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Collection Number: P0042

Collection Title: John Moran Frohock Photographic Collection, 1921-1929

This collection has use restrictions. For details, please see the restrictions.

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in our reading room, and not digitally available through the World Wide Web. See the Duplication Policy section for more information.

Image from the collection

Gimghoul Castle, Chapel Hill, N.C., May 1927; P0042_0051_0001, in the John Moran Frohock Photographic Collection #P0064, North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Collection Overview

Size 242 items (1.3 linear feet)
Abstract John Moran Frohock attended the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, N.C., from 1925 to 1929. He graduated in 1929. The collection consists of 242 black-and-white photographic prints, many of which were presumably made and/or collected by John Moran Frohock while he attended the University of North Carolina. A few images pre-date Frohock's tenure at UNC, and others appear to have been collected by an unidentified girlfriend of Frohock's. Many of the photographs were made in Chapel Hill and include views of the University of North Carolina campus. The images taken on campus include University buildings/grounds, UNC students (Frohock's classmates and friends), UNC sports (boxing and football), and views of Franklin Street in downtown Chapel Hill. Also included are photographs from Greensboro, Trenton, and other areas of North Carolina (including a fishing trip in the coastal region); Washington, D.C.; and the 1926 Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition in Philadelphia, Pa.
Creator Frohock, John Moran.
Curatorial Unit University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives.
Language English
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Information For Users

Restrictions to Access
No restrictions. Open for research.
Restrictions to Use
For copyright and use restrictions contact the North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Copyright Notice
Copyright is retained by the North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], in the John Moran Frohock Photographic Collection #P0042, North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, Wilson Special Collections Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Acquisitions Information
Sensitive Materials Statement
Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. § 132 1 et seq.), and Article 7 of the North Carolina State Personnel Act (Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records, N.C.G.S. § 126-22 et seq.). Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assumes no responsibility.
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Processing Information

Processed by: North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, 1997, 2010

Encoded by: Patrick Cullom, August 2010 and Elizabeth Hull, October 2010

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subject Headings

The following terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings suggest topics, persons, geography, etc. interspersed through the entire collection; the terms do not usually represent discrete and easily identifiable portions of the collection--such as folders or items.

Clicking on a subject heading below will take you into the University Library's online catalog.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Biographical Information

John Moran Frohock attended the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, N.C., from 1925 to 1929. He graduated in 1929.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Scope and Content

The collection consists of 242 black-and-white photographic prints, many of which were presumably made and/or collected by John Moran Frohock while he attended the University of North Carolina. A few images pre-date Frohock's tenure at UNC, and others appear to have been collected by an unidentified girlfriend of Frohock's. Many of the photographs were made in Chapel Hill and include views of the University of North Carolina campus. The images taken on campus include University buildings/grounds, UNC students (Frohock's classmates and friends), UNC sports (boxing and football), and views of Franklin Street in downtown Chapel Hill. Also included are photographs from Greensboro, Trenton, and other areas of North Carolina (including a fishing trip in the coastal region); Washington, D.C.; and the 1926 Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition in Philadelphia, Pa.

Many of the photographs are accompanied by descriptive captions, which are provided below in quotation marks. References to "Jack" are assumed to refer to John M. Frohock. Photograph album page numbering below excludes empty pages in the album (i.e., page 30 is the 30th page in the album with images on it).

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Contents list

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series Quick Links

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 1. Photographic Album, circa 1925-1929

103 items.

103 black-and-white prints in a 34-page, 7x12-inch, leather-bound album.

