Timeline extended for launch of Wilson Library facilities work.

Collection Number: 20546

Collection Title: Pete Kuykendall Collection, 1938-1995

This collection has access restrictions. For details, please see the restrictions.

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in our reading room, and not digitally available through the World Wide Web. See the Duplication Policy section for more information.

Archival processing of the Pete Kuykendall Collection was made possible through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Collection Overview

Size 2 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 1000 items)
Abstract The Pete Kuykendall Collection consists of audio recordings, moving images, and related documentation compiled by musician, discographer, and Bluegrass Unlimited co-founder, Pete Kuykendall. The majority of the collection is made up of audio recordings, 1938-1995, of American bluegrass, blues, old-time, and folk music. Artists featured on the recordings include Pete Kuykendall, Red Allen, Bill Clifton, Country Gentlemen, Hazel Dickens, Dorsey Dixon, Alice Gerrard, Poplin Family, and The Stanley Brothers, among others. The collection also contains a handful of moving image material, 1964-1970, featuring bluegrass and blues artists, including Elizabeth Cotten, Mississippi John Hurt, The Stanley Brothers, and Cousin Emmy. Related documentation consists of tape logs, song indexes, and subject files, which consist mostly of discographies and correspondence.
Creator Kuykendall, Pete.
Curatorial Unit University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Folklife Collection.
Language English
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Information For Users

Restrictions to Access
Use of audio or moving image materials may require production of listening or viewing copies.
Access to streaming audio or moving image materials may be restricted to researchers who can authenticate with an ONYEN or who are physically present on campus. For further information about access to streaming audiovisual materials, contact Research and Instructional Services staff at Wilsonlibrary@unc.edu
Restrictions to Use
No usage restrictions.
Copyright Notice
Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], in the Pete Kuykendall Collection #20546, Southern Folklife Collection, Wilson Special Collections Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Acquisitions Information
Received from Pete Kuykendall in June 2017 (Acc. 103099).
Sensitive Materials Statement
Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. § 132 1 et seq.), and Article 7 of the North Carolina State Personnel Act (Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records, N.C.G.S. § 126-22 et seq.). Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assumes no responsibility.
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Processing Information

Processed by: Brad San Martin and Anne Wells, January 2018

Encoded by: Anne Wells, January 2018

Archival processing of the Pete Kuykendall Collection was made possible through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subject Headings

The following terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings suggest topics, persons, geography, etc. interspersed through the entire collection; the terms do not usually represent discrete and easily identifiable portions of the collection--such as folders or items.

Clicking on a subject heading below will take you into the University Library's online catalog.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Biographical Information

Pete Kuykendall (1938-2017), also known as Pete Roberts, was a banjoist, guitarist, songwriter, discographer, and music publisher, who co-founded the leading bluegrass music publication, Bluegrass Unlimited. Kuykendall's music career began in the early 1950s, playing banjo with the husband and wife duo, Benny and Vallie Cain. In the late 1950s, Kuykendall briefly played with the bluegrass band, The Country Gentlemen, and appeared on some of their earliest recordings for Starday Records. Kuykendall is also known as a discographer of bluegrass music and as a music publisher. In the 1960s he recorded country blues men Mississippi John Hurt, Skip James, and the Rev. Robert Wilkins for the record labels Melodeon and Piedmont. In 1966 he co-founded the publication, Bluegrass Unlimited, with Gary Henderson, Dick Freeland, Dick Spottswood, and volunteers Dianne and Vince Sims. Kuykendall was also instrumental in the formation of the International Bluegrass Music Association and the International Bluegrass Music Museum, and in 1996, was inducted into the International Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Scope and Content

The Pete Kuykendall Collection consists of audio recordings, moving images, and related documentation compiled by musician, discographer, and Bluegrass Unlimited co-founder, Pete Kuykendall. The majority of the collection is made up of audio recordings, 1938-1995, of American bluegrass, blues, old-time, and folk music. Audio recordings are arranged by format.

Open reel recordings, 1938-1995, consist of Kuykendall's demos and masters, as well as his dubs and compilations of live recordings, radio broadcasts, and commercial recordings. The majority of the open reel recordings is made up of Kuykendall's "Central Series", which contains live material, dubs of commercial recordings, and informal home recordings. Miscellaneous open reel recordings consist of live material, studio recordings, radio broadcasts, and interview material that were not part of Kuykendall's original numbering scheme.

Transcription discs, 1956-1985, consist of radio broadcast material compiled by Kuykendall. The majority of the radio programs were produced by the U.S. Airforce, U.S. Army, and U.S. Navy, including Country Music Time, Country Style, USA, and Navy Country Hoedown. Other programs on the transcription discs include The George Hamilton IV Show and The World of Folk Music Starring Burl Ives, which was produced by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Instantaneous discs, 1950-1958, consist of dubs of radio broadcasts and live material compiled by Pete Kuykendall.

78s, 1952, consist of non-commercial reference pressings on 78, as well as the corresponding metal stampers used to create the 78s. The majority of the 78s feature the Stanley Brothers. Others artists represented include Pee Wee Lambert and Curley Parker with the Pine Ridge Boys.

Audiocassettes, 1968-1995, consist of interviews with bluegrass performers, songwriters, and instrument builders, as well as multi-cassette boxed sets of recorded panels and presentations from music industry events.

Moving image material, 1964-1970, consists of television broadcasts related to American bluegrass, blues, and folk music. Moving image materials are on 2" open reel video and 16mm motion picture film. Video recordings contain television broadcast material, including episodes of Rainbow Quest with guests Elizabeth Cotten, Mississippi John Hurt, Stanley Brothers, and Cousin Emmy, as well as an episode of Music From Our Land, and an excerpt from the 1969 Smoky Mountain Folk Festival. Moving image materials also include a silent motion picture film featuring blues musician, Mississippi John Hurt.

Documentation consists of tape logs, song indexes, and subject files, which consist mostly of discographies and correspondence with record distributors. The majority of the documentation corresponds to the audio recordings found in the collection.

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Contents list

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series Quick Links

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 1. Audio Recordings, 1938-1995.

583 items.

Arrangement: By format.

Processing information: Titles and descriptions compiled from SFC database. Original number, track number, and supporting musicians listed if known. Supporting documentation that corresponds to the audio recordings is located in series 3.

Audio recordings of American bluegrass, blues, old-time, and folk music. Included are demos, masters, interviews, and non-commercial reference pressings, as well as dubs and compilations of live recordings, radio broadcasts, and commercial recordings compiled by Kuykendall. Audio recordings are on 1/4" open reel audio, transcription disc, instantaneous disc, 78, and audiocassette.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.1 Open Reel Audio, 1938-1995.

425 items.

Open reel recordings consist of Kuykendall's demos and masters, as well as his dubs and compilations of live recordings, radio broadcasts, and commercial recordings. Artists featured on the demos and masters include Pete Kuykendall, Red Allen, Bill Clifton, Country Gentlemen, Hazel Dickens, Dorsey Dixon, Alice Gerrard, Poplin Family, and The Stanley Brothers, among others. The majority of the series consists of Kuykendall's "Central Series", which contains live material, dubs of commercial recordings, and informal home recordings. Miscellaneous open reel recordings consist of live material, studio recordings, radio broadcasts, and interview material that were not part of Kuykendall's original numbering scheme.

Live recordings found in the series took place at the following venues: The Ash Grove in Los Angeles, Calif.; Bailey's Crossroads in Falls Church, Va.; Bean Blossom Bluegrass Festival in Bean Blossom, Ind.; Central Plaza Hall in New York, N.Y.; Hillbilly Ranch in Boston, Mass.; Indian Springs Bluegrass Festival in Hagerstown, Md.; Melody Ranch in Glen Burnie, Md.; New River Ranch in Rising Sun, Md.; Norway Hall in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Oak Leaf Park in Luray, Va.; Polish National Hall in Hempstead, N.Y; Redman's Club in Red Lion, Pa.; The Saddle Club in Los Angeles, Calif.; The Shamrock in Falls Church, Va.; Shenandoah Valley Bowl in Edinburg, Va.; Silver Creek Ranch near Front Royal, Va.; Sons of Norway Hall in Brooklyn, N.Y.; Sunset Park in West Grove, Pa.; and Watermelon Park in Berryville, Va.

Radio broadcasts found in the series were recorded from the following stations: WBMD of Baltimore, Md.; WCYB of Bristol, Va.; WFBR of Glen Burnie, Md.; WHRB of Cambridge, Mass.; WNOX of Knoxville, Tenn.; WRVA of Richmond, Va.; WSM of Nashville, Tenn.; and WWVA of Wheeling Va.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.1.1 Demos, 1971 and undated.

19 items.

Arrangement: Original order has been maintained.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/1

Pete Roberts Kuykendall, multiple recordings

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D1

19 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/2

Skip James and John D. Loudermilk at the Memphis Blues Festival, Reverend Robert Wilkins, Echo Mountain Boys, Memphis, Tenn., 1969

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D2

Loudermilk material recorded Summer 1969 (NET 'Sounds of Summer' program). Also includes Canadian Folksinger from Saskatoon from Johnny Cash recorded 16 March 1969 (NET PBL show)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/3

Pete Roberts Kuykendall

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D3

17 tracks written by Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/4

Pete Roberts Kuykendall, multiple recordings

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D4

23 tracks. Pete Roberts Kuykendall on all instruments and singing.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/5

Pete Roberts Kuykendall, multiple recordings

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D5

19 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/6

Tracy Schwarz, Hazel Dickens, Alice Gerrard, and Mike Seeger, 1971

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D6

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/7

Zap Song, demos

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D7

Likely material from Dick Freeland's Zap publishing company. Performers include: Bennie and Vallie Cain, Buzz Busby, Bill Offenbacher, and Pete Pike

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/8

Don McHan, demos, Bryson City, N.C.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D9

16 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/9

Don McHan, demos, Bryson City, N.C.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D9A

30 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/10

Don McHan, "newer numbers" demos, Bryson City, N.C.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D10

23 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/11

Dorsey Dixon, demos

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D12

24 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/12

Dorsey Dixon, demos

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D13

22 tracks. Also includes performances by: Mike Kelly, Ella Barrett, and the Blue Sky Boys (from Starday LP "Precious Memories")

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/13

Jack Tottle, demos

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D15

Jack Tottle - mandolin and lead vocal, Pete Roberts Kuykendall - guitar. [7 Jack Tottle tracks featuring Jack Tottle on mandolin and lead vocal and Pete Roberts Kuykendall on guitar, followed by a selection of material by Marvin Myrtle, Hazel Dickens and Alice Foster (Gerrard), the Harlan County Boys, and Sonny Miller

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/14

Miscellaneous demos: Lacey J. Daugherty, Don McHan, Eddie Adcock, Bill Monroe

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D16

27 tracks. Lacey J. Daugherty accompanied by Tom Gray on mandolin and Pete Roberts Kuykendall on guitar

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/15

James Lindsey, demos, Galax, Va.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D17

9 tracks. Low Gap Fiddlers Convention. Also includes performances by Thurman Pugh.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/16

Roy McMillan, demo

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D18

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/17

Walter Saudners; Bluegrass Alliance demo

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D19

9 Walter Saunders tracks and 5 Bluegrass Alliance tracks featuring Tony Rice and Ebo Walker

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/18

Stuart Shuping, demos, 1971

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D20

8 tracks. Original material by Jerry Stuart Garland Shuping.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/19

Miscellaneous demos: Stuart et al

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: D21

Likely refers to Stuart Shuping.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.1.2 Masters, 1963-1966 and undated.

54 items.

Arrangement: Original order has been maintained.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/20

Country Gentlemen, Mercury LP 1 dub, 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M1

Includes unreleased and incomplete material. Performers include Charley Waller, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, Tom Gray, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall. Released in 1963 as "Folk Session Inside"

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/21

Miscellaneous masters: Harlan County Boys, Poplin Family, Paul Keller and Frank Necessary and the Southern Mountain Boys, and China Poplin, 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M4

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/22

Bill Clifton, Reject or Alternate masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M5

5 tracks. Performers include Clifton, Mike Seeger, Alice Foster (Gerrard), and Tom Gray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/23

Country Gentlemen, Mercury LP 2 masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M6

6 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/24

Country Gentlemen, Mercury LP 2 masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M7

5 tracks. Performers include Charley Waller, Tom Gray, John Duffey, and Eddie Adcock.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/25

Country Gentlemen, master rejects

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M8

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/26

Poplin Family, rejected or alternate masters, 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M9

9 tracks. Includes: Edna Poplin Elmore, China Poplin, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, Jack Tottle, Margie Reece, and Laurie Legrand

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/27

Lonesome River Boys, early audition tape

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M10

Performers include Jack Tottle, John Kaparakis, Rick Churchill, Dick Stone, Jim "Buck" Buchanan, and Pete Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/28

Lonesome River Boys, master 1

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M17

6 tracks. Performers include: Jack Tottle, Leon Morris, Danny Kimer, Jim Cox, and Don Miller

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/29

Lonesome River Boys, master 2

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M18

6 tracks. Performers include: Jack Tottle, Leon (Morris) Leamouroux, Danny Kimer, Jim Cox, and Don Miller

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/30

Lonesome River Boys, master 3

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M19

6 tracks. Performers include: Jack Tottle, Leon (Morris) Leamouroux, Danny Kimer, Jim Cox, Porter Church, and Dick Stowe

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/31

Lonesome River Boys, E. master 2

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M20

Two tracks. Performers include: Jack Tottle, Leon (Morris) Leamouroux, and Dick Drevo

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/32

Mickey Burke and Bill Carroll, Rebel stereo masters dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M21

11 tracks. Performers include: Bill Carroll, Mikey Burke, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, Ed Ferris, Frank Wakefield, Leon Morris, Lamar Grier, and Van Helms

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/33

Mickey Burke, Bill Carroll, and the King Brothers, Rebel stereo masters dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M22

Performers include: Bill Carroll, Frank Wakefield, Lamar Grier, Ed Ferris, Larry Hall, Clinton King, and Pete (Robert) Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/34

Grey Sky Boys, session dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M23

14 tracks. Performers include: Kent Taylor, Bill Hamilton, Chris Carlisle, Gary Audette, Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/35

Kenny Haddock, Billy Baker, and Bill Keith, Rebel stereo masters dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M24

13 tracks. Performers include: Kenny Haddock, Julian "Smiley" Hobbs, Charlie Waller, Tom Gray, Billy Baker, Bill Keith, Del McCoury, and Jerry McCoury

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/36

Billy Baker, Julian Hobbs, and others, Rebel masters dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M25

Performers include: Billy Baker, Bill Keith, Jerry McCoury, Del McCoury, Jack Cook, Julian "Smiley" Hobbs, Charley Tomilson, and Russell Hooper

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/37

Pete Pike, Rebel masters dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M26

10 tracks. Performers include: Pete Pike, Lamar Grier, Billy Baker, John Duffey, and Kenny Haddock

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/38

The McHan Brothers, Bryson City, N.C.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M29

13 tracks. Also known as the Laurel Mountain Boys.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/39

Poplin Family, dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M30

May also contain Jack Tottle material.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/40

Miscellaneous rejected masters: Bobbie Murphy, Yates Brothers and Bill Emerson, Mickey Burke, and Frank Wakefield

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M32

8 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/41

Ray and Ina Patterson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M33

21 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/42

Alice Foster and Hazel Dickens, mono mix-down masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M34

7 tracks. Also known as Hazel and Alice or Hazel Dickens and Alice Gerrard. Performers include: Alice Foster (Gerrard), Hazel Dickens (Cohen), Lamar Grier, Billy Baker, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/43

Alice Foster and Hazel Dickens, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M35

7 tracks. Also known as Hazel and Alice or Hazel Dickens and Alice Gerrard. Performers include: Alice Foster (Gerrard), Hazel Dickens (Cohen), Lamar Grier, Billy Baker, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/44

Jim Case, master

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M40

7 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/45

Jim Case, master

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M41

7 tracks. Vocalists include: Dale Turner, Jim Case, and Herbie Jones

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/46

Red Allen and Frank Wakefield, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M43

6 tracks. Performers include: Red Allen, Frank Wakefield, Tom Morgan, Bill Emerson, Billy Baker, and Pete Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/47

Red Allen, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M44

2 tracks. Performers include: Red Allen, Frank Wakefield, Bill Emerson, Kenny Haddock, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall. Recorded at Ben Adelman's (stereo) and Wynwood Studios (mono).

