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Collection Number: 40095

Collection Title: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Records, 1789-1991

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Collection Overview

Size 174.5 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 133,000 items)
Abstract The Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance had administrative responsibility for the university's Division of Business and Finance, which consisted of the units that handle the university's budget, facilities planning and capital improvements, maintenance of buildings and grounds, security, personnel and property matters, and routine business operations. The position of Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance evolved from that of Business Manager, created in 1921 and known successively as Controller, Assistant Controller, and Assistant Controller and Business Manager. The collection includes correspondence, budgets and financial records, building plans and specifications, and other files relating to the work of the Division of Business and Finance at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This group also contains the historical financial records of the university from 1789 to 1920, including scattered accounts of the university's Board of Trustees, Treasurer, and Bursar. Topics of particular importance include the early financial history of the university and the history and sale of the university-owned utilities, 1932-1984.
Creator University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance.
Curatorial Unit University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. University Archives.
Language English
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Information For Users

Restrictions to Access
This collection contains additional materials that are not processed and are currently not available to researchers. For information about access to these materials, contact Research and Instructional Services staff. Please be advised that preparing unprocessed materials for access can be a lengthy process.
Materials in the Addition of June 2016 are closed until 2046 due to FERPA restrictions.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Records #40095, University Archives, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Alternate Form of Material
Microfilm copy available.
Acquisitions Information
Periodic transfer from the offices that create these records.
Sensitive Materials Statement
Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. § 132 1 et seq.), and Article 7 of the North Carolina State Personnel Act (Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records, N.C.G.S. § 126-22 et seq.). Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assumes no responsibility.
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Processing Information

Processed by: University Archives Staff, April 1981, December 1981, October 1982, May 1985, June 1985, February 1986, May 1988, May 1992, August 1992, October 1992, May 1995, October 1997, March 1998; Jennifer Coggins, June 2016

Encoded by: Bari Helms, April 2005, Gergana Abernathy, June 2016

Updated by: Nancy Kaiser, October 2020; Dawne Howard Lucas, November 2021

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subject Headings

The following terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings suggest topics, persons, geography, etc. interspersed through the entire collection; the terms do not usually represent discrete and easily identifiable portions of the collection--such as folders or items.

Clicking on a subject heading below will take you into the University Library's online catalog.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Historical Information

The position of Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance, created in 1968, had administrative responsibility for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Division of Business and Finance, which consisted of the units that handled the University's budget, facilities planning and capital improvements, maintenance of buildings and grounds, security, personnel and property matters, and routine business operations.

The organizational development of the Division of Business and Finance was an evolutionary one. For the first hundred and twenty five years of its existence, the University conducted its business and financial operations chiefly through its Board of Trustees. The University's charter called for the trustees to "elect and commissionate some person to be Treasurer for the said university". The Treasurer, originally not a member of the Board, supervised the collection of University revenues (mainly from land sales, bequests, investments and escheats) and the disbursement of funds for salaries, supplies, equipment, and building construction and upkeep. During the antebellum period the collection of student fees and other routine campus business were generally left to the faculty, who appointed one of their members to perform these duties. Originally the Steward, who provided meals on campus, was responsible for the care and maintenance of the buildings. When the stewardship was abolished, responsibility for buildings and grounds also fell to the faculty. Occasionally the faculty complained about the burden of this extra work, and in 1827 a citizen of Chapel Hill was hired to serve as Superintendent of Property and Financial Concerns. However, the arrangement proved unsatisfactory, and the superintendency reverted to the faculty in 1829.

Through the years the faculty member in this position was accorded various titles, including Receiver of College Dues, Superintendent of Buildings and Lands, and Superintendent of Property and Financial Concerns. In 1836, when Elisha Mitchell assumed the position, its title changed to Bursar. During most of the antebellum period, the Bursar and his predecessors were authorized to pay faculty salaries out of tuition receipts; they also paid for building repairs and other routine expenses. At the end of each session the Bursar made a report to the Treasurer detailing the amounts collected and spent and remitted any unspent balance. This system, with some modification, remained in use until the early twentieth century. With the reopening of the University in 1875, the faculty was relieved of the burden of the bursarship; and Andrew Mickle, a Chapel Hill resident, was appointed to the position. He was succeeded in 1882 by Willie T. Patterson, a Civil War veteran and trained bookkeeper, who remained in the job for twenty-seven years.

As the University grew larger and more complex, so did the Bursar's job. In 1881 the University began to receive direct legislative appropriations. The appropriations were received by the Treasurer, who transferred them to the Bursar, who was increasingly responsible for their disbursement. In the 1890s the Bursar also assumed responsiblity for keeping accounts of the proceeds from Chapel Hill's electric and water utilities, which were built and managed by the University. By 1902 it was obvious to President Venable that the University needed to adopt more systematic accounting and audit procedures. The Board of Trustees and its Executive Committee, normally meeting on a semi-annual basis, could not provide the necessary day-to-day supervision of the University's growing--in terms of total revenue and scope of business operations--financial affairs. Venable's first step in addressing the situation was to create the position of Purchasing Agent and appoint Charles T. Woollen to it. Part of Woollen's job was to monitor accounts and keep track of what was being spent. To achieve this he established a system of requisitions for purchases that proved very successful. In 1908 Woollen became Proctor, retaining the responsibilities he had as Purchasing Agent and assuming oversight of buildings and grounds maintenance, the Power Plant, Commons Hall, the University Inn, and the University Press.

In 1912 Richard H. Battle, who had served as Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Trustees since 1891, died. At this juncture the Trustees, with Venable's urging, abolished the office of Bursar and transferred the responsibilities of that position to the Treasurer, who would henceforth be required to reside in Chapel Hill. Julius A. Warren, Cashier of the Merchants National Bank of Durham, was selected as the new Treasurer. Together Warren and Woollen continued to modernize the system of budgetary controls. However, neither of them had the ultimate authority for the University's financial and business affairs. In 1914 Woollen's title changed from Proctor to Business Manager, but his responsibilities remained the same.

Venable's successors lobbied for consolidating the oversight of business and financial affairs in a single position. Finally, at its meeting of 14 June 1921, the Board of Trustees approved President Harry W. Chase's plan to consolidate the oversight in the position of Business Manager. That position, subsequently called Controller, then Assistant Controller (following the creation of the Consolidated University system), Assistant Controller and Business Manager, and finally Business Manager, continued to evolve as the University continued to grow and as systems of accounting and budgetary control that had been adequate in earlier decades became outmoded.

In May 1968 the University hired Joseph C. Eagles, Jr., for the new position of Vice Chancellor, Finance, placing him administratively over the Business Manager. In the fall of that year, the Trustees abolished the position of Business Manager, and Eagles assumed the title of Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance. Soon afterward he engaged a consulting firm to review the University's business and financial operations. This led in 1969 to a further reorganization of what had previously been called the Division of Business Affairs. The name of the division became Division of Business and Finance, and two Assistant Vice Chancellors were created. The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Finance had responsibility for budgetary matters, while the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Business was to oversee the Auxiliary Enterprises (later Auxiliary Services), which at that time included Purchases and Stores, Operations and Engineering, Planning, Physical Plant, and Utilities.

Since 1969 the units within the Division of Business and Finance have proliferated. Some of them have changed their names to better reflect their functions. By 1990 responsibility for them had been divided among four Associate Vice Chancellors: the Associate (formerly Assistant) Vice Chancellor for Finance, the Associate (formerly Assistant) Vice Chancellor for Business, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management (created in 1986), and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (created in 1990).

The records of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance presently held in the University Archives reflect the structure that existed in the Division during the early and mid-1970s, when the principal units were the Finance Division; the Business Division; the Construction Administration Department, which oversaw the expenditure of the capital improvements budget and all campus construction projects; the Facilities Planning Office, which produced projections of future University space needs and capital improvement requests to meet those needs; the Personnel Department, which administered campus employment under the terms of the State Personnel Act; the Physical Plant, which maintained the University's buildings and grounds; the Property Office, which oversaw the University's real property, as well as handling all sales, purchases, and rental of property; and the Purchases and Stores Division, which controlled the purchase, use and disposal of equipment and the purchase and dispersal of supply items.

Business and Finance Officers, Titles and Tenure:

Charles T. Woollen

1902-1908 Purchasing Agent
1908-1914 Proctor
1914-1933 Business Manager
1933-1934 Controller

Livingston B. Rogerson

1934-1937 Assistant Controller
1937-1941 Assistant Controller and Business Officer
1941-1943 Assistant Controller and Business Manager

Claude E. Teague, Sr.

1943-1954 Assistant Controller and Business Manager
1954-1957 Business Manager

James A. Branch

1957-1966 Business Manager

James A. Williams

1966-1968 Acting Business Manager

Joseph C. Eagles, Jr.

1968 Vice Chancellor, Finance
1968-1973 Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance

Claiborne S. Jones

1973-1977 Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance

John L. Temple

1977-1982 Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance

Wayne R. Jones

1982-1983 Acting Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance

Farris W. Womack

1983-1988 Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance

Wayne R. Jones

1988 Acting Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance

Ben J. Tuchi

1989-1992 Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance

Wayne R. Jones

1992- Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Scope and Content

Correspondence, budgets and financial records, building plans and specifications, and other files relate to the work of the Division of Business and Finance at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This group also contains the historical financial records of the university from 1789 to 1920, including scattered accounts of the university's Board of Trustees, Treasurer, and Bursar. Topics of particular importance include the early financial history of the university and the history and sale of the university-owned utilities, 1932-1984.

The organization of the records of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance reflect the functional structure of the division.

