Timeline extended for launch of Wilson Library facilities work.

Collection Number: P0070

Collection Title: Don Sturkey Photographic Materials, 1951-2007 (bulk 1951-1989)

This collection has access restrictions. For details, please see the restrictions.

This is a finding aid. It is a description of archival material held in the Wilson Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in our reading room, and not digitally available through the World Wide Web. See the Duplication Policy section for more information.

Image from the collection

U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy, U.S. Congressman Herbert C. Bonner, and Terry Sanford (candidate for Governor) ride in convertible while Senator Kennedy approaches the football stadium at the Eastern Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina; P0070/0294_01, in the Don Sturkey Photographic Materials #P0070, North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Collection Overview

Size Linear Feet: About 35 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 107,800 items)
Abstract The collection of white photographer Don Sturkey of Charlotte, N.C., contains images, 1951 to 2007, chiefly made when Sturkey was a staff photographer for the Charlotte Observer between 1955 and 1989. Photographs primarily depict news and sports events, numerous North Carolina and national politicians, and musicians and other entertainers. Sturkey’s images also capture the civil rights movement and racist backlash to the movement in Charlotte, N.C., including protests and picketing of segregated establishments, Ku Klux Klan rallies, and the first African American student to integrate Charlotte and Mecklenburg County school, Dorothy Counts when she walked into Harding High School in 1957 followed by a crowd of white people taunting her. Also included are photographs of several NASA launches (1968-1972) from The Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Fla. and images depicting the construction of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla. in 1971.
Creator Sturkey, Don.
Curatorial Unit University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. North Carolina Collection.
Language English
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Information For Users

Restrictions to Access
No restrictions to access.
Copyright Notice
Copyright is retained by The Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Preferred Citation
[identification of item], in the Don Sturkey Photographic Materials #P0070, North Carolina Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library.
Acquisitions Information
Don Sturkey donated the collection in 2005 and 2012.
Sensitive Materials Statement
Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. § 132 1 et seq.), and Article 7 of the North Carolina State Personnel Act (Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records, N.C.G.S. § 126-22 et seq.). Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assumes no responsibility.
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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Processing Information

Processed by: Patrick Cullom with assistance from Dorothy Irwin, October 2009; Patrick Cullom, January 2012 and May 2019.

Encoded by: Patrick Cullom, February 2010

Updated by: Nancy Kaiser, October 2020; Anne Wells, September 2021

Since August 2017, we have added ethnic and racial identities for individuals and families represented in collections. To determine identity, we rely on self-identification; other information supplied to the repository by collection creators or sources; public records, press accounts, and secondary sources; and contextual information in the collection materials. Omissions of ethnic and racial identities in finding aids created or updated after August 2017 are an indication of insufficient information to make an educated guess or an individual's preference for identity information to be excluded from description. When we have misidentified, please let us know at wilsonlibrary@unc.edu.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Subject Headings

The following terms from Library of Congress Subject Headings suggest topics, persons, geography, etc. interspersed through the entire collection; the terms do not usually represent discrete and easily identifiable portions of the collection--such as folders or items.

Clicking on a subject heading below will take you into the University Library's online catalog.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Biographical Information

Don Sturkey (b. 1931) retired as chief photographer of the Charlotte Observer in 1989 after 34 years. The native of Lincoln County, Ga., arrived at his profession by chance; Sturkey joined the United States Navy in 1948 and was assigned to shore duty in Washington. He repeatedly asked to be transferred, including to photography school, and in early 1950 he was granted this opportunity. Sturkey went on to be the first staff photographer at the Shelby Daily Star and worked there for one summer. He attended Gardner-Webb College in Boiling Springs, N.C., and joined the staff of the High Point Enterprise following college. Sturkey began working at the Charlotte Observer in November of 1955.

In 1961 Sturkey was named National Newspaper Photographer of the Year by the National Press Photographers Association for work he completed in 1960. He was the first southerner to win this award. Sturkey's work has appeared in periodicals including Time, Life, The Saturday Evening Post, and Ebony. He served as president of the Carolinas Press Photographers Association in 1965, as chair of the National Press Photographers Ethics Committee in 1975, and as chair of the National Press Photographers Association's National Pictures of the Year competition in 1976. Sturkey is the author of A Slice of Time: A Carolina's Album 1950-90 (1990), which includes highlights of his work covering the Carolinas, and provided photographs for The Catawba River (1983) and Becoming Truly Free: 300 Years of Black History in the Carolinas (1985). In 1991, Sturkey was inducted into the North Carolina Journalism Hall of Fame.

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expand/collapse Expand/collapse Scope and Content

This collection is comprised of the photographic materials created by Don Sturkey from 1951-1989. The majority of the negatives were produced in his capacity as staff photographer for the Charlotte Observer (1955-1989). Primarily depicted are local news and sports events covered by Sturkey. He captured numerous images portraying the tense racial climate of the time, including Ku Klux Klan meetings and rallies; blacks and whites picketing segregated establishments; a lottery drawing for school integration in the Charlotte and Mecklenburg County public schools; and Dorothy Counts, the first black student to attend Harding High School in Charlotte in 1957. Also photographed were Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., Benjamin Chavis, and Rosa Parks. Politicians photographed, largely while campaigning for office, include Senator Eugene McCarthy, Governor Nelson Rockefeller, President Richard Nixon, President John F. Kennedy, President Jimmy Carter, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Vice President Al Gore, Senator Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole, Senator Strom Thurmond, Senator and Mrs. Jesse Helms, and President Ronald Reagan. Musicians photographed by Sturkey include Elvis Presley (in 1956), Ray Charles, Louis Armstrong, James Brown, Carl Sandburg, and Johnny Cash. Sturkey also captured the launches of the Apollo 8, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) missions and the contruction of Walt Disney World in 1971.

Also included is the portfolio that earned him his 1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year award, which contains images of John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy and Richard Nixon during their respective presidential campaigns.

Images in this collection depict members, slogans, and paraphernalia associated with the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist and domestic terrorist organization.

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Contents list

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series Quick Links

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 1. 1951-1959.

About 75 - 4x5 inches black and white negatives (sheet film).
About 8 - 4x5 inches color transparencies (sheet film).
About 1072 - 2x2 inches black and white negatives ("120" roll film).
About 3337 - 15/16 x 1 7/16 in. negatives (35mm roll film).

Arrangement: Chronological.

Note that original envelope descriptions have, for the most part, been retained. Images in this series depict members, slogans, and paraphernalia associated with the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist and domestic terrorist organization.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0001

"Scene in park (Imperial Park) near the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan,"summer, 1951

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Tokyo, Japan.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0002

"Waitresses at Homefolks Cafe,"1951

Black and white sheet film

3 images

Cherryville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0003

"Landmark buildings (including county courthouse) in Shelby, North Carolina,"June 1952

Color sheet film

4 images

Shelby, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0004

"Cow milking contest between two preachers on the Cleveland County Courthouse lawn,"June 1952

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Shelby, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0005

"Miss Shelby (North Carolina) in her nurses uniform,"Summer 1952

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Shelby, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0006

"Senator Clyde R. Hoey with Shelby Daily Star managing editor Holt McPherson and a Sears official in,"Summer 1952

Black and white sheet film

2 images

Shelby, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0007

"Shelby Daily Star" managing editor Holt McPherson at farewell party, 1952

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Shelby, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0008

"Interior of shoe department in Belk store in Shelby, North Carolina,"1952

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Shelby, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0009

"Shelby Daily Star" managing editor Holt McPherson, 1952

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Shelby, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0010

"HiToms baseball action (professional baseball),"1953

Black and white sheet film

1 image

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0011

"High Point College versus McCrary College (basketball),"1952-1953

Black and white sheet film

1 image

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0012

"Santa resting after a rough night in High Point,"1953-1954

Black and white sheet film

1 image

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0013

"Small girl after car wreck in which her grandmother was charged with driving while intoxicated,"1953-1954

Black and white sheet film

1 image

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0014_01

"Halloween night in High Point, North Carolina,"1953-1954

Black and white sheet film

1 image

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0014_02

"Halloween night in High Point, North Carolina,"1953-1954

Black and white photographic prints

1 image

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0015

"Car-train wreck near Jamestown, North Carolina,"1953-1954

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Jamestown, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0016

"Jackie O'Moore, a stripper with Ross Manning Carnival,"1954

Black and white sheet film

6 images

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0017

"High Point High School football star Cornell Johnson,"1954

Black and white sheet film

2 images

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0018

"Track meet at High Point High School,"1954

Black and white sheet film

1 image

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0019

"Cherokee Indian boy (chiefing) with his father in Cherokee, North Carolina,"Summer 1954

1 image

Photograph taken by Rachel Sturkey; Cherokee, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0020

"Oconoluftee Village (Cherokee Indian Reservation) in Cherokee, North Carolina,"summer 1954

Black and white sheet film

9 images

Cherokee, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0021_01

"Finish of 100-yard dash at High Point High School track meet, 1954 or 1955" circa 1954-1955

Black and white sheet film

1 image

High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0021_02

"Finish of 100-yard dash at High Point High School track meet, 1954 or 1955" circa 1954-1955