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/48

Red Allen and Frank Wakefield, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number:

7 tracks. Performers include: Red Allen, Frank Wakefield, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, and Tom Morgan

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/49

Red Allen and Frank Wakefield

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M47

7 tracks. Performers include: John Duffey, Red Allen, Frank Wakefield, Tom Morgan [?], Pete Kuykendall, and Eddie Adcock

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/50

The Kentuckians, master

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M48

6 tracks. Performers include: Red Allen, Wayne Yates, Bill Yates, Bill Emerson, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/51

The Kentuckians

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M49

6 tracks. Performers include: Red Allen, Wayne Yates, Bill Yates, Bill Emerson, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/52

The Kentuckians, rejected takes

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M49A

4 tracks. Performers include: Red Allen, Wayne Yates, Bill Yates, and Bill Emerson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/53

Skip James

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M61

1 track

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/54

Stanley Brothers, dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M62

7 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/55

Stanley Brothers, dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M63

7 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/56

Tom Morgan, masters; Doris O'Donnell, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M65

3 Tom Morgan tracks and 2 Doris O'Connell tracks. Performers include: Tom Morgan, Red Allen, Frank Wakefield, Bill Emerson, Kenny Haddock, Carl Nelson, and Keith Russell

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/57

Skip James

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M66

4 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/58

Skip James

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M67

9 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/59

Estelle Schoenfeld, master

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M68

5 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/60

Estelle Schoenfeld, master

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M69

7 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/61

Miscellaneous Glenmar, mono masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M70

6 tracks. Performers include: Al Jones, Dorris O'Donnell, and The Kentuckians (Red Allen, Chubby Wise, Bill Yates, Bill Emerson, Barry Worrell, and Wayne Yates)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/62

Luke Gordon, masters, 24 October 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M73

10 tracks. Performers include: Vernon Taylor, Luke Gordon, Johnny "Pancake" Norris, Steve Foster, and Bob Black

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/63

Dorsey Dixon, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M74

3 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/64

Dorsey Dixon, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M75

9 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/65

Dorsey Dixon, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M76

5 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/66

Dorsey Dixon, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M77

4 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/67

Dorsey Dixon, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M78

8 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/68

Luke Gordon, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M79

2 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/69

Frank Dunsmore, Al Jones, mono and stereo masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M81

6 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/70

Jimmy Case, mono masters, Falls Church, Va.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M82

6 tracks. Wynwood Music Co. SLP-1964 c504

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/71

Ray and Ina Patterson, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M83

5 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/72

Bill Clifton, session Dubs, 24 October 1966

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M84

5 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/73

Jimmy Case, masters

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: M85

6 tracks

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.1.3 Central Series, 1938-1975 and undated.

302 items.

Arrangement: Original order has been maintained.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/74

Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 6

12 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/75

Monroe Brothers and Bill Monroe at New River Ranch, 31 July 1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 7

11 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/76

Lonesome River Boys; Pete Roberts Kuykendall

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 8

Includes: tracks from Grayson and Whitter (RCA 78 dubs), material by the Lonesome River Boys (Jack Tottle, John Kaparakis, Ric Churchill, Dick Stowe, Jim "Buck" Buchanan, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall), and additional Lonesome River Boys material and recordings by Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/77

Reno and Smiley, WRVA radio dubs; Jim and Jesse live at New River Ranch; Don Reno and Earl Scruggs at New River Ranch, 1954-1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 9

31 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/78

Bill Monroe, Grandpa Jones, and others at New River Ranch, 1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 10

35 tracks. Includes: Bill Monroe, Charley Cline, Vassar Clements, Bobby Hicks, Earl Sexton, Sonny Miller, Bob Cummings, Cactus Bill and Deacon, Grandpa Jones, Red Murphy, Sam and Kirk McGee. Recorded 31 July 1955 and 8 May 1955.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/79

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio dubs; Mac Wiseman at New River Ranch, 22 April 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 11

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/80

Monroe Brothers and others at New River Ranch, 1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 12

Includes: Earl Sexton, Uncle Alec, and Bobby Cummings, Bobby Cummings, Aunt Ola Bell, Sonny Miller, Cactus Bill and Deacon, Sonny Miller recorded 31 July 1955, and Monroe Brothers set from the New River Ranch on 8 May 1955

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/81

Miscellaneous "Blue" dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 13

Includes: Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis "The Caddy" promo spots; Friars Club Banquet (George Jessell, George Burns, Art Linkletter, Jerry Lewis, Jack Benny, and others); Chesterfield "Queens" promo; and Florence Chadwick interview.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/82

Miscellaneous Record dubs: Joe Cannonball Lewis, Bowes Brothers, Charlie Monroe, Blue Sky Boys, Dee Stone, Carter Family, Cryin' Ellen (Bayliss Rose), and Winston Holmes and Charlie Turner

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 17

21 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/83

Live recordings: Stanley Brothers and Carl Story, Rising Sun, Md.; Pete Roberts radio show on WFBR, 1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 18

27 tracks. Includes: live recordings from the Stanley Brothers and Carl Story and Pete Roberts Radio Show (fall 1955)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/84

Record dubs from Joe Bussard: Sam and Kirk McGee, Cannon's Jug Stompers, Carter Family, Memphis Jug Band, William Price, Bill Monroe, Wright Brothers, Jimmy Janney and the Stoney Mountain Boys, the Red Heads, and Charlie Monroe

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 20

23 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/85

Record dubs from Joe Bussard: Carter Family, Blue Sky Boys, Mainers Mountaineers, and Monroe Brothers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 21

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/86

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Big Bill, Blind Blake, and Blind Lemon Jefferson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 23

6 tracks. Side A only. Includes: Big Bill, Blind Blake, and Blind Lemon Jefferson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/87

Red Allen, session dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 24

13 tracks. Includes duets with Frank Wakefield plus full band tracks with Allen, Wakefield, Ralph (Robbie) Robinson, Jim Cox, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/88

Record dubs: Buddy Boy Hawkins, Roy Harvey and Leonard Copeland, Dave McCarn, Uncle Dave Macon, and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 25

20 tracks. Includes: Buddy Boy Hawkins, Roy Harvey and Leonard Copeland, Dave McCarn, and Uncle Dave Macon, and others

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/89

Carol Alt, Flatt and Scruggs, Don Owens, Stanley Brothers, and Carl Story at New River Ranch, 1959

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 26

25 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/90

Flatt and Scruggs, personal appearances and WSM radio dubs, 1958-1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 27

Personal appearances recorded at Sunset Park in 1962 and at New River Ranch in Rising Sun, Md. on 16 September 1962; WSM radio dubs recorded in 1958

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/91

Bill Clifton, session dubs; Red Cravens and the Bray Brothers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 30

This audio recording contains ableist language in song lyrics performed roughly at the 20 minute mark of the recording.

18 tracks. Includes: Bill Clifton, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, Charlie Waller, Tom Gray, Paul Justive, Roy Justive, Mike Seeger, and Zeke Dawson. Tracks 5-8 recorded on 26 July 1965

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/92

Bill Clifton, session dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 31

12 tracks. Includes: Clifton, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, Tom Gray, Roy Justive, Paul Justive, Charley Waller, and Mike Seeger

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/93

Record dubs from Eugene Earle: Blue Sky Boys, J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers, Uncle Dave Macon, the Stoneman Family, and Frank Hutchison

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 32

32 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/94

Record dubs from John Edwards: Blue Sky Boys, Monroe Brothers, Mississippi John Hurt, and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 33

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/95

Stanley Brothers, Shenandoah Valley Bowl, Edinburg, Va., 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 34

26 tracks. Includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Curley Lambert, Chubby Anthony, and Doug Morrison

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/96

Stanley Brothers, personal appearances, 1957-1959

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 35

26 tracks. Personal appearances recorded at Melody Ranch in 1957 and New River Ranch circa 1959.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/97

Library of Congress record dubs: Albert Smith, Fred Galliher, Hobart Smith, and Blind Willie Johnson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 36

19 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/98

Library of Congress record dubs: Wade Mainer, Zeke Morris, Delmore Brothers, Carter Family, Jimmie Rodgers, Chatman Brothers, Dixon Brothers, Mustard and Gravy, and the Rambling Duet

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 37

22 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/99

Library of Congress record dubs: Carter Family, Julian Johnson and Leon Hyatt, Rambling Duet (Frank Gerald and Howard Dixon), Delmore Brothers, Arthur Smith and the Dixie-Liners, Hall Brothers, and Walter Hurdt

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 38

19 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/100

Stanley Brothers, personal appearances; Osborne Brothers and Red Allen

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 40

20 tracks. Personal appearances recorded at the New River Ranch in Rising Sun, Md. circa 1959 and a hotel room in Bristol, Va. circa 1957. Also has one track by the Osborne Brothers and Red Allen (from MGM ALB #E3734).

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/101

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Bill Monroe, Bobby Grant, Buddy Boy Hawkins, King Solomon Hill, Big Bill Johnson, and Blind Willie Johnson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 41

19 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/102

Log Cabin Boys; Benny and Vallie Cain; Blue Ridge Mountain Boys, Warrenton, Va., 1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 42

22 tracks. Includes: The Log Cabin Boys (Tom Morgan, Jim Sellman, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, Paul Champion, Carl Nelson, Harper Kirby, Buddy Davis, Dan Conner), Benny and Vallie Cain, The Blue Ridge Mountain Boys (John Dufey, Sonny Johnson, Graham King), and Scotty Stoneman. Some recorded at the National County Music Contest in Warrenton, Va. in 1955. 

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/103

Library of Congress record dubs: Hall Brothers, Delmore Brothers, Carter Family, Bradley Kincaid, Wade Mainer and Zeke Morris, Leadbelly, and Uncle Dave Macon

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 43

19 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/104

Library of Congress record dubs: J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers, Arthur Smith Trio, Henry Whitter, Deford Bailey, the Allen Brothers, the Dixon Brothers, and Carter Family

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 44

20 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/105

Record dubs from John Edwards: J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers, Leonard Stokes and George Morris, and Mississippi John Hurt

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 45

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/106

Record dubs from WARL: Jim Eanes, Barbara Pittman, Jack Adkins, Jamup and Honey, Bill Bailey, Esco Hankins, Webster Brothers, Stewart Family, Country All-Stars, Claude Boone, Hugh Ashley, Buddy Starcher, and Bud Messner and the Skyline Boys

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 46

23 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/107

Library of Congress record dubs: J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers, Arthur Smith Trio, Kelly Harrell, Cliff Carlisle, Buell Kazee, Bascom Lamar Lunsford, and Johnny and Albert Crockett

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 47

16 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/108

Library of Congress record dubs: Cliff Carlisle, Wade Mainer and his Little Smilin' Rangers, J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers, Wade Mainer and the Sons of the Mountaineers, Carter Family, Daddy John Love, "Dad" Crockett, Buell Kazee, Dixon Brothers, Jilson Setters, Charlie Lincoln, and Cliff Carlisle

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 48

21 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/109

Library of Congress record dubs: Mustard and Gravy, Carter Family, Jilson Setters, Dock Boggs, Buell Kazee, Wiley Zeke and Homer (The Smiling Rangers), J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers, Dixon Brothers, and the Arthur Smith Trio

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 49

19 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/110

Library of Congress record dubs: J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers, B.F. Shelton, Oliver and Allen (the Blind Singers), Delmore Brothers, Wade Mainer and Zeke Morris, Wade Mainer and the Sons of the Mountaineers, and Arthur Smith

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 50

18 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/111

Flatt and Scruggs on WSM Radio, Nashville, Tenn.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 51

33 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/112

Osborne Brothers radio dubs; Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch, Rising Sun, Md., 1954-1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 52

31 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/113

Osborne Brothers and Red Allen, radio dubs from WWVA, Wheeling, W. Va.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 53

45 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/114

Osborne Brothers and Red Allen, radio dubs from WWVA and personal appearances

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 54

Personal appearances recorded in Red Lion, Pa. on 29 June 1957

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/115

Record dubs from John Edwards: Buell Kazee and Uncle Dave Macon

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 55

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/116

Record dubs from John Edwards: Wade Mainer and Sons of the Mountaineers, Wade Mainer and Sons of the Mountaineers, Wade Mainer and Zeke Morris, and the Carter Family

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 56

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/117

Lilly Brothers, dubs from wire recordings, circa 1949

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 57

44 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/118

Lilly Brothers, dubs from wire recordings, circa 1949; Flatt and Scruggs and John Lee Hooker on "Folk Scene", 1958; Jimmie Rodgers and the Country Gentlemen

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 58

27 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/119

Stanley Brothers, Antioch

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 59

29 tracks. Includes: Jimmy Martin

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/120

Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch, Rising Sun, Md.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 60

33 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/121

Record dubs from D. K. W.: Monroe Brothers, Charlie Monroe's Boys, Blue Sky Boys, the Rocky Mountain Boys, and Dee Stone and the Melody Hillbillies

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 61

Most likely dubs from D. K. Wilgus

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/122

Record dubs from D. K. W.: Morris Brothers, Red Raper and His Carolina Mountain Boys, John Tinsley and Fred Holland, the Gospel Twins, J. E. Mainer's Mountaineers, Wade Mainer and Sons of the Mountaineers, and Wade Mainer and Zeke Morris

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 62

Most likely dubs from D. K. Wilgus

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/123

Master dubs: Ray and Ina Patterson, Hazel Dickens and Alice Foster (Alice Gerrard), Tom Morgan, and Red Allen and Frank Wakefield