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Contents list

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series Quick Links

1. Administrative Files, 1933-1989.
1.1. Office of the Vice Chancellor, 1937-1988.
1.2. Academic Affairs Division, 1934-1988.
1.3. University Affairs Division (Administration), 1934-1988.
1.4. Athletic Affairs, 1936-1988.
1.5. University Relations (Development and Public Service), 1933-1988.
1.6. Faculty Affairs, 1936-1989.
1.7. Graduate School Affairs, 1966-1986.
1.8. Health Affairs, 1938-1988.
1.9. Student Affairs, 1935-1988.
1.10. Trustee Affairs (Consolidated University Board of Trustees), 1936-1963.
1.11. Outside Organizations, 1936-1988.
2. Business Division, 1932-1988.
2.1. Office of the Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor, 1970-1988.
2.2. Horace Williams Airport, 1940-1988.
2.3. University Conference Centers, 1935-1988.
2.4. Food Service, 1943-1986.
2.5. Laundry Service, 1958-1985.
2.6. Occupational Safety and Health Office, 1957-1985.
2.7. Security Services, 1953-1987.
2.8. Student Stores, 1943-1984.
2.9. Utilities, 1932-1986.
3. Construction Administration Department (Engineering and Construction), 1955-1985.
3.1. Construction Files.
3.2. Office of the Engineer, 1955-1985.
4. Finance Division, 1789-1988.
4.1. Historical Financial Records, 1789-1919.
4.2. Audits and Financial Reports, 1923-1977.
4.3. Accounting Office, 1943-1986.
4.4. Budget Office, 1927-1991.
4.5. Cashier's Office, 1948-1988.
4.6. Contracts and Grant Office, 1956-1988.
4.7. Equipment Control Office, 1970-1985.
5. Physical Plant, 1931-1987.
5.1. Office of the Director, 1937-1985.
5.2. Campus Mail Service, 1966-1987.
5.3. Construction and Maintenance, 1959-1986.
5.4. Housekeeping, 1931-1985.
5.5. Personnel Department, 1969-1984.
5.6. Air Conditioning Department, 1974-1984.
5.7. Grounds Department, 1971-1985.
6. Property Office, 1917-1988.
6.1. Property Officer Administrative Files, 1941-1986.
6.2. Bequests and Gifts to the University, 1917-1988.
6.3. University Property Files, 1946-1988.
7. Purchases and Stores Division, 1936-1986.
7.1. Office of the Director, 1936-1986.
7.2. Purchasing, 1967-1986.
7.3. Stores and Central Services, 1951-1986.
8. Facilities Planning Office, 1959-1989.
9. University Personnel Department, 1980-1986.
Addition of June 2016: Student Loans, 1932, 1969-1971 (RT 20160608.1).
Addition of November 2021: Salary Records, 1909-1960 (RT 20211112.1).

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 1. Administrative Files, 1933-1989.

52800 items.

Arrangement: By administrative division.

These records deal with administrative functions which are divisionwide in scope. The files relate to the Vice Chancellor's role in the university's planning functions and contain material concerning General Administration, the Chancellors' Office, other administrative divisions of the university, and outside organizations. Collateral data will be found in the Board of Trustees and Board of Governors Minutes, the Presidents' Office Records, the Records of the Controller and Vice President for Finance, the Chancellors' Records, and the Provosts' Records.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.1. Office of the Vice Chancellor, 1937-1988.

10800 items.
Box 1

Annual Reports, 1951; 1955-1970; 1974-1975

Business and Finance Division: General, 1965-1983

Business and Finance Division: Division Heads Meeting Minutes, 1940-1943

Business and Finance Division: Business Division: General, 1946-1963; 1966-1976; 1979-1985

(see also Series 2)

Business and Finance Division: Business Division: Goals and Objectives, 1987

Business and Finance Division: Capital Improvements Staff Meetings, 1968-1973

Business and Finance Division: Employee Advisory Committee, 1984-1985

Business and Finance Division: Finance Division: General, 1937-1959; 1968-1976

(see also Series 4)

Business and Finance Division: Finance Division: Audit Matters, 1981

Business and Finance Division: Finance Division: Charge Card Policy, Development of, 1969-1972; 1978-1980

Business and Finance Division: Finance Division: Controller Position, 1987-1988

Business and Finance Division: Finance Division: Investment Policy, 1956-1973

Business and Finance Division: Finance Division: Reserve for Loss of Federal Funds, 1974-1977

Box 2

Business and Finance Division: Engineering and Construction: General, 1937-1976

(see also Series 3)

Business and Finance Division: Engineering and Construction: Facilities Planning (see Series 8)

Business and Finance Division: Engineering and Construction: Internal Audit, General, 1963-1985

(see also Series 4)

Business and Finance Division: Engineering and Construction: Physical Plant Division (see Series 5)

Business and Finance Division: Engineering and Construction: Property Office (see Series 6)

Business and Finance Division: Engineering and Construction: Purchases and Stores (see Series 7)

Business and Finance Division: Engineering and Construction: Self-Study, 1972-1974; 1985

Chancellors' Office: General, 1941-1980; 1988

Box 3

Chancellors' Office: Affirmative Action Office, 1984; 1987

Chancellors' Office: Institutional Plan Design Committee, 1982-1983

Chancellors' Office: Space Committee, 1957-1978; 1980-1985

Consultative Forum, 1970-1971

Copyrighted Music Performances, Licensing Contracts: General, 1978-1984

Copyrighted Music Performances, Licensing Contracts: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, 1979-1983

Copyrighted Music Performances, Licensing Contracts: Broadcast Music, Inc., 1979-1988

Box 4

Copyrighted Music Performances, Licensing Contracts: SESAC, 1979-1984

Disruption: General, 1968-1972

Disruption: Committee on Disruption, 1969-1972

Endowed Professorships: Cary C. Boshamer, 1968-1971; 1973-1975

Endowed Professorships: T. E. Clemmons, 1960-1964

Endowed Professorships: Burton Criage, 1959-1974

Endowed Professorships: James A. Gray, 1974

Endowed Professorships: James G. Hanes, 1961

Endowed Professorships: Luther H. Hodges, 1975

Endowed Professorships: Mahlon K. Jordan, 1961-1966

Endowed Professorships: Martin S. Wallach, 1966

Faculty Club, 1961-1974

Faculty-Staff Recreation Association, 1967-1975

General Administration/Consolidated University: General, 1951-1972; 1976-1983

General Administration/Consolidated University: Center for Public Television, 1975-1983

(see also Series 5.6., below)

General Administration/Consolidated University: Chancellors' Cabinet, 1954-1957

General Administration/Consolidated University: Consolidation Committee, 1950-1957

General Administration/Consolidated University: Technology Transfer Committee, 1982; 1985

General Administration/Consolidated University: Vacant Faculty Positions Reports, 1977-1978

Legal Affairs, Assistant for, 1984-1985

Management Studies: Cresap, McCormik & Paget, 1954-1955

Management Studies: Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., 1969-1973

Box 5

Organization and Policy, Division-wide, 1970-1981

University Management Development Program, 1981-1987

Chronological Files, Vice Chancellor's Office, 1968-1970

Box 6

Chronological Files, Vice Chancellor's Office, 1971-1974

Box 7

Chronological Files, Vice Chancellor's Office, 1975-1977

Box 8

Chronological Files, Vice Chancellor's Office, 1980-1984

Box 9

Chronological Files, Vice Chancellor's Office, 1985-1988

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.2. Academic Affairs Division, 1934-1988.

8400 items.
Box 10

Dean of the Faculty, 1955-1957

Provost, 1967-1973; 1976-1986

Arts and Sciences, Dean of, 1942-1957; 1965-1988

General College, Dean of, 1939-1960; 1968-1969

War College, 1942-1945

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Administrative Data Processing: General, 1960-1978

Box 11

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Administrative Data Processing: General, 1979-1986

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Administrative Data Processing: Systems and Procedures, 1969-1985

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Administrative Data Processing: Business Manual , 1973-1979

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Administrative Data Processing: Contractual Policy, 1974-1979

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Afro-American/African Studies, 1978

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Air Force ROTC, 1947-1960; 1969-1972; 1977-1981

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Archaeology and Anthropology Laboratory, 1952-1954; 1987

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Art (includes Ackland Museum), 1937-1968

Box 12

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Biology, 1969; 1983-1985; 1987

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Botany: General, 1942-1961; 1967-1982

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Botany: Botanical Garden, 1959-1982; 1987

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Business Administration: General, 1942-1958; 1962; 1967-1988

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Business Administration: Kenan Center, 1983-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Business Administration: Young Executives Program, 1957-1975

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Chemistry, 1934-1960; 1967-1976; 1983-1987

Box 13

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: City and Regional Planning, 1949-1958; 1967-1975; 1984-1985

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Civic Education, Institute of, 1963-1964; 1968

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Classics, 1938-1956

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Communications Center, 1946-1961

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Comparative Literature, 1951-1956

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Computation Center, 1957-1976

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Computer Science, 1986

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Dramatic Art, 1939-1956; 1968-1985

(includes Carolina Playmakers)

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Economics, 1974-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Education, 1942-1957; 1967-1975; 1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: English, 1941-1960; 1967-1982

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Fisheries Research, 1948-1961; 1964-1967

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Geology, 1967-1975; 1984-1985

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Geology and Geography, 1940-1958

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Germanic Languages, 1942-1958; 1967; 1977; 1982-1984

Box 14

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Government, Institute of, 1941-1957; 1961; 1966-1980

