio's brother, Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, and letters, printed items, and family papers of members of Bernardo's family, including his sons, Prudencio de Hechavarria and Bernardo de Hechavarria, and to Enrique Ledesma, presumably his brother-in-law. There is also a poem by Spanish poet and politician Francisco Martinez de la Rosa. |
Creator | O'Gaban y Hechavarria, Prudencio, 1796-1846. |
Curatorial Unit | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Rare Book Literary and Historical Papers. |
Language | Spanish |
Processed by: Armando Suarez, February 2011
Encoded by: Armando Suarez, February 2011
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Clicking on a subject heading below will take you into the University Library's online catalog.
Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban was born in Santiago de Cuba in 1796. He was a lawyer, judge, professor, orator, and eminent poet. He attended the Real Colegio Seminario, where he studied under the Cuban social reformer and professor Felix Varela. In 1818, he received his doctorate in civil law from the University of San Carlos de la Habana. Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban held a number of influential judicial and administrative positions in Cuba and Spain and was honored in Madrid with the Cruz de Carlos III in 1827. At age 23, he wrote a satire published in La Havana, and later reprinted in Paris in 1828, where it was lauded by by the Spanish poet and politician Francisco Martinez de la Rosa, who referred to Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban as "Apolo de Cuba, el indiano que brillo a lo europeo (Apollo of Cuba, the indiano who shined in the European style)." Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban went on to contribute his poetry to a number of publications. He died in Cuba in 1846.
Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban was Prudencio's brother and was born in Santigo de Cuba in 1812. He also studied law, receiving his degree from the University of Seville, Spain. Returning to Cuba in 1936, he was appointed judge for property and inheritance. Like his brother, Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban was recognized for his writings, but it was political ones instead of poetry. He moved to Madrid, Spain, in 1847 and held a number of important judicial positions. Recognized for selfless dedication to public responsibilities, he was honored with the title of Marques de O'Gaban in 1858, and, in the following year, he was appointed Senator of the Realm. Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban died around 1878.
Back to TopThe collection contains poems, letters, clippings, and other materials by and relating to Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. The poems are written on various types of paper and in various formats, including individual leaves, single-sheet folios, small pieces of paper, amd sewn booklets.
There are materials by and relating to Prudencio's brother, Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, including correspondence, legal documents, reports, pamphlets, leaflets, and other items. There are also letters, printed items, and other documents relating to members of Bernardo's family, particularly his sons, Prudencio de Hechavarria and Bernardo de Hechavarria, and to Enrique Ledesma, presumably his brother-in-law.
Materials chiefly document events in Cuba and Spain in the 19th century, a period of great intellectual and political upheaval.
Back to TopArrangement: Items have been maintained, for the most part, in groupings as received by the repository.
Arrangement: Drafts are listed chronologically before newspapers and other printed items.
Chiefly poems in manuscript and printed form. The manuscript poems appear to be in the same handwriting and are written on various types of paper and in various formats, including individual leaves, single-sheet folios, small pieces of paper, and sewn booklets. There are also a number of newspapers and clippings containing poems and other writings.