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 66

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/124

The Country Gentlemen at the Shamrock Room, Falls Church, Va., circa 1959

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 67

24 tracks. Includes: Charlie Waller, John Duffey, Tom Gray, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/125

The Country Gentlemen in New York City, N.Y., circa 1960

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 68

16 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/126

The Country Gentlemen, dubs of masters and radio shows dubs, 1960-1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 69

29 tracks. Masters dubs recorded on 20 April 1960 and 19 March 1961. Includes: Charlie Waller, John Duffey, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, and Jim Cox

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/127

The Country Gentlemen at the Shamrock Room, Falls Church, Va., 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 70

28 tracks. Includes: Charlie Waller, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, Tom Gray, and Kenny Haddock

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/128

Flatt and Scruggs, WRC-TV dubs; John Fahey, Takoma dubs; The Country Gentlemen at the Shamrock Room, Falls Church, Va., 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 71

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/129

The Country Gentlemen, live in New York City, N.Y., circa 1959; The Country Gentlemen, session dubs for "Bluegrass at Carnegie Hall", 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 72

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/130

Library of Congress record dubs: Wade Mainer, Josh White, Golden Gate Quartet, Burl Ives, the Coon Creek Girls, and T.C. Willingham, Washington, D.C., circa 1940-1941

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 73

27 tracks. Includes dubs from rehearsal at Library of Congress for program on 20 December 1940 and dubs recorded after concert for President and Mrs. Roosevelt and the King and Queen of England circa 1941.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/131

Flatt and Scruggs, radio dubs, 1948-1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 76

28 tracks. Dubs mostly from WSM in Nashville, Tenn.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/132

Bill Monroe, WSM radio dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1947

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 77

Includes: Monroe, Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs, Chubby Wise, Howard Watts

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/133

The Country Boys, master cuts;  The Country Boys live at the Ash Grove, 1961-1962; Bill and Charlie Monroe at Town Hall Party, circa 1954-1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 78

Includes: The Country Boys with Clarence White, LeRoy Mack, Roger Bush, Scott Hambly, Roland White, Billy Ray, and Bill and Charlie Monroe with Bobby Hicks and Vassar Clements

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/134

Bill Monroe, miscellaneous radio dubs, 1958-1961; Osborne Brothers and Red Allen, Hylo Brown, Flatt and Scruggs, and Stanley Brothers, New River Ranch, 1956-1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 79

Radio dubs include Bill Monroe performances from Brown County Jamboree on 13 April 1958 and from the Grand Ole Opry on 25 November 1961

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/135

Bill Monroe, WSM radio dubs, Nashville, Tenn., circa 1947-1948

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 80

29 tracks. Includes: Monroe, Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs, Chubby Wise, and Howard Watts

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/136

Bill Monroe with Lester Flatt, WSM radio dubs; Earl Scruggs with Chubby Wise and Cedric Rainwater, WSM radio dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1946-1948

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 81

27 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/137

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1954

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 82

51 tracks. Includes: Benny Martin on fiddle on tracks 1-16

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/138

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 83

59 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/139

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1955-1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 84

61 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/140

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 85

50 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/141

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1955-1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 86

56 tracks. Includes: Curtis McPeake on banjo on 5 tracks and Donny Bryant on banjo on 12 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/142

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1955-1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 87

Includes: Flatt without Scruggs, Donny Bryant on banjo on 20 tracks, and 12 tracks recorded at the Cold Springs School in Cold Springs, Tenn. on 30 May 1956

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/143

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 88

48 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/144

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn., 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 89

52 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/145

Flatt and Scruggs, WSM radio show dubs, Nashville, Tenn.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 90

53 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/146

Library of Congress record dubs: Pete Steele, Hamilton, Ohio, 1938

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 91

37 tracks. All tracks recorded by Alan Lomax on 29-30 March 1938. Also includes: Craig Steele, Mrs. Steele, and Justis Begley

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/147

Library of Congress record dubs: J.H. Howell, Dick Justice, Salty Holmes, Pinewood Tom, Philyaw Brothers, Dixon Brothers, Crowder Brothers, Piedmont Log Rollers, Hall Brothers, Delmore Brothers, and Blind Gary

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 92

22 tracks. Includes: The Log Cabin Boys (Tom Morgan, Jim Sellman, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, Paul Champion, Carl Nelson, Harper Kirby, Buddy Davis, Dan Conner), Benny and Vallie Cain, The Blue Ridge Mountain Boys (John Dufey, Sonny Johnson, Graham King), and Scotty Stoneman. Some recorded at the National County Music Contest in Warrenton, Va. in 1955.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/148

Library of Congress record dubs: Pope's Arkansas Mountaineers, Alphus McFayden, Raney Vanvink, Lonnie McIntorsch, Leadbelly, the Carter Family, and the Delmore Brothers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 93

16 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/149

Library of Congress and A. F. S. record dubs: Philyaw Brothers, Bob Hartsell, Robert Hill, Bentley Boys, William McCoy, Callahan Brothers, Gwen Foster, Sonny Boy Nelson, John Estes, Pinewood Tom, Buddy Moss, Robert Hill, Blue Bill, West Virginia Night Owls, Blind Alfred Reed, and Uncle "Am" Stuart

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 94

22 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/150

Library of Congress record dubs: Callahan Brothers, Carter Family, Allen Brothers, Delmore Brothers, Dixon Brothers, Philyaw Brothers, Fiddlin' and John Carson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 95

18 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/151

Record dubs: Carter Family

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 99

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/152

Record dubs: Carter Family

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 100

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/153

Record dubs: Carter Family

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 101

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/154

Record dubs: Carter Family, Blue Sky Boys, and Ray and Ina Patterson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 102

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/155

Record dubs: Carter Family

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 103

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/156

Record dubs: Carter Family

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 104

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/157

Record dubs: Carter Family

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 105

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/158

Record dubs: Carter Family, Blue Sky Boys, Lilly Brothers, and Red Belcher

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 106

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/159

Ed Romaniuk's Visit with Sara Carter Bayes, Lockford, Calif., 1 August 1961; APS transcriptions at RCA Studios, New York, N.Y., 1936

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 108

Also present at Romaniuk’s visit with Sara Carter Bayes: Coy Bayes, Stella Bayes, Rose Wilson, and William Wilson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/160

Ed Romaniuk and Elsie Pryor, 13 March 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 109

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/161

Oak Leaf Park: Stanley Brothers, Bill Clifton, and Jim and Jesse, Luray, Va.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 110

22 tracks. Supporting musicians for Jim and Jesse include: Benny Sims and Allen Shelton

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/162

Oak Leaf: Stanley Brothers and Jim and Jesse, Luray, Va.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 111

24 tracks. Supporting musicians for Jim and Jesse include: Don McHan, Al Elliot, and Allen Shelton

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/163

Oak Leaf: Bill Monroe, Carter Stanley, Mac Wiseman, Jim and Jesse, and Red Cravens and the Bray Brothers, Luray, Va., 4 July 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 112

23 tracks. Supporting musicians include: Allen Shelton, Bobby Smith, Tony Ellis, Billy Baker, Bessie Mauldin, Don McHan, and Benny Sims

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/164

Oak Leaf: Bill Monroe, Stanley Brothers, and Tom Morgan and the Log Cabin Boys, Luray, Va., 4 July 1961; Floyd and Lloyd Armstrong dubs; Bill Monroe on the Grand Ole Opry, WSM radio dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 113

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/165

Record dubs: Blue Sky Boys

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 114

21 tracks

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/166

Bill Clifton Party: Stanley Brothers, Country Gentlemen, and Bill Clifton, Charlottesville, Va., March 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 115

Recorded at Bill Clifton's farm, Glen Echo

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/167

Bill Clifton Party: Country Gentlemen, Bill Clifton, Mike Seeger, John Cohen, Stanley Brothers, and Chuck Stripling, Charlottesville, Va., March 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 116

Recorded at Bill Clifton's farm, Glen Echo

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/168

Bill Clifton Party: Country Gentlemen, Bill Clifton, Mike Seeger, John Cohen, and Eddie Matherly, Charlottesville, Va., March 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 117

Recorded at Bill Clifton's farm, Glen Echo

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/169

Red Cravens and the Bray Brothers, circa 1959

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 118

43 tracks from Jim Ludwig of Aurora, Ill. 4 different sessions that all include: Red Cravens, Nate Bray, and Harley Bray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/170

Miscellaneous West Coast bluegrass, 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 120

38 tracks from Gerald Mills. Includes: four 1963 sets by the Golden State Boys (Hal Poindexter, Don Parmley, Vern Gosdin, Bobby Slone, Skip Conover, and Rex Gosdin). All tracks recorded at Cal's Corral in Huntington Park, Calif.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/171

Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys at Town Hall Party, 25-29 December 1955; Country Boys; Clarence White at Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., April 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 121

Includes: Bill Monroe with the Blue Grass Boys (Vassar Clements, Bobby Hicks, Joe Stewart, Bessie Mae Mauldin, and Arnold Terry), The Country Boys (Clarence White, Billy Ray, LeRoy Mack, Scott Hambly), Roger Bush; Mike Seeger, and Clarence White at Ash Grove, April 1962

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/172

The Kentucky Colonels at Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., April 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 122

Includes two sets from the Ash Grove, April 1962, and three home recordings. Includes: Clarence White, Billy Ray, Leroy Mack, Mike Seeger, Roger Bush, and Scott Hambly

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/173

Miscellaneous West Coast bluegrass, 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 123

Side A recorded at the Bluegrass "Hoot" at the Ice House in Pasadena, Calif. on 1-2 September 1963 by G. Mills and features the Kentucky Colonels (Clarence White, Billy Ray, Bobby Slone, and Roger Bush) and the Crown Junction Stompers (Al Marion, Sandy Mosley, and John Lyon). Side B includes Richard and Jim (Richard Lockmiller, Jim Conner, and Steve Young) and the Pine Mountain Boys (Rich Conley, Herb Pedersen, Butch Waller, and Tommy Hollis)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/174

Miscellaneous West Coast bluegrass, 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 124

Side A recorded at the Bluegrass Hoot at the Ice House, Pasadena, Calif. on 1-2 September 1963 by G. Mills and features the Golden State Boys (Hal Poindexter, Don Parmley, Vern Gosdin, Skip Conover, and Rex Gosdin) and the Bluegrass Ramblers (Tom Kuehl, Herb Rice, Ronnie LaGrand, Red Ashley, Richard McHuen, and Eric LaBlank). Side B includes Glen Campbell with Hal Poindexter, Billy Ray, and Eric LaBlank

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/175

Golden State Boys at the El Camino College, Los Angeles, Calif., 26 February 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 125

11 tracks. Includes: Hal Poindexter, Don Parmley, Vern Gosdin, Bobby Slone, Skip Conover, and Rex Gosdin with emcee Hugh Cherry

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/176

Golden State Boys at the Saddle Club, Los Angeles, Calif., 21 October 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 126

38 tracks. Includes: Hal Poindexter, Don Parmley, Vern Gosdin, Bobby Slone, Skip Conover, Harry Kniss

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/177

Bill Monroe at the Brown County Jamboree, Bean Blossom, Ind., 19 September 1954; Buck Graves and Toby Stroud radio dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 127

30 tracks. Monroe recordings include: Monroe, Ed Mayfield, Charley Cline, and Gordon Terry. Last 4 tracks from unknown radio program and feature Buck Graves and Toby Stroud

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/178

Van and June Helms, Ed Ferris, and Pete Roberts Kuykendall at Cousin Nick's Restaurant, Washington, D.C., 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 128

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/179

Stanley Brothers at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 29 August 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 130

20 tracks. Includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Vernon Derek, Curly Lambert, and Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/180

Stanley Brothers at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 29 August 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 131

17 tracks. Includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Vernon Derek, Curly Lambert, and Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/181

Stanley Brothers at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 30 August 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 132

18 tracks. Includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Vernon Derek, Curly Lambert, and Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/182

Stanley Brothers at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 31 August 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 133

20 tracks. Includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Vernon Derek, Curly Lambert, and Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/183

Stanley Brothers at the Ash Grove, 31 August 1962; Stanley Brothers at Antioch College, 1960

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 134

22 tracks. Ash Grove recordings includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Vernon Derek, Curly Lambert, and Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/184

Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch, 1956; Bailey Brothers, WNOX radio dubs, 1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 136

26 tracks. New River Ranch recording includes: Ralph Stanley, Bill Napier, Towser Murphy (Al Elliott), Pete Roberts Kuykendall. Bailey Brothers material recorded at the Mid-Day Merry-Go-Round on WNOX in Knoxville, Tenn. and includes: Charley Bailey, Danny Bailey, Larry Mathis, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, and Ray Adkins

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/185

Red Allen and Frank Wakefield, radio programs, 1963-1964

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 140

31 tracks. Includes: Red Allen, Frank Wakefield, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, and Tom Morgan

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/186

Red Allen and Frank Wakefield, radio programs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 141

27 tracks. Includes: Red Allen, Frank Wakefield, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, and Tom Morgan

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/187

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Memphis Jug Band, Carolina Peanut Boys, Jolly Jug Band

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 144

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/188

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Blind Willie McTell, Steve Ledford and David Nicholson, Carolina Ramblers String Band, Mainer's Mountaineers, and Wade Mainer and the Sons of the Mountaineers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 145

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/189

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Little David (David Alexander), Black Ivory King (Dave Alexander), Allen Brothers, Pink Anderson and Simmie Dooley, and Armstrong Twins with Patsy

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 146

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/190

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Armstrong Twins, Kokomo Arnold, Emry Arthur, Gene Autry, and Charley Bailey

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 147

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/191

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Gene Autry, Blue Sky Boys, Sister O.M. Terrell, Shreveport Home Wreckers, Lottie Kimbrough, Uncle Dave Macon, Sam McGee, Delmore Brothers, Whitter-Hendley-Small, and Fisher Hendley and the Aristocratic Pigs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 148

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/192

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Charlie Lincoln, Lookout Mountain Revelers, Lulubelle and Scotty, Sam McGee, Kirk McGee, Brownie McGhee, Uncle Dave Macon, and Blind Willie McTell

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 149

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/193

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Kelly Harrell, Ed Harris, Roy Harvey, Leonard Copeland, Walter Hawkins, Grandpa Jones, and Little Hat Jones

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 150

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/194

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Gid Tanner, Uncle Bunt Stephens, Vern Dalhart, Eddie Powers, Riley Pickett, Martin and Roberts, Elzie Floyd, Al Craver, and Charlie Poole

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 151

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/195

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Lilly Brothers, Charlie Newman, Mississippi Sheiks, Blue Sky Boys, and Frank Hutchison

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 152

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/196

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Grant Brothers, Roosevelt Graves and Brother, Blind Roosevelt Graves, Blind Arthur Groom, G.B. Grayson, Roy Hall and his Blue Ridge Entertainers, and John Hammond

