This collection has access restrictions. For details, please see the restrictions.
This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in our reading room, and not digitally available through the World Wide Web. See the Duplication Policy section for more information.
Size | Approximately 316,000 items (90.0 linear feet). |
Abstract | Collection contains images made by Black photographer, author, and documentarian Roland L. Freeman (1936-2023) during his career from the early 1960s to the early 2000s. Freeman was based in Washington, D.C. for most of that time and contents of the collection consist chiefly of assignment and project documentary work. Freeman started his career documenting the civil rights movement and related events in Washington, D.C., including photographing the August 28, 1963, March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. He then spent over four decades documenting Black communities, folk traditions, and rituals throughout the South. Collection contains photographic prints, film, correspondence, documentation, and some audiovisual materials related to his work. In addition to Freeman's working files, orginal negatives, and transparencies, the collection also includes selections of exhibit prints curated by Freeman, as well as digital files describing and cataloging his materials. |
Creator | Freeman, Roland L., 1936-2023. |
Curatorial Unit | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Folklife Collection. |
Language | English |
Since August 2017, we have added ethnic and racial identities for individuals and families represented in collections. To determine identity, we rely on self-identification; other information supplied to the repository by collection creators or sources; public records, press accounts, and secondary sources; and contextual information in the collection materials. Omissions of ethnic and racial identities in finding aids created or updated after August 2017 are an indication of insufficient information to make an educated guess or an individual's preference for identity information to be excluded from description. When we have misidentified, please let us know at
Processed by: Patrick Cullom and Jodi Berkowitz, 2023
Encoded by: Patrick Cullom and Jodi Berkowitz, April 2023
Updated by: Patrick Cullom and Jodi Berkowitz, August 2023
Back to TopThe following terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings suggest topics, persons, geography, etc. interspersed through the entire collection; the terms do not usually represent discrete and easily identifiable portions of the collection--such as folders or items.
Clicking on a subject heading below will take you into the University Library's online catalog.
Roland Freeman was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1936 and spent a majority of his career based in Washington, D.C. Freeman's photographic career began when he borrowed a friend's camera to capture the events surrounding the August 28, 1963, March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. In 1968, he documented the civil unrest in Washington, D.C. following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A month later, Freeman was photographing the Southern Christian Leadership Conference's Poor People's Campaign "Mule Train" March on Washington. Freeman documented the entire Mule Train caravan on its month-long journey from Marks, Mississippi to Washington D.C. Freeman spent over four decades documenting ethnic communities, folk traditions, and rituals throughout the South. Freeman's photographs have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the world and his many books of photography include "A Communion of the Spirits: African-American Quilters, Preservers, and Their Stories" (1996), "The Arabbers of Baltimore" (1989), and "The Mule Train: A Journey of Hope Remembered" (1998).
Back to TopCollection contains images made by Black photographer, author, and documentarian Roland L. Freeman (1936-2023) during his career from the early 1960s to the early 2000s. Freeman was based in Washington, D.C. for most of that time and contents of the collection consist chiefly of assignment and project documentary work. Freeman started his career documenting the Civil Rights movement and related events in Washington, D.C., including photographing the August 28, 1963, March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. He then spent over four decades documenting Black communities, folk traditions, and rituals throughout the South. Collection contains photographic prints, film, correspondence, documentation, and some audiovisual materials related to his work. In addition to Freeman's working files, orginal negatives, and transparencies, the collection also includes selections of exhibit prints, curated by Freeman, as well as digital files describing and cataloging his materials.
Back to TopArrangement: Original order.
Curated sets of photographic prints and related materials associated with exhibits, projects, or subjects of interest; selected, described, and used by Freeman throughout his career. Materials in subseries 1.1. and 1.2. are in original order, and in subseries 1.2. that is a (roughly) chronological order. A majority of the materials found in this series were made using corresponding film that can be found in Series 2.
Titles in quotation marks were transcribed from original captions or notes found with materials.
The negative number(s) used to make the photographic prints appear on the verso of many of the prints and the film used to make them can be found with corresponding numbering in series 2. Most of the images are captioned.
Some images in this subseries may depict scenes taken at funeral services for family, friends, and public figures including civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer and former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson.
Image Box IB-70147/001 |
"'Beautiful People', 1969," circa August 1969Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic (copy) negatives A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/002 |
"Miller Brewing Co.'s 1998 Gallery of Greats Calendar Project 'Passing the Torch'," circa 18-20 June 1998Black-and-white photographic prints A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/003 |
"Miller Brewing Company, 1998 Gallery of Greats Calendar, shot in 1997," circa April-July 1997Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/004 |
"Miller Brewing Company, 1999 Gallery of Greats Calendar, shot in 1998," circa April-May 1998Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/005 |
"Koinonia Farm," circa 1960s-1970sBlack-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/006 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/007 |
"The Group for cultural Documentation: Young persons cultural exchange Program (Started in 1994)," circa 1994-1995Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/008 |
"National Black Arts Festival, in Atlanta Georgia, 1990," circa July-August 1990Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Printed materials 108 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/009 |
"National Black Arts Festival, Atlanta Georgia, summer 1992," circa July-August 1992Black-and-white photographic prints 48 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/010 |
"5th Biannual National Black Arts Festival (ACOG), Atlanta Georgia ," circa June-July 1996Black-and-white photographic prints 165 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/011 |
"Philip 'Ricky' Haynie II; Black Grain Farmer in Northern Neck of Virginia, 2004 ," circa May 2004Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film; Printed materials 150 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/012 |
"'Communion of the Spirits' Quilt Project 1974-1976 : MI, IN, OH, IL and MO "," circa 1974-1976Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 27 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/013 |
""Communion of the Spirits" Quilt Project 1974-1976; Alabama Quilters," circa 1974-1976Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 96 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/014 |
"'Communion of the Spirits' Quilt Project 1974-1976; Quilters from FL, GA, SC and NC," circa 1974-1976Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 52 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/015 |
"'Communion of the Spirits' Quilt Project 1974-1976; Quilters from CA, OR, WA, CO, and AZ," circa 1974-1976Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 55 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/016 |
"'Communion of the Spirits' Quilt Project 1974-1976; Quilters from NY, PA, VT and NH," circa 1974-1976Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 38 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/017 |
"'Communion of the Spirits' Quilt Project 1974-1976; Quilters from Mississippi ," circa 1974-1976Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 85 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/018 |
"'Communion of the Spirits' Quilt Project 1974-1976; Quilters from Washington D.C., MD, VA and WV," circa 1974-1976Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 20 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/019 |
"'Communion of the Spirits' Quilt Project 1974-1976; Quilters from TN, KY, AR, LA and TX," circa 1974-1976Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 32 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/020-021
IB-70147/20IB-70147/21 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/022 |