Black and white photographic prints

1 image

Made from P0070/0021_01; High Point, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0022

"North State Basketball Tournament: Lenoir Rhyne College cheering section,"1955

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

4 frames

Lexington, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0023

"North State Basketball Tournament,"1955

Black and white sheet film

1 image

This image was winner of feature category of North Carolina Press Association competition, first photography award for Don Sturkey.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0024

"Vendor with balloons at Carousel Parade,"December 1955

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0025

"Shriner cheering at Shrine Bowl in Charlotte,"December 1955

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0026

""Rebel in the Ranks," boys playing soldier on South Boulevard at East Morehead,"1956

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0027

"The Charlotte Coliseum (one year old) on Independence Boulevard,"1956

Black and white sheet film

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0028

"Fatal car crash near Augusta,"1956

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Near Augusta, Georgia.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0029

"Old Charlotte Observer building, 600 South Tryon Street,"1956

Color sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0030_01

"Inauguration of Luther Hodges as Governor of North Carolina,"7 February 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0030_02

"Inauguration of Luther Hodges as Governor of North Carolina,"7 February 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Includes photograph of Representative Frank Snepp (center) and Representative Jack Love (right); Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0031_01

"First Rock 'n Roll show at the Charlotte Coliseum,"2 February 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0031_02

"First Rock 'n Roll show at the Charlotte Coliseum,"2 February 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0031_03

"First Rock 'n Roll show at the Charlotte Coliseum,"2 February 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0032

"Elvis Presley in his first appearance in Charlotte at the Carolina Theater,"10 February 1956

5 images

Images taken in dressing room; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0033_01

"Pie throwing and "cheesecake" posing at Kenan Stadium at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill" April 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0033_02

"Pie throwing and "cheesecake" posing at Kenan Stadium at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill" April 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0034_01

"Second Rock 'n Roll show at the Charlotte Coliseum,"Spring 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0034_02

"Second Rock 'n Roll show at the Charlotte Coliseum,"Spring 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0034_03

"Second Rock 'n Roll show at the Charlotte Coliseum,"Spring 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0034_04

"Second Rock 'n Roll show at the Charlotte Coliseum,"Spring 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0035_01

"Movie star Randolph Scott and his very proud mother at his family home in Dilworth,"25 June 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Frame 8 appeared in June 26, 1956 edition of the Charlotte Observer; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0035_02

"Movie star Randolph Scott and his very proud mother at his family home in Dilworth,"25 June 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Frame 8 appeared in June 26, 1956 edition of the Charlotte Observer; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0036_01

"Elvis Presley at the Charlotte Coliseum,"26 June 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Second appearance in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0036_02

"Elvis Presley at the Charlotte Coliseum,"26 June 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

11 images

Second appearance in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0036_03

"Elvis Presley at the Charlotte Coliseum,"26 June 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

9 images

Second appearance in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0036_04

"Elvis Presley at the Charlotte Coliseum,"26 June 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Second appearance in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0036_05

"Elvis Presley at the Charlotte Coliseum,"26 June 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Second appearance in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0036_06

"Elvis Presley at the Charlotte Coliseum,"26 June 1956

Black and white photographic print

1 image

Made from roll P0070/0036_01; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_01

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

9 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_02

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_03

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

11 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_04

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_05

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

15 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Includes images of game; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_06

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

11 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Includes images of game; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_07

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

5 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Includes images of game; Roll contains panoramic photographs; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_08

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_09

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_10

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0037_11

"Football weekend with Charlotteans Pat Hunter and Annette Shaw (UNC students),"21-23 September 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University; Game day was September 22, 1956; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0038

"Kids playing in leaves on Queens Road West,"14 November 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0039_01

"Broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow, interview at Hotel Charlotte suite,"December 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Mr. Murrow was a native of Polecat Creek, North Carolina; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0039_02

"Broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow, interview at Hotel Charlotte suite,"December 1956

Black and white photographic prints

1 image

Made from roll P0070/0039_01; Mr. Murrow was a native of Polecat Creek, North Carolina; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0040

"Carrousel Ball at Charlotte Coliseum (Edward R. Murrow and Strom Thurmond together),"November 1956

Photographer's note: Woman pictured might be Strom Thurmond's first wife, Jean Crouch Thurmond, who was a beauty queen like his last wife; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0041

"Shrine Bowl Parade and game in Charlotte at Memorial Stadium,"December 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

7 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0042_01

"Parents embrace after the death of their young child in a house fire,"10 December 1956

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

3 images

Includes Mecklenburg County Police Captain George Stephens; The location is Shopton Road in Mecklenburg County; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0042_02

"Parents embrace after the death of their young child in a house fire,"10 December 1956

Black and white photographic prints

1 image

Includes Mecklenburg County Police Captain George Stephens; The location is Shopton Road in Mecklenburg County; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0043_01

"Annual Junior League Follies in Charlotte,"1 January 1957

Color sheet film

1 image

Includes: Mrs. William Choate, Miss Jayne Adams, Miss Sidney Erwin; Appeared in Charlotte Observer 1 February 1957; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0043_02

"Annual Junior League Follies in Charlotte,"1 January 1957

Color sheet film

1 image

Includes: Mrs. William Choate, Miss Jayne Adams, Miss Sidney Erwin; Appeared in Charlotte Observer 1 February 1957; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0043_03

"Annual Junior League Follies in Charlotte,"1 January 1957

Color sheet film

1 image

Includes: Mrs. William Choate, Miss Jayne Adams, Miss Sidney Erwin; Appeared in Charlotte Observer 1 February 1957; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0044_01

"Annexation hearing for Charlotte citizens at the North Carolina Legislature in Raleigh,"14 February 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Includes: Jack Love, Oliver Rowe, Colonel Younts, Mayor Phillip Van Every; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0044_02

"Annexation hearing for Charlotte citizens at the North Carolina Legislature in Raleigh,"14 February 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

3 images

Includes: Mrs. Joy of Mecklenburg County; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0044_03

"Annexation hearing for Charlotte citizens at the North Carolina Legislature in Raleigh,"14 February 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 image

Includes: Jack Love, Oliver Rowe, Colonel Younts, Mayor Phillip Van Every; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0044_04

"Annexation hearing for Charlotte citizens at the North Carolina Legislature in Raleigh,"14 February 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes: Jack Love, Oliver Rowe, Colonel Younts, Mayor Phillip Van Every; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0044_05

"Annexation hearing for Charlotte citizens at the North Carolina Legislature in Raleigh,"14 February 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Includes: Mrs. Joy of Mecklenburg County; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0045_01

"Jazz great Louis Armstrong at Charlotte Coliseum,"14 February 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0045_02

"Jazz great Louis Armstrong at Charlotte Coliseum,"14 February 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

5 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0045_03

"Jazz great Louis Armstrong at Charlotte Coliseum,"14 February 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

34 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0046

"National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) officials and other blacks seek a start toward integration of Charlotte city schools,"30 March, 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes the following: attorney Thomas Wyche and Kelly M. Alexander (state president of the NAACP), School board chairman Bishop Herbert Spaugh, taken at Education Center; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0047

"LaVern Baker performance at the Charlotte Coliseum,"April 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0048

"Bill Friday's inauguration at Reynolds Coliseum (North Carolina State College) as President of the Greater University of North Carolina,"8 May 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

8 images

Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0049

"Celebrity Dagmar and singer Vaughn Monroe at Griffith Park, 3 June 1957" 

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0050_01

"Dorothy Brown (Long Sam) in New York City for the Ed Sullivan show,"17-19 August 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

15 images

New York City, New York and Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0050_02

"Dorothy Brown (Long Sam) in New York City for the Ed Sullivan show,"17-19 August 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

New York City, New York and Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0050_03

"Dorothy Brown (Long Sam) in New York City for the Ed Sullivan show,"17-19 August 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

New York City, New York and Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0050_04

"Dorothy Brown (Long Sam) in New York City for the Ed Sullivan show,"17-19 August 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

New York City, New York and Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0050_05

"Dorothy Brown (Long Sam) in New York City for the Ed Sullivan show,"17-19 August 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

New York City, New York and Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0050_06

"Dorothy Brown (Long Sam) in New York City for the Ed Sullivan show,"17-19 August 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

New York City, New York and Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0051_01

"Integration at Harding High School and Alexander Graham Junior High in Charlotte," 4 September 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Includes: Dorothy Counts with mob as she enters Harding High School; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0052_01

"Myers Park High School versus Harding High School (football),"fall 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

3 images

First time Myers Park High School defeated Harding; Includes panoramic image; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0052_02

"Myers Park High School versus Harding High School (football),"fall 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

First time Myers Park High School defeated Harding; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0053_01

"Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip attend the University of North Carolina-University of Maryland football game at the University of Maryland,"19 October 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

College Park, Maryland.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0053_02

"Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip attend the University of North Carolina-University of Maryland football game at the University of Maryland,"19 October 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

College Park, Maryland.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0054

"University of North Carolina (in Chapel Hill) versus University of Tennessee (football),"2 November 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0055_01

"Carrousel Ball and parade,"December 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