Folder 1 |
Drafts, 1820s-1840sAbout 153 drafts, with a number of them written on small pieces of paper. There is also one printed leaf entitled, "A Fanny Elssler: La Noche de su Beneficio en el Gran Teatro de la Habana," with the subtitle crossed out in ink; four manuscript poems are attached to it. |
Folder 2 |
"Sancho Muecar," 1820s-1840sVarious drafts of poems, including a single-sheet folio containing five poems, "Mi fe," "El 4 de Julio," "Bunker-hil," "Bolivar y Washington," and "A la estatua de Washington," relating to a visit by Prudencio to the United States in 1843. |
Folder 3 |
"Mis tristezas," 1820s-1840sCollection of poems sewn in a booklet of 162 leaves. |
Folder 4 |
"Al Sor. Oidor D. Juan Bernardo O-Gavan," 18 March 1821Poem printed in leaflet entitled, "Miscelanea Liberal de Santiago de Cuba", number 15. |
Folder 5 |
"A la desgraciada Firsa," 1821-1830Collection of poems sewn in a booklet of 24 leaves (some blank). |
Folder 6 |
Untitled copy of poem sent to Francisco Martinez de la Rosa, Paris, 1827Copy of poem sent by Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban to the Spanish poet and politician Francisco Martinez de la Rosa. There is also the poem sent as a reply from Martinez de la Rosa, Paris, 20 December 1827. |
Folder 7 |
"A la grata memoria del Excmo e Ilustrisimo Sor Obispo de la Habana Don Juan Jose Diaz de Espada y Landa, fallecido en 13 del corriente Agosto," 1828-1845Collection of poems sewn in a booklet of 25 leaves. |
Folder 8 |
"Al feliz nacimiento del Principe de Asturias," 1830-1841Single-sheet folio folded around nine other poems. |
Folder 9 |
"Peregrinas fantasias de las Dona Celestina...!" 1830-1845Sewn booklet of poems containing numerous poems. 65 leaves. |
Folder 10 |
"La Selmira. Cancion," July 1831Single-sheet folio. |
Folder 11 |
"A la heroica Cristina en su cumpleanos," 1832-1843Single-sheet folio folded around seven other drafts of poems, including a clipping. |
Folder 12 |
"Al Cumpleanos de la Serenisima Princesa de Asturias Dona Isabel Luis," 9 October 1833One leaf. |
Folder 13 |
"Cancion," 1833One leaf. |
Folder 14 |
"A las zagalas de Aranjuez: Silvia, Laura y Filena," 4 April 1833Single-sheet folio signed "Celio," but the handwriting appears to be the same as in other poems. |
Folder 15 |
"El cinco de abril," 1833One leaf. |
Folder 16 |
"El Colibri," 1833-1845Printed poem on green paper from the "Diario," folded around nine drafts of poems. |
Folder 17 |
"El viaje de su Escelencia," 1835One leaf from Madrid, Spain, signed "Fioarito," with scribbles on the opposite side. |
Folder 18 |
"Himno del Turia," 1836Poem printed on one leaf from De Gimeno printer. |
Folder 19 |
"A Cristina: la heroica madre de Isabel Segunda en sus natales," 27 April 1841One leaf, Cuba. |
Folder 20 |
"Improvisacion en el Diorama la noche del 3 de julio de 1841, instalacion de las escuelas dominicales," 4 July 1841One leaf. |
Folder 21 |
"Ai, mamita...!" 30 June 1843Draft of poem written on one side of leaf beginning with the phrase, "Ai, mamita!"; the other side contains a draft of a letter written in French to "ma chere Lydie" and signed by Prudencio de Hechavarria. |
Folder 22 |
"Frai Crispin Maruga," 1843-1845Single-sheet folio folded around three other poems. |
Folder 23 |
"Maldito aquel que con la vil cizana...," 7 March 1844One leaf unevenly cut on one side. |
Folder 24 |
"El huracan del 5 de Octubre de 1844"Single-sheet folio. |
Folder 25 |
"Mis tristezas" and "Mis contentos," 13 January 1845Sewn booklet of 22 leaves, divided in two sections entitled, "Mis tristezas" and "Mis contentos," containing numerous poems. |
Folder 26 |
"A Malvina," undatedPoem written on a small piece of parchment. |
Folder 27 |
"Poesias," undatedCollection of poems sewn in a booklet of 22 leaves. |
Folder 28 |
"Al Estatuto Real," undatedPoem printed on a yellow single-sheet folio. |
Folder 29 |
"A la Senora Condesa de Merlin en su regreso a su patria," undatedPoem printed on torn leaf with section of the title scratched out. |
Folder 30 |
"Al Estatuto Real," undatedThree leaves total, consisting of a single-sheet folio plus a separate leaf. |
Folder 31 |
Drafts, undatedDrafts of poems, 48 items, chiefly in loose leaves. |
Folder 32 |