"5th Annual Black Arts Festival (ACOG), Atlanta Georgia," circa 29 June-7 JulyBlack-and-white photographic prints 59 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. Contact sheets only. |
Image Box IB-70147/023 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/024 |
"Cumba Lamba, USA- An African Traditional Healing Ceremony. 1996," 11-19 August 1996Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film; Printed materials 65 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/025 |
"Michigan at Smithsonian’s annual festival in Washington D.C.," circa 1986Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film; Printed materials 169 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/026 |
"1997 National Heritage Fellowship Awards," 22-28 SeptemberBlack-and-white photographic prints; Printed materials 21 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/027 |
"Dance Theater of Harlem, NYC," circa March 1984Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film; Printed materials 462 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/028 |
"Millsaps College Jackson, MS. The Eudora Welty Chair," circa 1996-1997Black-and-white photographic prints; Printed materials 66 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/029 |
"New Orleans, Mardi Gras," circa February 1994Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic film; Color photographic film 55 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/030 |
"Braids, Plaits and Cornrows Project for the Smithsonian’s Festival of American Folklife," circa May-June 1985Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Printed materials 126 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/031 |
"'Songs of My People,' A National Photographic Study of Black America (1)," circa June 1990Black-and-white photographic prints; Printed materials 77 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/032 |
"'Songs of My People,' A National Photographic Study of Black America (2)," circa June 1990Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic film; Color photographic film 230 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/033 |
"'Songs of My People,' A National Photographic Study of Black America (3)," circa June 1990Printed materials Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/034 |
"'For my People' Margaret Walker (Exhibit)," circa 1992Black-and-white photographic prints 82 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/035 |
"The Arabbers photo documentary project (1)," circa 1968-1989Black-and-white photographic prints 184 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/036 |
"The Arabbers photo documentary project (2)," circa 1968-1989Black-and-white photographic prints 243 images |
Image Box IB-70147/037 |
"The Arabbers photo documentary project (3)," circa 1968-1989Black-and-white photographic prints 201 images |
Image Box IB-70147/038 |
"Adventure Club: Hillendale Elementary School, Baltimore, Maryland," circa spring 1991Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Printed materials 18 images |
Image Box IB-70147/039 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/040 |
"Washington D.C., Metropolitan area (1)," circa 1968-1980Black-and-white photographic prints 185 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/041 |
"Washington D.C., Metropolitan area (2)," circa 1968-1980Black-and-white photographic prints 207 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/042 |
"The Arabbers photo documentary project," circa 1976-2003Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Color photographic prints 36 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/043 |
"Dave and Patty Crosby and family; Port Gibson, MS," circa 1975Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film 82 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/044 |
"Washington Regional Alcohol program. Operation Prom/Graduation Campaign Poster," circa 25 March 1991Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic film; Color photographic film 16 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/045 |
"Shirley and Weldon Coleman and their son Patrick Jacob Coleman," circa 9 July 1995Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 87 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/046 |
"Julee and Annie Dickerson and Family, Washington D.C.," circa 1990-1991Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 147 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/047 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/048 |
"'A day in the life of America,' Memphis, TN," circa 2 May 1986Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 3 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/049 |
"Protests against War in Vietnam," circa 1968-1974Black-and-white photographic prints 96 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/050 |
"The Yoruba Temple’s 2nd Anniversary 1990," circa 20 May 1990Black-and-white photographic prints 60 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/051 |
"Mound Bayou, Miss.," circa fall 1969Black-and-white photographic prints 35 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/052 |
"Antioch School of Law, Washington D.C.. Edgar and Jean Kahn, founders," circa 1973Black-and-white photographic prints 107 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/053 |
"Marcia and Roland’s vacation, 1995,"Black-and-white photographic prints 97 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/054 |
"African Immigrant Project for the Smithsonian Institution’s Office of Folklife Programs and Cultural Studies, 1995," circa 1994-1995Black-and-white photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic film; Color photographic film; Printed materials 89 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/055 |
"7th Annual Penn School Heritage Day Celebration, St. Helena Island, South Carolina and other low country stuff," circa 1987Black-and-white photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic film; Color photographic film 130 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/056 |
"Heritage Festival and Yoruba Village and Black Politicians on Boat Cruise from Charleston to Daufuskie Island, South Carolina," circa 1985, 1990Black-and-white photographic prints 76 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/057 |
"Nelson Mandela’s 1st Tour of the US, 1990 ,"Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 230 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/058 |
"Memorial Service for Ralph Rinzler and Smithsonian Folklife Festival," circa 1994Black-and-white photographic prints 16 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/059 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/060 |
"1994 Biannual National Black Arts Festival and Literary Scholars, Atlanta, GA," circa 29 July-7 August 1994Black-and-white photographic prints 68 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/061 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/062 |
"National Black Family Reunion," circa 1985-1987Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 244 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/063 |
"The Arabbers photo documentary project," circa fall 1978Black-and-white photographic prints 120 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/064 |
"Photos for 1974 Smithsonian Folklife Festival and First photos for MS Folklife Project," circa spring 1974Black-and-white photographic prints 52 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/065 |
"Congressional Black Caucus Foundation," circa 1996, 1998Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film 143 images |
Image Box IB-70147/066 |
"Joy Alston, folk Artist, Baltimore, MD," circa 1990-1991Black-and-white photographic prints; Printed materials 70 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/067 |
"Marcia and Roland Freeman’s 20th Anniversary Trip Across America," circa 10 July-27 AugustBlack-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film 65 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/068 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/069 |
"Sapelo Island, Photo Documentary Project," circa 1987, 1999Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 413 image images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/070 |
"Laural and Manassas Jazz Festivals," circa August 1968Black-and-white photographic prints 82 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/071 |
"Wiregrass Country, Doltham, Ala., 1990," circa 28 November 1990Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 102 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/072 |
"Dr. Ja Johannes; Absynnia Baptist Church congregation," circa 1970s-August 2000Black-and-white photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic film; Color photographic film; Color photographic prints 75 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/073 |
"WooD.C.arver Ulysses Davis, Savannah, GA," circa March 1989Black-and-white photographic prints 70 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/074 |
"Mule Train and Poor People’s Campaign reenactment celebration," circa 23 May 1998Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 33 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/075 |
"Black Women’s Series," circa 1970s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Printed materials 32 images |
Image Box IB-70147/076 |
"Children’s Defense Fund," circa 11-14 December 1997Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 55 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/077 |
"Martin Behrrman M.S. Reading Project, New Orleans, LA," circa 1985Black-and-white photographic prints 45 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/078 |