15 images

Includes a panoramic image and Senator Sam Erwin with beauty queens; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0055_02

"Carrousel Ball and parade,"December 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Includes images of Miss Marian McKnight (Miss South Carolina and Miss America) and Senator Sam Erwin with beauty queens; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0055_03

"Carrousel Ball and parade,"December 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

4 images

Includes Senator Sam Erwin with beauty queens; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0056_01

"Shrine Bowl and parade,"December 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

5 images

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0056_02

"Shrine Bowl and parade,"December 1957

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0057_01

"Portrait of Carolyn Melton of Cheraw, South Carolina,"circa 1956-1957

Black and white sheet film

2 images

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0057_02

"Portrait of Carolyn Melton of Cheraw, South Carolina,"circa 1956-1957

Black and white sheet film

2 images

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0057_03

"Portrait of Carolyn Melton of Cheraw, South Carolina,"circa 1956-1957

Black and white sheet film

2 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0058

"Young Amy Jo Estes at Selwyn Village home,"circa 1956-1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0059_01

"Atlantic Coast Conference and Charlotte area high school basketball (players on the court),"ca. 1956-1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

19 images

Includes UNC in Chapel Hill vs Duke, Clemson vs. Audburn, St. Joseph's vs. Gators (University of Florida), and Harding High School vs. Central High School.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0059_02

"Atlantic Coast Conference and Charlotte area high school basketball (coaches),"ca. 1956-1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Includes images of North Carolina State Men's Basketball Coach Everett Case and Assistant Coach Vic Bubas.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0060

"University of North Carolina basketball coach Frank McGuire and his wife at their Chapel Hill home,"circa 1956-1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0061

"Miss North Carolina posing with a 4x5 Speed Graphic,"circa 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0062_01

"Colored dance at Park Center,"circa 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0062_02

"Colored dance at Park Center,"circa 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0062_03

"Colored dance at Park Center,"circa 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0062_04

"Colored dance at Park Center,"circa 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0062_05

"Colored dance at Park Center,"circa 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0062_06

"Colored dance at Park Center,"circa 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0062_07

"Colored dance at Park Center,"circa 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/70

Black and White Photographic Print P0070/0062_08

"Colored dance at Park Center,"circa 1957

Black and white oversized photographic print

1 image

Made from roll P0070/0062_06; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0063

"Phil Howerton home off Providence Road,"14 January 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

5 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0064

"Pop singer Tommy Sands in Charlotte,"11 February 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0065

"Governor Luther Hodges' son's wedding in Monroe, North Carolina,"11 February 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Monroe, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0066

"City maintenance crew at work on Charlotte streets,"13 February 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0067_01

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Charlotte Coliseum,"March 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Includes: Atlantic Coast Conference champion University of Maryland playing; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0067_02

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Charlotte Coliseum,"March 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Includes: Atlantic Coast Conference champion University of Maryland playing; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0067_03

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Charlotte Coliseum,"March 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Includes: Atlantic Coast Conference champion University of Maryland playing; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0067_04

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Charlotte Coliseum,"March 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Includes: Atlantic Coast Conference champion University of Maryland playing; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0067_05

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Charlotte Coliseum,"March 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes: Atlantic Coast Conference champion University of Maryland playing; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0067_06

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Charlotte Coliseum,"March 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Includes: Atlantic Coast Conference champion University of Maryland playing and ACC coaches talking in press room; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0068_01

"Atlantic Coast Conference tournament at Reynolds Coliseum (on North Carolina State campus),"March 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Includes images of coaches Frank McGuire (University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill), Vic Bubas, and Everett Case; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0068_02

"Atlantic Coast Conference tournament at Reynolds Coliseum,"March 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes preparations at Reynolds Coliseum;Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0068_03

"Atlantic Coast Conference tournament at Reynolds Coliseum,"March 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

University of North Carolina vs. University of Maryland; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0069

"Last minute tax returns dropped off by Charlotteans at main post office,"15 April 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0070

"Track meets at Davidson College and Myers Park High School,"May 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Davidson, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0071

"Kappa Alpha fraternity ball in Charlotte,"Spring 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0072

"Golden Gloves boxing at Park Center,"July 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0073_01

"Mecklenburg County School Board hearing for Negro applicants,"5 August 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0073_02

"Mecklenburg County School Board hearing for Negro applicants,"5 August 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0073_03

"Mecklenburg County School Board hearing for Negro applicants,"5 August 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0074

"Harding High School versus West Mecklenburg High School (football),"4 September 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0075_01

"The last Southern States Fair in Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Includes images of famed movie cowboy Gene Autry on his horse Champion.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0075_02

"The last Southern States Fair in Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

39 images

Includes images of famed movie cowboy Gene Autry on his horse Champion.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0075_03

"The last Southern States Fair in Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Includes images of famed movie cowboy Gene Autry on his horse Champion.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0076_01

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0076_02

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0076_03

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

11 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0076_04

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0076_05

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0076_06

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0076_07

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0076_08

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0076_09

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0076_10

"Sweet Daddy Grace's annual parade through the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"September 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Includes images of Bishop C.M. Grace ("Sweet Daddy Grace"); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_01

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_02

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_03

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_04

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_05

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_06

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Includes images of Billy Graham; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_07

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Includes images of Billy Graham; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_08

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Includes images of Billy Graham; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_09

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_10

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0077_11

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_12

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

42 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_13

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

34 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_14

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_15

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_16

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_17

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

13 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_18

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_19

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_20

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

7 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_21

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_22

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

11 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_23

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0077_24

"Billy Graham Crusade at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 21 September-25 October 1958

Black and white 35mm roll negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0078

"Billy Graham's 40th birthday celebration,"7 November 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0079

"Gun clinic in Mecklenburg County,"15 November 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

5 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0080_01

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

First day of three day tournament; North Carolina State University vs. Louisville; Raleigh, North Carolina;Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0080_02

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

9 images

First day of three day tournament; Wake Forest University vs. Cincinnati; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0080_03

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

First day of three day tournament; Wake Forest University vs. Cincinnati; Includes images of "All American" Oscar Robertson; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0080_04

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

First day of three day tournament; Duke University vs. Michigan State; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0080_05

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

9 images

First day of three day tournament; Cincinnati team in locker room; Includes images of "All American" Oscar Robertson; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0080_06

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

First day of three day tournament; Duke University vs. Cincinnati; Includes images of "All American" Oscar Robertson; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0080_07

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

First day of three day tournament; Includes images of both the North Carolina State University and University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill teams in locker room; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0080_08

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

First day of three day tournament; University of North Carolina vs. Yale University; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0080_09

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

First day of three day tournament; University of North Carolina vs. Cincinnati; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0080_10

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

First day of three day tournament; Wake Forest University vs. Louisville; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0080_11

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

First day of three day tournament; North Carolina State University; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0080_12

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

First day of three day tournament; Views of sidelines at game; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0080_13

"Dixie Classic (basketball) at Reynolds Coliseum,"29 December 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

First day of three day tournament; Views of sidelines at game; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0081_01

"Shrine Bowl parade and football game,"circa December 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0081_02

"Shrine Bowl parade and football game,"circa December 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0082

"Softball league action at Freedom Park,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0083

"Portrait of janitor at the Charlotte Observer,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white sheet film

2 images on one sheet

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0084

"University of North Carolina (in Chapel Hill) versus University of South Carolina (football),"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 77mm roll film negatives

18 images

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0085_01

"Myers Park High School versus Central High School (track meet),"circa 1956-1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0085_02

"Myers Park High School versus Central High School (track meet),"circa 1956-1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0085_03

"Myers Park High School versus Central High School (track meet),"circa 1956-1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0085_04

"Myers Park High School versus Central High School (track meet),"circa 1956-1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0085_05

"Myers Park High School versus Central High School (track meet),"circa 1956-1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0086

"The new Wachovia building on West Trade Street and the demolition of the American Commercial Bank,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0087

"Old house on East Trade Street being demolished,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0088

"Youngster Lin Estes in Selwyn Village,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0089_01

"Two young boys selling watermelons on East Morehead Street,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0089_02

"Two young boys selling watermelons on East Morehead Street,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0089_03

"Two young boys selling watermelons on East Morehead Street,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0089_04

"Two young boys selling watermelons on East Morehead Street,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0089_05

"Two young boys selling watermelons on East Morehead Street,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

7 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0090

"Postman and friendly dog,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0091

"Associated Press offices on the third floor of the Charlotte Observer/Tom Davis at teletype,"circa 1956-1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0091_01

"Charlotte Clippers versus Hershey, Pennsylvania (ice hockey),"circa 1957-1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0091_02

"Charlotte Clippers versus Hershey, Pennsylvania (ice hockey),"circa 1957-1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0092

"Kappa Alpha fraternity event at Belk home next to Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, 10 April 1959" 

Color sheet film transparency

3 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0093_01

"Artist Jack Pentes and another artist at work on a mural at the new Esso Building on Woodlawn Road,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0093_02

"Artist Jack Pentes and another artist at work on a mural at the new Esso Building on Woodlawn Road,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

14 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0094

"Ku Klux Klan protest showing of "Island in the Sun" at the Visulite Theater/James W. (Catfish) Cole was the Grand Dragon,"2 September, 1957

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Images depict members, slogans, and paraphernalia associated with the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist and domestic terrorist organization.