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 153

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/197

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Memphis Jug Band, Reverend Moses Mason, Lil McClintock, Memphis Minnie, Black Bob, Bill Settles, Miller's Merrymakers, Eddie Miller, and Charlie Poole with the North Carolina Ramblers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 154

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/198

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Beale Street Sheiks, Ed Bell, Lewis Black, Black Mountain Gang, Blue Sky Boys, Samantha Bumgarner, Eva Davis, Burnett and Rutherford, and Burnett and Ruttledge

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 155

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/199

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Burton and Bodine, Banjo Joe, Cannon's Jug Stompers, Cannon and Woods, Blind Mamie Forehand, Curley Fox, Freeney's Barn Dance Band, Blind Leroy Garnett, Georgia Browns

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 156

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/200

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Wade Mainer and the Sons of the Mountaineers, Wade Mainer and Zeke Morris, Guy Lumpkin and Eddie Mapp, and the Memphis Jug Band

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 157

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/201

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Little Hat Jones, Buell Kazee, Eddie Kelly's Washboard Band, Kessinger Brothers, Lottie Kimbrough, Bela Lam and his Greene County Singers, and Willie Lane

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 158

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/202

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Georgia Browns, Georgia Cotton Pickers, Georgia Organ Grinders, Georgia Pine Boys, Georgia Yellow Hammers, Mae Glover, Irene Scruggs, and Grant Brothers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 159

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/203

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Leadbelly, Leake County Revelers, and Furry Lewis

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 160

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/204

Record dubs from Dick Spottswood: Charlie Poole, Charlie Monroe, Kim and Nyland, Kelly Harrell, Buddy Moss, Al Craver, Callahan Brothers, and Luther and Robinson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 161

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/205

Record dubs: Mainers, Daddy John Love, Morris Brothers, J. E. Mainer

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 162

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/206

Record dubs: Blue Sky Boys, Lilly Brothers, and Mainer's

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 163

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/207

Stanley Brothers, Bristol, Va., 24 March 1956; Flatt and Scruggs, Berkeley, Calif., 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 165

Also Includes a dub of an MGM single by Rebe and Rabe

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/208

Record dubs: Bluegrass on the West Coast

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 176

Includes: Carroll County Country Boys and the Redwood Canyon Ramblers live recording; Vern Williams, Neil Rosenberg, Uncle Dave Macon, and others

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/209

Record dubs: PVK 45 Ac-Da

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 182

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/210

Record dubs: PVK 45 Do-Ja

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 183

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/211

Record dubs: PVK 45 Ja-Mo

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 184

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/212

Record dubs: PVK 45 Mo-Sm

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 185

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/213

Record dubs: PVK 45 Sm-Yo

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 186

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/214

Record dubs: PVK 33 1/3 miscellaneous artists

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 187

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/215

Record dubs: PVK 78 Ac-AR

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 188

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/216

Record dubs: PVK 78 Ar-Br

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 189

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/217

Record dubs: PVK 78 Br-Cr

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 190

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/218

Record dubs: PVK 78 Cr-De

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 191

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/219

Record dubs: PVK 78 De-Fu

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 192

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/220

Record dubs: PVK 78 Fu-Gi

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 193

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/221

Record dubs: PVK 78 Gl-He

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 194

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/222

Record dubs: PVK 78 He-Hu

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 195

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/223

Record dubs: PVK 78 Hu-Le

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 196

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/224

Record dubs: PVK 78 Le-Ma

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 197

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/225

Record dubs: PVK 78 Ma-Mo

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 198

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/226

Record dubs: PVK 78 Mo-Re and miscellaneous

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 199

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/227

Record dubs: PVK 78 Re-Sl

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 200

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/228

Record dubs: PVK 78 Sl-Su

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 201

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/229

Record dubs: PVK 78 Sw-Wi

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 202

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/230

Record dubs: PVK 78 Wi-Yo; 33 1/3 miscellaneous

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 203

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/231

Miscellaneous record dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 204

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/232

Jim and Jesse, WEAR-TV dubs, Pensacola, Fla., 1958; Kelly Brothers and Monroe Brothers at Bean Blossom, 1 July 1956; Osborne Family and Jimmy Martin; King audition, Bluefield, W. Va., 1950, 1 July 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 205

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/233

Record dubs from Marvin Hendrick: Hack Johnson on WRVA, Toby Stroud, Buck Graves

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 206

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/234

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival 1, Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 207

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/235

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival 2, Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 208

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo. Includes: Don Reno, Clyde Moody, Stanley Brothers (with George Shuffler), Red Smiley, and David Deese

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/236

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival 3, Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 209

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo. Includes: Includes: Red Smiley (with David Grisman), Reno and Smiley, Doc and Merle Watson, Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys, and Don Reno

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/237

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival 4, Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 210

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo. Includes: Don Reno (with Sid Campbell, Ralph Stanley, Stanley Brothers (with George Shuffler), Doc Watson, Merle Watson, Benny Martin and Don Reno, Ronnie Reno, and banjo workshop

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/238

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival 5, Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 211

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo. Includes: Ronnie Reno, Don Reno, Benny Martin, King Brothers, Stanley Brothers, Doc and Merle Watson, and Bill Monroe and Doc Watson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/239

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival [6], Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 212

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo. Includes: Doc Watson and Bill Monroe, Don Reno, Jimmy Martin, Clyde Moody, Red Smiley, and Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys (Lamar Grier, Jimmy Monroe, Peter Rowan, Gene Loewinger)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/240

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival 7, Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 213

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo. Includes: Red Smiley and Bill Monroe, Bill Monroe, Jimmy Martin, and Larry Richardson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/241

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival 8, Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 214

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo. Includes: Jimmy Martin, Bill Monroe and Clyde Moody, Bill Monroe and the Stanley Brothers, Bill Monroe and Jim Eanes, Bill Monroe and Benny Martin, Bill Monroe and Mac Wiseman, Don Reno, Benny Martin, Mac Wiseman, Jimmy Martin and Bill Monroe

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/242

Roanoke Bluegrass Festival 9, Roanoke, Va., 3-5 September 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 215

Sub-master tapes. Recorded by Richard Drevo. Includes: Bill Monroe and Jimmy Martin, Stanley Brothers and Bill Monroe, Carter Stanley and Bill Monroe, and Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/243

Blue Sky Boys, concert at the University of Illinois 1, Urbana, Ill., 17 October 1964

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 216

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/244

Blue Sky Boys, concert at the University of Illinois 2, Urbana, Ill., 17 October 1964

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 217

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/245

Charley Bailey and the Osborne Brothers, Wheeling, W. Va., 1955; Bill Clifton, Luray, Va., 4 July 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 218

Bill Clifton recordings include: John Duffey, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, Carl Nelson, Mike Seeger, and Roy Self

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/246

WGAY radio show dubs: Slim Morrison, Curley Smith, Buzz Busby, and Pete Kuykendall, Silver Springs, Md., 1954

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 219

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/247

Ray and Ina Patterson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 220

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/248

John Hurt, dubs , circa 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 221

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/249

Skip James, dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 222

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/250

Skip James, dubs, 16 December 1964; Archie Edwards, 1 July 1965; Skip James, John Hurt, and Archie Edwards

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 223

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/251

Miscellaneous record dubs: Skip James, the Youngbloods, Robert Wilkins, and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 224

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/252

Carter Stanley Memorial Concert 1, 9 April 1969

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 226

Includes: Jim Greer and the Mac-o-chee Valley Folks and Buzz Busy, Bill Emerson and the Bayou Boys with emcees Gary Henderson and Tom Reeder

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/253

Carter Stanley Memorial Concert 2, 9 April 1969

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 227

Includes: Buzz Busby, Bill Emerson, Doc and Merle Watson, and the New River Boys with emcees Tom Reeder and Red Shipley

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/254

Carter Stanley Memorial Concert 3, 9 April 1969

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 228

Includes: Doc Watson and Bill Monroe and the Country Gentlemen with emcees Red Shipley and Gary Henderson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/255

Carter Stanley Memorial Concert 4, 9 April 1969

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 229

Includes: the Country Gentlemen, Mac Wiseman (with Elinor Linder, Don Stover, and Tex Logan), Mike Seeger, Alice Foster (Alice Gerrard), and Hazel Dickens (with Lamar Grier and Tex Logan), and Roy Sykes with emcees Gary Henderson and Mike Seeger

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/256

Carter Stanley Memorial Concert 5, 9 April 1967

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 230

Includes: Roy Sykes, George Winn and the Bluegrass Partners, and Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys with emcees Mike Seeger, Red Shipley, and Gary Henderson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/257

Carter Stanley Memorial Concert 6, 9 April 1967

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 231

Includes: Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys and Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys with emcees Red Shipley and Tom Reeder

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/258

Carter Stanley Memorial Concert 7, 9 April 1967

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 232

Includes: Bill Monroe, Mac Wiseman, and others

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/259

Reno and Smiley at New River Ranch, Rising Sun, Md., 2 October 1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 235

Also Includes: brief appearance from Ola Belle Reed and the New River Ranch Gang

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/260

Reno and Smiley at Shipp's Park, summer, 1956; Reno and Smiley at New River Ranch, 21 July 1957; Mac Wiseman at New River Ranch, 20 May 1956; Charlie Monroe at New River Ranch, 20 May 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 236

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/261

Flatt and Scruggs at New River Ranch, Rising Sun, Md., circa 1956-1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 237

Includes: Hylo Brown, Curtis Lee, Eddie Adcock, Kentucky Slim, Josh Graves, Buck Graves, and others. Also Includes 2 WSM radio dubs of Flatt and Scruggs.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/262

WGAY radio show dubs, Silver Spring, Md., circa 1954; Flatt and Scruggs at New River Ranch, Rising Sun, Md., circa 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 238

WGAY recordings include: Buzz Busby, Pete Kuykendall, and Slim Morrison. Flatt and Scruggs material recorded at New River Ranch includes: Hylo Brown, Paul Warren, Josh "Buck" Graves, Kentucky Slim, and Curley Seckler

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/263

Flatt and Scruggs, Newburgh, N.Y., 5 January 1957; Flatt and Scruggs at Sunset Park, West Grove, Pa., 1957-1958

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 239

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/264

Jimmy Martin at Sunset Park, West Grove, Pa., April 1960

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 240

Semi-edited. Includes: Martin, Paul Williams, J.D. Crowe, and John Darus

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/265

Lilly Brothers, Bill Keith, and Jim Rooney at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., circa 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 241

Includes: Everett Lilly, Bea Lilly, Don Stover, and Herb Hooven

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/266

Lilly Brothers at Hillbilly Ranch, Boston, Mass., 23 November 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 242

Recorded by Ronnie Alt and Gerald Mills. Includes: Everett Lilly, Bea Lilly, Don Stover, and Al Ross

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/267

The Lilly Brothers at Hillbilly Ranch, Boston, Mass., 23-24 November 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 243

Recorded by Ronnie Alt and Gerald Mills. Includes: Everett Lilly, Bea Lilly, Don Stover, and Al Ross

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/268

The Lilly Brothers at Hillbilly Ranch, Boston, Mass., 24 November 1963; Bill Monroe at Brown County Jamboree, Bean Blossom, Ind., 13 April 1958

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 244

Bill Monroe material includes: Monroe, Ed Mayfield, Kenny Baker, and Bob Johnson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/269

Event test pressings from Gerald Mills: Lilly Brothers, Al Hawkes, the Stone Mountain Boys, and Charlie Bailey

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 245

Includes: event test pressings by the Lilly Brothers, Al Hawkes, the Stone Mountain Boys, and Charlie Bailey; a Page recording by Red Belcher and the Lilly Brothers; and a Rich-R-Tone recording by the Bailey Brothers

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/270

Red Cravens and the Bray Brothers at the University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 246

Includes: Red Cravens, Nate Bray, Bob Bray, Jim Raines, and Francis Bray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/271

Red Cravens and the Bray Brothers at the University of Illinois, 1961 (continued), Urbana, Ill.; Kentucky Colonels at Skip Conover's house, Long Beach, CA, 28 December 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 247

Kentucky Colonels material recorded by Gerald Mills and includes: Clarence White, Roland White, Billy Ray, Bobby Slone, Skip Conover, Eric White, and Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/272

Reno and Smiley at New River Ranch, 1955; Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch; Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys at Sunset Park

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 248

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/273

Bill Monroe at Bean Blossom, Bean Blossom Ind., 6 June 1963; Stanley Brothers; Flatt and Scruggs; Monroe Brothers at Town Hall Party, Los Angeles, Calif., 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 249

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/274

Bill Monroe and the Bluegrass Boys at Sunset Park; The Osborne Brothers and Red Allen, WWVA radio dubs; Frank Wakefield and Red Allen, Gerdie's Folk City, New York City, N.Y., 22 September 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 250

Frank Wakefield and Red Allen material includes: Allen, Wakefield, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, and Tom Morgan

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/275

Bill Monroe at New York University, 8 February 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 251

Program continues from FT-20546/315

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/276

Jimmy Martin at New River Ranch, 21 April 1957; Bill Monroe at New River Ranch, 28 July 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 252

Jimmy Martin material includes: J.D. Crowe, Frank Wakefield, and Earl Sexton; Bill Monroe material includes: Del McCoury, Bill Keith, Billy Baker, and Bessie Lee Mauldin

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/435

Bill Monroe at New River Ranch (continued), 28 July 1963; Bill Keith and Jim Rooney on WHRB, Cambridge, Mass., 25 February 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 253

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/277

Bill Monroe, Berkeley, Calif., 11 May 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 254

Includes: Del McCoury, Bill Keith, Kenny Baker, and Bessie Lee Mauldin

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/278

Bill Monroe at Bean Blossom (continued), Bean Blossom, Ind., 13 October 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 255

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/279

Bill Monroe at Bean Blossom, Bean Blossom, Ind., 13 October 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 256

Includes: Del McCoury, Bill Keith, Joe Stuart, Bessie Lee Mauldin, and Birch Monroe

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/280

Bill Monroe, Detroit, Mich., 1966; Miscellaneous

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 257

Monroe material includes: Peter Rowan, Lamar Grier, and Richard Greene; Miscellaneous includes material by Pete Roberts Kuykendall, Tom Morgan, Buzz Busby, Bill Haney, Jim Buchanan, Bobby Thompson, Bill Harrell, Eddie Adcock, Nelson, Buck Graves, and Toby Stroud

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/281

Japanese Bluegrass Bands; Jim Eanes; Bill Monroe on WSM , 1966

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 258

Jim Eanes material includes: Roy Russell and Allen Shelton; Bill Monroe material includes: Richard Greene, Lamar Grier, Pete Rowan, and B. Spiker

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/282

The Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch, July 1955; Reno and Smiley

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 259

Stanley Brothers material includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Jim Williams, Doug Morrison, Lindy Clear

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/283

Benny and Vallie Cain, Stanley Brothers, and others at Shenandoah Valley Bowl, 3 June 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 260