Newspapers and other printed materials, 1819-1821Newspapers, Diario Liberal y de Variedades de la Habana, with the poem, "La apuesta del beso"; Noticioso. Diario del Comercio, with the poem, "Al steamboat o barco de vapor"; and El Indicador Constitucional, with a letter to the editor of La Minerva. Other printed items are a leaflet entitled, La Lira de Apolo, with the poem, "La lira victoriosa," and a small single-sheet folio with the poem, "A la sensible muerte." |
Oversize Paper Folder OPF-12018/2 |
Newspapers and clippings, 1819-1844Newspapers, Diario del gobierno de la Habana, with the poem, "Silva," 30 May 1819; Diario del gobierno constitucional de la Habana, with the poem, "A la memoria del Escmo. Sr. D. Nicolas Mahy"; El Observador de Ultramar, from Madrid, Spain, with the poem, "A la Reina Isabel en su mayoria," 1 March 1844; Diario de la Habana, with the poem, "Al Escelentisimo Senor D. Claudio Martinez de Pinillos"; and four clippings with other poems. |
Oversize Paper Folder OPF-12018/4 |
Newspapers, 1828-1831Newspapers, Diario de la Habana, and Correo de Trinidad, containing poems, "Los Mendigos," and "Al Rey Nuestro Senor; En sus Dias," respectively. The other newspaper, Gaceta Del Gobierno de Puerto Principe, mentions and praises an oration by Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. |
Oversize Paper Folder OPF-12018/3 |
Diario de la Habana: newspaper, 9 February 1830Newspaper contains the poem, "A Cristina, Reina de Espana." |
Folder 33 |
Clippings, 1834-1844Printed poems and other writtings by Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. Poems include, "A la Reina Cristina en sus dias," "Los mendigos," "A las cenizas del Escm. Sr. D. Juan Montalvo y O'Farill," and "A Isabel Segunda en su proclamacion." |
Letters to and from family members and other individuals. There are also various newspapers, clippings, and other items.
Folder 34 |
Letters by Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, 1843-1845Includes a letter from 1843 entitled, "Ultimas palabras," addressed to "Juanita," and a letter dated 1844 concerning his marriage. |
Folder 35 |
Drafts of letters and speeches by Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, 1830-1836 |
Folder 36 |
Letter, 23 April 1841Letter appears to be in the handwriting of Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, Havana, Cuba. |
Folder 37 |
Letters, 1841, 1845One letter addressed to Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban from Francisco Mas, written in 1841, and another written in 1845 by Prudencio to Juan Gualberto Gonsales. Both letters pertain to literary matters. |
Folder 38 |
"Testimonio," 1826-1827Sewn booklet certifying the lineage of Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, 69 leaves. |
Folder 39 |
Elegy for Manuel de Echeverria y Penalver, 3 September 1845 |
Folder 40 |
Elegy for Nicolas Manuel de EscovedoDraft of an elegy signed by Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban for Nicolas Manuel de Escovedo, one leaf. |
Folder 41 |
Engraved coat of arms of Hechavarria y O'Gaban |
Folder 42 |
"Al publico," 30 March 1823Printed broadside by Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. One leaf printed in Havana, Cuba. |
Folder 43 |
"Alocucion," 29 July 1834Printed broadside by Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. One leaf printed in Cuba by La Real Sociedad Economica. |
Oversize Paper Folder OPF-12018/1 |
La Abeja,, 1835Newspaper printed in Madrid, Spain, containing an article about Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. The article is located in pages 3-4 and is circled in ink. |
Folder 44 |
"Reclamaciones del diputado a Cortes por la provincia de Cuba sobre la aprobacion o desaprobacion de sus poderes," 1837One leaf printed in Madrid, Spain. |
Folder 45 |
Tributo Funebre a la memoria del Senor Doctor Don Prudencio de Hechavarria I O'Gavan, 1846Funeral tribute booklet printed in Havana, Cuba, in memory of Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. |
Arrangement: Items have been maintained, for the most part, in groupings as received by the repository.
Materials relating to Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, the brother of Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. Note that Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban is also referred to as Marques de O'Gaban among family members and other individuals.
Materials relating to Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, including legal documents, reports, pamphlets, leaflets, and other items.