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0095

"Inspection day at the Charlotte National Guard Armory,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0096

"Charlotte Clipperettes at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0097

"Elephant on exhibit at Park Road Shopping Center,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0098_01

"Eastern Hockey League action at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0098_02

"Eastern Hockey League action at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0098_03

"Eastern Hockey League action at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0098_04

"Eastern Hockey League action at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0099

"Pastor of Saint Paul Baptist Church after being appointed as first colored head of Mecklenburg County Ministerial Association,"circa 1957-1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0100_01

"The PBX at International Harvester in Charlotte,"circa 1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0100_02

"The PBX at International Harvester in Charlotte,"circa 1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0100_03

"The PBX at International Harvester in Charlotte,"circa 1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0100_04

"The PBX at International Harvester in Charlotte,"circa 1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0101

"Big Four football action with Hulcher Sequence camera,"circa 1958

Black and white 77mm roll film negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0102

"Little League action at Freedom Park, 1958" 

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0103_01

"Garden at home off Queens Road West,"circa 1958

Color sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0103_02

"Garden at home off Queens Road West,"circa 1958

Color sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0103_03

"Garden at home off Queens Road West,"circa 1958

Color sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0104

"S&R Wrecker Service on Mint Street,"circa 1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/03

Black and White Sheet Film P0070/0104

"S&R Wrecker Service on Mint Street,"circa 1958

Black and white sheet film

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0105

"Miss Charlotte beauty contest,"circa 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0106

"Singer Tony Leonetti and Miss North Carolina rehearse at WBT studios,"circa 1958

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0107

"Carolinas Golden Gloves sponsored by the Charlotte Observer at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1958

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0108_01

"Wilt the Stilt with the Harlem Globetrotters at the Charlotte Coliseum,"

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0108_02

"Wilt the Stilt with the Harlem Globetrotters at the Charlotte Coliseum,"

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0108_03

"Wilt the Stilt with the Harlem Globetrotters at the Charlotte Coliseum,"

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0108_04

"Wilt the Stilt with the Harlem Globetrotters at the Charlotte Coliseum,"

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0108_05

"Wilt the Stilt with the Harlem Globetrotters at the Charlotte Coliseum,"

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Includes images of Charlotte sportswriter Bob Quincy (second from left on sideline); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0109

"Colored dance at Park Center on Kings Drive,"circa 1958

Envelope reads: "Some negatives in bank safety deposit box.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0110_01

"Senator John Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline, visit Charlotte,"15 January 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Includes images of Charlotte lawyer Bill Poe, and his wife; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0110_02

"Senator John Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline, visit Charlotte,"15 January 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Includes images of United States Senator Sam Ervin; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0111

"Golden Gloves Boxing in Gastonia, North Carolina armory,"24 January 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

5 images

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0112

"Opening of South Carolina Legislature in Columbia/Edgar Brown and Sol Blatt presiding,"January 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

8 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0113_01

"Author and Carolina Israelite editor Harry Golden in Chapel Hill office/portrait and passport photo,"5 February 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

15 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0113_02

"Author and Carolina Israelite editor Harry Golden in Chapel Hill office/portrait and passport photo,"5 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_01

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_02

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_03

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_04

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_05

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_06

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_07

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_08

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0114_09

"Last delivery before retirement for Charlotte postman Sanford B. 'Flip" Morton, 'the Pied Piper of Selwyn Village','28 February 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0115_01

"Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus at the Charlotte Coliseum,"4 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0115_02

"Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus at the Charlotte Coliseum,"4 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0116_01

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Includes images of Boston vs. West Virginia; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0116_02

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Includes images of Boston vs. West Virginia; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0116_03

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Includes images of St. Joseph's vs. Navy; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_04

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Includes images of Boston University vs. Navy; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_05

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Includes images of Boston University vs. Navy; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_06

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Includes images of Boston University vs. Navy; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_07

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Includes images of Boston University vs. Navy; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_08

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Includes images of Boston University vs. Navy; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_09

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_10

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_11

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_12

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_13

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_14

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_15

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_16

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_17

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

8 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_18

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0116_19

"National Collegiate Athletic Association Regional Basketball Tournament at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 7-21 March 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Includes images of West Viginina vs. St. Joseph's; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/04

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0117

"Burglar caught on top of A&P grocery store,"1 April 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0118

"Cheerleader tryout at Central High School, Charlotte,"9 April 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0119

"Movie stars (George Montgomery included) at Queens College,"

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0120

"Comedian Herb Shriner in his room at Hotel Charlotte,"16 April 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0121

"Black man and his dog en route to plow gardens in upscale Myers Park (on East Boulevard),"18 April 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0122

"Twirp dance at West Mecklenburg High School,"23 April 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0123

"Track meet at Myers Park High School,"26 April 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0124

"Little League tryouts at Freedom Park,"28 April 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0125_01

"Opening of baseball season at Clark Griffith Park,"April 1959

12 35mm negatives

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0125_02

"Opening of baseball season at Clark Griffith Park,"April 1959

8 35mm negatives

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0125_03

"Opening of baseball season at Clark Griffith Park,"April 1959

8 35mm negatives

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0125_04

"Opening of baseball season at Clark Griffith Park,"April 1959

8 35mm negatives

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0126_01

"Boy gets ride in jet at Air National Guard,"16 May 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0126_02

"Boy gets ride in jet at Air National Guard,"16 May 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0126_03

"Boy gets ride in jet at Air National Guard,"16 May 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0126_04

"Boy gets ride in jet at Air National Guard,"16 May 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0126_05

"Boy gets ride in jet at Air National Guard,"16 May 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0126_06

"Boy gets ride in jet at Air National Guard,"16 May 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0127

"Trudie Seltzer and Betty Jo Hamrick at Democrat Tea Fair,"20 May 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0128

"German Club dance, includes man mugging camera,"22 May 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0129

"Five local artists at the Mint Museum,"27 May 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes the following artists: Charles Tucker, Mrs. Alice Steadman, Mrs. Sarah Toy, Dayrell Korthever, and Paul Bartlett;Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0130_01

"Stoneybrook Steeplechase at Southern Pines, North Carolina,"circa spring 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Includes images of Governor Luther Hodges; Southern Pines, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0130_02

"Stoneybrook Steeplechase at Southern Pines, North Carolina,"circa spring 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Includes images of Governor Luther Hodges; Southern Pines, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0131

"Car plunges off bridge near Selwyn Village,"June 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0132_01

"Winners of Belk Exhibition at the Mint Museum,"20 June 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0132_02

"Winners of Belk Exhibition at the Mint Museum,"20 June 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0133

"Tryon Street and Charlotte skyline,"4 July 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0134

"Hurricane Cindy off the South Carolina Coast,"8-9 July 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

South Carolina coast.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0135

"All-Star baseball game at Griffith Park,"21 July 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_01

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_02

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_03

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_04

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_05

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_06

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_07

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_08

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_09

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0136_10

"Joann and Mitch Clark and new baby from adoption agency,"31 August 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0137

"High school girls water skiing on Lake Wylie,"2 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0138

"Darlington 500 stock car race,"7 September 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_01

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Includes award winning photograph of parade leader (frame23); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_02

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes images of "Sweet Daddy Grace"; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_03

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_04

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_05

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_06

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Includes "Sweet Daddy Grace"; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_07

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Includes "Sweet Daddy Grace"; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_08

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes "Sweet Daddy Grace"; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0139_09

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Includes "Sweet Daddy Grace"; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0139_010

"The Sweet Daddy Grace parade in Charlotte's Brooklyn neighborhood,"13 September 1959

Black and white photographic print

1 image

From roll P0070/139_01; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0140

"Rain soaked crowd at Clemson University football game,"10 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Clemson, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0141_01

"Last Big Thursday (University of South Carolina versus Clemson University ) during the South Carolina State Fair, played in Columbia,"20 October 1959

Color sheet film

1 image

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0141_02

"Last Big Thursday (University of South Carolina versus Clemson University ) during the South Carolina State Fair, played in Columbia,"20 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0141_03

"Last Big Thursday (University of South Carolina versus Clemson University ) during the South Carolina State Fair, played in Columbia,"20 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0141_04

"Last Big Thursday (University of South Carolina versus Clemson University ) during the South Carolina State Fair, played in Columbia,"20 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0141_05

"Last Big Thursday (University of South Carolina versus Clemson University ) during the South Carolina State Fair, played in Columbia,"20 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

includes former Charlotte Observer chief photographer Jake Houston on sidelines, most likely for one of the last times. He was the first staff photographer for a newspaper in the two Carolinas; Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0141_06

"Last Big Thursday (University of South Carolina versus Clemson University ) during the South Carolina State Fair, played in Columbia,"20 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0141_07

"Last Big Thursday (University of South Carolina versus Clemson University ) during the South Carolina State Fair, played in Columbia,"20 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0142_01

"Popular singer Fabian in Charlotte,"27 October 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0142_02

"Popular singer Fabian in Charlotte,"27 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0142_03

