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Size | 10 items |
Abstract | The collection contains audio cassette tapes that are likely copies of recordings made in the 1980s of Piedmont blues musicians from North Carolina and Virginia performing in their homes, in the studio, and at music venues including the Festival for the Eno in Durham, N.C. Piedmont blues is noted for fast finger picking on guitar with alternating bass lines and a ragtime feel. Musicians featured on the recordings include Big Boy Henry, John Tinsley, Thomas Burt, Chris Turner, and Lightnin' Wells. Also included are field notes about the recordings and a printout from a database with a listing of 45 rpm records produced in North Carolina. Information about the collector David Camp was not available with the collection materials. Acquired as part of the Southern Folklife Collection. |
Creator | Camp, David. |
Curatorial Unit | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Folklife Collection. |
Language | English |
This summary description was created in January 2019 to provide information about unprocessed materials in Wilson Special Collections Library.
Encoded by: Laura Smith
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Richard Leslie Henry (1921-2004), known as Big Boy Henry, was a blues singer, songwriter and guitarist from the coast of North Carolina. He is best known for his 1983 protest song "Mr. President" about cuts to social welfare programs during Ronald Reagan's administration.
John E. Tinsley (1920-1999) of Chestnut Mountain, Va., was a blues guitarist.
Thomas Burt was born in Raleigh, N.C., in 1900 and became a prominent performer in the blues music scene of Durham, N.C., during the 1940s.
Chris Turner (1950-) of London England is a harmonica player based in the United States.
Michael Wells (1952-) known as Lightnin' Wells is a North Carolina based-blues guitarist and singer.
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