Includes: Benny and Vallie Cain with Scott Stoneman and Pete Roberts Kuykendall, Bob Baker, Mike Seeger, Hazel Dickens, Bob Shanklin, and the Stanley Brothers

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/284

Stanley Brothers at Shenandoah Valley Bowl, 3 June 1956; Stanley Brothers at Sunset Park, May 1958; Stanley Brothers at Shipp's Park, 8 July 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 261

Shenandoah Valley Bowl material includes Bill Napier and Chubby Anthony; Shipp's Park material includes Curley Lambert, Chubby Anthony, and Lindy Clear

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/285

Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch, circa 1957; Stanley Brothers at Silver Creek Ranch, September 1957; Stanley Brothers in Newark, 7 April 1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 262

New River Ranch material includes: Ralph Mayo, Bill Napier, and Jack Cook; Silver Creek Ranch material includes: Bill Napier and Jack Cook; Newark material includes: Curley Lambert, Chubby Anthony, and Snuffy Jones

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/286

Stanley Brothers at Newark (continued), 7 April 1957; Stanley Brothers at Sunset Park, 20 May 1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 263

Newark material includes: Snuffy Jones, Chubby Anthony, and Bill Napier; Sunset Park material includes Ezra Jones, Frank Wakefield, and Chubby Anthony

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/287

Stanley Brothers at Sunset Park (continued), 20 May 1957; Stanley Brothers at Melody Ranch, 16 April 1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 264

Sunset Park material includes: Wakefield, Jones, and Anthony; Melody Ranch material includes: Curley Lambert, Chubby Anthony, and Lindy Clear (Cousin Mort)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/288

Stanley Brothers at Melody Ranch (continued), 16 April 1957; Stanley Brothers unknown concert and miscellaneous material, 1957-1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 265

Melody Ranch material includes Curley Lambert, Chubby Anthony, and Lindy Clear; Miscellaneous material includes WWVA track featuring Benny Williams and Bill Napier and two tracks from New River Ranch recorded 21 May 1961

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/289

Stanley Brothers at Shipp's Park, 8 July 1956; Stanley Brothers at Silver Creek Ranch, September 1957; Stanley Brothers at Sunset Park

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 266

Shipp's Park material includes: Curley Lambert, Chubby Anthony, and Lindy Clear; Silver Creek Ranch material includes Chubby Anthony and Curley Lambert; Sunset Park material includes: Ralph Mayo, Bill Napier, and Jack Cook

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/290

Stanley Brothers at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 14 May 1960

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 267

Includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Curly Lambert, Ralph Mayo, and Lindy Clare

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/291

The Stanley Brothers at Antioch College (continued), Yellow Springs, Ohio, 14 May 1960; Tom Morgan recorded at Ben Adelman's, circa 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 268

Recording From Gerald Mills. Tom Morgan material includes: Frank Wakefield, Red Allen, Bill Emerson, Kenny Haddock, and Carl Nelson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/292

Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch, Rising Sun, Md., 21 May 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 269

Includes: George Shuffler and Jack Cook

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/293

Stanley Brothers at New River Ranch (continued), 21 May 1961; Stanley Brothers at Oak Leaf Park, 28 May 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 270

New River Ranch material includes: George Shffler and Jack Cook

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/294

Stanley Brothers at Oak Leaf Park (continued), 28 May 1961; Osborne Brothers and Red Allen on WWVA

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 271

Oak Leaf Park material includes: George Shuffler and Tom Gray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/295

Stanley Brothers at Sunset Park, West Grove, Pa., 22 May 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 272

Includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, George Shuffler, Pappy John Hall, and Carl Hawkins

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/296

Stanley Brothers at Sunset Park (continued), 22 May 1962; Stanley Brothers at Antioch College, 14 May 1960; Jimmy Martin, 8 May 1960

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 273

Antioch College material includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Ralph Mayo, Curly Lambert, Lindy Clare; Jimmy Martin material includes: J.D. Crowe, Paul Williams, and others

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/297

Stanley Brothers in Berkeley, Calif. (continued), 21 September 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 274

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/298

Stanley Brothers in Berkeley, Calif. (continued), 21 September 1962; The Kentucky Colonels at Ash Grove, April 1962; Party at the Dillards House, Los Angeles, Calif., May 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 275

Dillards' house party material includes: Bill Keith, Kenny Baker, Del McCoury, Clarence White, Roger Bush, Bob Yellin, Tracy Schwarz, Doug Dillard, Rod Dillard, Dean Webb, and Skip Conover

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/299

The Country Gentlemen at Bailey's Crossroads, Falls Church, Va., 1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 276

Includes: Charlie Waller, John Dufey, Bill Emerson, Jim Cox, and John Hall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/300

The Country Gentlemen at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, spring 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 277

Includes: Charlie Waller, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, and Tom Gray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/301

The Country Gentlemen at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, spring 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 278

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/302

The Country Gentlemen at Oberlin College (continued), spring 1962; Flatt and Scruggs at Berkeley Community Theater, 16 June 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 279

Flatt and Scruggs material includes: Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs, Paul Warren, Buck Graves, Hylo Brown, and Jack Tullock

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/303

The Country Gentlemen at the Shamrock, 22 September 1962; John Duffey, Lucky Chatman and the Ozark Mountain Boys; Fonotone dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 280

Country Gentlemen material includes: Charlie Waller, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, and Tom Gray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/304

Country Gentlemen at Sons of Norway Hall, Brooklyn, N.Y., 7 October 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 281

Includes: Charlie Waller, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, and Tom Gray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/305

Country Gentlemen at Sons of Norway Hall (continued), 7 October 1962; Country Gentlemen at Lafayette College, 30 March 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 282

Lafayette College material includes: Charlie Waller, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, and Tom Gray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/306

Country Gentlemen at Lafayette College (continued), Easton, Pa., 30 March 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 283

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/307

Country Gentlemen and Bill Clifton at Central Plaza Hall, New York City, N.Y., 28 April 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 284

Includes: Charlie Waller, John Duffey, Eddie Adcock, Tom Grey, and Bill Clifton

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/308

Country Gentlemen and Bill Clifton at Central Plaza Hall (continued), 28 April 1963; The Stanley Brothers in Berkeley, Calif., 21 September 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 285

Berkeley, Calif. material includes: Carter Stanley, Ralph Stanley, Vernon Derick, and Curly Lambert

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/309

Osborne Brothers and Red Allen at New River Ranch, 30 June 1957; Louvin Brothers at New River Ranch, 29 April 1956; Reno and Smiley at New River Ranch, 15 April 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 286

Louvin Brothers material includes: Paul Yandell and George McCormick. Also includes material by Lee and Juanita Moore

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/310

Osborne Brothers and Red Allen at WWVA, circa 1957; Osborne Brothers and Jimmy Brown at Antioch College, 5 March 1960

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 287

Antioch material includes: Jimmy Brown and Benny Birchfield

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/311

Osborne Brothers and Jimmy Brown at Antioch College (continued), 5 March 1960; Osborne Brothers and Red Allen at Redman's Club, 29 June 1967; Osborne Brothers and Red Allen at New River Ranch, 30 June 1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 288

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/312

Osborne Brothers at the Polish National Hall, 3 May 1963; The Kentucky Colonels at The Ash Grove, April 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 289

Osborne Brothers material includes: Bobby Osborne, Sonny Osborne, Benny Birchfield, and Johnny Haynes; The Kentucky Colonels material includes: Clarence White, Billy Ray, Leroy Mack, Mike Seeger, and Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/313

The Kentucky Colonels at the Ash Grove (continued), April 1962; Osborne Brothers and John Duffey, Luray Va., 30 May 1960; Ridgerunners, circa 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 290

Kentucky Colonels material includes: Mike Seeger, Clarence White, Billy Ray, Leroy Mack, Scott Hambly, and Roger Bush; Ridgerunners material includes: Al Ross, Greg Lasser, and Scott Hambly

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/314

The Kentucky Colonels at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 6 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 291

From Gerald Mills. Includes: Clarence White, Roland White, Scotty Stoneman, Billy Ray, Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/315

The Kentucky Colonels at the Ash Grove (continued), 6 April 1965; The Kentucky Colonels at the Ash Grove, February 1965; Bill Monroe at New York University, 8 February 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 292

Kentucky Colonels February 1965 material includes: Clarence White, Roland White, Scotty Stoneman, Billy Ray, and Roger Bush; Bill Monroe material includes: Jack Cook, Kenny Baker, Del McCoury, and Bessie Lee Mauldin

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/316

The Kentucky Colonels at Long Beach, Calif., 28 December 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 293

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/317

The Kentucky Colonels, rehearsal at Eric White's home in El Monte, Calif., 29 September 1963; Doc Watson private session at Ed Pearl's home in Los Angeles, Calif., spring 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 294

Kentucky Colonels material recorded by Gerald Mills and includes: Clarence White, Billy Ray, Bobby Slone, Skip Conover, and Roger Bush; Doc Watson material includes: Clarence White

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/318

Doc Watson private session at Ed Pearl's house (continued), spring 1963; Doc Watson and Clarence Ashley at the Ash Grove , 7 April 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 295

Private session material includes: Clarence White; Ash Grove material includes: Doc Watson, Clarence Ashley, and Clint Walker

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/319

Doc Watson at Blind Lemon's and New York University, October 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 296

Includes: Doc Watson and Gaither Carlton

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/320

Doc Watson at New York University (continued), October 1962

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 297

Includes: Doc Watson, Arnold Watson, and Gaither Carlton

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/321

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 6 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 298

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/322

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 6 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 299

Includes: Al Ross

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/323

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 6 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 300

Includes: Al Ross

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/324

The Kentucky Colonels at Ash Grove, 5 February 1965; Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, 9-10 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 301

Kentucky Colonels material includes: Clarence White, Roland White, Billy Ray, Scotty Stoneman, and Roger Bush

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/325

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 10-11 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 302

Includes: Al Ross

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/326

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 11 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 303

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/327

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 13 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 304

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/328

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 14 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 305

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/329

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 15 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 306

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/330

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 16 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 307

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/331

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 17 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 308

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/332

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 13 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 309

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/333

Doc Watson at the Ash Grove, 17 April 1965; Bill Monroe and Doc Watson duets at the Ash Grove, 14 April 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 310

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/334

Bill Monroe and Doc Watson at the Ash Grove (continued), 14 April 1963; Blue Sky Boys live at the UCLA Folk Festival, 14-16 May 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 311

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/335

Miscellaneous record dubs: Fiddlin' Doc Roberts, Fiddlin' Jim Burke Bob Skiles Four Old Tuners, Uncle Dave Macon, and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 312

Includes: Fiddlin' Doc Roberts, Fiddlin' Jim Burke Bob Skiles Four Old Tuners, Uncle Dave Macon, Oscar and Doc Harper, Fiddlin' Arthur Smith, Arthur Tanner, McGinty's Oklahoma Cowboy Band, Otto Gray, Bill Miller, Lester McFarland-Robert A. Garden, Mac and Bob, Bob Lester and Bud Green, McLaughlin's Old Time Melody Makers, Jimmie Davis, Cliff Carlisle, Bill Cox, Bill Cox and Cliff Hobbs, Harry McClintock, Graham Brothers, and Edward L. Crain

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/336

Miscellaneous record dubs: Stuart Hamblen, H.M. Barnes and his Blue Ridge Ramblers, East Texas Serenaders, Fort Worth Doughboys, and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 313

Includes: Stuart Hamblen, H.M. Barnes and his Blue Ridge Ramblers, East Texas Serenaders, Fort Worth Doughboys, Bob Wills, Sleepy Johnson, W. T. Narmour, S. W. Smith, Luke Baldwin, Bill Cox-Cliff Hobbs, Bill Cox, Vance Knowles-Red Lay, Johnny Barfield, Bob Ferguson, John White, Obed Pickard, Martin and Roberts, Jesse Coat, Shelton Brothers and Curley Fox, Wilmer Watts and the Lonely Eagle, Kessinger Brothers, A.A. Gray and Seven Foot Dilly, Uncle George Green, Uncle George Green, Carroll County Ramblers, James Cole String Band, Bill Shores-Melvin Dupree, Smith's Garage Fiddle Band, Luke Highnight and the Ozark Strutters, Craver and Tanner, Martin Melody Boys

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/337

Miscellaneous record dubs: Darby and Tarlton, The Georgia Wildcats, Blind Jack Mathis, and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 314

Includes: Darby and Tarlton, The Georgia Wildcats, Blind Jack Mathis, Fisher Hendley and his Aristocratic Pigs, Ray Brothers, Kessinger Brothers, Stone Mountain Trio, Hoke Rice and his Hoky Poky Boys, Doc Hopkins, Hank the Yodeling Ranger, and Denver Darling

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/338

The Kentucky Colonels at the Ash Grove, Los Angeles, Calif., 6 April 1965

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 315

Includes: Roland White, Clarence White, Billy Ray, Roger Bush, and Scott Stoneman

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/339

Jim and Jesse at Oak Leaf Park, Luray, Va.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 316

Includes: Jim McReynolds, Jesse McReynolds, Don McHan, Allen Shelton, Jim Buchanan, Joe Binglehead

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/340

Country Gentlemen at Watermelon Park; Bill Harrell and Earl Taylor at Watermelon Park; Frank Wakefield and Red Spurlock, Columbus, Ohio, circa 1958

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 317

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/341

Jimmy Martin at New River Ranch, circa 1957; Benny Martin with the Country Gentlemen at the Shamrock Room

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 318

Jimmy Martin material includes: Frank Wakefield and J.D. Crowe; Country Gentlemen material includes Kenny Haddock, Tom Gray, and Benny Martin

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/342

American Banjo take and alternate takes, 1956; The Kentucky Colonel's party, 14 December 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 319

Recorded by Mike Seeger for Folkways Records (FA 2314). American Banjo material includes: Wade Ward, Larry Richardson (Galax, Va., circa 1956), Donny Bryant (Arlington, Va., 1956), Stoneman Family (Charles Hotel, Hughesville, Md., 6 September 1956) Oren and Verl Jenkins (North Carolina), and Junie Scruggs (brother of Earl)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/343

The Kentucky Colonels party (continued), 14 December 1964; The Kentucky Colonels live at the Ash Grove, 25 September 1961; Jimmy Martin at New River Ranch, 27 April 1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 320

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/344

Charlie Monroe at New River Ranch, May 1956; Bill Monroe at New River Ranch, 13 May 1956

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 321

Bill Monroe material includes: Rudy Lyle, Bessie Lee Mauldin, Bobby Hicks, Joe Stuart, Yates Green, and Chick Stripling

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/345

Bill Monroe at New River Ranch, 13 May 1956; Bill Monroe at New River Ranch, 23 April 1956; Buzz Busby at New River Ranch, 20 May 1956; Undated session; Snuffy Jenkins at Fort Jackson Service Club, Fort Jackson, S.C.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 322