"Sandtown Photo-documentary Project," circa 1992Black-and-white photographic prints 181 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/079 |
"World Court of Women Against War for World Peace," circa March 2000Black-and-white photographic prints 53 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/080 |
"200th Anniversary of the 'Workers at the White House,'" circa 1992Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film 50 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/081 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/082 |
"Pan African Congress, Savannah, GA," circa 1992Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film 85 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/083 |
"Pan African Congress Savannah, GA," circa 1-3 May 1992Black-and-white photographic prints 74 images |
Image Box IB-70147/084 |
"Testimony through Art," circa 2001Black-and-white photographic prints 670 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/085 |
"1992 Smithsonian Folklife Festival," circa 1992Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 165 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/086 |
"30th and 40th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington National Mall," circa August 2003Black-and-white photographic prints 55 images "Photographs not in box." A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/087 |
"Chinatown San Francisco, CA," circa August-September 1972Black-and-white photographic prints 59 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/088 |
"East Saint Louis, Illinois," circa September 1990Black-and-white photographic prints 33 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/089 |
"Hispanic Community in Perth Amboy and Carteret, New Jersey," circa Summer 1990Black-and-white photographic prints 46 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/090 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/091 |
"Faces in the crowd at the 'Million Man March,'" circa October 1995Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Color photographic prints 146 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/092 |
"Delta Sigma Theta Inc. having their own March on Washington, Washington D.C.," circa August 1981Black-and-white photographic prints 7 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/093 |
"Atlanta and other places throughout Georgia," circa 1980sBlack-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film 102 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/094 |
"National Folk Festival Wolf Trap, VA./Newsweek job," circa 2-4 August 1974Black-and-white photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic film 14 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/095 |
"Central and South America Job for Peace Corps," circa December 1980Black-and-white photographic prints 31 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/096 |
"North Carolina Folklife: Tuckers Grove and Travels with Glenn Hinson," circa 23 May 1992Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Color photographic prints 132 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/097 |
"Posters by Roland Freeman," circa 1970s-2000sColor photographic film 360 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/098 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/099 |
"Photograph done for the Aaron E. Henry Community Health Service Inc. and Bus Service Brochure," circa 21-24 October 1997Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Printed materials 23 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/100-101
IB-70147/100IB-70147/101 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/102A |
"Washington D.C., 'Once Upon the Hill' Project," circa 1963-1977Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film 50 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/102B |
"Washington D.C., 'Once Upon the Hill' Project," circa 1963-1977Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Printed materials 221 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/111 |
"The attempt to shut down Washington D.C.," circa 1-3 May 1971Black-and-white photographic prints (Contact sheets) 83 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/112 |
"The Streets of Baltimore and Washington D.C. I," circa 1967-1981Black-and-white photographic prints (Contact sheets) 78 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/113 |
"The Streets of Baltimore and Washington D.C. II," circa 1967-1981Black-and-white photographic prints (Contact sheets) 48 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/114 |
"Washington D.C.: The day President Nixon resigned from the White House," circa 1974Black-and-white photographic prints (Contact sheets) 28 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/115 |
"Exhibition Prints from the Book and the exhibit 'For My People,'" circa 1967-1992Black-and-white photographic prints 60 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/116 |
"Photographs from Mule Train and exhibition and book prints," circa 1998Black-and-white photographic prints 22 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/117 |
"Mississippi: Quilters Exhibition Prints," circa 1974-1998Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 45 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/118 |
"Mississippi Delta Blues Festivals in Greenville, Miss.," circa 1978-2004Black-and-white photographic prints 71 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/119 |
"'Songs of my people' Portraits of the Big Easy New Orleans, LA," circa 1990Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 8 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/120 |
"'Communion of the Spirits' Quilt Project," circa 1974-1986Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Printed materials 463 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/121 |
"'The white Ghetto' poor whites in Baltimore, MD and Washington D.C.," circa 1968-1974Black-and-white photographic prints 100 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/122 |
"White families in David and Barwick, Kentucky 'Neighborhood Self Help Project,'" circa Fall 1978Black-and-white photographic prints 20 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/123 |
"Misc.," circa 1968-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 42 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/124 |
"'Black Baltimore' during Arabbers project," circa 1968-1990Black-and-white photographic prints 102 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/125 |
"'The Arabbers of Baltimore' Actual images that were used in book," circa 1990Black-and-white photographic prints 122 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/126 |
"Chicago’s Jazz Alley," circa summer 1975Black-and-white photographic prints 42 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. Some of these were published in 'City Pavements/Country Roads' a book published by Antioch University/ Philadelphia in 1978/1979. 'Arthur Pop Simposons Jazz Alley,' located at 610 East 50th St, in Hyde Park. A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/127 |
"San Francisco: Chinatown ," circa 1972Black-and-white photographic prints 60 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/133 |
"Mississippi Panel Exhibit for 'Communion of the Spirits,'" circa 1997Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Printed materials 49 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/134 |
"Landscapes, urban and rural," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints 81 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/135 |
"Memphis Tenn. and Little Rock Ark.," circa 1975-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 48 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/136 |
"Gabon, west central Africa Celebration at 20th Anniversary of Pres. Omar Bongo’s Founding of Gabon Dem. Party," circa 10-14 March 1988Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 28 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/137 |
"Blind Kids on 'Touch and See Nature Trail' National Arboretum, Washington D.C.," circa 1975-1976Black-and-white photographic prints 6 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/138 |
"Front Porch Project," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints 37 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/139 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/140 |
"Mississippi Delta Blues Festival, Greenville, Mississippi (1)," circa 1978-1980sBlack-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 147 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/141 |
"Mississippi Delta Blues Festival, Greenville, Mississippi (2)," circa 1978-1980sBlack-and-white photographic prints 122 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/142 |
"James and Miriam Early and family, Washington D.C.," circa 1978-2000Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints; Color photographic film 56 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/143 |
"Women, Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film 94 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/144-145
IB-70147/144IB-70147/145 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/146 |
"Southern Roads, City Pavements," circa 1967-1981Black-and-white photographic prints 9 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/147 |
"Millard Family at Koinonia Farm in South Central Georgia," circa 1968-1971Black-and-white photographic prints 4 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/148 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/149 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/150 |
