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Collection Number: 20053

Collection Title: Philis Alvic Collection, 1991-1998

This collection has access restrictions. For details, please see the restrictions.

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in our reading room, and not digitally available through the World Wide Web. See the Duplication Policy section for more information.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Collection Overview

Size 2.0 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 190 items)
Abstract Philis Alvic is an artist/weaver and writer who maintains a studio in Lexington, Ky. She weaves wall hangings using complex weave structures. Her textiles have been shown at more than 100 exhibits throughout the United States. The collection consists of documentation of early weaving in the Southern Highlands in Gatlinburg, Tenn., and around Penland, N.C.; the beginnings of the Penland School of Crafts (formerly Penland School of Handicrafts); and the weaving room at Crossnore School, Inc., in Crossnore, N.C. Materials include audio cassettes, documents, and photographic slides, most developed by Alvic with grant support from the North Carolina Arts Council and the North Carolina Humanities Council. Audiocassettes contain oral history interviews with weavers, their friends and relatives, and other people connected with the early years of the Penland School. Documents include pamphlets on the history of weaving in the Southern Highlands and other materials. Photographic slides include images of interior and exterior shots of the Penland School, portraits of weavers, slides of crafts, and slides of historic Penland photographs.
Creator Alvic, Philis.
Curatorial Unit Southern Folklife Collection
Language English.
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Information For Users

Restrictions to Access
Use of audio or moving image materials may require production of listening or viewing copies.
Restrictions to Use
No usage restrictions.
Copyright Notice
Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these Collection, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], in the Philis Alvic Collection (#20053), Southern Folklife Collection, Wilson Special Collections Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Received from Philis Alvic of Murray, Ky., 11 June 1993.
Sensitive Materials Statement
Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. § 132 1 et seq.), and Article 7 of the North Carolina State Personnel Act (Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records, N.C.G.S. § 126-22 et seq.). Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assumes no responsibility.
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subject Headings

The following terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings suggest topics, persons, geography, etc. interspersed through the entire collection; the terms do not usually represent discrete and easily identifiable portions of the collection--such as folders or items.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Biographical Information

Philis Alvic is an artist/weaver and writer who maintains a studio in Lexington, Ky. She weaves wall hangings using complex weave structures. Alvic received her Bachelors of Art degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1964. In the early 1970s, she began graduate study in textiles at Winthrop College. Her textiles have been shown at more than 100 exhibits throughout the United States.

In addition to presenting workshops and serving as a juror of crafts, she has written about weaving and her experience as an artist in national journals and magazines. She is the author of pamphlets on weaving: Weavers of the Southern Highlands: The Early Years in Gatlinburg (1991), Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland (1992), and The Weaving Room of Crossnore School, Inc. (1998).

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Scope and Content

The Philis Alvic collection consists of documentation of early weaving in the Southern Highlands in Gatlinburg, Tenn., and around Penland, N.C., the beginnings of the the Penland School of Crafts (formerly Penland School of Handicrafts), and the weaving room at Crossnore School, Inc. in Crossnore, N.C.. Materials include audio cassettes, documents, and photographic slides, most developed by Alvic with grant support from the North Carolina Arts Council and the North Carolina Humanities Council.

Audiocassettes contain oral history interviews with weavers, their friends and relatives, and other people connected with the early years of the Penland School. Also included are recordings of two public programs and a radio show.

Documents include pamphlets on the history of weaving in the Southern Highlands, particularly in Gatlinburg, Tenn.; around Penland, N.C.; at the Penland School; and at the Crossnore School, Inc. Also included is an annotated bibliography; a list of public programs; Alvic's grant applications to the North Carolina Arts Council and the North Carolina Humanities Council; a printed program; scripts for a presentation and a radio show; and a timeline of the history of weaving at Penland.

Photographic slides consist of 147 images, including interior and exterior shots of the Penland School, portraits of weavers, slides of crafts, and slides of historic Penland photographs.

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Contents list

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series Quick Links

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 1. Audiocassettes, 1992-1993.

33 items.

Arrangement: original order has been maintained.

Audiocassettes contain oral history interviews with weavers, their friends and relatives, and other people connected with the early years of the Penland School of Crafts (formerly Penland School of Handicrafts). Also included are recordings of two public programs and a radio show.

Field notes, including a list of interviewees and logs to tapes FS-20053/1098 to FS-20053/1127, reside in Folders 130 and 131 within the Southern Folklife Collection Field Notes Collection (#30025).