Bill Monroe material includes: Bobby Hicks, Yates Green, Don Reno, and Joe Stuart; Buzz Busby material includes Charlie Waller and Vance Truell. Also includes undated session with Smiley Hobbs, Pete Roberts Kuykendall, Tom Morgan, and Mike Seeger

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/346

Snuffy Jenkins at Fort Jackson Service Club (continued); Joe Stuart at New River Ranch, 23 September 1956; Oren Jenkins; Bill Monroe at New River Ranch, 23 September 1956; Orel and Verl Jenkins, 1 October 1956; Wade Ward, Galax, Va.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 323

Joe Stuart material includes Pete Robert Kuykendall); Bill Monroe material includes Rudy Lyle

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/347

Doc Watson and Bill Monroe at the Ash Grove, 1963; Bill Monroe and Lamar Grier duets, 12 May 1963; Monroe Brothers; Reno and Smiley; Stanley Brothers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 324

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/348

DJ Convention: Tut Taylor, Harley Gabbard, Buck Graves, Del McCury, and others, 1966-1967

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 325

Includes: recordings of parties at Tut Taylor's room, Clarkston hotel. Includes: Tut Taylor, Harley Gabbard, Buck Graves, Del McCury, Roland White, Gloria Belle, Vassar Clements, Bobby Hicks, Randall Collins, Joe Green, G.W. Moore, Moon Norman, Allen Shelton, Bob Thompson, Herschel Sizemore, Red Rector, Vernon Derrick, and Bill Monroe. Also Includes: jam session at Vassar Clements's house in Tallahassee Fla. recorded 19-20 June 1966 with Vassar, Rual Yarbrough, Jake Landers. Also Includes: session at Rual Yarbrough's barber shop in Muscle Shoals, Ala. recorded 5 September 1966 with Rual Yarbrough, Vassar Clements Jake Landers, Herschel Sizemore, and Buddy Wemberly

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/349

Gary Henderson interviews Nitty Gritty Dirt Band about "Will the Circle Be Unbroken", Washington, D.C., December 1972

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 326

Recorded at the Cellar Door. Interviewees include: John McEuen, Jeff Hanna, and Les Thompson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/350

Bill Monroe with Tall Timber Boys, Seattle, Wash., 1967; Sons of the Pioneers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 327

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/351

Country Gentlemen and Benny Martin at Watermelon Park, Berryville, Va., 24 June 1961

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 328

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/352

Bill Emerson and Cliff Waldron, master dubs; Bob Baker and Pike County Boys, WBMD radio show, circa 1958

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 329

Emerson and Waldron material includes: John Duffey, Bill Baker, and Ed Ferris. Recording also includes: Russ Hooper and Kimball Blair 

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/353

Grand Ole Opry: Red Foley, Rob Brassfield, Bill Monroe, and others, 17 June 1950; Grand Ole Opry: Red Foley, Rob Brassfield, Bill Monroe, and others, 28 October 1950

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 330

June show includes: Red Foley, Rob Brassfield, Bill Monroe (Jimmy Martin, Rudy Lyle, Vassar Clements, Joel Price), Milton Estes, Red Foley, Minnie Pearl, and Stringbean; October show includes: Red Foley, Rob Brassfield, Bill Monroe, Minnie Pearl, and Stringbean

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/354

Osborne Brothers and Red Allen, WWVA, Wheeling, W. Va., 17 August 1957

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 331

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/355

J.D. Crowe and The Kentucky Mountain Boys live at the Holiday Inn North, 22 March 1969

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 332

Recorded by Kenneth S. Landreth, J.D. Crowe, Doyle Lawson, Jim Hatton, and Bob Slone

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/356

J.D. Crowe and The Kentucky Mountain Boys live at the Holiday Inn North, 1969

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 333

Recorded by Kenneth S. Landreth. J.D. Crowe, Bobby Morris, Red Allen, and Bob Slone

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/357

Dubs from Norm Carlson: Grand Ole Opry 1948 and radio acetates 1952-1955

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 334

Grand Ole Opry dubs include: Bill Monroe with Flatt and Scruggs, Bill Monroe with Don Reno and Jackie Phelps, Tommy Magnes, Bill Monroe with Birch Monroe; Radio acetates dubs from include: Old Dominion Barn Dance, Grand Ole Opry, and Flatt and Scruggs

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/358

Flatt and Scruggs, WRVA and WSM radio dubs, 1954-1959

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 335

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/359

Flatt and Scruggs at WCYB; Stanley Brothers at WCYB

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 336

Flatt and Scruggs material includes: Jim Shumate and Cedric Rainwater [Howard Watts]; Stanley Brothers material includes: Pee Wee Lambert and Leslie Keith

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/360

Stanley Brothers at WCYB (continued); Mac Wiseman at WCYB

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 337

Stanley Brothers material includes: Pee Wee Lambert and Leslie Keith; Mac Wiseman material includes: Ted Mullins and Ralph Mayo

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/361

Mac Wiseman at WCYB (continued); Curly King at WCYB

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 338

Mac Wiseman material includes: Ted Mullins and Ralph Mayo. Curly King material includes: Chubby Collier and Shorty Morris

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/362

Stanley Brothers and Blue Ridge Partners at WCYB, 1949-1952

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 339

Includes: Pee Wee Lambert and Bobby Sumner

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/363

NPR Folk Festival USA (Indian Springs Bluegrass Festival): Country Store, Hagerstown, Md.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 340

Includes: Bill Rawlings, Chris Stifel, Dick Smith, and Jimmy Gaudreau

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/364

NPR Folk Festival USA (Indian Springs Bluegrass Festival): Seldom Scene and the Lewis Family, Hagerstown, Md.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 341

Includes: interview with Bill Clifton, John Starling, John Duffey, Ben Eldridge, Tom Gray, and Mike Auldridge, Tomcat Reeder, Red Shipley, and Lewis Family (Roy Lewis Jr., Maggie Lewis, Polly Lewis, Janis Lewis, Wallace Lewis, and Travis Lewis)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/365

NPR Folk Festival USA (Indian Springs Bluegrass Festival): The Spirits of Bluegrass and Cliff Waldron and the New Shades of Grass, Hagerstown, Md.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 342

Includes: Robin Smith, Don Winbarger, John Hensley, Cliff Waldron, Bill Wheeler, Akira "John" Otsuka, Steve Wilson, Arthur Penn, and Dave Auldridge

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/366

NPR Folk Festival USA (Indian Springs Bluegrass Festival): Cliff Waldron and the New Shades of Grass and Ralph Stanley and the Clinch Mountain Boys, Hagerstown, Md.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 343

Stereo. [Likely an excerpt of Cliff Waldron and Ralph Stanley performances on the Folk Festival USA program's Indian Springs II episode. Cliff Waldron material continued from FT-20546/365. Ralph Stanley Includes: Keith Whitley, Curly Ray Cline, Jack Cooke, Ricky Lee

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/367

Tom Morgan, master dub, 18 May 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 344

Includes: Tom Morgan, Bill Emerson, Red Allen, Frank Wakefield, Carl Nelson, Kenny Haddock, and Pete Kuykendall

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/368

Reverend Robert Timothy Wilkins, A Part of My History and a few song samples, Arlington, Va., 1960-1964

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 345

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/369

Bluegrass Alliance at the 33rd National Folk Festival, Vienna, Va., 28 August 1971

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 346

Includes: Tony Rice, Lonnie Pearce, Sam Bush, Courtney Johnson, and Harry Shelor Jr. (Ebo Walker)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/370

Bean Blossom: Bill Monroe, Byron Berline, Butch Robbins, and others, Bean Blossom,Ind., 1967

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 347

Includes: Bill Monroe, Byron Berline, Butch Robbins, Roland White, James Monroe, Red Allen, Ralph Stanley, Larry Sparks, Ray Goins, Curly Cline, Curly Lambert, Lewis Land, Mitchell Land, Williams, and Alan Munde

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/371

Doc Watson, Fred Price, and Clint Howard in Seattle, Wash. 1 , 1 December 1967

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 348

Recorded by Phil Williams

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/372

Doc Watson, Fred Price, and Clint Howard in Seattle, Wash. 2 , 1 December 1967

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 349

Recorded by Phil Williams

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/373

The New Kentucky Colonels (The White Brothers) at Indian Springs, Hagerstown, Md., June 1973

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 350

Includes: Roland White, Clarence White, Eric White, Jack Hicks, John Kaparakis, and emcees: Red Shipley, Gary Henderson, and Ray Davis

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/374

Party: Auldridge, Eldridge, and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 352

Likely Mike Auldridge and Ben Eldridge of the Seldom Scene

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.1.4 Miscellaneous Recordings, 1955-1980 and undated.

60 items.

Arrangement: Original order has been maintained.

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/375

Country Gentlemen; Harry and Jeanne West; Obray Ramsey; and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 1

Dubs of: Country Gentlemen, Harry and Jeanne West (Riverside LP 12-617), Obray Ramsey (Riverside LP 12-617), The Harvesters (Folkways 2406), Kirby Snow, Kirby Snow and Wade Ward, Neriah and Kenneth Benfield, Tom Paley, Woody Guthrie, Sonny Terry, and Cisco Houston, Rose Maddox with Don Reno and Bill Monroe ("Rose Maddox Sings Bluegrass"), and New Lost City Ramblers

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/376

Mac McGaha; Ronny Reno; John Palmer; and Reno and Smiley

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 2

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/377

Flatt and Scruggs; Bill Monroe; Red Allen; Pretty Polly; and others

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 3

Dubs of: Flatt and Scruggs, Bill Monroe (Columbia Harmony 7290), Red Allen (Diplomat 2601), Pretty Polly, Lonesome Pine Fiddlers (Diplomat 2601), Carl Story, Bill Harrell, and Red Allen

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/378

unidentified sound recording

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 4

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/379

Mountain Folksong Concert

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 5

Includes dub of Palace M 720 release with Stanley Brothers, Hank Varney, Bob Miller, Clifton Henson, Carl Story, Roy Smiley and Red Barnes, Lowell Simpson, and Jimmy and Wayne Sanders; Also includes dub of Diplomat D-2601 release with the Stanley Brothers, Red Allen, and Vern and Ray

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/380

Chet Atkins, two RCA LPs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 6

Dubs of RCA LPs LPM2175 ("The Other Chet Atkins") and LPM1197 ("Chet Atkins in Three Dimensions")

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/381

Jerry Barber's Apartment, Drunken Hoot, 15 February 1963

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 7

Includes: Clancy Brothers, Joan Baez, Cisco Houston, Peggy Seeger, and Bonny Dobson

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/382

New Lost City Ramblers; Bonnie Dobson; Lightnin' Hopkins; Brownie McGhee

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 8

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/383

The Weavers; Greenbriar Boys; Hedy West; David Gude; New Lost City Ramblers

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 9

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/384

Country Gentlemen, second and third sets at the Shamrock

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 10

Recorded by Jimmy McCeney. Includes: Bill Clifton, Russle Hooper, Mike Seeger, John Duffey, and Tom Grey

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/385

John Duffey, Charley Waller, and The Country Gentlemen, "Sing & Play Folk Songs & Bluegrass" dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 11

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/386

Bill Clifton, The Bluegrass Sound of Bill Clifton; Country Gentlemen, Bluegrass at Carnegie Hall dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 12

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/387

"Sound of Music" soundtrack dub; Charlie Byrd, "Jazz at the Showboat" dub; Stan Getz and Charlie Byrd, "Jazz Samba" dub; Reverend Gary Davis dub; Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto featuring Antonio Carlos Jobim

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 13

Dubs of commercial recordings: Sound of Music (Columbia KOS2020), Jazz at the Showboat (Offbeat Records OJ-3001), Getz/Byrd (Verve V8432), Gary Davis (Riverside RLP 12-611), Getz/Gilberto (Verve VG8545)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/388

Stanley Brothers live

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 15

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/389

Reno and Smiley, "Instrumentals and Ballads" dub; Stanley Brothers, "Sing the Songs they Like Best" dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 16

Dubs of commercial recordings: Reno and Smiley (King 579), Stanley Brothers (772)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/390

Flatt and Scruggs, "Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs and The Foggy Mountain Boys " dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Original number: 17

Dub of commercial recording: Mercury MG20542

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/391

Kenny Baker, guitar dub

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/392

Floyd Busbin, demo

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/393

Carl Butler, demo for Bill Monroe

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/394

Country Gentlemen

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/395

Mrs. Harold Galloway, demo for Bill Monroe

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/396

Everett D. Hodges, demo for Bill Monroe

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/397

Joe Hudgins, demo

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/398

The Lost City Cats, demonstration tape

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/399

Jimmy Maynard and the Cumberland Mountain Boys

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/400

Bill Monroe at New River Ranch, 22 February 1967; Doc Watson

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/401

Bill Monroe, "Road of Life", dub master, Nashville, Tenn., 14 August 1974

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/402

Bill Monroe and his Bluegrass Boys, "Bluegrass '77" stereo master tape 8, 1977

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/403

Bill Monroe and his Bluegrass Boys, "Bluegrass '77" stereo master tape 16, 1977

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/404

Bill Monroe, Bradley Recording Studios tape

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/405

Bill and James Monroe, mono album, Nashville, Tenn., 31 July 1972

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Material eventually released as "Father & Son" (MCA 310)

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/406

Bill Monroe and Doc Watson, Bluegrass at the White House, Washington, D.C., 7 August 1980

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/407

Bill Monroe and Doc Watson, Bluegrass at the White House, Washington, D.C., 7 August 1980

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/408

James Monroe, Sweet Marry and the Miles In Between, Benny

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/409

W.D. Reynolds, demos for Bill Monroe, Greenville, S.C.