"Popular singer Fabian in Charlotte,"27 October 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0143

"Carrousel Ball at Charlotte Coliseum,"November 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0144_01

"Clemson University versus University of Maryland (football),"14 November 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Clemson, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0144_02

"Clemson University versus University of Maryland (football),"14 November 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Clemson, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0145

"Colored boy hit by car at 4th and Brevard,"18 December 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0146

"Mother reading to son at bedtime,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0147

" Charlotte Observer columnist Kays Gary's sister-in-law arriving at Charlotte/Douglas Airport,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0148

"Children at death scene on Rozzel's Ferry Road,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

7 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0149

"Mrs. Taylor at the trial of her husband,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0150

"Racial animosity between youths in front of Charlotte Observer building,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0151

"Interview with old sailor in Mecklenburg County,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0152

"Boy accidentally hit with shotgun pellets,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0153

"Trees cut down in front of Charlotte Memorial Hospital,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

3 images

Hospital in images is now called Carolinas Medical Center; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0154

"Nurse graduation at Ovens Auditorium, Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0155

"Flooded Colonial Park on Providence Road,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0156_01

"Stubborn horse being shod at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0156_02

"Stubborn horse being shod at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0157

"Mexican burros in Mecklenburg County,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

3 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0158

"Miss Air Force Reserve beauty contest,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0159

"Lou Kemp, veteran Charlotte Police Athletic Club boxing coach,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0160_01

""Beauty in Business" feature in the Charlotte Observer,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0160_02

""Beauty in Business" feature in the Charlotte Observer,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0160_03

""Beauty in Business" feature in the Charlotte Observer,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0161

"Emergency landing at Charlotte/Douglas Airport,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

7 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0162

"Atlantic Christian College versus Lenoir Rhyne College (basketball),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0163

"Charlotte/Douglas Airport closed down by weather during a Christmas rush,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0164

"Storm damage at Charlotte/Douglas Airport, two women suffered minor injuries when a temporary wall collapsed,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0165

""Backshop" operations at the Charlotte Observer,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0166

"Bandleader Billy Knauff and local well-known singer Betty Johnson at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0167

"Young boxer working out at the Charlotte Police Athletic Club gym,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0168

"Trial of Ku Klux Klansmen in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Images depict members, slogans, and paraphernalia associated with the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist and domestic terrorist organization.

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0169

"Mrs. W.W. Hagood's 100th birthday,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

3 images

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0170

"Hype at Clark Griffith baseball park,"circa 1956-1959 (June)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0171

"Relaxed North Carolina Governor Luther Hodges,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0172_01

"Art instruction for children at Latta Park,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

42 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0172_02

"Art instruction for children at Latta Park,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0173

"Watermelon cutting at the Thompson Orphanage, downtown Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0174_01

"Thompson Orphanage children on a Christmas shopping trip to Charlottetown Mall,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0174_02

"Thompson Orphanage children on a Christmas shopping trip to Charlottetown Mall,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0175_01

"Beauticians convention at Park Center,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0175_02

"Beauticians convention at Park Center,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0175_03

"Beauticians convention at Park Center,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0175_04

"Beauticians convention at Park Center,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0175_05

"Beauticians convention at Park Center,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0175_06

"Beauticians convention at Park Center,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0176

"Alcoholic Beverage Control liquor raids in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0177

"Awards night at Charlotte Catholic School on Park Road,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0178

"Child crying as he and his mother cross the Square in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0179

"Winthrop College students make up kids for Halloween,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

11 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0180

"Kiddie pool at Hawthorne Community Center on East Seventh Street,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0181

"Camp meeting at Church of God on Wilkinson Boulevard,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0182

"Charlotte Rescue Mission sign,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0183

""God's law is love" sign in downtown Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0184

"Youngsters getting swimming lessons at Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0185

"Pavilion area at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0186

"Wedding at church on Eastway Drive,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0187

"Wake Forest University versus University of South Carolina at Memorial Stadium in Charlotte (football),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0188

"Ku Klux Klan welcomes travelers to Newberry, South Carolina,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Images depict members, slogans, and paraphernalia associated with the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist and domestic terrorist organization.

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0189

"Mother playing softball with her children in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0190

"Grave of pet dog at Brookgreen Gardens, South Carolina,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

4 images

Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0191

"Fight at Charlotte Clippers game at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0192_01

"Mrs. Phillip Baugh's home on Queens Road West,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0192_02

"Mrs. Phillip Baugh's home on Queens Road West,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0193_01

"Mecklenburg County Democratic Convention at county courthouse,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0193_02

"Mecklenburg County Democratic Convention at county courthouse,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Includes images of Harry Golden (Charlotte author) and Julian Scheer, Charlotte News writer and later NASA official.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0194

"Fight on football field at Kenan Stadium after a University of North Carolina game, Chapel Hill, North Carolina,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0195

"Harding High School versus Myers Park High School (basketball),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0196

"A large contingent of North Carolina Legislators visit Charlotte, North Carolina,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0197

"Old colored man resting in Charlotte Observer parking lot,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0198

"A warm December makes for quiet time on Christmas tree lot,"circa 1956-1959 (December)

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0199

"Opossum and her litter found in a Charlotte garage,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0200

"Christian revival meeting on West Trade Street, Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0201

"Eagle released after hospitalization,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0202

"Candle collapses in June heat in Selwyn Village apartment,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0203_01

"A look inside drug stores in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0203_02

"A look inside drug stores in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0204

"An eviction notice served in winter in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0205

"Boy at the Court Inn in Camden, South Carolina, also old tenant farm house in South Carolina,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0206

"Commercial photographer Tim Hord's daughter skating and pulling wagon,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0207

"Drill team and football team practice on field together at University of North Carolina,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 77mm roll film negatives

1 image

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0208

"Snow woman on Wakefield Drive in Selwyn Village,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0209

"Jane Rogers, woman's editor of the Charlotte Observer,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0210

"House of Representatives in the Capitol Building in Raleigh, North Carolina,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

5 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0211

"Crowded Trailways bus station on West Trade Street in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0212_01

"Army Prisoner of War program training at Fort Jackson,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0212_02

"Army Prisoner of War program training at Fort Jackson,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0212_03

"Army Prisoner of War program training at Fort Jackson,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0212_04

"Army Prisoner of War program training at Fort Jackson,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0212_05

"Army Prisoner of War program training at Fort Jackson,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0212_06

"Army Prisoner of War program training at Fort Jackson,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Columbia, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0213

"Aerial of downtown Charlotte during the annual Carrousel Parade, 1956-1959 (December)" 

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0214

"Good Friday Procession at the Greek Orthodox Church on East Boulevard,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0215

"Girls and mirror at Belk's department store,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0216

"Boarding an Eastern Airlines flight at Charlotte/Douglas Airport,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0217

"Break time at First Presbyterian Church assembly in Charlotte,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0218

"Trial of a Charlotte bondsman,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/05

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0219

"Mecklenburg Hunt Club prepares for an outing,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0220

"Girls swimming in Lake Wylie on a very warm February day,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0221_01

"Furman University versus West Virginia University (basketball),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

11 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0221_02

"Furman University versus West Virginia University (basketball),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0221_03

"Furman University versus West Virginia University (basketball),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0222

"Myers Park High School sideline activity during a basketball game,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0223

"North Carolina State University band and mascot on football field,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0224

"Cigar smoker at the Charlotte Rescue Mission,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0225

"Evicted woman on a Charlotte street with her furniture,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0226

"Fans laughing at clown performing at a baseball game at Griffith Park,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0227

"Little girl in hat spellbound watching the Shrine Circus at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0228

"Sir Eric Bowater, paper mill magnate, in his private railroad car at the Charlotte Southern Railway Station,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0229

"Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians mugging for the camera during a performance at the Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0230

"Charlotte woman in shock after her husband fell out of a Piedmont Airlines airplane thinking the hatch led to the restroom and landed in a cemetery in Cleveland County,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0231_01

"Colored boy and his grandmother crossing the Square in Charlotte, he's carrying a bottle of milk with his teeth,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0231_02

"Colored boy and his grandmother crossing the Square in Charlotte, he's carrying a bottle of milk with his teeth,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white photographic print

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0232

"Rodeo at the Charlotte Coliseum/a young boy practices with a lasso,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0233_01

"Young black boy picking cotton on the large Boyd farm on York Road in Mecklenburg County (Highway 49 South),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0233_02

"Young black boy picking cotton on the large Boyd farm on York Road in Mecklenburg County (Highway 49 South),"circa 1956-1959

Black and white photographic prints

1 image

Made from roll P0070/0233_01; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0234

"An injured Golden Gloves boxer pleads with a doctor to let him continue,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0235

"Judges conferring at Mrs. North Carolina competition,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0236

"Ivey's department store Christmas party for area orthopedic patients,"circa 1956-1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0237

"The Square from atop the Wachovia building, 1957-1959" 

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0238

"Mountain man and grandson watch as Tweetsie Railroad engine hauled from Hickory to Blowing Rock along Highway 321, 1957-1959" 

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0239

"United States senators at Congressional hearing at the Federal Courthouse on West Trade Street, Charlotte,"circa 1958-1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0240