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1098

Interview with Katharine Califf. 15 July 1993: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1099

Interview with Katharine Califf. 15 July 1993: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1100

Interview with Kat Conley. 26 July 1992

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1101

Interview with Theresa Conley. 14 July 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1102

Interview with Theresa Conley. 14 July 1992: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1103

Interview with William Ford. 21 July 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1104

Interview with William Ford. 21 July 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1105

Interview with Mae Fortner and J. G. Fortner. 12 July 1992 and 13 July 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1106

Interview with Mae Fortner and J. G. Fortner. 13 July 1992: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1107

Interview with Alice Green. 16 July 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1108

Interview with Alice Green. 16 July 1992: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1109

Interview with Sally Keslar. 25 August 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1110

Interview with Sally Keslar. 25 August 1992: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1111

Interview with Susan Leveille. 24 August 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1112

Interview with Susan Leveille. 24 August 1992: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1113

Interview with Douglas Young and Carolyn Young. 16 June 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1114

Interview with Douglas Young and Carolyn Young. 16 June 1992: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1115

Interview with Jessie McKinney. 17 June 1992: tape 1 of 3

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1116

Interview with Jessie McKinney. 17 June 1992: tape 2 of 3

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1117

Interview with Jessie McKinney. 17 June 1992: tape 3 of 3

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1118

Interview with Betty Morgan. 7 July 1992

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1119

Interview with Ralph Morgan: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1120

Interview with Ralph Morgan: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1121

Interview with Flossie Perisho. 14 June 1992

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1122

Interview with Maggie Robinson. 12 July 1992

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1123

Interview with Katherine Styles, Doug Long, and Carolyn Long. 16 June 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1124

Interview with Katherine Styles, Doug Long , and Carolyn Long. 16 June 1992: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1125

Interview with Estella Young. 23 July 1993

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1126

Interview with Louise Morgan. Webster, N.C. 24 October 1992: tape 1 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1127

Interview with Louise Morgan. Webster, N.C. 24 October 1992: tape 2 of 2

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1128

Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland School

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1129

Penland Program with Douglas DeNatale, Gail Matthews , and Philis Alvic, presented 27 October 1992 at Penland School

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20053/1130

Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland radio program written and produced by Anita Buggat WKMS-FM, Murray, Ky., from tapes and information supplied by Philis Alvic

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 2. Documents, 1991-1998.

11 items.

Arrangement: alphabetical.

Documents include pamphlets on the history of weaving in the Southern Highlands, particularly in Gatlinburg, Tenn.; around Penland, N.C.; at the Penland School of Crafts (formerly Penland School of Handicrafts); and at the Crossnore School, Inc., in Crossnore, N.C. Also included is an annotated bibliography; a list of public programs; Alvic's grant applications to the North Carolina Arts Council and the North Carolina Humanities Council; a printed program; scripts for a presentation and a radio show; and a timeline of the history of weaving at Penland.

Folder 1

Annotated bibliography: "Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland." 1992.

Folder 2

Pamphlet: "Weavers of the Southern Highlands: The Early Years in Gatlinburg" by Philis Alvic. 1991.

Folder 3

Pamphlet: "Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland" by Philis Alvic. 1992.

Folder 4

Pamphlet: "The Weaving Room of Crossnore School, Inc." by Philis Alvic. 1998.

Folder 5

List of public programs presented under the North Carolina Humanities Council grant.

Folder 6

Grant application: North Carolina Humanities Council. 1991.

Folder 7

Grant application: North Carolina Arts Council. 1992.

Folder 8

Program: Penland program with Douglas DeNatale, Gail Matthews , and Philis Alvic, presented 27 October 1992 at Penland School.

Folder 9

Script: "Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland," slide/tape presentation.

Folder 10

Script: "Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland," radio program written and produced by Anita Bugg at WKMS-FM, Murry Ky., from tapes and information supplied by Philis Alvic.

Folder 11

Time line: Major events in the history of weaving at Penland. June 1992.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 3. Photographic Slides.

147 items.

Arrangement: original order has been maintained.

Photographic slides consist of 147 images, including interior and exterior shots of the Penland School of Crafts (formerly Penland School of Handicrafts), portraits of weavers, slides of crafts, and slides of historic Penland photographs. Included are slides from a "Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland" slide/tape presentation.

Folder 12

Penland slides 1-67 and key.

Folder 13

"Weavers of the Southern Highlands: Penland." Slides 1-80.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Items Separated

Audio cassettes (FS-20053/1098-1130) and logs (FS-20053/1098-1127) have been separated.

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