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/410

Seldom Scene and Bill Monroe, Folk Festival USA, Hagerstown, Md., 1974

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/411

Shorty Shehan, tape for Bill Monroe

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/412

Stanley Brothers and Bill Monroe, 33 1/3 single dubs

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/413

Billy Starr demo

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/414

Joe Stuart interview, 1975

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/415

Second Annual Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 1, Cosby, Tenn., 2 July 1972

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Ralph Stanley, Goins Brothers, James Monroe, Ralph Lewis, Jim and Jesse. Bill Monroe, Goins Brothers, and Red Rector and Fred Smith

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/416

Second Annual Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 2, Cosby, Tenn., 2 July 1972

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Red Rector and Fred Smith, James Monroe, Birch and James Monroe, Don Reno and Bill Harrold, Don Reno and Bill Harrold, Jim and Jesse, Country Gentlemen, and Ralph Stanley

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/417

Second Annual Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 3, Cosby, Tenn., 2 July 1972

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Ralph Stanley, Lester Flatt, and Bill Monroe

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/418

Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 1, Cosby, Tenn., 1973

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Knoxville Bluegrass Boys, Red Rector and Fred Smith, Bluegrass Tarheels, Hylo Brown, James Monroe and the Midnight Ramblers, as well as banjo, fiddle, and mandolin workshops

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/419

Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 2, Cosby, Tenn., 30 June 1973

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Don Reno and Bill Harrold, Bluegrass Tarheels, Red and Fred, Ralph Lewis, Jim and Jesse, James Monroe, Jimmy Martin, and Ralph Stanley

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/420

Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 1, Cosby, Tenn., 1 July 1976

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Birch Monroe, Bill Clifton and Red Rector, James Monroe, Outdoor Plumbing Company, Red Rector and Bill Clifton

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/421

Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 2, Cosby, Tenn., 2 July 1976

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Birch Monroe, Piper Road String Band, Carl Sauceman, New Day String Band, James Monroe, and Bill Monroe

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/422

Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 3, Cosby, Tenn., 2 July 1976

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Piper Road String Band, Outdoor Plumbling Company, Red Rector and Bill Clifton, Carl Sauceman, James Monroe, Ralph Lewis and Kids, and Bill Monroe

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/423

Cosby Tennessee Bluegrass Festival 6, Cosby, Tenn., 3 July 1976

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Jimmie Martin, Lewis Children, Bill Monroe, Harrold Austin, Ralph Stanley, Blue Denim, Bill Monroe, Harrold Austin, and Blue Denim

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/424

Record dubs PVK

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/425

Roanoke, Roanoke, Va., 1964

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Osborne Brothers, Larry Richardson, Bill Monroe, Kenny Baker, Don Reno, Red Smiley, Duck Austin, Richard Greene, Tater Tate, Billy Edwards, and Gene Burris

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/426

Roanoke, Roanoke, Va., 1964

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Bill Monroe, Carlton Haney, Benny Martin, Mike Seeger, and Ralph Rinzler

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/427

Willie Franklin, folk music program, Washington, D.C., 12 August 1964

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: John Dildine, Dick Spottswood, and Reverend Robert Wilkins

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/428

unidentified bluegrass group

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/429

unidentified festival recording, Roanoke, Va., 17 May 1905

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Includes: Richard Greene, Del McCoury, Roger Sprung, Bill Monroe, Peter Rowan, and Lamar Grier

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/430

unidentified sound recording

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/431

unidentified sound recording

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/432

unidentified sound recording

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/433

unidentified sound recording

1/4" Open Reel Audio

SFC Audio Open Reel FT-20546/434

unidentified sound recording

1/4" Open Reel Audio

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.2 Transcription Discs, 1956-1985 and undated.

60 items.

Arrangement: Alphabetical by program name.

Radio broadcast material compiled by Pete Kuykendall. The majority of the radio programs represented in the series consist of programs produced by the U.S. Airforce, U.S. Army, and U.S. Navy, including Country Music Time, Country Style, USA, and Navy Country Hoedown. Other programs represented in the series include The George Hamilton IV Show and The World of Folk Music Starring Burl Ives, which was produced by the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Transcription Disc TR-20546/1

Mountain Fever: Show Number 02-700, 1985

12" Transcription Disc

Includes: Salt Water Grass, Hickory Flatt, Sumer Wages, Wes Golding, and Lost and Found

Transcription Disc TR-20546/2

Country Music Time 3, 4, 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Webb Pierce, Winters Brothers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/3

Country Music Time 21, 22

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, Mimi Roman

Transcription Disc TR-20546/4

Country Music Time 25, 26

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Roy Acuff, Mary Randolph

Transcription Disc TR-20546/5

Country Music Time 53, 54, 1958-1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Flatt and Scruggs, Gordon Terry

Transcription Disc TR-20546/6

Country Music Time 71, 72, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Mimi Roman, Ferlin Husky

Transcription Disc TR-20546/7

Country Music Time 77, 78, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Ray Price, Benny Martin

Transcription Disc TR-20546/8

Country Music Time 81, 82

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Webb Pierce, Carlisles

Transcription Disc TR-20546/9

Country Music Time 83, 84

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Jim Reeves, George Morgan

Transcription Disc TR-20546/10

Country Music Time 89, 90

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Bobby Sykes, Ray Price

Transcription Disc TR-20546/11

Country Music Time 93, 94, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Carl Smith, Webb Pierce

Transcription Disc TR-20546/12

Country Music Time 95, 96, 1960

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Mimi Roman, Jim Reeves

Transcription Disc TR-20546/13

Country Music Time 97, 98

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Ray Price, Wilma Lee and Stoney Cooper

Transcription Disc TR-20546/14

Country Music Time 99, 100, 1959-1960

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: George Morgan, Floyd Tillman

Transcription Disc TR-20546/15

Country Music Time 101, 102

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Ferlin Husky, Faron Youn

Transcription Disc TR-20546/16

Country Music Time 105, 106

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Jim Reeves, Hank Snow

Transcription Disc TR-20546/17

Country Music Time 107, 108

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Ray Price, Ferlin Husky

Transcription Disc TR-20546/18

Country Music Time 109, 110

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Johnny and Jack, Kitty Wells

Transcription Disc TR-20546/19

Country Music Time 111, 112, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Mac Wiseman, Jim Reeves

Transcription Disc TR-20546/20

Country Music Time 113, 114, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: The Carters (June, Helen, Maybelle, with Chet Atkins), Faron Young

Transcription Disc TR-20546/21

Country Music Time 119, 120, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Jim Reeves, Louvin Brothers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/22

Country Style USA 1, 2

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Grandpa Jones, Ernest Tubb

Transcription Disc TR-20546/23

Country Style USA 3, 4

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Hank Snow, Carlisles

Transcription Disc TR-20546/24

Country Style USA 47, 48, 1956

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, Carl Smith

Transcription Disc TR-20546/25

Country Style USA 53, 54, 1956-1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Jimmy Dickens, Flatt and Scruggs

Transcription Disc TR-20546/26

Country Style USA 59, 60, 1956

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Carl Smith, Johnny Cash

Transcription Disc TR-20546/27

Country Style USA 73, 74, 15 June 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Carl Smith, Benny Martin

Transcription Disc TR-20546/28

Country Style USA 75, 76, 13 April 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, Maddox Brothers and Rose

Transcription Disc TR-20546/29

Country Style USA 77, 78, 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Hank Snow, Cowboy Copas

Transcription Disc TR-20546/30

Country Style USA 79, 80, 26 April 1979

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: George Jones, Ernest Tubb

Transcription Disc TR-20546/31

Country Style USA 81, 82, 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: George Morgan, Lonzo and Oscar

Transcription Disc TR-20546/32

Country Style USA 87, 88, 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: George Morgan, Louvin Brother

Transcription Disc TR-20546/33

Country Style USA 93, 94, 1957 24 August 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Wilma Lee and Stoney Cooper, Porter Wagoner

Transcription Disc TR-20546/34

Country Style USA 95, 96, 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Odie and Jody, Wilburn Brothers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/35

Country Style USA 105, 106, 8 June 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Hawkshaw Hawkins, The Jordanaires

Transcription Disc TR-20546/36

Country Style USA 109, 110, 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Louvin Brothers, Carlisles

Transcription Disc TR-20546/37

Country Style USA 117, 118, 1959 8 February 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Dave Rich, Rusty Gabbard backed by Ernest Tubb's Troubadours

Transcription Disc TR-20546/38

Country Style USA 143, 144, 25 January 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Johnny and Jack, Marty Robbins

Transcription Disc TR-20546/39

Country Style USA 153, 154, 23 July 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Porter Wagoner, Kitty Wells

Transcription Disc TR-20546/40

Country Style USA 155, 156, 10 May 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Ferlin Husky, Johnny and Jack

Transcription Disc TR-20546/41

Country Style USA 157, 158

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Don Gibson, Hank Snow

Transcription Disc TR-20546/42

Country Style USA 161, 162

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Wilburn Brothers, Benny Martin

Transcription Disc TR-20546/43

Country Style USA 163, 164, 1958

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Marty Robbins, Ray Price

Transcription Disc TR-20546/44

Country Style USA 167, 168, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Cowboy Copas, Glenn Douglas

Transcription Disc TR-20546/45

Country Style USA 169, 170, 1961

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Benny Martin, Hank Snow

Transcription Disc TR-20546/46

Country Style USA 183, 184, 1959 16 May 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Faron Young, Wilburn Brothers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/47

Country Style USA 185, 186, 1957-1961

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Hank Fort, Webb Pierce

Transcription Disc TR-20546/48

Country Style USA 187, 188, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Ferlin Husky, Don Gibson

Transcription Disc TR-20546/49

Country Style USA 189, 190, 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, Eddy Arnold

Transcription Disc TR-20546/50

Country Style USA 197, 198, 25 June 1959

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Roy Drusky, Hank Snow

Transcription Disc TR-20546/51

Country Style USA 199, 200, 1959-1961

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Faron Young, George Morgan

Transcription Disc TR-20546/52

Country Style USA 201, 202, 20 August 1961

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Jimmy Newman, Mac Wiseman

Transcription Disc TR-20546/53

Country Style USA 209, 210, 1960-1961

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Ted Harris, the Jordanaires

Transcription Disc TR-20546/54

Country Style USA 213, 214, 1961

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Mac Wiseman, Faron Young

Transcription Disc TR-20546/55

Country Style USA 217, 218, 1959-1960

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Stoney Cooper, Faron Young

Transcription Disc TR-20546/56

The George Hamilton IV Show 1, 2, 3, 4, 1960

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Ferlin Husky, Jim Reeves, Faron Young, Elton Britt

Transcription Disc TR-20546/57

The George Hamilton IV Show 5, 6, 7, 8, 1960-1961

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Jim Reeves, Faron Young, Elton Britt, Ferlin Husky

Transcription Disc TR-20546/58

Leatherneck Jamboree 24, 25, 1958

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Flatt and Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Boys, Hawkshaw Hawkins with Stringbean

Transcription Disc TR-20546/59

Cancer Crusade Quarter Hour Music Show: The Faron Young Show, Listening to Jazz with Ernie Kovacs, 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Faron Young Show material includes: Faron Young, the Young Sheriff, the Country Deputies, Rose Maddox; Listening to Jazz with Ernie Kovacs material includes: Jimmy Yancey, Sidney Bechet, Bunk Johnson, Django Reinhardt, Duke Ellington, Cootie Williams

Transcription Disc TR-20546/60

Navy Country Hoedown 11, 12, 1957

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 11 includes: host Ernest Tubbs, guest Hank Snow. Episode 12 includes: host Faron Young, guest Jean Shepard

Transcription Disc TR-20546/61

Navy Country Hoedown 41, 42

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 41 includes: host Jimmy Dean, guest Jean Shepard. Episode 42 includes: host George Morgan, guest Ferlin Husky

Transcription Disc TR-20546/62

Navy Country Hoedown 43, 44

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 43 includes: host Jimmy Dean, guest Eddie Arnold. Episode 44 includes: host Eddie Arnold, guest George Morgan

Transcription Disc TR-20546/63

Navy Country Hoedown 45, 46

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 45 includes: host Faron Young, guest Patsy Cline. Episode 46 includes: host Jimmy Dean, guest Eddie Arnold

Transcription Disc TR-20546/64

Navy Country Hoedown 47, 48

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 47 includes: host George Hamilton IV, guest Eddie Arnold. Episode 48 includes:host Eddie Arnold, guest Judy Lynn

Transcription Disc TR-20546/65

Navy Country Hoedown 49, 50

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 49 includes: host Eddie Arnold, guest George Morgan. Episode 50 includes: host Eddie Arnold, guest George Hamilton IV

Transcription Disc TR-20546/66

Navy Country Hoedown 51, 52

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 51 includes: host George Hamilton IV, guest Jean Shepard. Episode 52 includes: host Eddie Arnold, guest Judy Lynn

Transcription Disc TR-20546/67

Navy Country Hoedown 53, 54

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 53 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Jimmy Wakely. Episode 54 includes: host Merle Travis, guest Tex Williams

Transcription Disc TR-20546/68

Navy Country Hoedown 55, 56

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 55 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Carolina Cotton. Episode 56 includes: host Rex Allen, guest Sons of the Pioneers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/69

Navy Country Hoedown 57, 58

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 57 includes: host Ernest Tubb, guest Jimmy Reeves. Episode 58 includes: host Pee Wee King, guest Faron Young

Transcription Disc TR-20546/70

Navy Country Hoedown 59, 60

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 59 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Merle Travis. Episode 60 includes: host Ernest Tubb, guest Red Sovine

Transcription Disc TR-20546/71

Navy Country Hoedown 61, 62

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 61 includes: host Faron Young, guest Webb Pierce. Episode 62 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Jimmy Wakely

Transcription Disc TR-20546/72

Navy Country Hoedown 63, 64

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 63 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Rex Allen. Episode 64 includes: host Faron Young, guest Pee Wee King

Transcription Disc TR-20546/73

Navy Country Hoedown 65, 66

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 65 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Merle Travis. Episode 66includes: host Ernest Tubb, guest Minnie Pearl

Transcription Disc TR-20546/74

Navy Country Hoedown 67, 68

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 67 includes: host Rex Allen, guest Sons of the Pioneers. Episode 68 includes: host Faron Young, guest Cowboy Copas

Transcription Disc TR-20546/75

Navy Country Hoedown 69, 70

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 69 includes: host Faron Young, guest Ferlin Husky. Episode 70 includes: host Ernest Tubb, guest Wilburn Brothers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/76

Navy Country Hoedown 71, 72

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 71 includes: host Pee Wee King, guest Tex Williams. Episode 72 includes: host Faron Young, guest Ray Price

Transcription Disc TR-20546/77

Navy Country Hoedown 73, 74, 1961

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 73 includes: host Pee Wee King, guest Ernest Tubb. Episode 74 includes: host Ernest Tubb, guest Hank Snow

Transcription Disc TR-20546/78

Navy Country Hoedown 75, 76

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 75 includes: host Faron Young, guest Justin Tubb. Episode 76 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Tex Ritter

Transcription Disc TR-20546/79

Navy Country Hoedown 77, 78

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 77 includes: host Ernest Tubb, guest June Carter. Episode 78 includes: host Hank Snow, guest Carl Smith

Transcription Disc TR-20546/80

Navy Country Hoedown 79, 80

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 79 includes: host Merle Travis, guest Johnnie Bond. Episode 80 includes: host Jim Reeves, guest Jim Shepard

Transcription Disc TR-20546/81

Navy Country Hoedown 81, 82

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 81 includes: host Faron Young, guest Ferlin Husky. Episode 82 includes: host Jim Reeves, guest Porter Wagoner

Transcription Disc TR-20546/82

Navy Country Hoedown 83, 84

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 83 includes: host Tex Ritter, guests Tex Williams and Jimmie Widener. Episode 84 includes: host Hank Snow, guest Eddie Hill

Transcription Disc TR-20546/83

Navy Country Hoedown 85, 86

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 85 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Rex Allen. Episode 86 includes: host Rex Allen, guest Sons of the Pioneers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/84

Navy Country Hoedown 87, 88

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 87 includes: host Tex Ritter, guest Merle Travis. Episode 88 includes: host Ernest Tubb, guest T. Texas Tyler

Transcription Disc TR-20546/85

Navy Country Hoedown 89, 90

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 89 includes: host Faron Young, guest Jimmy Newman and Rob Brasfield. Episode 90 includes:host Hank Snows, guest Cowboy Copas

Transcription Disc TR-20546/86

Navy Country Hoedown 91, 92

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 91 includes: host Tex Williams, guest Jimmy Wakely. Episode 92 includes:host Hank Snow, guest Ernest Tubb

Transcription Disc TR-20546/87

Navy Country Hoedown 93, 94

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 93 includes: host Merle Travis, guest Carolina Cotton. Episode 94 includes: host Ernest Tubb, guest Wilburn Brothers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/88

Navy Country Hoedown 95, 96

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 95 includes: host Faron Young, guest Bobby Helms. Episode 96 includes: host Faron Young, guest Chet Atkins

Transcription Disc TR-20546/89

Navy Country Hoedown 101, 102, 1960

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 101 includes: host Rex Allen, guest Sons of the Pioneers. Episode 102 includes: host Spade Cooley, guest Ferlin Husky and Faron Young

Transcription Disc TR-20546/90

Navy Country Hoedown 103, 104

16" Transcription Disc

Episode 103 includes: host Tex Ritter, guest Joe and Rose Mathis. Episode 104 includes: host Faron Young, guest Ferlin Husky

Transcription Disc TR-20546/91

Station Library: Armed Forces Radio Service

16" Transcription Disc

Includes: Hank Williams, Sam Nichols, Jesse Rogers, Jimmy Heap, Rod Morris and his Missourians, and the Lonesome Pine Fiddlers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/92

The World of Folk Music Starring Burl Ives 6, 7, 8, 9, 1961

16" Transcription Disc

Show 6: Cynthia Gooding. Show 7: Casey Anderson. Show 8: Tom Glazer. Show 9: The Tarriers

Transcription Disc TR-20546/93

The World of Folk Music Starring Burl Ives 10, 11, 12, 13, 1961-1962

16" Transcription Disc

Show 10: Shoshana Damari. Show 11: The Noteworthies. Show 12: Mariam Makeba. Show 13: Oscar Brand

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.3 Instantaneous Discs, 1950-1958 and undated.