"The Maroons, Abolitionists and the underground railroad," circaBlack-and-white photographic prints 29 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/151 |
"Nelson Mandela’s 1st American Tour in 1990," circa 1990Black-and-white photographic prints 3 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/152 |
"Watergate and resignation of President Richard Nixon," circa 1971Black-and-white photographic prints 34 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/153 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/154 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project Exhibition prints," circa 1974-1980sBlack-and-white photographic prints 152 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/155 |
"Southern Roads/City Pavements," circa 1967-1981Black-and-white photographic prints 111 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/156 |
"Fannie Lou Hamer’s funeral: Ruleville, MS," circa 20 March 1977Black-and-white photographic prints 34 images Some images in this enclosure depict scenes taken at funeral services for family, friends, and public figures. |
Image Box IB-70147/157 |
"Mississippi Quilts and Quilters (1)," circa 1974-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 76 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/158 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/159 |
"Mississippi Quilts and Quilters (2)," circa 1974-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 69 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/160 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project," circa 1974-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 329 images Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. |
Image Box IB-70147/161 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/162 |
"Arabbers of Baltimore and other Baltimore scenes," circa 1968-1990Black-and-white photographic prints 137 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/163 |
"Mississippi Folklife project; vintage prints (1)," circa 1974-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 147 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/164 |
"Mississippi Folklife project; vintage prints (2)," circa 1974-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 174 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/165 |
"Mississippi Folklife project; vintage prints (3)," circa 1974-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 168 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/166 |
"Mississippi Folklife project; vintage prints (4)," circa 1974-2000Black-and-white photographic prints 170 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/167 |
"Skola: Open School in Georgetown, Washington D.C.," circa 1974Black-and-white photographic prints 40 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/168 |
"Arabbers of Baltimore," circa 1968-1990Black-and-white photographic prints 70 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/169 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/170 |
"Arabbers of Baltimore: Exhibition prints (1)," circa 1968-1990Black-and-white photographic prints 108 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/171 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/172 |
"Arabbers of Baltimore: Exhibition prints (2)," circa 1968-1990Black-and-white photographic prints 139 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/173 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/174 |
"Washington D.C.: Political and other leaders," circa 1968-1980Black-and-white photographic prints 38 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/175 |
"Washington Post Sunday Magazines- Ricky Haynie," circa 3 October 2004Black-and-white photographic prints; Printed materials 135 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/176-179
IB-70147/176IB-70147/177IB-70147/178IB-70147/179 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/180 |
"Washington D.C. (1)," circa 1967-1985Black-and-white photographic prints 103 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/181 |
"Washington D.C. (2)," circa 1967-1985Black-and-white photographic prints 86 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/182 |
"Black scholars/politicians/artists," circa 1967-1985Black-and-white photographic prints 212 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/183 |
"Black Women," circa 1967-2004Black-and-white photographic prints 112 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/184 |
"Howard University," circa 1976-1990Black-and-white photographic prints 45 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/185 |
"Washington D.C.; Exhibition prints," circa 1967-1990Black-and-white photographic prints 46 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/186 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project; Matted Regular," circa 1974-1984Black-and-white photographic prints 25 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/187 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project: Dry Mounted Exhibition Prints (1)," circa 1974-1984Black-and-white photographic prints 16 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/188 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project: Dry Mounted Exhibition Prints (2)," circa 1974-1984Black-and-white photographic prints 24 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/189 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project: Folk roots; Dry Mounted Prints (1)," circa 1974-1984Black-and-white photographic prints 20 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/190 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project: Folk roots; Dry Mounted Prints (2)," circa 1974-1984Black-and-white photographic prints 21 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/191 |
"Communion of the spirits; Color Dry Mounted prints," circa 1974-1996Black-and-white photographic prints 9 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/192 |
"'Southern Roads, City Pavements': Exhibition Master Prints (1)," circa 1967-1981Black-and-white photographic prints 86 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/193 |
"'Southern Roads, City Pavements': Exhibition Master Prints (2)," circa 1967-1981Black-and-white photographic prints 156 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/194 |
"Southern Roads, City Pavements'/Baltimore Arabbers; Vintage Exhibition prints," circa 1967-1981Black-and-white photographic prints 26 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/195 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project: Vintage Exhibition Prints," circa 1974-1984Black-and-white photographic prints 30 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/196 |
" Mississippi Folklife Project: Archival Exhibition," circa 1974-1984Black-and-white photographic prints 83 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/197 |
"Washington D.C. Vintage Prints," circa 1968-1985Black-and-white photographic prints 47 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/198 |
"Southern Roads, City Pavement," circa 1967-1981Black-and-white photographic prints 25 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/199 |
"Landscapes," circa 1967-2005Black-and-white photographic prints 58 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/200-217
IB-70147/200IB-70147/201IB-70147/202IB-70147/203IB-70147/204IB-70147/205IB-70147/206IB-70147/207IB-70147/208IB-70147/209IB-70147/210IB-70147/211IB-70147/212IB-70147/213IB-70147/214IB-70147/215IB-70147/216IB-70147/217 |
Box numbers not used |
Image Box IB-70147/218 |
"Arabbers of Baltimore; Matted Exhibition Prints," circa 1974-1990Black-and-white photographic prints 5 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/219 |
"Assorted Dry Mounted Prints," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints 11 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/220 |
"Voudou- Mambo Angela Novanyon Idizol’s anniversary 7-day altar; Philadelphia, PA," circa 1989Black-and-white photographic prints 14 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/221 |
"'For my People' exhibition prints," circa 1974-1992Black-and-white photographic prints 48 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/222 |
"Mississippi Folklife project: Matted Prints," circa 1974-1981Black-and-white photographic prints 5 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/223 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/224 |
"Delta Blues Festival 16x20 by RLF and Robert Jones, MS," circa 1978-1985Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 23 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/225 |
"'A Communion of the Spirits' color prints of Quilters," circa 1974-1996Color photographic prints 66 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/226 |
"Press releases and reviews," circa 1960s-2000sPrinted materials "From over the years." |
Image Box IB-70147/227 |
"'A Communion of the Spirits' color prints," circa 1974-1996Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 17 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/228 |
"Mule Train and Poor Peoples Campaign," circa 1968Black-and-white photographic prints 25 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/229 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/230 |
"Nellie Morgan and her Granddaughter, Mississippi," circa 4 July 1976Black-and-white photographic prints 3 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/231-236
IB-70147/231IB-70147/232IB-70147/233IB-70147/234IB-70147/235IB-70147/236 |
Box numbers not used |
Image Box IB-70147/237 |
