Size | 7.5 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 3000 items) |
Abstract | The collection of white folklorist, ethnomusicologist, and book editor Judith McCulloh (1935-2014) contains correspondence, printed items, research files, a book manuscript, writings by McCulloh and others including folklorist D.K. Wilgus (1918-1989), draft television scripts, and lyric sheets and sheet music for ballads and spirituals. The majority of the correspondence is with folklorists and authors and pertains to McCulloh's editorial work at the University of Illinois Press and to her graduate studies in folklore at Indiana University. Printed items include newspaper clippings; newsletters from organizations such as the American Old Time Fiddlers Association; promotional materials for books, especially Stars of Country Music: Uncle Dave Macon to Johnny Rodriguez; reprints of scholarly articles about folk, country, bluegrass, blues, and popular music; flyers promoting music events at the Ash Grove, a night club in Los Angeles, Calif., and items about the Campus Folksong Club at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Research materials are related to McCulloh's 1970 Ph.D. dissertation titled "In the Pines": The Melodic-Textual Identity of an American Lyric Folksong Cluster. The book manuscript "Music from the Catskills The Camp Woodland Collection" was edited by composers Norman Cazden, Norman Studer, and Herbert Haufrecht and published in 1982 as Folk Songs of the Catskills. The drafts of television scripts are for the series "America's Appalachia" produced by WSWP-TV, a public radio and television station broadcasting in West Virginia. |
Creator | McCulloh, Judith, 1935-2014. |
Curatorial Unit | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Folklife Collection. |
Language | English |
This summary description was created in February 2019 to provide information about unprocessed materials in Wilson Special Collections Library.
Encoded by: Laura Smith
Processed by Nicole Cvjetnicanin, April 2019
Since August 2017, we have added ethnic identities for individuals and families represented in collections. To determine ethnic identity, we rely on self-identification; other information supplied to the repository by collection creators or sources; public records, press accounts, and secondary sources; and contextual information in the collection materials. Omissions of ethnic identities in finding aids created or updated after August 2017 are an indication of insufficient information to make an educated guess or an individual’s preference for ethnicity to be excluded from description. When we have misidentified, please let us know at
Back to TopFolklorist and ethnomusicologist, Judith McCulloh (1935-2014) from Spring Valley, Ill., was an editor at the University of Illinois Press in Urbana-Champaign, Ill., from the 1970s to the early 2000s. She edited the Music in American Life series and served as president of the American Folklore Society. McCulloh received her Ph.D., in 1970 from Indiana University's Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology.
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Miscellaneous papers |