"Backstage at the Charlotte Carrousel Ball,"circa 1958-1959

Includes images of United States Army General Mark Clark and Senator Jordan, Democratic National Committee pictured; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0241

"Actress Joan Crawford and her husband at the Hotel Barringer,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0242_01

"Sticks and stones rabbit hunt near Harmony, North Carolina,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Harmony, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0242_02

"Sticks and stones rabbit hunt near Harmony, North Carolina,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Harmony, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0242_03

"Sticks and stones rabbit hunt near Harmony, North Carolina,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Harmony, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0242_04

"Sticks and stones rabbit hunt near Harmony, North Carolina,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Harmony, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0242_05

"Sticks and stones rabbit hunt near Harmony, North Carolina,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Harmony, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0242_06

"Sticks and stones rabbit hunt near Harmony, North Carolina,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Harmony, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0242_07

"Sticks and stones rabbit hunt near Harmony, North Carolina,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Harmony, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/52

Color Sheet Film P0070/0243

"Legendary Clemson University football coach Frank Howard and tiger,"circa 1959

Color sheet film

1 image

Clemson, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0244_01

"Last ferry across the Catawba River near Van Wyck, South Carolina, on the North Carolina and South Carolina border,"1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

63 35mm negatives

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0244_02

"Last ferry across the Catawba River near Van Wyck, South Carolina, on the North Carolina and South Carolina border,"1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

63 35mm negatives

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0245

"Rodeo at Charlotte Coliseum,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0246_01

"A day in the North Carolina Legislature with Frank Snepp of Charlotte,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0246_02

"A day in the North Carolina Legislature with Frank Snepp of Charlotte,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0246_03

"A day in the North Carolina Legislature with Frank Snepp of Charlotte,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0246_04

"A day in the North Carolina Legislature with Frank Snepp of Charlotte,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0246_05

"A day in the North Carolina Legislature with Frank Snepp of Charlotte,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0246_06

"A day in the North Carolina Legislature with Frank Snepp of Charlotte,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0246_07

"A day in the North Carolina Legislature with Frank Snepp of Charlotte,"circa 1959

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0247

"Singer and songwriter Paul Anka in Charlotte,"circa 1959

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Back to Top

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Series 2. 1960-1969.

About 23 - 101.6 x 127 mm / 4 x 5 in. negatives (4x5 sheet film: some color).
About 142 - 80.8 x 80.8 mm / 2 x 2 in. negatives (120 roll film).
About 40,200 - 24 x 35 mm / 15/16 x 1 7/16 in. negatives (35mm roll film).

Arrangement: chronological.

Note that original envelope descriptions have, for the most part, been retained.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0248_01

"Sweet Daddy Grace's followers mourn his death at the United House of Prayer for All People on McDowell Street,"12 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0248_02

"Sweet Daddy Grace's followers mourn his death at the United House of Prayer for All People on McDowell Street,"12 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0248_03

"Sweet Daddy Grace's followers mourn his death at the United House of Prayer for All People on McDowell Street,"12 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0248_04

"Sweet Daddy Grace's followers mourn his death at the United House of Prayer for All People on McDowell Street,"12 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0248_05

"Sweet Daddy Grace's followers mourn his death at the United House of Prayer for All People on McDowell Street,"12 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

08 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0249_01

"Final services for Sweet Daddy Grace in Charlotte,"17 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0249_02

"Final services for Sweet Daddy Grace in Charlotte,"17 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0249_03

"Final services for Sweet Daddy Grace in Charlotte,"17 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0249_04

"Final services for Sweet Daddy Grace in Charlotte,"17 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0249_05

"Final services for Sweet Daddy Grace in Charlotte,"17 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0249_06

"Final services for Sweet Daddy Grace in Charlotte,"17 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0250

"Charlotte Clippers game action at Coliseum,"28 January 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0251

"Baseball czar Branch Rickey at the Hotel Charlotte,"February 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0252

"Heavy snow in Charlotte,"2 March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0253

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball regional playoffs,"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

St. Joseph's University vs. West Virginia; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0254

"Rev. Charles (Sledgehammer) Keyes, the Parson of the Hills,"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0255

"Backstage at the Ringling Brothers Circus at the Charlotte Coliseum,"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0256_01

"Pat and Paul Ellison and their children (Threat to the Throne),"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0256_02

"Pat and Paul Ellison and their children (Threat to the Throne),"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0256_03

"Pat and Paul Ellison and their children (Threat to the Throne),"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0256_04

"Pat and Paul Ellison and their children (Threat to the Throne),"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0256_05

"Pat and Paul Ellison and their children (Threat to the Throne),"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0256_06

"Pat and Paul Ellison and their children (Threat to the Throne),"March 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_01

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne";Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_02

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_03

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_04

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_05

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_06

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_07

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_08

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_09

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_10

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_11

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_12

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_13

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_14

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_15

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_16

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0257_17

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Included in story: "Threat to the Throne"; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0257_18

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white photographic print

1 image

Made from roll P070_0257_10; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/01

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0257_19

"Pat and Paul Ellison raising three small children,"April 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

9 images

Includes images of Paul Ellison helping with housework; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0258

"Carolina Cup Races at Camden, South Carolina,"April 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

36 images

Camden, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0259_01

"Last no-dial telephone in Mecklenburg County removed,"5 May 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

20 images

Mecklenburg, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0259_02

"Last no-dial telephone in Mecklenburg County removed,"5 May 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Mecklenburg, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0260

" Charlotte Observer photo department staff,"6 May 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0261

"Dogs getting rabies shots in east Charlotte,"12 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0262_01

"Tony Cloninger, future major league pitcher (from Iron Station, NC), loses game with Charlotte Hornets in Griffith Park,"13 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0262_02

"Tony Cloninger, future major league pitcher (from Iron Station, NC), loses game with Charlotte Hornets in Griffith Park,"13 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0262_03

"Tony Cloninger, future major league pitcher (from Iron Station, NC), loses game with Charlotte Hornets in Griffith Park,"13 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0262_04

"Tony Cloninger, future major league pitcher (from Iron Station, NC), loses game with Charlotte Hornets in Griffith Park,"13 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0262_05

"Tony Cloninger, future major league pitcher (from Iron Station, NC), loses game with Charlotte Hornets in Griffith Park,"13 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0263_01

"Rebel 300 race at Darlington Raceway, includes Fireball Roberts and Joe Weatherby,"14 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0263_02

"Rebel 300 race at Darlington Raceway, includes Fireball Roberts and Joe Weatherby,"14 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0263_03

"Rebel 300 race at Darlington Raceway, includes Fireball Roberts and Joe Weatherby,"14 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0263_04

"Rebel 300 race at Darlington Raceway, includes Fireball Roberts and Joe Weatherby,"14 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0263_05

"Rebel 300 race at Darlington Raceway, includes Fireball Roberts and Joe Weatherby,"14 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0263_06

"Rebel 300 race at Darlington Raceway, includes Fireball Roberts and Joe Weatherby,"14 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0263_07

"Rebel 300 race at Darlington Raceway, includes Fireball Roberts and Joe Weatherby,"14 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0264_01

"Charlotte Hornets versus Jacksonville (baseball),"15 May 1960

Black and white 70mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0264_02

"Charlotte Hornets versus Jacksonville (baseball),"15 May 1960

Black and white 70mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0265_01

"Graduations at Queens College and Johnson C. Smith University,"30 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0265_02

"Graduations at Queens College and Johnson C. Smith University,"30 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0265_03

"Graduations at Queens College and Johnson C. Smith University,"30 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0265_04

"Graduations at Queens College and Johnson C. Smith University,"30 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0265_05

"Graduations at Queens College and Johnson C. Smith University,"30 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0265_06

"Graduations at Queens College and Johnson C. Smith University,"30 May 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0266

"Negroes picket downtown Charlotte stores over their lack of access to eating facilities,"circa spring 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/06

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0267

"Charlotte artist Aut Fox surrounded by his 'girls,"' 16 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Some images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio).