"Poor People’s Campaign; Marks, Mississippi (1)," circa April-June 1968Black-and-white photographic prints 152 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/238 |
"Poor People’s Campaign; Marks, Mississippi (2)," circa April-June 1968Black-and-white photographic prints 118 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/239 |
"Mule Train 30th Anniversary celebration in Marks, Mississippi (1)," circa 22-24 May 1998Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic prints 67 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/240 |
"Mule Train 30th Anniversary celebration in Marks, Mississippi (2)," circa 22-24 May 1998Black-and-white photographic prints 107 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/241-242
IB-70147/241IB-70147/242 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/243 |
"Sandtown habitat for humanity project New song community church, jimmy Week, Baltimore, MD," circa 15-20 June 1992Black-and-white photographic prints 109 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/328 |
"Framed Photographs: Delta Blues and Heritage Festival: Faces in the Crowd 25th Anniversary," circa 2002Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 20 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/329a-329c |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 25 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/330 |
"Framed Photographs: Southern Roads and City Pavements," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 22 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Digital Folder DF-70147/0001 |
Framed Photographs: African American Quilters GuildDigital filesA selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. (Digital only) |
Image Box IB-70147/332 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 20 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/333-334
IB-70147/333IB-70147/334 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/335 |
"Framed Photographs: Mississippi Delta Blues and Heritage Festival Posters and photo collage," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 11 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/336 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1973-1996Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 18 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/337 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints (Framed items) 18 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/338 |
"Framed Photographs: For My People," circa 1973-1992Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 12 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/339 |
"Framed Photographs: Quilter Portraits," circa 1976-1995Color photographic prints (Framed items) 34 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/340 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1976-1990Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 16 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/341-342
IB-70147/341IB-70147/342 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/343 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/344 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints (Framed items) 18 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/345 |
"Framed Photographs: Southern Roads and City Pavements," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 27 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/346 |
"Framed Photographs: Southern Roads and City Pavements," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 14 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/347 |
"Framed Photographs: Quilter Portraits," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 37 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/348 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1977-1987Color photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 28 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/349A |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1978Printed materials; Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 61 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/349B |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1978Printed materials; Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 22 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/350 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1974-1976Color photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 16 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/352-354
IB-70147/352IB-70147/353IB-70147/354 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/355 |
"Framed Photographs: For My People," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 11 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/356 |
"Framed Photographs: Something of Value (1)," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 19 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/357a-357b |
"Framed Photographs: Something of Value (2)," circa 1981-1992Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 31 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/358 |
"Framed Photographs: Something of Value (3)," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 28 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/359 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/360 |
"Framed Photographs: Quilters from San Diego, CA.," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints (Framed items) 15 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/361 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc. from Mississippi and Alabama.," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints (Framed items) 16 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/362 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 23 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/363 |
"Framed Photographs: I’ve Known Rivers," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 15 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Digital Folder DF-70147/0002 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sDigital files A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/365 |
"Framed Photographs: Southern Roads and City Pavements," circa 1981Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 27 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/366 |
"Framed Photographs: West Africa," circa 1981-1983Color photographic prints (Framed items) 28 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/367 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1976-1993Color photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 25 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/368 |
"Framed Photographs: Quilter Portraits," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 16 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Digital Folder DF-70147/0003 |
"Framed Photographs: For My People," circa 1976-1992Digital files 5 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Digital Folder
Image Box IB-70147/370 |
"Framed Photographs: Quilter Portraits," circa 1960s-2000sDigital files 12 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/371 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints (Framed items) 13 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/372 |
"Framed Photographs: Mississippi Delta Blues and Heritage Festival Display," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints (Framed items) 11 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Digital Folder DF-70147/0005 |
"Framed Photographs: Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sDigital files A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/374-399
IB-70147/374IB-70147/375IB-70147/376IB-70147/377IB-70147/378IB-70147/379IB-70147/380IB-70147/381IB-70147/382IB-70147/383IB-70147/384IB-70147/385IB-70147/386IB-70147/387IB-70147/388IB-70147/389IB-70147/390IB-70147/391IB-70147/392IB-70147/393IB-70147/394IB-70147/395IB-70147/396IB-70147/397IB-70147/398IB-70147/399 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/400 |
"Margaret Walker Alexander," circa 1976Black-and-white photographic prints 17 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/401 |
"Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints 6 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/402 |
"Great Writers of the 20th Century," circa 1997Color photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic prints 45 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/403 |
"Contemporary Black and Congregational Song and Worship Traditions Conference," circa 1989Black-and-white photographic prints 38 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/404 |
"Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints 40 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/405 |
"Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints 66 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/406 |
Box number not used
Image Box IB-70147/407 |
"Billy Graham," circa 1960s-2000sBlack-and-white photographic prints 4 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/408 |
"Quilts," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints 11 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/409 |
"Misc.," circa 1960s-2000sColor photographic prints; Black-and-white photographic prints 21 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/410 |
"Baltimore Arrabers," circa 1960s-1990sBlack-and-white photographic prints 182 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
A "contact sheet" is a piece of photographic paper onto which several or all of the negatives on a roll of film have been printed as thumbnail images.