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Highway Safety Research Center, 1968-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: History, 1939-1956; 1969-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Journalism, 1943-1960; 1969; 1973-1975; 1979-1980; 1983-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Law, 1939-1957; 1967-1980; 1983-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Library, 1936-1977; 1979-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Library Science, 1940-1953; 1975; 1978-1979; 1983

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Linguistics and Non-Western Languages, 1974-1975

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Marine Sciences, Institute of, 1968-1983

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Mathematics, 1938-1961; 1969-1976; 1981-1985

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Media and Instructional Support Center, 1973-1975; 1977; 1981-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Music, 1939-1961; 1968-1985

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Naval ROTC, 1942-1969; 1980-1983

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Peace, War, and Defense, 1983-1985

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Philosophy, 1936-1957; 1971

Box 15

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Physical Education, 1935-1959; 1966-1974; 1977-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Physics and Astronomy, 1935-1972; 1977-1985

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Political Science, 1938-1960; 1967-1975

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Press, UNC, 1942-1979

Box 16

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Press, UNC, 1980-1986

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Psychology, 1940-1957; 1971-1982

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Psychometric Laboratory, 1958-1961; 1973-1974

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Radio, Television and Motion Pictures, 1968-1974

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Recreation Administration, 1976

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Religion, 1946-1957; 1966-1967; 1972-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Research in Social Science, Institute for, 1936-1957; 1968-1972

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Romance Languages, 1937-1956; 1972

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Slavic Languages, 1975

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Social Work, 1937-1957; 1968-1985

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Sociology, 1967-1972; 1983-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Sociology and Anthropology, 1937-1960

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: State Programming for the 70s, Institute for, 1967-1968

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Statistics, Department, 1948-1960; 1981-1984

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Statistics, Institute, 1947-1959

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Summer Session, 1950-1960

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Urban and Regional Studies, 1967-1981

Departments, Schools, Institutes, Curricula, Programs: Zoology, 1939-1956; 1966-1976

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.3. University Affairs Division (Administration), 1934-1988.

4800 items.
Box 17

Office of the Vice Chancellor: General, 1973-1980; 1983-1986

Personnel Department: General, 1952-1980

(shifted to Division of Business and Finance on 1 July 1980; see also Series 9)

Personnel Department: Deferred Compensation, 1978

Personnel Department: Employee Development Program, 1978

Box 18

Personnel Department: Employee Information and Opinion Survey, 1971

Personnel Department: Retirement and Social Security, 1957-1975

Personnel Department: TIAA, 1958-1975

Personnel Department: Personnel Consultants, 1977-1978

Box 19

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: General, 1967-1975; 1984

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Admissions Office, 1946-1976; 1979-1988

(includes some Housing Office material)

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Records and Registration, Office of, 1939-1976; 1983-1985

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Registration, Inter-institutional, 1965-1972

Box 20

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: General, 1963-1985

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: General, 1934-1974

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Bryant, Victor S., 1957; 1961

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Class of 1913, 1962-1963

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Class of 1925, 1970

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Graham, Frank P., 1960

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Hogue Fund, 1972

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Jenkins, Edgar B., 1974-1976

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Kellogg Fund, 1959

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Markham, Edwin C., 1966

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: National Defense Student Loan Program, 1959-1968

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Loan Funds: Pennix, Kenneth L., 1971

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: General, 1939-1975

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Alcoa Foundation, 1975

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Alston-Pleasant, 1958-1964

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Blanchard, 1958-1961

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Boyd, Bernard, 1975-1976

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Braswell, Mark R., 1963-1968

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Brooke, Richard T., 1961-1966

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Brooks, Aubrey Lee, 1962-1972

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Brown, Mary E., 1957-1964

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Cameron Paul C., 1971-1972

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Cavin, W. L., 1977

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Chi Omega, 1958-1969

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Children of World War II Veterans, 1964-1967

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Class of 1938, 1968-1976

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Clemmons, T. E. (see Endowed Professorships, Series 1.1.)

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Coker, William C., 1958-1969

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Fetzer, Pearl and Robert, 1963-1970

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Gant, John Q., 1963-1965

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Graham, John W., 1965-1966

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Higdon, T. B., 1959-1971

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Horne, May D., 1965

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Hunter, Grover C., 1974

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Idol, J. D., 1975-1976

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Jackson, H. W., 1978

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Johnston, J. M., 1969-1977

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Joyner, James C., 1973

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Kenan, W. R., Jr., 1954-1974

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Koch, George J., 1962-1966

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Love, James Lee, 1971

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Manning, John, 1968-1969

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Massey, C. Knox, 1963-1968

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: McCulloch, F. T., 1977-1978

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Morehead, J. M., 1950-1957; 1967-1975

(see also Morehead Planetarium and Foundation, Series 1.5.)

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Morrison, C. M., 1958-1964

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: National Merit, 1964-1974

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Pegg, H. D. and M. K., 1969-1977

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Rodman, 1962-1963

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Sears, Roebuck Foundation, 1964-1966

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Skinner, Thomas G., 1960-1968

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Smith, Marvin B., 1959-1972

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Spears, Henry T., 1969

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Whitehead, L. P., Foundation, 1972-1977

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Wilder, Hillory M., 1961-1962

Registrar and Director of Institutional Research: Student Aid Office: Scholarships and Fellowships: Williams, Horace, 1976-1978

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.4. Athletic Affairs, 1936-1988.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.5. University Relations (Development and Public Service), 1933-1988.

3600 items.
Box 22

Office of the Vice Chancellor: General, 1973-1976; 1981; 1983-1984

Development Office: General, 1952-1975; 1977-1988

Development Office: Alumni Annual Giving, 1952-1975

Development Office: Alumni Center Building, 1986-1988

Development Office: Alumni Garden, 1986-1987

Development Office: Alumni Office, 1933; 1937-1988

Development Office: Arts and Sciences Foundation, 1975-1976

Development Office: Bicentennial Campaign, 1986-1988

Development Office: Board of Visitors, 1980-1983

Development Office: Business Foundation, 1946-1965

Development Office: Carolina Challenge: General, 1977-1983

Development Office: Carolina Challenge: Ketchum Contract, 1976-1981

(see also Institutional Development Foundation, below)

Development Office: Dental Foundation, 1951; 1957-1967

Development Office: Educational Foundation, 1952-1956; 1975

Development Office: Friends of the Library, 1954-1955; 1973-1977

Development Office: Health Affairs Development Fund, 1952

Box 23

Development Office: Institutional Development Foundation, 1976-1985

(see also Carolina Challenge, above)

Development Office: Journalism Foundation, 1949

Development Office: Medical Foundation, 1949-1977

Development Office: Morehead Foundation, 1983-1985

Extension Division, 1941-1985: General, 1941-1957; 1967-1982

Extension Division, 1941-1985: TEACCH, 1985

Morehead Foundation and Planetarium, 1946-1984: General, 1946-1984

Box 24

News Bureau, 1936-1981: General, 1936-1957; 1966-1981

WUNC-TV, 1970-1971: General, 1970-1971

(see also Center for Public Television in Series 1.1.)

University Gazette, 1972-1973: General, 1972-1973

WUNC-FM, 1972-1983: General, 1972-1981; 1983

Public Information, 1981: General, 1981

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.6. Faculty Affairs, 1936-1989.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.7. Graduate School Affairs, 1966-1986.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.8. Health Affairs, 1938-1988.

8400 items.
Box 28

Office of the Vice Chancellor: General, 1949-1985

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Advisory Committee, 1950-1962

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Alcohol Studies, Center for, 1979-1980

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Business Office, 1958-1960

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Carolina Population Center, 1966-1979

Box 29

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Child Development Center, 1967-1976

(includes material on the Learning Institute of North Carolina)

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Continuing Education Office, 1975-1976

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Institute for Environmental Studies, 1975

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Institute of Speech and Hearing Sciences, 1972-1976

Office of the Vice Chancellor: Program and Planning Division, 1952-1953

Dentistry, School of: Office of the Dean, 1950-1988

Dentistry, School of: Faculty Practice Plan, 1977-1982

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Office of Director, 1951-1969

Box 30

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Office of Director, 1970-1979

Box 31

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Office of Director, 1980-1986

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Blood Bank, 1959-1968

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Board of Directors, 1969-1986

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Budget and Finance, 1957-1979

Box 32

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Burn Center, 1973

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Gravely Sanatorium, 1965-1966

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Indigent Care Program, 1959-1967

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Panamanian Training Project, 1958-1961

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Private Patient Service, 1961-1983

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Rehabilitation Center, 1972-1975

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Relationship of Hospital and University Study, 1969-1970

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Solid Waste Disposal, 1970-1972

North Carolina Memorial Hospital: X-Ray Equipment, 1956-1962

Box 33

Medicine, School of: Office of the Dean, 1938-1981; 1983-1986

Box 34

Medicine, School of: Area Health Educations Centers (AHEC): General, 1974-1980; 1983-1987

Medicine, School of: Area Health Educations Centers (AHEC): Aircraft, 1968-1978

Medicine, School of: Ambulatory Care Facility, 1986-1988

Medicine, School of: Hospital Administration Department, 1962-1969

Medicine, School of: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 1986-1988

Medicine, School of: Nursing Dormitory Space, 1969-1970

Medicine, School of: Pathology Department, Medical Examiners, 1968-1969

Medicine, School of: Psychiatry: General, 1980-1984

Medicine, School of: Psychiatry: Division TEACCH: Comprehensive Living and Learning Center for Autistic Adults, 1987-1988

Nursing, School of: Office of the Dean, 1952-1957; 1970-1980; 1983-1984

Pharmacy, School of: Office of the Dean, 1944-1957; 1971-1974; 1977-1985

Public Health, School of: Office of the Dean, 1940-1957; 1967-1985

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.9. Student Affairs, 1935-1988.