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0268_01

"Activity on the day before the first World 600 Race,"18 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Includes images of Lee Petty in garage area (with straw hat); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0268_02

"Activity on the day before the first World 600 Race,"18 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Includes images of Junior Johnson (with crew cut); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0268_03

"Activity on the day before the first World 600 Race,"18 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0268_04

"Activity on the day before the first World 600 Race,"18 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

24 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0268_05

"Activity on the day before the first World 600 Race,"18 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0269_01

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Includes images of Curtis Turner, Bruton Smith, and Miss Charlotte Mecklenburg Speedway; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

See: P0070/1520; may include additional images taken on the same day or at the same event.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0269_02

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

09 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0269_03

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

04 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0269_04

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

06 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0269_05

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

04 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0269_06

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

08 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_07

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_08

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_09

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Includes images of Buck Baker, ans early stock car driver and father of Buddy Baker; Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_10

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_11

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_12

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Includes images of Chris Turner, Bruton Smith, Miss Charlotte Mecklenburg Speedway at ribbon cutting (frames 13-15), Junior Johnson (frames 10-12), and Curtis Turner with car and on track (frames 21-23); Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_13

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_14

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_15

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0269_16

"First World 600 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"19 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

31 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0270

"Rummage sale by Jewish youth group on McDowell Street,"24 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0271_01

"Artist Aut Fox at work in his studio,"24 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

50 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0271_02

"Artist Aut Fox at work in his studio,"24 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0271_03

"Artist Aut Fox at work in his studio,"24 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0272_01

"Loving tombstones at old Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church graveyard,"28 June 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Some images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/70

Black and White Photographic Print P0070/0272_02

"Loving tombstones at old Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church graveyard,"28 June 1960

Black and white oversized photographic print

1 images

Made from roll P0070/0272; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0273

"Murderer Mellott Faust being sentenced to death for killing a policeman,"1 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0274_01

"Negroes and a few whites picket Charlotte department stores,"2 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Includes image of NC Author Jan Karon (Frame 26); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0274_02

"Negroes and a few whites picket Charlotte department stores,"2 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0274_03

"Negroes and a few whites picket Charlotte department stores,"2 July 1960

Black and white photographic prints

1 image

Made from roll P0070/0274_01; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0275

"Hook taken out of swan's bill,"3 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0276_01

"Mother and her mentally disturbed son,"15 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0276_02

"Mother and her mentally disturbed son,"15 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0276_03

"Mother and her mentally disturbed son,"15 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0276_04

"Mother and her mentally disturbed son,"15 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0277_01

"Mentally ill teens at John Umstead Hospital Camp Butner in Eastern North Carolina,"16 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0277_02

"Mentally ill teens at John Umstead Hospital Camp Butner in Eastern North Carolina,"16 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0277_03

"Mentally ill teens at John Umstead Hospital Camp Butner in Eastern North Carolina,"16 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0277_04

"Mentally ill teens at John Umstead Hospital Camp Butner in Eastern North Carolina,"16 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0278_01

"Pinky Jackson and his chimp, show biz companions,"17 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio).

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0278_02

"Pinky Jackson and his chimp, show biz companions,"17 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0278_03

"Pinky Jackson and his chimp, show biz companions,"17 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0278_04

"Pinky Jackson and his chimp, show biz companions,"17 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0278_05

"Pinky Jackson and his chimp, show biz companions,"17 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0279

"Cats being bottle fed,"26 July 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

22 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_01

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_02

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_03

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_04

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_05

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_06

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_07

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_08

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_09

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0280_10

"Highland Textile Mill in operation in North Charlotte,"28 July 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0281

"Babe Ruth League regional playoffs at Griffith Park,"12 August 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0282

"Laid back scene at the Square in Charlotte,"23 August 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0283_01

"Four year old expert on a trampoline,"25 August 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0283_02

"Four year old expert on a trampoline,"25 August 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0284

"Negro woman fishing at Withers Bridge in south Mecklenburg County,"circa Summer 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0285_01

"Seven-year old blind boy swimming and diving at Revolution Park pool,"circa Summer 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0285_02

"Seven-year old blind boy swimming and diving at Revolution Park pool,"circa Summer 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0286

"Reflection on pond at Shatley Springs resort,"Summer 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Shatley Spring, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0287

"Seven car collision on Eastway Drive (1960 portfolio sleeve),"3 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0288

"11th annual Darlington 500 race,"5 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Darlington, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0289

"Girl fiddler at Oratorio square dance,"6 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0290_01

"Garinger High School versus East Mecklenburg High School- first game of the season (football),"8 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0290_02

"Garinger High School versus East Mecklenburg High School- first game of the season (football),"8 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0290_03

"Garinger High School versus East Mecklenburg High School- first game of the season (football),"8 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0291_01

"Farmer dies inside silo when it crashes into barn near Concord, North Carolina,"9 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0291_02

"Farmer dies inside silo when it crashes into barn near Concord, North Carolina,"9 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0292_01

"Registration day at Queens College,"13 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0292_02

"Registration day at Queens College,"13 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0293

"Teens "studying" at public library at night,"14 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_01

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Greenville: Arrival at Greenville Airport and motorcade in Greenville, "17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

34 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte; Images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio).

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_02

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Greenville: Greenville Airport and motorcade in Greenville, "17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte; Images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio).

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_03

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Motorcade in Greenville and rally at ECC,"17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

37 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte; Images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio).

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_04

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Rally at ECC (incomplete roll),"17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

4 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte; Images may be included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio).

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_05

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Greensboro: Rally at Greensboro-High Point Airport,"17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_06

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Greensboro: Rally at Greensboro-High Point Airport,"17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_07

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Charlotte: Arrival at Douglas Municipal Airport (?),"17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_08

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Charlotte: Motorcade in Charlotte,"17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte; Charlotte.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0294_09

"Senator John F. Kennedy campaigns in North Carolina: Charlotte: Rally at Charlotte Coliseum,"17 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Senator Kennedy campaigned from Greenville to Charlotte.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0295

"Views of downtown Charlotte from the top of the American Commercial bank building,"20 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0296

"John Montgomery Day at York Road High School,"23 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0297

"Runner Jim Beatty, record miler, greeted at the Charlotte airport by his family,"24 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0298

"Businessman I.D. Blumenthal and his secretary,"27 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0299

"White foam in Sugaw Creek in South Charlotte,"27 September 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0300_01

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0300_02

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0300_03

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0300_04

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0300_05

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0300_06

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0300_07

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/07

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0300_08

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/70

Black and White Photographic Print P0070/0300_09

"Richard Nixon in Charlotte during presidential campaign,"3 October 1960

Black and white oversized photographic prints

1 image

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0301

"Ebony Fashion Show at Park Center in Charlotte,"14 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0302

"Duke University versus North Carolina State University (football) (1960 portfolio sleeve),"15 October 1960

Black and white 70mm roll film negatives

2 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Images taken using a Hulcher Sequence Camera (70mm)

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0303_01

"First Annual National 400 stock car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"16 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0303_02

"First Annual National 400 stock car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"16 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0303_03

"First Annual National 400 stock car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"16 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Includes Bill France (Future CEO of NASCAR); Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0303_04

"First Annual National 400 stock car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"16 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0303_05

"First Annual National 400 stock car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"16 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0303_06

"First Annual National 400 stock car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"16 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0303_07

"First Annual National 400 stock car race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"16 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0304_01

"Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn campaigning in Statesville, North Carolina,"19 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Statesville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0304_02

"Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn campaigning in Statesville, North Carolina,"19 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Statesville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0304_03

"Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn campaigning in Statesville, North Carolina,"19 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Statesville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0304_04

"Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn campaigning in Statesville, North Carolina,"19 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Statesville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0304_05

"Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn campaigning in Statesville, North Carolina,"19 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Statesville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0304_06

"Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn campaigning in Statesville, North Carolina,"19 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Statesville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0304_07

"Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn campaigning in Statesville, North Carolina,"19 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Statesville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0304_08

"Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn campaigning in Statesville, North Carolina,"19 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Statesville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0305_01

"Artist Glen Rounds in his studio in Southern Pines, North Carolina,"20 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Southern Pines, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0305_02

"Artist Glen Rounds in his studio in Southern Pines, North Carolina,"20 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Southern Pines, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/70

Black and White Photographic Print P0070/0305_03

"Artist Glen Rounds in his studio in Southern Pines, North Carolina,"20 October 1960

Black and white oversized photographic print

1 image

Made from image included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio); Southern Pines, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0306

"Buffie Ives of Southern Pines, North Carolina, sister of Adlai Stevenson,"20 October 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Southern Pines, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0307

"Carnival dancer backstage at a "girlie" show,"25 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0308_01

"Charlotte Clippers ice hockey action/goalie smiles as fights surround him,"28 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0308_02

"Charlotte Clippers ice hockey action/goalie smiles as fights surround him,"28 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0308_03

"Charlotte Clippers ice hockey action/goalie smiles as fights surround him,"28 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0308_04

"Charlotte Clippers ice hockey action/goalie smiles as fights surround him,"28 October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0309_01

"Mrs. Mitch (Joanne) Clark near the end of her pregnancy,"October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0309_02

"Mrs. Mitch (Joanne) Clark near the end of her pregnancy,"October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0309_03

"Mrs. Mitch (Joanne) Clark near the end of her pregnancy,"October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0310

"North Carolina National Bank building under construction,"October 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0311_01

"Union head Boyd Payton just before going to prison,"1 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0311_02

"Union head Boyd Payton just before going to prison,"1 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0311_03

"Union head Boyd Payton just before going to prison,"1 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0312

"Dizzy the clown (Howard Crabb) and friend,"2 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio).