Titles in quotation marks were transcribed from original captions or notes found with materials.
The negative number(s) used to make the photographic prints appear on the verso of many of the prints and the film used to make them can be found with corresponding numbering in series 2. Most of the images are captioned and the subseries follows a chronological order.
Some images in this subseries may depict scenes taken at funeral services for family, friends, and public figures; including civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer and former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson.
Image Box IB-70147/411 |
Contact sheet envelopes (1): Freeman numbers 323-324.42," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints and printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/412 |
Contact sheet envelopes (2): Freeman numbers 325-327.12," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials Some images in this enclosure depict scenes taken at funeral services for family, friends, and public figures.
Image Box IB-70147/413 |
Contact sheet envelopes (3): Freeman numbers 327.13-333.34," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/414 |
Contact sheet envelopes (4): Freeman numbers 333.35-339.01," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/415 |
Contact sheet envelopes (4): Freeman numbers 339.02-346.07," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/416 |
Contact sheet envelopes (5): Freeman numbers 347-378.05," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/417 |
Contact sheet envelopes (6): Freeman numbers 378.06-391," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials Some images in this enclosure depict scenes taken at funeral services for family, friends, and public figures.
Image Box IB-70147/418 |
Contact sheet envelopes (7): Freeman numbers 392-439," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials Some images in this enclosure depict scenes taken at funeral services for family, friends, and public figures.
Image Box IB-70147/419 |
Contact sheet envelopes (8): Freeman numbers 440-451.04," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/420 |
Contact sheet envelopes (9): Freeman numbers 452-491.01," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/421 |
Contact sheet envelopes (9): Freeman numbers 492-503.04," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/422 |
Contact sheet envelopes (10): Freeman numbers 503.05-536," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/423 |
Contact sheet envelopes (11): Freeman numbers 542-599," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/424 |
Contact sheet envelopes (10): Freeman numbers 600-666," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/425 |
Contact sheet envelopes (11): Freeman numbers 667-723.01," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/426 |
Contact sheet envelopes (12): Freeman numbers 725-774.01," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/427 |
Contact sheet envelopes (12): Freeman numbers 775-817," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials Some images in this enclosure depict scenes taken at funeral services for family, friends, and public figures.
Image Box IB-70147/428 |
Contact sheet envelopes (12): Freeman numbers 818-835," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/429 |
Contact sheet envelopes (13): Freeman numbers 836-854," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Image Box IB-70147/430 |
Contact sheet envelopes (14): Freeman numbers 855-874," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. Materials are identified by negative number. |
Image Box IB-70147/431 |
Contact sheet envelopes (15): Freeman numbers 875-887.1," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials Most images are captioned. More detailed information is available in box. Materials are identified by negative number.
Image Box IB-70147/432 |
Contact sheet envelopes (16): Freeman numbers 888-895," circa 1960s-2000sPhotographic prints; Printed materials
Arrangement: Original order.
Original order has been maintained and title corresponds with original location in studio and is reflected in original inventory.
Image Box IB-70147/465-470
IB-70147/465IB-70147/466IB-70147/467IB-70147/468IB-70147/469IB-70147/470 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 1, Drawer 1, circa 1967-1969Photographic film 396 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/471-475
IB-70147/471IB-70147/472IB-70147/473IB-70147/474IB-70147/475 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 1, Drawer 2, circa 1969-1971Photographic film 250 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/476-482
IB-70147/476IB-70147/477IB-70147/478IB-70147/479IB-70147/480IB-70147/481IB-70147/482 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 1, Drawer 3, circa 1971-1972Photographic film 166 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/483-488
IB-70147/483IB-70147/484IB-70147/485IB-70147/486IB-70147/487IB-70147/488 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 1, Drawer 4, circa 1972-1974Photographic film 189 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/489-491
IB-70147/489IB-70147/490IB-70147/491 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 2, Drawer 1, circa 1974-1976Photographic film 162 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/492-499
IB-70147/492IB-70147/493IB-70147/494IB-70147/495IB-70147/496IB-70147/497IB-70147/498IB-70147/499 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 2, Drawer 2, circa 1977-1981Photographic film 230 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/500-505
IB-70147/500IB-70147/501IB-70147/502IB-70147/503IB-70147/504IB-70147/505 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 2, Drawer 3, circa 1981-1986Photographic film 155 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/505-509
IB-70147/505IB-70147/506IB-70147/507IB-70147/508IB-70147/509 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 2, Drawer 4, circa 1986-1990Photographic film 396 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/510-513
IB-70147/510IB-70147/511IB-70147/512IB-70147/513 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 2, Drawer 5, circa 1990-1993Photographic film 258 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/514-516
IB-70147/514IB-70147/515IB-70147/516 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 3, Drawer 1, circa 1994-1996Photographic film 147 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/517-521
IB-70147/517IB-70147/518IB-70147/519IB-70147/520IB-70147/521 |
Numbered negatives: Cabinet 3, Drawer 1, circa 1997-2007Photographic film 260 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Image Box IB-70147/522-524
IB-70147/522IB-70147/523IB-70147/524 |
Numbered negatives: Found loose in Cabinet 1, Drawer 2, circa 1967-2007Photographic film 396 enclosures Projects, jobs, and other events depicted on rolls are identified by original "negative series numbers" on enclosures and in original inventory. Click here to view original inventory of negatives. |
Titles in quotation marks were transcribed from original captions or notes found with materials.