4800 items.
Box 35

Administrative Offices: Dean of Students, 1947-1954

Administrative Offices: Vice Chancellor, 1954-1986

Administrative Offices: Dean of Men, 1967-1971

Administrative Offices: Dean of Women, 1943-1971

Special Programs Office: Fraternities and Sororities, 1943-1962; 1966-1986

Special Programs Office: International Student Center, 1971-1976

Special Programs Office: Veterans' Advisor, 1948; 1952

Special Programs Office: Campus Y, 1945-1976; 1978-1985

Student Government: General, 1935-1976; 1978-1985

Student Government: Judicial Reform Committee, 1970-1973

Student Government: Student Activities Fund Office, 1960-1975

(see also Tuition and Fees, Series 4.5.)

Student Government: Student Organizations and Activities: Black Student Movement, 1970-1974

Student Government: Student Organizations and Activities: Daily Tar Heel, 1972-1976; 1978-1982; 1984

Student Government: Student Organizations and Activities: Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies, 1970-1976

Student Government: Student Organizations and Activities: Intramural Sports, 1979-1980

Student Government: Student Organizations and Activities: University Band Planning Committee, 1985-1987

Student Government: Student Organizations and Activities: WCAR, 1965-1975

Box 36

Student Health Service: Office of the Director, 1935-1975; 1978-1983

Student Health Service: Sports Medicine Program, 1971-1980

Student Union (Carolina Union): Office of the Director, 1943-1978; 1986-1988

University Counseling Program: Placement Service, 1952-1957; 1969-1976

University Counseling Program: Testing Service, 1942-1956

University Housing Office: Office of Director, 1950-1973

Box 37

University Housing Office: Office of Director, 1974-1984

(see also Admissions, Series 1.3.)

University Housing Office: Budget, 1969-1976

University Housing Office: Dormitory Revenue Bonds, 1967-1982

(see also Bond Indebtedness, Series 4.2.)

University Housing Office: Married Student Housing: General, 1961-1983

University Housing Office: Married Student Housing: Financial Statements, 1969-1975

Box 38

University Housing Office: Residence Life Office: Office of Director, 1968-1975

University Housing Office: Residence Life Office: Project Hinton, 1970-1971

University Housing Office: Security, 1970

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.10. Trustee Affairs (Consolidated University Board of Trustees), 1936-1963.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 1.11. Outside Organizations, 1936-1988.

6000 items.
Box 40

Association of College and University Business Officers: Eastern, 1948-1957

Association of College and University Business Officers: National, 1948-1955; 1962-1978

Association of College and University Business Officers: Southern, 1936-1957; 1970-1978; 1982-1985

Association of College and University Business Officers: Western, 1975

Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities: General, 1953-1956

Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities: Joint (ALGCU-NASU) Committee for Business Officers, 1949-1956

Carnegie Corporation Fund, 1952

Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA, 1977-1981

College and University Personnel Association, 1952-1961

College Business Management Institute, 1977

College Reference System, 1979

Cooperative Program in the Humanities (Duke-UNC), 1963-1966

District Health Department, 1961-1975

Durham Technical Institute, 1976

Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 1970-1974

Box 41

Glaxo/UNC Affiliation, 1984; 1986

International Fertility Research Program, 1972-1976

(see also Carolina Population Center, Series 1.8.)

Learning Institute of North Carolina (see Child Development Center, Series 1.8.)

Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, 1983-1985

North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, 1940-1941

Orange-Chatham Comprehensive Health Service, 1970-1971

Organization for Tropical Studies, 1976-1977

Research Triangle, 1958-1973; 1985

Rockefeller Foundation, 1974-1977

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1967-1975

State of North Carolina: Administration, Department of: Budget Bureau, 1950-1976

State of North Carolina: Administration, Department of: Budget and Management Office, 1984-1986

State of North Carolina: Administration, Department of: Property and Construction Division, 1976-1979

State of North Carolina: Administration, Department of: Property Control Division, 1949-1970

State of North Carolina: Administration, Department of: Purchase and Contract Division, 1938-1969; 1978

State of North Carolina: Attorney General, 1952-1956; 1971; 1975

State of North Carolina: Auditor, 1942-1985

State of North Carolina: Board of Higher Education, 1955-1963

Box 42

State of North Carolina: Board of Higher Education, 1969-1971

State of North Carolina: Building Authority, 1967-1968

State of North Carolina: Governor's Efficiency Study Commission, 1973-1975

State of North Carolina: Higher Education Panel, 1971

State of North Carolina: Higher Education, State Commission on, 1969-1973

State of North Carolina: Insurance Department, 1958-1976

State of North Carolina: Motor Vehicles Department, 1953-1954

State of North Carolina: Personnel Department, 1956-1963; 1971-1974; 1983-1985

State of North Carolina: Revenue Department, 1953-1954

State of North Carolina: Treasurer, 1942-1957; 1975-1979

Town of Carrboro: General, 1973-1982; 1985-1986

Town of Carrboro: Bus System, 1978-1980

Town of Chapel Hill: General, 1949-1972

Box 43

Town of Chapel Hill: General, 1973-1988

Town of Chapel Hill: Affordable Housing Task Force, 1985

Town of Chapel Hill: Bikeways Program, 1971-1976

Town of Chapel Hill: Bus System, 1969-1983

Town of Chapel Hill: Cemetery, 1986-1987

Town of Chapel Hill: Central Business District Study, 1972-1975

Town of Chapel Hill: Emergency Reporting System, 1964; 1971-1975

Town of Chapel Hill: Historic District Advisory Committee, 1972-1979; 1983-1984

Town of Chapel Hill: Horace Williams Airport, 1977

Box 44

Town of Chapel Hill: Landfill, 1970-1979

Town of Chapel Hill: Park and Ride Study, 1978-1982

Town of Chapel Hill: Public Transportation Commission, 1972

Town of Chapel Hill: Thoroughfare Plan, 1951; 1959-1980

Triangle Universities Computation Center, 1965-1976; 1985

United States Government: Civil Aeronautics Administration, 1940-1943

(see also Airport, Series 2.2.)

United States Government: Education, Office of, Federal Security Agency, 1944-1952

United States Government: Environmental Protection Agency, 1975-1976

United States Government: Federal Public Housing Authority, 1945-1947

United States Government: Federal Works Agency, 1946-1948

United States Government: Health, Education, and Welfare Department, 1972-1974

United States Government: Internal Revenue Service, 1957-1985

United States Government: Peace Corps, 1962

United States Air Force, Air Institute of Technology, 1957-1961

University Methodist Church, 1955

Upward Bound Program, 1969-1972

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 2. Business Division, 1932-1988.

32400 items.

Arrangement: By administrative unit.

These files relate to the agencies formerly known as Auxiliary Enterprises, supervised by the Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor for Business. In many instances, the material includes correspondence of the Assistant Vice Chancellor as well as the Vice Chancellor. See also Business Division in Series 1.1.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.1. Office of the Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor, 1970-1988.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.2. Horace Williams Airport, 1940-1988.

2400 items.
Box 47

General, 1940-1975

(includes UNC Flying School, 1940-1943; see also United States Civil Aeronautics Administration, Series 1.11.)

Box 48

General, 1976-1988

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.3. University Conference Centers, 1935-1988.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.4. Food Service, 1943-1986.

3600 items.
Box 51

General, 1943-July 1970

(includes vending policy, food service contracts, financial reports, etc.)

Box 52

General, August 1970-1973

(includes vending policy, food service contracts, financial reports, etc.)

Box 53

General, 1974-1986

(includes vending policy, food service contracts, financial reports, etc.)

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.5. Laundry Service, 1958-1985.

600 items.
Box 54

General, 1958-1978; 1980-1985

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.6. Occupational Safety and Health Office, 1957-1985.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.7. Security Services, 1953-1987.

3600 items.
Box 55

Office of the Director: General, 1957-1975

Folder 1447 (Office of the Director, 1970) contains a report on the death of James Cates and supplemental materials.

Box 56

Office of the Director: General, 1976-1980; 1983-1985; 1987

Box 57

Traffic and Parking: General, 1953-1974; 1977-1986

(see also Town of Chapel Hill, Series 1.11.)

Traffic and Parking: Parking Deck Study, 1984

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.8. Student Stores, 1943-1984.

3600 items.
Box 58

Office of Director, 1943-1972

(includes information on vending policy; see also Subseries 4, above)

Box 59

Office of Director, 1973-1975

(includes information on vending policy; see also Subseries 4, above)

Box 60

Office of Director, 1976-1984

(includes information on vending policy; see also Subseries 4, above)

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 2.9. Utilities, 1932-1986.

13200 items.
Box 61

History and General Files, 1932-1973

Box 62

General Files, 1974-1986

Box 63

Utilities Study Commission, 1971-1976

Box 64

Electric Utility, 1957-1974

Box 65

Electric Utility, 1975-1984

(includes sale to Duke Power, January 1976)

Box 66

Telephone Utility, 1959-1973

Box 67

Telephone Utility, 1974-1975

Box 68

Telephone Utility, 1976-1985

(includes sale to Southern Bell in March 1977)

Box 69

Water and Sewer Utility, 1958-1973

(see also University Lake, Series 6.3.)

Box 70

Water and Sewer Utility, 1974-1976

Box 71

Water and Sewer Utility, 1977-1985

(includes sale to OWASA, January 1977)

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 3. Construction Administration Department (Engineering and Construction), 1955-1985.