Folder 59 |
"Adicion al redactor de Santigo de Cuba," 30 January 1834Broadside written by Jose Santos de la Hera calling for the loyalty of Cubans to the Queen of Spain, Dona Isabel II. |
Folder 60 |
"Relacion de los meritos y servicios de Don Bernardo de Hechavarria y O-Gavan," 24 September 1835Leaflet printed in Madrid, Spain. |
Folder 61 |
"Extracto de los meritos y servicios de Don Luis Quirino de Hechavarria y Aguero...," 9 January 1839Leaflet printed in Madrid, Spain, acknowledging Luis Quirino de Hechavarria y Aguero, an uncle of Prudencio and Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, for his services and accomplishments as a lawyer and honorary minister in Puerto Rico. |
Folder 62 |
"1841" report, 31 August 1841Report signed by Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban concerning slavery in Cuba. |
Folder 63 |
Legal documents, 1847Three documents containing stamps from "R. Colegio de Escribanos de la Habana." |
Folder 64 |
Printed certificate, 4 May 1855Certificate from Aranjuez, Spain, naming Bernardo de Echevarria, Marques de O'Gaban, with the title of "Caballero de la Orden del Santo Sepulcro." |
Folder 65 |
"Al Congreso de Sres. Diputados," 4 May 1858Leaflet printed in Madrid, Spain, relating to a proposed project regarding the concession of a railroad line in northern Spain. |
Folder 66 |
Legal materials, circa 1859Materials relating to the case of General Jose de la Concha. The manuscript legal document is sewn together with a print publication from New York entitled, Causa seguida en la Habana al Senor Don Miguel de Embil, por denuncia del Gral. Exmo. Don Jose de la Concha; comprendiendo las tres sentencias a favor de Embil, y otros documentos referentes. |
Folder 67 |
Biografia del Excmo. Senor D. Juan Bernardo de O'Gaban, auditor de la Rota Romana y Dean de la Santa Iglesia Catedral del Habana, 1863Publication concerning D. Juan Bernardo de O'Gaban, an uncle of Prudencio and Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, printed in Madrid, Spain. |
Folder 68 |
Reports by Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, 1866-1867Reports are addressed to Alejandro Castro, Ministro de Ultramar. The first report, 22 December 1866, concerns slavery; the second report, 17 January 1867, concerns the economics of the Antilles; and third report, 14 March 1867, concerns colonial political organization. The three reports are sewn individually in booklets. |
Folder 69 |
Drafts of reports by Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, 1866-1867Drafts of the three reports addressed to Alejandro Castro, Ministro de Ultramar. |
Folder 70 |
La esclavitud politica a que las provincias de Ultramar fueron condenadas por el gobierno y las cortes constituyentes en 1837, fue un acto anticonstitucional y nulo, 1866Pamphlet written by Jose Antonio Saco. |
Folder 71 |
"Alcaldes Ordinarios y Sindicos Procuradores," undatedManuscript containing the list of individuals who held certain political positions in Havana, 1701-1847. Bernardo de Hechavarria is listed as "Sindico" for the years 1833-1834. |
Folder 72 |
Legal documents, undatedPrinted legal documents regarding an inheritance case concerning D. Agustin Valdes y Arostegui. |
Folder 73 |
"Administracion de Ultramar," undatedManuscript notes written, apparently by Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban, on the back of a printed graduation invitation. |
Arrangement: Items have been maintained, for the most part, in groupings as received by the repository.
Materials in this series cheilfy post-date Prudencio de Hechavarria y O'Gaban and possibly his brother, Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban.
Chiefly letters addressed to Prudencio de Hechavarria (son of Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban) from family members and other individuals. Also included is correspondence between Enrique Ledesma, presumably Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban's brother-in-law, and family members and other individuals.