Image Box IB-70147/103 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/104 |
"Washington D.C. (Slide binders)," circa 1968-1977Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 348 images |
Image Box IB-70147/105 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/106 |
"Blacks in Government," circa 1977-1989Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 245 images |
Image Box IB-70147/107 |
"Washington D.C.: Senators Bill Bradley and Frank Church/ Lobbyists/ 1977 Carter Inaugural Ball at Union Station/ Cherry Blossoms," circa 1977Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 15 images |
Image Box IB-70147/108 |
"Baltimore; for Black Enterprise Magazine," circa 1975-1978Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 13 images |
Image Box IB-70147/109 |
"Delta Sorority’s march on Washington," circa 1981Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 17 images |
Image Box IB-70147/110 |
"North Carolina: Anita Stroud, Charlotte, N.C.; NC Mutual, Raleigh, N.C, Soul City, Henderson, N.C..," circa June 1977, March 1979Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 22 images |
Image Box IB-70147/244-245
IB-70147/244IB-70147/245 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/246 |
"Folk Art," circa February 1984Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 173 images |
Image Box IB-70147/247 |
"Folk Artist, Joy Alston, Baltimore MD (Watercolors)," circa 1990-1991Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 156 images |
Image Box IB-70147/248 |
"Natchez MS," circa March 1994Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 211 images |
Image Box IB-70147/249 |
"Marches in Washington D.C./20th Anniversary of 1963 March on Washington/ No More Nuclear War," circa 1979, 1983Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 142 images |
Image Box IB-70147/250 |
"(Untitled binder)," circa October 1980Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 324 images |
Image Box IB-70147/251 |
"Vern and Smile, Natchez, Mississippi. For Engage Magazine," circa March 1994Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 162 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/252 |
"Ulysses Davis, WooD.C.arver; Savannah Georgia," circa 1988Color photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 449 images |
Image Box IB-70147/253 |
"Black Philadelphia For Festival of American Folklife," circa 1984Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 302 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/254 |
"Black Folklife Project, Philadelphia, PA," circa 1985, 1987-1989Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 524 images |
Image Box IB-70147/255 |
"Black and White Slides of “Southern Roads, City Pavements” Project," circa 1960s-1980sColor photographic film; Black-and-white photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 338 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/256 |
"Delta Blues Festival, Greenville Mississippi," circa October 1978Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 671 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/257 |
"Mississippi Folklife Project," circa December 1975Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 284 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/258 |
"Syrup and Sorgham-Making Mississippi Folklife Project," circa December 1976Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 211 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/259 |
"Craftspeople: Mississippi Folklife Project," circa December 1978Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 328 images |
Image Box IB-70147/260 |
"Baltimore," circa June 1978Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 167 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/261 |
"Tucker Grove (1)," circa August 1979Black-and-white photographic prints |
Image Box IB-70147/263 |
"Tucker’s Grove (2)," circa August 1979Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 265 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/264 |
"Black Enterprise Magazine Assignments," circa 1975-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 907 images |
Image Box IB-70147/265 |
"Howard University: Department Heads, general shots of the campus," circa 1975Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 689 images |
Image Box IB-70147/266 |
"(Untitled binder)," circa June 1979Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 199 images |
Image Box IB-70147/267 |
"Black Women Artists," circa October 1975Printed materials; Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 237 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/268 |
"Claiborne County, Mississippi," circa June 1981Printed materials; Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 515 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/269 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/270 |
"Black Scholars," circa 1982Black-and-white photographic prints 139 images |
Image Box IB-70147/271 |
"(Untitled binder)," circa July 1988Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 209 images |
Image Box IB-70147/272 |
"Adams Morgan Washington D.C.," circa fall 1986Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 614 images |
Image Box IB-70147/273 |
"Ulysses Davis, wooD.C.arver. Savannah, Georgia," circa 1988Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 564 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/274 |
"Communion of the Spirits: Installation Slides; Buffalo NY, and Charlestown SC, and Los Angeles," circa 2000Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 425 images |
Image Box IB-70147/275 |
"Testimony Through Art Textiles/ Trinidad and Tobago, British West Indies, Curacao, Netherland Antilles, Cuba, Surinam, South America," circa 2000-2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 259 images |
Image Box IB-70147/276 |
"Testimony Through Art Textiles: China, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea," circa 2000-2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 159 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/277 |
"Testimony Through Art Textiles: South Africa, Zimbabwe, South Eastern Africa," circa 2000-2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 310 images |
Image Box IB-70147/278 |
"Testimony Through Art Textiles: Nanubia, South West Africa: Hero’s day in Okinandja/ Renduka Collective/ Gibeon Folk Art Collections/ African Kirikara Art/ Patchwork Quilt by a Herero woman.," circa 2000-2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 363 images |
Image Box IB-70147/279 |
"Gwendolyn A. Magee, Quilter Jackson, Mississippi," circa 1997-2001Printed materials; Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 419 images |
Image Box IB-70147/280 |
"African Immigrant Project: Smithsonian Institutions Office of family and cultural Heritage," circa 1994-1995Printed materials; Black-and-white photographic prints; Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 282 images |
Image Box IB-70147/281 |
"Testimony Through Art Exhibit Textiles 2000-2001: Mexico, Central America; Guatemala, Central America; Peru, South America; Chile, South America," circa 2000-2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 315 images |
Image Box IB-70147/282 |
"Marcia and Roland Freeman’s 20th Anniversary trip across America and Vancouver Island, Canada," circa summer 1988Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 524 images |
Image Box IB-70147/283 |
"West Africa; Liberia, Gambia, Goree Island," circa 1983Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 230 images |
Image Box IB-70147/284 |
"Sweet Honey in the Rock and In Process and Jeff Majors," circa summer 1977Printed materials; Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 227 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/285 |
"Slides for 'For My People' Photo Exhibit," circa February 1993Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 24 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/286 |
"MS Folklife Project (Empty binder)," circaBinder is empty. |