9 items.

Arrangement: Alphabetical by program name.

Dubs of radio broadcasts and live material compiled by Pete Kuykendall.

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/1

Mel Price Show, series 2, episodes 1-6

16" Instantaneous Disc

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/2

Mel Price Show, series 2, episodes 1-6

16" Instantaneous Disc

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/3

Country Gentlemen, demo acetate

12" Instantaneous Disc

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/4

The Franklin Brothers, WARL acetate, Arlington, Va.

12" Instantaneous Disc

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/5

Mrs. James M. Jones, Nashville, Ind., 8 April 1950

12" Instantaneous Disc

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/6

Tom Morgan, "Do You Wonder," "Fiddlin' Bill"

10" Instantaneous Disc

"Do You Wonder" includes: Pete Roberts [Kuykendall], Tom Morgan, Ray Mills, Pete Roberts, Bill Offenbacher, Buddy Davis. "Fiddlin' Bill" includes: Tom Morgan, Ray Mills, Paul Champion, Bill Offenbacher, Buddy Davis

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/7

Tom Morgan, "Handy Man"

10" Instantaneous Disc

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/8

Jerry Stuart and Pete Kuykendall, 1958

10" Instantaneous Disc

Instantaneous Disc FD-20546/9

Pete Roberts [Kuykendall] and Bill Offenbacher, "Train '45"

10" Instantaneous Disc

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.4 78s and Related Stampers, 1952.

13 items.

Arrangement: In order as received.

Non-commercial reference pressings on 78 and the corresponding metal stampers used to create the 78s found in the series. The majority of the materials feature the Stanley Brothers. Others artists represented include Pee Wee Lambert and Curley Parker with the Pine Ridge Boys.

78-rpm Disc 78rpm-20546/1

Stanley Brothers, "Little Birdie," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

78-rpm record

78-rpm Disc 78rpm-20546/2

Stanley Brothers, "Little Girl and the Dreadful Snake," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

78-rpm record

78-rpm Disc 78rpm-20546/3

Stanley Brothers, "Little Glass of Wine," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

78-rpm record

78-rpm Disc 78rpm-20546/4

Pee Wee Lambert and Curley Parker with the Pine Ridge Boys, "Just a Memory," 1952

78-rpm record

78-rpm Disc 78rpm-20546/5

Stanley Brothers, "Are You Waiting Just for Me," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

78-rpm record

78-rpm Disc 78rpm-20546/6

Pee Wee Lambert and Curley Parker with the Pine Ridge Boys, "Weary Hobo," 1952

78-rpm record

Audiodisc D-20546/1

Stanley Brothers, "Little Birdie," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

10" metal stamper

Audiodisc D-20546/2

Stanley Brothers, "Little Girl and the Dreadful Snake," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

10" metal stamper

Audiodisc D-20546/3

Stanley Brothers, "Little Glass of Wine," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

10" metal stamper

Audiodisc D-20546/4

Stanley Brothers, "Little Glass of Wine," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

10" metal stamper

Audiodisc D-20546/5

Pee Wee Lambert and Curley Parker with the Pine Ridge Boys, "Just a Memory," 1952

10" metal stamper

Audiodisc D-20546/6

Stanley Brothers, "Are You Waiting Just for Me," Pikeville, Ky., 1952

10" metal stamper

Audiodisc D-20546/7

Pee Wee Lambert and Curley Parker with the Pine Ridge Boys, "Weary Hobo," 1952

10" metal stamper

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.5 Audiocassettes, 1968-1995 and undated.

27 items.

Arrangement: In order as received.

Audiocassettes consist of interviews with bluegrass performers, songwriters, and instrument builders (FS-20546/1-24), as well as multi-cassette boxed sets of recorded panels and presentations from music industry events (FS-20546/25-27).

SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/1

Presentation to Roy Acuff at Grand Ole Opry, Nashville, Tenn., 10 June 1983


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/2

Eddie Adcock interview 1, 8 February 1975


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/3

Eddie Adcock interview 2, 8 February 1975


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/4

Curly Ray Cline interview 1


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/5

Curly Ray Cline interview 2


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/6

Jim Eanes interview, 14 May 1972


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/7

Bill Emerson interview, 10 April 1984


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/8

Lester Flatt interview with Pete Kuykendall, Culpepper, Va., 14 July 1970


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/9

Bill Harrell interview, 12 May 1971


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/10

Enos Johnson interview, October 1990


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/11

Lewis Family interview


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/12

Jimmy Martin interview 2, 1 June 1979


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/13

Jimmy Martin interview 3, 1 June 1979


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/14

Jimmy Martin interview, January 1995


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/15

interviews: Joe Meadows, Buddy Griffin, Paul Warren, Bean Blossom, Ind., 19 June 1976


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/16

Bill Monroe interview 1, West Grove, Pa., 29 September 1968


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/17

Bill Monroe interview 2, West Grove, Pa., 29 September 1968


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/18

James Monroe interview, 9 March 1973


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/19

Charlie Moore interview at Ruby's Restaurant, Lorton, Va., 27 October 1972


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/20

Paul Morrissey interview, 10 April 1979


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/21

Don Reno interview 1


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/22

Don Reno interview 2


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/23

Toby Stroud interview, 11 October 1980


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/24

Red Smiley interview, 7 May 1971


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/25

Country Radio Seminar: Growth Through Sharing Since 1970, Nashville, Tenn., 1989


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/26

World Of Bluegrass, Owensboro, Ky., 23-29 September 1991


SFC Audio Cassette FS-20546/27

World Of Bluegrass, Owensboro, Ky., 21 -27 September 1992


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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 2. Moving Images, 1964-1970 and undated.

6 items.

Arrangement: Alphabetical.

Moving image materials consist primarily of television broadcast material related to American bluegrass, blues, and folk music. Also included in the series is a silent motion picture film featuring Mississippi John Hurt. Recordings are on 2" open reel video and 16mm motion picture film.

Videotape VT-20546/1

Music From Our Land, 14 June 1968

2" open reel video

Includes: Macon, Rodgers, and Loudermilk

Videotape VT-20546/2

Rainbow Quest: Elizabeth "Libba" Cotten, 21 April 1970

2" open reel video

Videotape VT-20546/3

Rainbow Quest: Mississippi John Hurt, 19 May 1966

2" open reel video

Digitized media has been edited for content or length.

Videotape VT-20546/4

Rainbow Quest: Stanley Brothers and Cousin Emmy, 25 February 1966

2" open reel video

Videotape VT-20546/5

Sounds of Summer Excerpt: Smoky Mountain Folk Festival, Gatlinburg, Tenn., 1969

2" open reel video

Includes: Bill Monroe, Red Rector, Alice Gerrard, and Hazel Dickens

Film F-20546/1

Mississippi John Hurt, Washington, D.C., March 14, 1965

16mm motion picture film

400 feet

black and white ; silent
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 3. Documentation, circa 1950s-1970s.

About 500 items.

Processing information: Field notes consist of memos and tape logs found with select audio recordings. The log books, song index, and subject files have been removed from their original binders. Field note call numbers and Kuykendall's original tape numbering system correspond to audio recordings found in series 1.

Documentation consists of tape logs, song indexes, and subject files, which consist chiefly of discographies and correspondence with record distributors.

Folder 1

Field notes: FT-20546/1-10

Folder 2

Field notes: FT-20546/11-30

Folder 3

Field notes: FT-20546/31-40

Folder 4

Field notes: FT-20546/41-50

Folder 5

Field notes: FT-20546/51-60

Folder 6

Field notes: FT-20546/61-70

Folder 7

Field notes: FT-20546/71-80

Folder 8

Field notes: FT-20546/81-90

Folder 9

Field notes: FT-20546/91-100

Folder 10

Field notes: FT-20546/101-110

Folder 11

Field notes: FT-20546/111-120

Folder 12

Field notes: FT-20546/121-130

Folder 13

Field notes: FT-20546/131-140

Folder 14

Field notes: FT-20546/141-150

Folder 15

Field notes: FT-20546/151-160

Folder 16

Field notes: FT-20546/161-170

Folder 17

Field notes: FT-20546/171-180

Folder 18

Field notes: FT-20546/181-190

Folder 19

Field notes: FT-20546/191-200

Folder 20

Field notes: FT-20546/201-210

Folder 21

Field notes: FT-20546/211-220

Folder 22

Field notes: FT-20546/221-230

Folder 23

Field notes: FT-20546/231-240

Folder 24

Field notes: FT-20546/241-250

Folder 25

Field notes: FT-20546/251-260

Folder 26

Field notes: FT-20546/261-270

Folder 27

Field notes: FT-20546/271-280

Folder 28

Field notes: FT-20546/282-290

Folder 29

Field notes: FT-20546/291-300

Folder 30

Field notes: FT-20546/301-310

Folder 31

Field notes: FT-20546/311-320

Folder 32

Field notes: FT-20546/321-330

Folder 33

Field notes: FT-20546/331-340

Folder 34

Field notes: FT-20546/341-350

Folder 35

Field notes: FT-20546/351-360

Folder 36

Field notes: FT-20546/361-370

Folder 37

Field notes: FT-20546/371-380

Folder 38

Field notes: FT-20546/381-390

Folder 39

Field notes: FT-20546/393-400

Folder 40

Field notes: FT-20546/404-410

Folder 41

Field notes: FT-20546/411-435

Folder 42

Field notes: TR-20546/11-66

Folder 43

Field notes: F-20546/1; VT-20546/4

Folder 44

Field notes: unidentified

Folder 45

Log books: tape 6-20

Folder 46

Log books: tape 21-35

Folder 47

Log books: tape 36-50

Folder 48

Log books: tape 51-70

Folder 49

Log books: tape 71-85

Folder 50

Log books: tape 86-99

Folder 51

Log books: tape 6-20

Folder 52

Log books: tape 21-35

Folder 53

Log books: tape 36-50

Folder 54

Log books: tape 51-70

Folder 55

Log books: tape 71-85

Folder 56

Log books: tape 86-99

Folder 57

Log books: tape 100-115

Folder 58

Log books: tape 116-140

Folder 59

Log books: tape 141-155

Folder 60

Log books: tape 156-185

Folder 61

Log books: tape 186-199

Folder 62

Log books: tape 200-215

Folder 63

Log books: tape 216-230

Folder 64

Log books: tape 231-245

Folder 65

Log books: tape 246-260

Folder 66

Log books: tape 261-275

Folder 67

Log books: tape 276-290

Folder 68

Log books: tape 291-305

Folder 69

Log books: tape 306-320

Folder 70

Log books: tape 321-335

Folder 71

Log books: tape 336-352

Folder 72

Log books: demos (D1-D20)

Folder 73

Log books: masters (M1-M20)

Folder 74

Log books: masters (M21-M40)

Folder 75

Log books: masters (M41-M60)

Folder 76

Log books: masters (M61-M85)

Folder 77

Miscellaneous tape logs: A-C

Folder 78

Miscellaneous tape logs: D-G

Folder 79

Miscellaneous tape logs: H-M

Folder 80

Miscellaneous tape logs: N-R

Folder 81

Miscellaneous tape logs: S

Folder 82

Miscellaneous tape logs: V-W

Folder 83

Song index: table of contents

Folder 84

Song index: page 1-20

Folder 85

Song index: page 21-40

Folder 86

Song index: page 41-60

Folder 87

Song index: page 61-80

Folder 88

Song index: page 81-100

Folder 89

Song index: page 101-120

Folder 90

Song index: page 121-140

Folder 91

Song index: page 141-160

Folder 92

Song index: page 161-180

Folder 93

Song index: page 181-200

Folder 94

Song index: page 201-220

Folder 95

Song index: page 221-240

Folder 96

Song index: page 241-260

Folder 97

Song index: page 261-280

Folder 98

Song index: page 281-292

Folder 99

Song index: miscellaneous

Folder 100

Subject files: Acuff, Roy

Folder 101

Subject files: Allen Brothers

Folder 102

Subject files: Armoneer Records

Folder 103

Subject files: Bluebird Series

Folder 104

Subject files: Callahan Brothers and Callahan Family

Folder 105

Subject files: Carter Family

Folder 106

Subject files: [Peneumoustrer, Lou]

Folder 107

Subject files: Flatt, Lester and Scruggs, Earl

Folder 108

Subject files: Ives, Burl

Folder 109

Subject files: Jimmie Skinner Music Center

Folder 110

Subject files: Monroe, Bill and Charlie

Folder 111

Subject files: O'Daniel, W. Lee and The Light Crust Doughboys

Folder 112

Subject files: O'Day, Molly

Folder 113

Subject files: Reno, Don and Smiley, Red

Folder 114

Subject files: Ridge Climber Records

Folder 115

Subject files: Stanley Brothers

Folder 116

Subject files: Wills, Bob

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Items Separated

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