Folder 74 |
Letters to Prudencio de Hechavarria from Francisco de Armas, 1874-1875Chiefly regarding family matters, including what appears to be the death of Prudencio de Hechavarria's brother, Juan Bernardo de Hechavarria. |
Folder 75 |
Letters to Prudencio de Hechavarria from Maria de la Concepcion, Santiago de Cuba, 1878-1880 |
Folder 76 |
Letters to Prudencio de Hechavarria from Rafael Tamayo, 1879-1880 |
Folder 77 |
Letters to Prudencio de Hechavarria from his cousin, Prudencio Hechavarria de Salazar, 1879-1884Included is a letter addressed to Felicia Hechavarria. |
Folder 78 |
Letters to Prudencio de Hechavarria from Dolores, widow of Jose Camilo Hechavarria, 1879-1880 |
Folder 79 |
Letters to Prudencio de Hechavarria from Manuel Toledo, 1879 |
Folder 80 |
Letters to Prudencio de Hechavarria from his brother, Bernardo de Hechavarria, 1879-1880 |
Folder 81 |
Letter to Prudencio de Hechavarria from J. Bueno, 5 March 1879 |
Folder 82 |
Letter to Prudencio de Hechavarria from the "Real Sociedad Economica de la Habana," 3 May 1879 |
Folder 83 |
Letters to Prudencio de Hechavarria and Felicia from Maria de la Concepcion, 1880Maria de la Concepcion seems to have been the aunt of Prudencio de Hechavarria and Felicia. The letters addressed to Felicia chiefly concern the death of Prudencio de Hechavarria. |
Folder 84 |
Letter from Bernardo de Hechavarria to Anita and Felicia, 21 March 1880The letter refers to the recent death of his brother, Prudencio de Hechavarria. |
Folder 85 |
Correspondence of Enrique Ledesma and his wife Felicia with family members and other individuals, 1884-1889Enrique Ledesma inherited the title of Marques de O'Gaban from Prudencio de Hechavarria, who had inherited the title from his father, Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. Topics of the correspondence include family, legal, and other matters. Some letters are addressed to Ledesma's wife Felicia, who apparently was Prudencio de Hechavarria's sister, and is referred to as the Marquesa de O'Gaban. |
Folder 86 |
Letter to Enrique Ledesma y Navajaz, 24 February 1888Letter addressed to Excmo. Sr. D. Enrique Ledesma y Navajaz, from the "Alcaldia Constitucional, Talavera de la Reina," Madrid, Spain. |
Folder 87 |
Printed form letter, 23 December 1899Letter concerns the establishment of a mercantile partnership called Bori, Battle y Ca. |
Miscellaneous family papers and documents, newspapers, leaflets, and other printed items.
Folder 88 |
Miscellaneous family papers and other documents, 1830s-1890sLetters, legal documents, notes, invoices, invitations, and other papers. One of the documents is a copy of the title of Marques de O'Gaban granted to Don Bernardo de Hechavarria y O'Gaban. |
Folder 89 |
Legal document, 1876Document detailing the property of Dona Genoveva Diaz de Hechavarria from the Distrito Municipal de Santiago de Cuba, printed on green paper and completed in manuscript. |
Folder 90 |
Document, 1879Document from Francisco Moralez Lopez, General Secretary of the Real Sociedad Economica de la Habana. |
Oversize Paper Folder OPF-12018/5 |
Boletin Oficial, 29 November 1888Newspaper printed in Logrono, Spain, containing an article from the Provincial Commission of the Universal Exposition of Barcelona regarding its success. The newspaper appears to have been sent to Enrique Ledesma, as he seems to have been involved in some capacity with the exposition. |
Folder 91 |
"A sus leales habitantes," 31 December 1897Broadside written by Enrique Madrona Marques regarding his political position as municipal magistrate and his encouragement to the people during the Cuban war of independence. |
Folder 92 |
"A las mujeres espanolas. Gloria a los muertos," February 1903Written by Cesar Cervera Cerezuela, and printed in Madrid, Spain, the text calls on Spanish women to honor the numerous individuals who perished in the Spanish colonial wars. |
Folder 93 |
"Monumento nacional a los soldados y marinos muertos en la campanas de Cuba y Filipinas," undatedLeaflet printed in Madrid, Spain, about honoring Spanish soldiers who perished in the colonial wars of Cuba and the Philippines. |
Box 4-5
Box 4Box 5 |
Red book-shaped casesTwo red solander boxes labeled "Cuba," in which the materials in this collection had previously been stored. |