Image Box IB-70147/287 |
"Ontario, Canada Quilters: A Communion of the Spirits- Buffalo Venue," circa 2000Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/288 |
"Tear Sheets," circa 1960s-2000sPrinted materials 52 pages |
Image Box IB-70147/289 |
"Quincentary Music Festival, Columbus, Georgia," circa 1992Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 204 images |
Image Box IB-70147/290 |
"Charleston, SC (Down Town)/ Savannah, GA Quilters/ St. John’s Island Quilters- A Communion of the Spirits," circa September 2000Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 39 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/291 |
"Buffalo New York Quilters, A Communion of the Spirits- Buffalo Venue," circa April 2000Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 73 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/292 |
"Million Family March- National Mall, Washington D.C.," circa 16 October 2000Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 106 images |
Image Box IB-70147/293 |
"Hawaii Islands Vacation- Marcia and Roland Freeman," circa April 1995Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 130 images |
Image Box IB-70147/294 |
"Testimony Through Art Textiles: Croatia; Bosnia; Etterzegovnia; Balkans, Eastern Europe," circa 2000Printed materials; Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 98 images |
Image Box IB-70147/295 |
"Testimony Through Art Textiles: Benin, West Africa; Liberia, West Africa; Mall, West Africa; Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa," circa 2000-2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 151 images |
Image Box IB-70147/296 |
"Mapula and Kaross Embroideros (Tsonga Shangaan Ethnic Group): Northwest and Northern Province, South Africa," circa July 2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 185 images |
Image Box IB-70147/297 |
"Testimony Through Art Textiles: Palestine; India; Srilanka, Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa," circa 2000Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 94 images |
Image Box IB-70147/298 |
"Artwork by Julee Dickerson-Thompson, a D.C.-based artist. Washington D.C.," circa 2000-2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 142 images |
Image Box IB-70147/299 |
"Testimony Through Art Textiles: North America; Examples of all Artwork," circa 2000-2001Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 123 images |
Image Box IB-70147/300 |
"Communion of the Spirits: The San Diego Connection, Quilters," circa 2000Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 96 images |
Image Box IB-70147/301 |
"200th Anniversary of the White House (People who worked there)," circa 1992Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 80 images |
Image Box IB-70147/302 |
"Arabbers/Mule Train/Southern Roads, City Pavements," circa October 1988Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 551 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/303 |
"OMBE: Office of Minority Business Enterprise, Self Help Projects," circa 1975Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 296 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/304 |
"Black Enterprise Magazine Assignments: 1. Established black Wealth," circa 1974Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 254 images A selection of these images have been digitized by the Kohler Foundation and can be viewed in the Digital Collections Repository. Click here to view materials digitized from this enclosure. |
Image Box IB-70147/305 |
"Nelson Mandela’s 1st Visit to USA, From Washington D.C. to Oakland, CA," circa 1990Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 235 images |
Image Box IB-70147/306 |
"National Council of Negro Women’s Black Family Reunions," circa 1985-1987Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 563 images |
Image Box IB-70147/307 |
"Vacations: Canada, St. Joan Port Joli/ Bahamas/ Netherlands/ Honor America Day/ Public Art in Chicago; Chagall Wall," circa 1968, 1970, 1979, 1980Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 280 images |
Image Box IB-70147/308-309
IB-70147/308IB-70147/309 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/310 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (1)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 342 images |
Image Box IB-70147/311 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (2)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 245 images |
Image Box IB-70147/312 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (3)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 443 images |
Image Box IB-70147/313 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (4)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 430 images |
Image Box IB-70147/314 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (5)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 209 images |
Image Box IB-70147/315 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (6)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 199 images |
Image Box IB-70147/316 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (7)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 292 images |
Image Box IB-70147/317 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (8)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 109 images |
Image Box IB-70147/318 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (9)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 303 images |
Image Box IB-70147/319 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (10)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 179 images |
Image Box IB-70147/320 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (11)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 220 images |
Image Box IB-70147/321 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (12)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 180 images |
Image Box IB-70147/322 |
"Nigeria, West Africa (13)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 740 images |
Image Box IB-70147/323 |
"West Africa (1)," circa 1981-1982Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 23 images |
Image Box IB-70147/324 |
"West Africa (2)," circa 1993-1994Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 247 images |
Image Box IB-70147/325 |
"Miscellaneous," circa 1993-1994Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 680 images |
Image Box IB-70147/326 |
"Black Enterprise Job," circa 1976-1977Color photographic film (Mounted slides in binders) 200 images |
Image Box IB-70147/327 |
"Black Enterprise Job," circa 1978-1982228 images |
Arrangement: Original order.
Files maintained by Freeman throughout his career related to jobs and projects associated with his work.
Titles in quotation marks were transcribed from original captions or notes found with materials.
Image Box IB-70147/433-464
IB-70147/433IB-70147/434IB-70147/435IB-70147/436IB-70147/437IB-70147/438IB-70147/439IB-70147/440IB-70147/441IB-70147/442IB-70147/443IB-70147/444IB-70147/445IB-70147/446IB-70147/447IB-70147/448IB-70147/449IB-70147/450IB-70147/451IB-70147/452IB-70147/453IB-70147/454IB-70147/455IB-70147/456IB-70147/457IB-70147/458IB-70147/459IB-70147/460IB-70147/461IB-70147/462IB-70147/463IB-70147/464 |
Project filesMaterials from file cabinets in Freeman's studio in Washington, DC. A majority of the folders are labeled and contain printed materials related to projects and other work done by Freeman. |
Image Box IB-70147/131 |
"Roland Freeman’s original designs for quilts," circa 1960s-2000sPrinted materials |
Titles in quotation marks were transcribed from original captions or notes found with materials.
Image Box IB-70147/128 |
"Assorted Model releases (World’s fair, Smithsonian, Black Enterprise), and letters," circa 1980sPrinted materials |
Image Box IB-70147/129 |
"Reference Material," circaPrinted materials |
Image Box IB-70147/130 |
Box number not used |
Image Box IB-70147/132 |
"Association of African and African-American Folklore correspondence, etc…," circa 1978Printed materials |