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0001

Portraits, UNC campus: "Freshman Sandy; Ornaments?; Well?; Grandma Efird and Doc; Carterinski," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 01; 5 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0002

Portraits, UNC campus: "Jack; Peg and Jake; Drumhead," 15 March 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 02; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0003

Men wading in stream, Spring 1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 03; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0004

Men wading in stream, Spring 1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 04; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0005

Portraits, UNC campus: "Peg and Peg; Probably I shouldn't have mentioned it," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 05; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0006

Portraits, UNC campus: "Manufacturers of cigar ashes; Two big hog men from Walla Walla; Sitting Bull," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 06; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0007

Portraits, UNC campus: "Plus me; Styers and Family; There's a Cradle in Carolin'," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 07; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0008

Portraits, UNC campus: "Old Flash himself, in Arboritum" (sic, Arboretum), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 08; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0009

Portraits, UNC campus: "Skirrul food; The 4 Horsemen," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 09; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0010

Portraits, UNC campus: "Jack Koontz; So this is Paris?," 15 March 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 10; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0011

UNC campus: "Davie Poplar; The Old Well; The Squirrel Hunter" (Silent Sam Confederate Monument), January 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 11; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0012

"Main Street (stem, drag), The Hill" (Franklin Street in deep snow, with snow plow), 3 March 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 12; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0013

Portraits: "-Ha!; Knee deep in daisies; Episcopal Church in distance," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 13; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0014

UNC campus in snow: "East Gate; Old Well; Davie Poplar; An entrance to Summer School" (Arboretum), Winter 1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 14; 4 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0015

UNC campus in snow: "Cameron Avenue; Lead Kindly Lite!; Skirul hunter again" (Confederate Memorial), "Arboritum" (sic, Arboretum), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 15; 4 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0016

UNC campus in snow: "Ev.; Doc. Cotten's (?) Drug Garden; A Grubb House; Law Building (in background)," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 16; 4 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0017

UNC campus/portraits in snow: "Spider Payne; It won't be long now; They shall not pass!" (at least one in Arboretum), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 17; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0018

UNC campus/portraits in snow: "Fire house (in rear)," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 18; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0019

"Summer School '27; Norine and Ruth" (portraits), Summer 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 19; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0020

"Age of Innocence" (portraits), circa 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 20; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0021

"Kenan Memorial Stadium; Bean; Seen from Club House; The Thinker" (Stadium under construction), 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 21; 4 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0022

"Fishing Trip, Wedge Point, N.C.; George's Shad boat N.B. Isaih; Float," 2-7 September 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 22; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0023

"Fishing Trip, Wedge Point, N.C.: Shad boat, Six-in-all (3 Musketeers); The Four Horsemen," 2-7 September 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 23; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0024

"Fishing Trip, Wedge Point, N.C.: Us 4, no more; Men only; The Hopkins family" (portraits), 2-7 September 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 24; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0025

"Fishing Trip, Wedge Point, N.C.: Fred, Miss Burt, Murph and ____; Dan'l and Rhody; Six feet-one" (portraits), 2-7 September 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 25; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0026

"Fishing Trip, Wedge Point, N.C.: Four generations" (portraits), 2-7 September 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 26; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0027

"Greensboro: Young Drumhead; Roommates, Tenn.-Ala.-Texas; Frigidaire" (portraits), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 27; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0028

"Washington, D.C.: Pan American Building; Annex in rear; Washington Monument," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 28; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0029

"Patio, Miami Hotel; North Beach, Miami; On the Prado, Havana, Cuba" (captions only; photos not included in album), circa 1925-1929

>Page 29; no images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0030

"Washington, D.C.; Sesqui-Centennial, Philadelphia, '26; Marion, S.C., Thanksgiving '25," 1925-1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 30; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0031

"Trenton, N.C.: What's in a name?" (woman with signfor "Little Hell"), "Lil and Leone; The better half" (images not included in album), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 31; 1 image

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0032

"Columbia, N.C." (image not included in album); "Galveston, Texas; The Pond, Trenton, N.C.," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 32; 2 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0033

"Together, We Two" (image not included in album); "The Girl Friend (original copy); Gimghoul Castle, Chapel Hill," May 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 33; 3 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0034

UNC campus: "Gimghoul Castle, Chapel Hill; Memorial Hall; Carolina Inn; Ymsee Building" (YMCA Building), May 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 34; 4 images

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 2. Loose pages from photographic album, circa 1925-1929

83 black-and-white prints, on 8 10x13-inch loose pages from a photographic album (front and back).