15600 items.

Arrangement: By object number.

These files relate to the planning, construction and/or renovation/maintenance of campus buildings. Subseries 1 includes individual project files containing correspondence of the University Engineer and the Business Manager/Vice Chancellor with architectural, engineering and building contractors as well as with the State Property Office. This subseries also contains the Vice Chancellor's copies of project blueprints. Subseries 2 includes the correspondence of the University Engineer with the Vice Chancellor. This correspondence is of a general nature rather than limited to specific projects.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 3.1. Construction Files.

14400 items.
Box 72

Project Files: Administration Buildings: Battle-Vance-Pettigrew (Object no. 1101), Roof Repairs, 1976-1977

Project Files: Administration Buildings: Bynum Hall (Object no. 1102), Renovation, 1962-1964

Project Files: Administration Buildings: Monogram Club (Object no. 1103), Renovation for Offices, 1971

Project Files: Administration Buildings: South Building (Object no. 1105): Safety Improvements, 1975-1976

Project Files: Administration Buildings: South Building (Object no. 1105): Space Allocation Renovations, 1980

Project Files: Administration Buildings: Administration Building (Object no. 1106), Renovation, 1957

Project Files: Administration Buildings: Consolidated University Office Building (Object no. 11xx), 1979-1984

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Kenan Stadium (Object no. 1201): Upper Deck Addition, 1963

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Kenan Stadium (Object no. 1201): Toilet Additions, 1978-1982

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Kenan Stadium Fieldhouse (Object no. 1202): Addition, 1964

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Kenan Stadium Fieldhouse (Object no. 1202): Addition and Renovation, 1977

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Woollen Gymnasium (Object no. 1203): Ventilation System, 1958

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Woollen Gymnasium (Object no. 1203): Physical Education and Intermural Facility, 1981

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Carmichael Auditorium (Object no. 1204): Original Construction, 1965

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Carmichael Auditorium (Object no. 1204): A/C and Acoustical Renovation, 1972

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Fetzer Field and Stands (Object no. 1205), Track Resurfacing, 1978

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Tin Can, (Object no. 1206), Demolition and Relocation

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Boshamer Baseball Stadium (Object no. 1207), Capital Improvements, 1981

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Finley Golf Course Clubhouse (Object no. 1208): Easement of Sewage Problem, 1979

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Finley Golf Course Clubhouse (Object no. 1208): Golf Cart Shed, 1982

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Finley Golf Course (Object no. 1209): Relocation of Three Holes, 1979

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Finley Golf Course (Object no. 1209): Halfway House, 1979

(concession stand and rest rooms)

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Tennis Courts (Object no. 1211), Boshamer Stadium Courts

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Tennis Complex (Object no. 1213), 1972-1983

(Old Chapel Hill Country Club)

Box 73

Project Files: Athletic Facilities: Student Activities Center (Object no. 12xx), 1976-1986

Box 74

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Ackland Art Museum (Object no. 1301): Original Construction, 1958

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Ackland Art Museum (Object no. 1301): Landscaping, 1958

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Ackland Art Museum (Object no. 1301): A/C Renovation, 1960

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Ackland Art Museum (Object no. 1301): Renovation, 1976-1980

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Carroll, Hanes, and Gardner Halls (Object no. 1305): Original Construction, 1953

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Carroll, Hanes, and Gardner Halls (Object no. 1305): A/C, Gardner Hall, 1980

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Carroll, Hanes, and Gardner Halls (Object no. 1305): Basement Renovation, Carroll Hall, 1976

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Coker Hall (Object no. 1306), Original Construction, 1963

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Davie Hall (Object no. 1307): Addition, 1967

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Davie Hall (Object no. 1307): Renovations, 1958

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Dey Hall (Object no. 1308): Original Construction, 1962

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Dey Hall (Object no. 1308): Language Labs, 1964

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Graham Memorial (Object no. 1309), Renovation, 1980

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Hill Hall (Object no. 1311), South Addition, 1963

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Howell Hall (Object no. 1312), Renovations, 1960

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Knapp Building (Object no. 1313): Original Construction, 1956

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Knapp Building (Object no. 1313): Addition, 1956

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Knapp Building (Object no. 1313): Refrigeration Equipment, 1961

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Van Hecke-Wettach Hall (Object no. 1314): Original Construction, 1968

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Van Hecke-Wettach Hall (Object no. 1314): Walkway Construction, 1979

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Van Hecke-Wettach Hall (Object no. 1314): New Office Building, 1980

Box 75

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: R. B. House Undergraduate Library (Object no. 1315), Original Construction, 1963-1965

(includes F.P. Graham Student Union and Daniels Student Stores)

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: L. R. Wilson Library (Object no. 1316): Addition, 1949

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: L. R. Wilson Library (Object no. 1316): A/C Phase I, 1963

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: L. R. Wilson Library (Object no. 1316): Stack Addition, 1977

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Manning Hall (Object no. 1317), Addition, 1953

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Mitchell Hall (Object no. 1318): Original Construction, 1964

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Mitchell Hall (Object no. 1318): Third Floor Casework, 1965

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Murphey Hall (Object no. 1319): Renovation, 1962

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Murphey Hall (Object no. 1319): Renovation, 1976

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Naval Armory (Object no. 1320), Roof Renovation, 1962

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Peabody Hall (Object no. 1324): Addition, 1928

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Peabody Hall (Object no. 1324): Basement Renovation, 1953

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Peabody Hall (Object no. 1324): A/C, 1960

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Phillips Hall (Object no. 1326): South Addition, 1960

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Phillips Hall (Object no. 1326): Electrical Renovation, 1965

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Saunders Hall (Object no. 1327): Renovation, 1959

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Saunders Hall (Object no. 1327): Renovation, 1976

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Swain Hall (Object no. 1329), Addition, 1961

Box 76

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Venable Hall (Object no. 1330): Addition, 1949-1955

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Venable Hall (Object no. 1330): A/C Research Labs, 1959

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Venable Hall (Object no. 1330): Lab Renovation, 1960

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Venable Hall (Object no. 1330): Electrical Renovation, 1963

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Venable Hall (Object no. 1330): Renovation, 1976-1980

(see also Glaxo, Series 1.11.)

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Wilson Hall (Object no. 1331): Addition, 1965

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Wilson Hall (Object no. 1331): A/C Room 107, 1977

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Memorial Hall (Object no. 1335), Stage Extension, 1978

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Lenoir Hall (Object no. 1336): A/C Phase II, 1960

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Lenoir Hall (Object no. 1336): Pine Room Renovation, 1962

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Lenoir Hall (Object no. 1336): Dining Room Renovation, 1984

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Morehead Planetarium (Object no. 1339), Renovation, 1960

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Chase Cafeteria (Object no. 1342): Original Construction, 1965

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Chase Cafeteria (Object no. 1342): Renovation

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: F. P. Graham Student Union (Object no. 1343), Expansion, 1976-1979

(see also R. B. House Undergraduate Library, above)

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Daniels Student Stores (Object no. 1344), Office Addition, 1983-1986

(see also R. B. House Undergraduate Library, above)

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Waste Water Research Building (Object no. 1348), Addition, 1979

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Dramatic Arts Building (Object no. 1351), Original Construction, 1978

(Paul Green Theatre)

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Special Collections Library (Object no. 1352)

(never built)

Box 77

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Love Building (Object no. 1353), Original Construction, 1980

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Art Laboratory Building (Object no. 1354), Original Construction, 1977

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Davis Library (Object no. 13xx), Original Construction, 1983

Project Files: Classroom Buildings: Sitterson Hall (Object no. 13xx), Original Construction, 1983-1986

Project Files: Student Housing: Spencer Residence Hall (Object no. 1404), Addition, 1958

Project Files: Student Housing: Cobb Residence Hall (Object no. 1408): Original Construction, 1952

Project Files: Student Housing: Cobb Residence Hall (Object no. 1408): Renovations, Basement Floor, 1955

Project Files: Student Housing: Cobb Residence Hall (Object no. 1408): Renovations, 1962

Project Files: Student Housing: Winston, Connor, and Joyner Residence Halls (Object no. 1409), Original Construction, 1948

Box 78

Project Files: Student Housing: Teague, Parker, and Avery Residence Halls (Object no. 1413), Original Construction, 1958

Project Files: Student Housing: Craige Residence Hall (Object no. 1414), Original Construction, 1962

Project Files: Student Housing: Ehringhaus Residence Hall (Object no. 1415), Original Construction, 1962

Project Files: Student Housing: Married Student Housing (Object no. 1416): Original Construction, 1963

Project Files: Student Housing: Married Student Housing (Object no. 1416): Phase II, 1959

Project Files: Student Housing: Morrison Residence Hall (Object no. 1417), Original Construction, 1965

Project Files: Student Housing: Hinton James Residence Hall (Object no. 1418), Original Construction, 1967

Project Files: Student Housing: Carmichael Residence Hall (Object no. 14xx), Original Construction, 1981-1986

Project Files: Landmarks: Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower (Object no. 1501): General, 1961-1968

Project Files: Landmarks: Morehead-Patterson Bell Tower (Object no. 1501): Clock Restoration, 1985-1987

Project Files: Health Affairs Administration Buildings: Health Sciences Offices (Object no. 2102): Original Construction, 1952

(conversion of Old Nurses' Dormitory)

Project Files: Health Affairs Administration Buildings: Health Sciences Offices (Object no. 2102): Wing D Addition, 1960

Project Files: Health Affairs Administration Buildings: Health Affairs Campus (Object no. 21xx), 1970-1977

Box 79

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: MacNider Hall (Object no. 2201): North Wing Addition, 1952

roject Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: MacNider Hall (Object no. 2201): South Wing Addition, 1953

roject Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: MacNider Hall (Object no. 2201): A/C Fourth Floor, Phase II, 1963

roject Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: MacNider Hall (Object no. 2201): Lab Casework, Room N-8, 1963

roject Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: MacNider Hall (Object no. 2201): Renovation, 1978

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Old Infirmary (Object no. 2202), Alteration of Entryway, 1971

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Rosenau Hall (Object no. 2203): Original Construction, 1949

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Rosenau Hall (Object no. 2203): North Wing Addition, 1960

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Rosenau Hall (Object no. 2203): Center Addition, 1960

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Dental School Building (Object no. 2204), Office Addition

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Dental Science Research Building (Object no. 2205): Original Construction, 1967

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Dental Science Research Building (Object no. 2205): HVAC Renovation, 1989

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Brauer Hall (Object no. 2206), Original Construction, 1969

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Psychiatric Wing (Object no. 2207): Original Construction, 1954

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Psychiatric Wing (Object no. 2207): Addition, 1958

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Psychiatric Wing (Object no. 2207): Fifth Floor Renovation, 1962

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Psychiatric Wing (Object no. 2207): Lab Renovations, 1965

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Beard Hall (Object no. 2208): Original Construction, 1959

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Beard Hall (Object no. 2208): A/C Renovation, 1969

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Beard Hall (Object no. 2208): Retail Laboratory

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Medical Sciences Research Wing (Object no. 2209), Original Construction, 1962

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Carrington Hall (Object no. 2210), Original Construction, 1969

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Health Affairs Library (Object no. 2212), Floor Additions

Box 80

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Child Development Center (Behavioral) (Object no. 2215): Trailer Relocation, 1979

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Child Development Center (Behavioral) (Object no. 2215): Traffic and Parking Renovations, 1977

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Ambulatory Patient Care Facility (Love Clinic) (Object no. 2216-A): Phase I, 1970

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Ambulatory Patient Care Facility (Love Clinic) (Object no. 2216-A): Phase II (Bed Tower), 1973

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Ambulatory Care Center (Object no. 2216-B), Original Construction, 1985-1986

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Blood Research Laboratory (Object no. 2217): Original Construction, 1960

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Blood Research Laboratory (Object no. 2217): Waste Water Easement, 1978

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Medical Research Building A (Object no. 2218), Addition, 1979

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Preclinical Education Facilities (Object no. 2220), Original Construction, 1973

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Clinical Sciences Building (Object no. 2221), Original Construction, 1973

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Animal Care Facility (Object no. 2222), Original Construction, 1973

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Medical Research Building C (Object no. 2223): Original Construction, 1972

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Medical Research Building C (Object no. 2223): Addition, 1979

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Medical Research Building B (Object no. 2224), Original Construction

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Medical Research Building D (Object no. 2226), Original Construction

Box 81

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Student Health Service Building (Object no. 2227), Original Construction, 1985?

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Cancer Research Center (Object no. 22xx), Original Construction, 1984

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Alcohol Studies Center (Object no. 22xx), Original Construction, 1986

Project Files: Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Family Practice Center (Object no. 22xx), Original Construction, 1986

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Original Building (Object no. 2300), 1952

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Drives and Parking (Object no. 2301), 1952

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Crematory (Object no. 2302), 1952

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Seventh Floor Alteration and Additions (Object no. 2304), 1958

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Third Floor Alteration (Object no. 2312), 1961

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Anesthetizing Alteration (Object no. 2316), 1961

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Seventh Floor Pediatrics, Alteration and Addition (Object no. 2323), 1963

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: A/C Hospital and Dental School (Object no. 2328), 1966

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: X-ray Suite, Renovation of Rooms 5 and 6 (Object no. 2330), 1966

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: A/C Maternity, Secretarial, and Operating Rooms, Old Infirmary (Object no. 2340), 1970

Project Files: North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Family Medicine Building (Object no. 23xx), 1975-1983

Box 82

Project Files: Utilities, General: Campuswide Chilled Water System (Object no. 31xx)

Project Files: Utilities, Electrical: South Campus Substation (Object no. 35xx), 1980-1984

Project Files: Consolidated University/General Administration: General Administration Building (Object no. 4101), Office Expansion, 1978-1982

Project Files: Service Facilities, Campus: Carolina Inn (Object no. 6101): Original Construction, 1924

Project Files: Service Facilities, Campus: Carolina Inn (Object no. 6101): Addition, 1971

Project Files: Service Facilities, Campus: Shop and Storeroom (Object no. 6105): Original Construction, 1962

Project Files: Service Facilities, Campus: Shop and Storeroom (Object no. 6105): Service Station Addition, 197?

Project Files: Service Facilities, Campus: Shop and Storeroom (Object no. 6105): Storeroom Addition, 1973

Project Files: Service Facilities, Campus: Alumni Center (Object no. 61xx), Original Construction, 1984-1986

Project Files: Service Facilities, Campus: Friday Continuing Education Center (Object no. 61xx), Original Construction, 1966-1980; 1984-1986

Box 83

Project Files: Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: Power Plant (Object no. 6204): Addition, 1965

Project Files: Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: Power Plant (Object no. 6204): Switchgear Addition, 1965

Project Files: Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: Power Plant (Object no. 6204): Boiler Addition, Phase II, 197?

Project Files: Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: Telephone Exchange (Object no. 6205), Addition, 1963

Project Files: Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: J. S. Bennett Telephone Exchange (Object no. 6206), Utilities Renovations, 1981-1983

Project Files: Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: Health Affairs Chiller Plant (Object no. 6212), 1975-1977

Project Files: Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: Central Energy Control and Monitoring System (Object no. 62xx), 1976-1984

Project Files: Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: Boiler Plant (Object no. 62xx), 1987

Project Files: Service Facilities, Other Facilities: Hill Commercial Building (Object no. 6301): General, 1949-1950

Project Files: Service Facilities, Other Facilities: Hill Commercial Building (Object no. 6301): Second Floor Renovation, 1970-1972

Project Files: Service Facilities, Other Facilities: Quail Roost, Rougemont (Object no. 6302), General, 1962-1969

Project Files: Service Facilities, Other Facilities: North Carolina High School Athletic Association Building (Object no. 6302), 1976-1977

Parking, Paving, and Roads: Health Affairs Parking Deck (Object no. 6420), Addition, 1973-1985

(includes arbitration with contractor)

Extra Oversize Paper Folder XOPF-40095/1

Blueprints (Oversize): Administration Buildings: Bynum Hall (Object no. 1102), Renovation, 1964

Blueprints (Oversize): Athletic Facilities: Kenan Stadium (Object no. 1201), Upper Deck Addition, 1963

Blueprints (Oversize): Athletic Facilities: Carmichael Auditorium (Object no. 1201), Original Construction, 1965

Extra Oversize Paper Folder XOPF-40095/2

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Coker Hall (Object no. 1306), Original Construction, 1963

Extra Oversize Paper Folder XOPF-40095/3

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Davie Hall (Object no. 1307), Addition, 1967

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Hill Hall (Object no. 1311), South Addition, 1963

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Howell Hall (Object no. 1312), Renovations, 1960

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Knapp Building (Object no. 1313), Original Construction, 1956

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Mitchell Hall (Object no. 1318): Original Construction, 1964

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Mitchell Hall (Object no. 1318): Third Floor Casework, 1965

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Murphey Hall (Object no. 1319), Renovation, 1962

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Phillips Hall (Object no. 1326), South Addition, 1960

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Wilson Hall (Object no. 1331), Addition, 1965

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: Morehead Planetarium (Object no. 1339), Renovation, 1960

Blueprints (Oversize): Classroom Buildings: F. P. Graham Student Union (Object no. 1343), Original Construction, 1968

Extra Oversize Paper Folder XOPF-40095/4

Blueprints (Oversize): Student Housing: Cobb Residence Hall (Object no. 1408): Basement Floor Renovations, 1955

Blueprints (Oversize): Student Housing: Cobb Residence Hall (Object no. 1408): Renovations, 1962

Blueprints (Oversize): Student Housing: Married Student Housing (Object no. 1416), Original Construction, 1959

Blueprints (Oversize): Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Rosenau Hall (Object no. 2203), Original Construction, 1949

Blueprints (Oversize): Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Dental Science Research (Object no. 2205), Original Construction, 1967

Blueprints (Oversize): Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Psychiatric Wing (Object no. 2207), Lab Renovations, 1965

Blueprints (Oversize): Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Beard Hall (Object no. 2208), Retail Laboratory

Blueprints (Oversize): Health Affairs Teaching and Research Buildings: Blood Research Laboratory (Object no. 2217), Original Construction, 1960

Blueprints (Oversize): North Carolina Memorial Hospital: Seventh Floor Pediatrics, Alteration and Addition (Object no. 2323), 1963

Blueprints (Oversize): North Carolina Memorial Hospital: A/C Hospital and Dental School (Object no. 2328), 1966

Blueprints (Oversize): North Carolina Memorial Hospital: X-ray Suite, Renovation of Rooms 5 and 6 (Object no. 2330), 1966

Blueprints (Oversize): Service Facilities, Campus: Carolina Inn (Object no. 6101), Addition, 1971

Blueprints (Oversize): Service Facilities, Campus: Shop and Storeroom (Object no. 6105), Original Construction, 1962

Blueprints (Oversize): Service Facilities, Utility Buildings: Power Plant (Object no. 6204), Addition, 1965

Blueprints (Oversize): Service Facilities, Other Facilities: Hill Commercial Building (Object no. 6302), Second Floor Renovation, 1972

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 3.2. Office of the Engineer, 1955-1985.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 4. Finance Division, 1789-1988.