Pages appear to be from album kept by someone other than Frohock, but who knew some of the same people and went on the same trips (likely his girlfriend). This unknown woman was apparently a teacher at Charles B. Aycock School in Kannapolis, N.C. The album pages include many of the same images as the album in Series 1.

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0035

"Visiting Lil's home at Columbia, N.C.: Bro Bill; Dan Pollock's grave, Trenton, 26 May 1926," circa May 1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 01; 5 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0036

"The Shop; Interior; Furney Brock; and Little Hell under it, so he said!; Studies" (includes portraits of people with sign reading "Little Hell," near Trenton, N.C.), circa May 1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 02; 6 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0037

"Trenton, N.C.; Spanish moss; The Old Mill; Views on the Pond; Cypress Trees," circa May 1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 03; 5 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0038

"Holland, from Va.; Lil Owens; The Gang, any Sunday aft.; Mr. Thompson, Dr. Durr; Zena, E.Z.; In which I generally rode," circa May 1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 04; 5 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0039

"My first domecile; Room mates (Grady, Petite, Leone); Keely's Institute across the St.; Ella Zena, Greensboro, N.C.; Bobbie Cole," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 05; 6 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0040

"After meeting me in G., Jack leaves for coast on a fishing trip for a week." (Wedge Point, N.C.), 2-7 September 1927

Black-and-white prints

Page 06; 6 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0041

"Oysters" (2 additional images from fishing trip); "Shadow of the boy friend; Peg and Jack went wading one Sunday afternoon!," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 07; 6 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0042

UNC portraits: "Roommates at 213 E. Rosemary" (image not included in album); "Jack's pals at Carolina; Carter, Bean Styers; Jake Payne; Drumhead Wilson," circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 08; 5 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0043

UNC campus: "Chapel Hill, N. Car. Main Street," (Franklin Street in deep snow, with snow plow); "Memorial Hall; The Y Hut; Carolina Inn; Snow in the Arboritum" (sic, Arboretum), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 09; 6 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0044

UNC campus: "Exit from Arboritum, Wisteria arbor entrance to the Arboritum," (sic, Arboretum); "The Old Well; The Kenan Stadium while under construction, capacity 24,000" (plus shot of Davie Poplar in snow), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 10; 6 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0045

UNC campus: "Gim Ghoul, a secret organization: Main entrance, left; the rear; main entrance, right; The rock over which rivals are said to have fought for their loved one," (Gimghoul Castle); "Formerly the Freshman Rock pile, now a huge chair-shaped seat; We two" (last two images not included in album), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 11; 4 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0046

"Sheba" (portrait); "On Carolina's campus; in the Arboritum in Spring" (sic, Arboretum, last two images not included in album), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 12; 1 image

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0047

UNC campus: "The Arboritum in Winter" (sic, Arboretum); "In the Stadium" (Kenan Memorial Stadium), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 13; 6 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0048

"The U.S. Capitol; Washington Monument; Pan American Bldg.; Annex at the rear; Entrance to Sesqui-Centennial at Philadelphia, 29 November 1926; Reggie, Ralph and I. On to New York for a day and half," circa November 1926

Black-and-white prints

Page 14; 5 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0049

"The Teagues' home, 412 S. Edgeworth St.; on the driveway; J. and Mrs. Perdew; Cora; Charlie; The Teagues" (likely Greensboro, N.C.), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 15; 7 images

Image Box IB-P0042/1

Photograph Album P0042/0050

"Charles B. Aycock School; My Chillen; Betty, Puzzon's first mistress; in front of my room," (Kannapolis, N.C.), circa 1925-1929

Black-and-white prints

Page 16; 4 images

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 3. Loose photographic prints, circa 1921-1927

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