16800 items.

These records relate to budgetary, accounting, audit and other general financial recordkeeping responsibilities. This series includes information on those agencies supervised by the Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance. Of special note are the volumes in Subseries 1, which date from 1789 and include early records of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees and the University's Bursar.

Treasurers of the Board of Trustees, 1790-1912

20 November 1790-27 January 1795 John Craven
27 January 1795-11 July 1796 Walter Alves
11 July 1796-13 January 1809 Gavin Alves
13 January 1809-1820 (?) Robert Williams
22 November 1821-14 December 1848 Charles Manly
14 December 1848-26 December 1850 Charles L. Hinton
26 December 1850- June 1868 Charles Manly
24 July 1868-18 February 1874 Robert W. Lassiter
18 February 1874-16 June 1876 Kemp P. Battle
16 June 1876-1 April 1877 Seaton Gales
1 April 1877-25 August 1882 Kemp P. Battle
25 August 1882-2 April 1891 William L. Saunders
18 April 1891-19 May 1912 Richard H. Battle

Bursars of the University, 1836-1912

4 July 1836-27 June 1857 Elisha Mitchell
15 July 1857-15 June 1869 Manuel Fetter
15 June 1869-20 November 1872 D. S. Patrick
18 June 1875-31 May 1882 Andrew Mickle
31 May 1882-2 July 1909 Willie T. Patterson
2 July 1909-June 1912 Albert E. Woltz

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 4.1. Historical Financial Records, 1789-1919.

54 volumes.

Arrangement: Chronological.

Volume 1

Daybook of the Accounts and Money Transactions of the Trustees of the University of North Carolina, 1789-1795

(kept by William Duffy, agent; lists delinquent debts transferred by the state to UNC in 1789)

Volume 2

Account book, 1789-1795

(accounts of the resources of UNC; includes subscriptions, donations, delinquent debts, etc.)

Volume 3

Journal of the University of North Carolina, 1789-1795

(record of receipts and expenditures; includes grants of land, certificates of donations, and sundry vouchers and claims)

Volume 4

Journal of the University of North Carolina, 1789-1796

(record of receipts and expenditures kept by Walter Alves, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/5

Journal of the University of North Carolina, 1789-1859

(documents assets, revenue, and expenditures; this volume represents the accounts of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees though the handwriting is not consistently that of the Treasurer; see also Volume 6)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/6

Ledger of the University of North Carolina, 1789-1867

Oversize Volume SV-40095/7

Index to Ledger of the University of North Carolina, 1789-1867

(index to Volume 6)

Volume 8

Waste Book of the University of North Carolina, 1789-1810

(daybook of accounts; includes receipts of certificates, arrearages due the state, subscriptions, interest from stocks, and other sources of income)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/9

Accounts of Merchandise Sales, 1795-1796

(kept by someone selling general merchandise at the "Seat of the University of N.C."; contains names of local residents)

Volume 10

Accounts of the Faculty of the University of North Carolina, 1822-1829

(record of faculty salaries, kept by Charles Manly, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; also contains records of various other receipts and expenditures, including accounts with the several banks of the state)

Volume 11

Murphey's Book, 1820-1823

(Archibald D. Murphey's record concerning lands in Tennessee owned or claimed by the University, including lists of land warrants adjudicated in 1820 and 1822 in the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th surveyor's districts of the Western District of Tennessee (with annotations made later); Murphey's 1823 report to the Board of Trustees on the Tennessee lands; a list of lands remaining from Charles Gerrard's donation; a map showing the location of Benjamin Smith's donations; and various documents related to settlements with the agents employed to locate lands)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/12

Ledger, Western Lands of the University of N.C., 1821-1837

(record of sales of lands in Tennessee; includes index)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/13

Journal, Western Lands of the University of N.C., 1821-1835

(record of sales of lands in Tennessee)

Volume 14

Land Committee, Minutes and Other Documents, 1821-1826

(minutes of the 7 February 1823 meeting of the Board of Trustees Land Committee together with copies, 1821-1826, of various reports, contracts, statements, etc. regarding University lands; mostly related to lands in Tennessee; includes survey information for numerous individual land warrants)

Volume 15

Land Committee, Minutes and Other Documents, 1825-1834

(minutes of the Board of Trustees Land Committee, 1826-1834, together with copies of documents relevant to the committee's work)

Reel M-40095/1


  • Reel 1: Series 4.1. Volumes 14 and 15.

Volume 16

Land Committee, Lettercopy Book, 1825-1832

(contains copies of letters received by the Board of Trustees Land Committee)

Volume 17

Land Committee, Lettercopy Book, 1826-1834

(contains copies of letters written by members of the Board of Trustees Land Committee)

Volume 18

A List of Debts in the Hands of Samuel Dickins, 1823-1832

(accounts of amounts owed and payments made by purchasers of University lands in Tennessee; kept by Samuel Dickins, agent of the Trustees)

Volume 19

Accounts of the Superintendent, January-June 1830

(account book kept by Professor James Phillips as Superintendent, later called Bursar, the faculty member in charge of collecting student tuition and fees and of making disbursements for faculty salaries, repairs to the buildings, and other routine expenses)

Volume 20

Accounts of the Superintendent, August-December 1830

(account book kept by Professor Nicholas M. Hentz as Superintendent)

Volume 21

Accounts of the Treasurer, 1849-1850

(record of deposits to and disbursements from the University's account with the Bank of the State of North Carolina; kept by Charles Hinton, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees)

Volume 22

Book for Escheats and Derelict Property, 1850-1866

(record of escheats and derelict property by county; kept by Charles Manly, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/23

University Check Book, 1857-1859

(record of checks written on account with Bank of the State of North Carolina, Raleigh, by Bursar Manuel Fetter)

Volume 24

Accounts and Reports of the Bursar, 1857-1880

(the Bursar collected student tuition and fees and made disbursements for repairs to buildings and other routine expenses; before 1875 he was usually a faculty member and was usually also responsible for paying out faculty salaries; this volume was kept principally by Professor Manuel Fetter and later Andrew Mickle)

Volume 25

List of Subscriptions, [1858-1861]

(possibly for University Magazine)

Volume 26

Manuel Fetter in Account with Bank of North Carolina, 1859-1863

(bank book of Professor Manuel Fetter as Bursar)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/27

Accounts of the Treasurer, 1860-1867; 1874-1883

(includes receipts and expenditures of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees; of particular interest are contributions to the University Fund, beginning in 1875)

Volume 28

Accounts of the Treasurer, 1875-1886

(mainly accounts of contributions to the University Fund and notes due to the Deems Fund, established in 1879 to provide loans to needy students; also includes accounts of the University Normal School, 1877-1883; volume was kept principally by Kemp P. Battle as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees)

Volume 29

Deems Fund Account Book, 1879-1907

(daybook of accounts; kept by Bursar W. T. Patterson)

Volume 30

Deems Fund Accounts, 1883-1894

(record of notes due by month; kept by W. T. Patterson)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/31

Reports of the Bursar, 1875-1907

(reports to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees by Andrew Mickle and, later, W. T. Patterson)

Volume 32

Deems Fund (?) Accounts, 1880-1909

(record of notes due by name; kept by W. T. Patterson)

Volume 33

Accounts of Tuition, 1882-1883

(also contains extensive lecture notes on organic and inorganic chemistry)

Volume 34

Accounts of the Bursar, 1882-1886

(kept by W. T. Patterson; includes expenditures for faculty salaries, library materials, scientific apparatus, building repairs, grounds maintenance, servant hire, printing, advertising, and other routine expenses; also contains extensive records of expenditures, especially for labor, related to the construction of the original Memorial Hall, the 1886 addition to Person Hall, and the first gymnasium; also some University Normal School accounts)

Volume 35

Accounts of the Bursar, 1886-1893

(kept by W. T. Patterson; similar in content to Volume 34; also contains records of receipts for tuition, gymnasium fees, and diplomas; also expenditures for the installation of tablets in Memorial Hall and for the construction of the Dissecting Hall; and records of insurance on the buildings)

Volume 36

Account of the Bursar with Citizens National Bank, Raleigh, N.C., 1889-1892

(record of deposits to and checks written on account; kept by W. T. Patterson)

Volume 37

Record of the Finance Committee, 1891-1894

(brief, scattered minutes of the faculty Finance Committee; kept by Professor J. W. Gore, committee secretary)

Volume 38

Alumni Scholarship Fund, 1891-1900

(record of receipts and expenditures; kept by W. T. Patterson)

Volume 39

Deposit Book, 1893-1895

(record of student monies on deposit with the Bursar; includes student organizations as well as individual students; kept by W. T. Patterson)

Volume 40

University Electric Plant Accounts, 1895-1901

(also contains heating plant data and records of water and sewer connections, 1901; kept by Professor J. W. Gore ?)

Volume 41

Deposit Book, 1896-1898

(record of student monies on deposit with the Bursar; includes student organizations as well as individual students; kept by W. T. Patterson)

Volume 42

YMCA Building Fund, 1896-1909

(receipts and expenditures; kept by Willie T. Patterson as treasurer of the fund)

Volume 43

Daybook of Commons Hall, 1896-1906

(lists specific commodities purchased)

Volume 44

Accounts of Student Loans, 1895-1909

(includes loans from the Lake Emergency Fund and Thomas D. Martin Loan Fund)

Volume 45

University Record Account Book, 1898-1901

(includes record of receipts for advertising and subscriptions; kept chiefly by Professor Charles Baskerville, Business Manager)

Volume 46

Accounts of the Bursar, 1900-1906

(kept by W. T. Patterson; similar to Volumes 34 and 35 but shows the increasing complexity of the University; more of the accounts are for specific buildings and departments; also includes accounts related to the electric and water utilities)

Volume 47

Power Plant Account Book, 1901-1907

(kept by W. T. Patterson)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/48

Receipts, 1907-1909

(record of monies received from all sources; kept by W. T. Patterson)

Volume 49

Accounts of the University, 1908-1920

(begun by the Bursar ?; continued by the Business Manager ?)

Oversize Volume SV-40095/50

Guest Register for University Inn, 1911-1917

Volume 51

Reports of the Treasurer, 1915-1918

(in 1912 the position of Bursar was abolished and its duties were assigned to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, who was required to reside in Chapel Hill; includes both monthly and annual reports)

Volume 52

Audit Report, 15 August 1917

(external audit of the University; prepared by Scott, Charnley & Co., Charlotte, N.C.)

Volume 53

Audit Report, 31 December 1920

(external audit of the University; prepared by Scott, Charnley & Co., Charlotte, N.C.)

Volume 54

Payroll Ledger, 1907-1919

(includes names and annual salaries of all University employees; begun by Charles T. Woollen as Proctor ? and continued by someone else)

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 4.2. Audits and Financial Reports, 1923-1977.

2400 items.

Arrangement: By type.

This subseries contains audits and financial reports of the university as a whole. Audits and financial reports of individual departments are filed with the department's records. See also historical volumes in Subseries 1, above; and Internal Audit in Series 1.1. for more information on universitywide audits.

Box 85

UNC Audit Reports by the State Auditor's Office: General University, 1951; 1956-1960; 1962; 1972-1977

UNC Audit Reports by the State Auditor's Office: Trust, Loan, Bond, and Special Funds, 1942; 1947-1949

Box 86

UNC Annual Financial Reports: General, 1923; 1926; 1932; 1933; 1945; 1946; 1948; 1949; 1952; 1953; 1955-1959; 1963-1971

Box 87

UNC Annual Financial Reports: Endowment, Trust, and Special Funds, 1926; 1931; 1934; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1941; 1942

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 4.3. Accounting Office, 1943-1986.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 4.4. Budget Office, 1927-1991.

6000 items.

This subseries contains agency requests and administrative working papers of the budget officer, Chancellor, Provost, and others, used in drafting the University's budget requests for bienniums 1927/1929 to 1989/1991. Note that there are no documents for 1956/1957 to 1963/1964.

Box 89

Administrative Files: Office of the Director, 1968-1986

Administrative Files: Biotechnology Programs, 1984

Administrative Files: Bonded Indebtedness, Reports, 1973-1976

Administrative Files: Dual Employment, Budget Reports, 1968-1979

University Budget Documents, 1927/1929-1933/1935

Box 90

University Budget Documents, 1935/1937-1945/1947

Box 91

University Budget Documents, 1947/1949-1973/1975

Box 92

University Budget Documents, 1975/1977-1981/1983

Box 93

University Budget Documents, 1981/1983-1989/1991

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 4.5. Cashier's Office, 1948-1988.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 4.6. Contracts and Grant Office, 1956-1988.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 4.7. Equipment Control Office, 1970-1985.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 5. Physical Plant, 1931-1987.

2400 items.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 5.1. Office of the Director, 1937-1985.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 5.2. Campus Mail Service, 1966-1987.

Box 100

Folder 2562-2568

Folder 2562

Folder 2563

Folder 2564

Folder 2565

Folder 2566

Folder 2567

Folder 2568

General, 1966-1987

Box 100

Folder 2569

Courier Service, 1974-1979

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 5.3. Construction and Maintenance, 1959-1986.

Box 100

Folder 2570-2578

Folder 2570

Folder 2571

Folder 2572

Folder 2573

Folder 2574

Folder 2575

Folder 2576

Folder 2577

Folder 2578

General, 1959-1986

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 5.4. Housekeeping, 1931-1985.

Box 100

Folder 2579

General, 1968-1976

Box 100

Folder 2580

UNC Janitors Association, 1931-1940

See also Office of the Director, General, Subseries 5.1.

Box 100

Folder 2581

General, 1977-1985

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 5.5. Personnel Department, 1969-1984.

Box 100

Folder 2582

General, 1969-1969

See also UNC Janitors Association, Subseries 5.4.

Box 100

Folder 2583

General, 1970-1976

Box 100

Folder 2584-2585

Folder 2584

Folder 2585

General, 1977-1984

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 5.6. Air Conditioning Department, 1974-1984.

Box 100

Folder 2586-2589

Folder 2586

Folder 2587

Folder 2588

Folder 2589

General, 1974-1984

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 5.7. Grounds Department, 1971-1985.

Box 100

Folder 2590-2593

Folder 2590

Folder 2591

Folder 2592

Folder 2593

General, 1974-1985

Box 100

Folder 2594-2596

Folder 2594

Folder 2595

Folder 2596

Forestry Management Program, 1971-1978; 1984-1985

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 6. Property Office, 1917-1988.

3600 items.

This series contains files relating to University-owned property, including some files on individual gifts and bequests of property. Other files relating to gifts and bequests will be found under Endowed Professorships in Series 1.1.; Foundations in Series 1.5.; and Loan Funds, Scholarships, and Fellowships in Series 1.3.)

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 6.1. Property Officer Administrative Files, 1941-1986.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 6.2. Bequests and Gifts to the University, 1917-1988.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 6.3. University Property Files, 1946-1988.

1400 items.
Box 102

Baity Property, 1972-1974; 1977-1983; 1987

Baker, Lewis A., Property, 1985

Ballou, James Larking, Property, 1946; 1953; 1959; 1969; 1973-1982

Box 103

Best, T. E., Jr., Property, 1975-1983

Bolin Creek East, Office Building, 1987-1988

Camp Chadaree, 1964-1967

Carroll, Dudley D., Jr., Property, 1957-1976

(Chancellor's Residence)

Chapel Hill Country Club Property, 1956; 1972-1977

Coker, Louise V., Property, 1979; 1983-1986

Corbitt, Alma Jordan, Property, 1976-1977

Davie Cemetery (Waxhaw, N.C.), 1970-1971; 1973

Davie Poplar, 1961-1964

(Class of 1918 Gift)

Davis, Walter R., Property, 1973-1978

Durham Warehouse Storage, 1979-1982

Durham, W. T., Property, 1973

Eliason, Norman E., Property, 1980; 1986

Fields, Leonard, Property, 1984-1986

Hobbs Property, 1965-1973

Hogue, R. W., Property, 1970-1972

Hunt, William L., Property, 1961; 1971-1977; 1981-1984; 1988

Jordan, Arthur Melville, Property, 1971-1973

Kenan, Frank H., Property, 1982; 1985-1986

Kent, Donald East, Property, 1983-1986

Landfill, 1972

(Eubanks Property; see also Town of Chapel Hill: Landfill in Series 1.11.)

Marley, Willard M., Property, 1985-1986

Mayberry, A. Ray, Property, 1978

McKee Property, 1986

Mormon Church Property, 1988

Morrison, Emma Neal, Property, 1986

Parker, William B. and Athena, Property, 1972-1985

President's House, 1986

Rider, James A., Property, 1978-1980

Smith, Betty, Property, 1972-1973; 1980-1983

Smith Family Cemetery, 1978

Southern Bell Property (165A-134 East Franklin Street), 1985

Stacy, Inez Koonce, Apartments, 1970-1973

Strowd, Merle T., Property, 1979

210 Pittsboro Street, 1977-1985

University Lake, 1951-1971

(see also Water and Sewer Utility in Series 2.9.)

White, Charles L., Estate, 1968; 1977-1979

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 7. Purchases and Stores Division, 1936-1986.

2400 items.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 7.1. Office of the Director, 1936-1986.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 7.2. Purchasing, 1967-1986.

See also General Storeroom in Subseries 3, below, and Office of the Director in Subseries 1, above.

Box 104

General, 1981-1986

Box 105

Interior Design, 1967-1978

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subseries 7.3. Stores and Central Services, 1951-1986.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 8. Facilities Planning Office, 1959-1989.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 9. University Personnel Department, 1980-1986.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Addition of June 2016: Student Loans, 1932, 1969-1971 (RT 20160608.1).

2 items.

Contains a scrapbook compiled by Mabel Mallett, secretary to the Dean of Students, about the Emergency Student Loan Fund (1932) and a binder belonging to Director of Financial Aid William Geer about the James M. Johnston Scholarship Program (1969-1971)

SV-40095/56 is closed until 2046 due to FERPA restrictions.

Oversize Volume SV-40095/55

Scrapbook on a fundraising campaign for the Student Emergency Loan Program compiled by Mabel Mallet, secretary to the Dean of Students, 1932

Oversize Volume SV-40095/56

Director of Student Aid William Geer's file on the James M. Johnston Scholarship, 1969-1971


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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Addition of November 2021: Salary Records, 1909-1960 (RT 20211112.1).

Approximately 1000 items.

Includes cards documenting payroll information for UNC instructional employees, 1909-1960. Cards include employee names, titles, dates of university employment, and payroll history.

Box 112

Instructional salaries: annual rates of professors, 1909-1929

Box 113

Instructional salaries: A-K, 1940s-1960

Instructional salaries: L-Z, 1940s-1960

Instructional salaries: Inactive File No.2, 1940s-1960

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