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0313

"Carolyn Melton, a "Beauty in Business","8 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0314_01

"Lenoir Rhyne College versus Catawba College (football),"24 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0314_02

"Lenoir Rhyne College versus Catawba College (football),"24 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0314_03

"Lenoir Rhyne College versus Catawba College (football),"24 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0314_04

"Lenoir Rhyne College versus Catawba College (football),"24 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0315

"Comedian Dave Gardner at Ovens Auditorium,"29 November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0316_01

"The Kingston Trio at the Charlotte Coliseum,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0316_02

"The Kingston Trio at the Charlotte Coliseum,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0316_03

"The Kingston Trio at the Charlotte Coliseum,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0316_04

"The Kingston Trio at the Charlotte Coliseum,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0316_05

"The Kingston Trio at the Charlotte Coliseum,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0317_01

"Bobby Kennedy at Democrat rally at Park Center,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0317_02

"Bobby Kennedy at Democrat rally at Park Center,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0317_03

"Bobby Kennedy at Democrat rally at Park Center,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0317_04

"Bobby Kennedy at Democrat rally at Park Center,"November 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0318_01

"Rehearsal of "Alice in Wonderland" at the Mint Museum,"7 December 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0318_02

"Rehearsal of "Alice in Wonderland" at the Mint Museum,"7 December 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0318_03

"Rehearsal of "Alice in Wonderland" at the Mint Museum,"7 December 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0318_04

"Rehearsal of "Alice in Wonderland" at the Mint Museum,"7 December 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0319

"Hollywood Producer Joe Pasternak and actors at the Charlotte Airport,"12 December 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0320

"Liquor raid by Alcoholic Beverage Control officers at 909 North Pine Street,"30 December 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0321

"Kids sledding downhill at Esso Building at Park Road Shopping Center,"winter 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0322

"Snowman with "I quit" sign on top,"winter 1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0323

"Kids playing in rain puddle on Llewellyn Drive,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0324

"Photographers gathered around girls in bathing suits,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0325

"Go-karts on track on Independence Boulevard, Charlotte,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0326

"Carolina Clowns meeting at downtown library,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0327

"Old cars for sale at service station on Independence Boulevard,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0328

"Fire chief's car crossing the Square on an emergency,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

2 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0329

"Street sign with Representative Chas. Jones campaign sticker,"1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0330_01

"Carolinas Aviation Day at the Air National Guard at Charlotte Douglas Airport,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0330_02

"Carolinas Aviation Day at the Air National Guard at Charlotte Douglas Airport,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0330_03

"Carolinas Aviation Day at the Air National Guard at Charlotte Douglas Airport,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0330_04

"Carolinas Aviation Day at the Air National Guard at Charlotte Douglas Airport,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0330_05

"Carolinas Aviation Day at the Air National Guard at Charlotte Douglas Airport,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0330_06

"Carolinas Aviation Day at the Air National Guard at Charlotte Douglas Airport,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0331

"Sunday afternoon courting in the Brooklyn section of Charlotte,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0332_01

"Swedish basketball team stranded in Hickory, North Carolina,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Hickory, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0332_02

"Swedish basketball team stranded in Hickory, North Carolina,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Hickory, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0332_03

"Swedish basketball team stranded in Hickory, North Carolina,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Hickory, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0332_04

"Swedish basketball team stranded in Hickory, North Carolina,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Hickory, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0332_05

"Swedish basketball team stranded in Hickory, North Carolina,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Hickory, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0333

"United States Mail Noon Express and play wagon,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0334

"Demolition of old Home Furniture Company building,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Images are included in P0070/0345 (Sturkey 1960 Portfolio).

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0335

"Local promoter Jim Crockett and visiting cowboy,"1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0336

""Gunsmoke" television stars being interviewed at WBTV,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0337

"Aerial views of Charlotte from a helicopter," 1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0238_01

"Father Michael of Belmont Abbey in Gaston County, North Carolina,"1960

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Gaston County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0238_02

"Father Michael of Belmont Abbey in Gaston County, North Carolina,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Gaston County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0339_01

"Puppy with rabbits in window at Furr's Seed store,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0339_02

"Puppy with rabbits in window at Furr's Seed store,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0340

"Steel going up at the American Commercial site,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0341

"Statue of Christ done by William James Johnson, 29; Johnson is a stevedore at Akers Motor Lines,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0342

"Chamber of Commerce sign being hung at the Square at night,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0343

"Mother and new baby at Memorial Hospital,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/08

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0344

"Lawyer Craig Lawing and others at the county farm for the aged and poor,"1960

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_01

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0248_01.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_02

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0248_02.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_03

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0248_03.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_04

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0248_04.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_05

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0248_05.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_06

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0249_01.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_07

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0249_02.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_08

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0249_06.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_09

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Daddy is Dead picture story,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box;

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_10

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Broken tree branch in snow bank on Rosecrest Drive,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0252.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_11

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0256_01.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_12

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0256_05.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_13

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0257_02.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_14

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0257_07.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_15

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0257_09.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_16

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0257_12.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_17

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0257_13.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_18

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0257_13.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_19

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0257_14.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_20

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Threat to the throne (Pat and Paul Elison family),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0257_17

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_21

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Dog getting rabies shot in east Charlotte neighborhood,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0261.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_22

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Charlotte artist Aut Fox with his girls,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0267.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_23

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Wreck at first World 600 Race at Charlotte Motor Speedway,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0269; Concord, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_24

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Touching tombstones at Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0272.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_25

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Mentally ill teens at Camp Butner in Eastern North Carolina,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0277.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_26

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Pinky Jackson and his chimp, show biz companions,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0277.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0345_27

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Donna Sturkey with terrapin,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box;

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_28

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Black woman fishing at Whithers Bridge in southern Mecklenburg County,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0284.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_29

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Seven car collision on Eastway Drive,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0287.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_30

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Farmer dies in silo accident near Concord, North Carolina,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0291.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_31

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): John F. Kennedy tours NC in presidential campaign,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0294.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_32

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): John F. Kennedy tours NC in presidential campaign,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0294.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_33

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Richard and Pat Nixon in Charlotte Coliseum during his presidential campaign,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0300.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_34

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Ebony fashion show at Park Center,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0301.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0345_35

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Duke vs. NC State University (football),"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0302.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_36

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn on the campaign trail for JFK in Statesville, North Carolina,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0304.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_37

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Author and illustrator Glen Rounds in his studio in Southern Pines,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0305.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_38

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Dizzy the clown and friend,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0312.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0345_39

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Demolition of the Home Furniture Store,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Rest of roll can be found with P0070/0334.

Image Box IB-P0070/53

Color 35mm Roll Film P0070/0346

"1960 National Newspaper Photographer of the Year Portfolio (Sturkey): Copies of some winning pictures from 1960 portfolio,"December 1960 (Compiled)

Color 35mm roll film transparencies

22 images

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_01

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Preparations along Fayetteville Street; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_02

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Approaching Memorial Auditorium; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_03

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Approaching Memorial Auditorium/swearing in ceremony; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_04

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Swearing in ceremony at Memorial Auditorium; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_05

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Leaving auditorium for parade; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_06

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; View of grandstand at inaugural parade; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_07

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; View of grandstand at inaugural parade; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_08

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; View of grandstand at inaugural parade; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_09

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; View of ceremony in General Assembly; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_10

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Outside of Governor's Mansion before inaugural ball; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_11

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

34 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; On the way to the inaugural ball; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_12

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Scenes at inaugural ball; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_13

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

34 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Scenes at inaugural ball; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_14

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Scenes at inaugural ball; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0347_15

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Includes Robert and Ethel Kennedy; Scenes at inaugural ball; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/80

8x10 Photographic Print P0070/0347_16

"Terry Sanford inaugurated as Governor of North Carolina,"5 January 1961

Black and white photographic print

1 image

Made from roll P0070/0347_03; Raleigh, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0348

" Charlotte Observer columnist Kays Gary being mobbed by women on the staff," 10 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0349

"Children in Brooklyn, (the inner-city black section of Charlotte)," 11 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0350

"Belmont Abbey College versus Davidson College (basketball); coaches Al McGuire and Lefty Drisell,"12 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0351_01

"Blind bowler in Charlotte,"17 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0351_02

"Blind bowler in Charlotte,"17 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0352

"Airplane at Charlotte Douglas Airport through rain spattered window,"20 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0353

"President John F. Kennedy on television,"25 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Images taken of image on screen during Kennedy's first press conference as President.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0354

"Grady Harris, colorfully dressed downtown character,"25 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0355

"Charlotte Douglas Airport closed due to weather,"26 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_01

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_02

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_03

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_04

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_05

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_06

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_07

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_08

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

31 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_09

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_10

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_11

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_12

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0356_13

"Professional wrestling at Charlotte Coliseum,"30 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Includes images of Charlotte News sports editor Bob Quincy, who was the emcee; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0357

"Junior Achievement youth at work, " 31 January 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0358_01

"Blue cheese plant at Clemson University College, South Carolina,"2 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Clemson, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0358_01

"Blue cheese plant at Clemson University College, South Carolina,"2 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Clemson, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0359

"Henderson Belk (of prominent Charlotte Belk stores family) and friends,"4 February 1961

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

1 image

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0360_01

"Women shooting pool on the Plaza in Charlotte/First session,"6 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0360_02

"Women shooting pool on the Plaza in Charlotte/First session,"6 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0360_03

"Women shooting pool on the Plaza in Charlotte/First session,"6 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0360_04

"Women shooting pool on the Plaza in Charlotte/First session,"6 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

5 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0361

"Young boy suffering from Multiple Sclerosis,"10 February 1961

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

6 images

Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0362_01

"Black college students from Johnson C. Smith University picket the Imperial Theater in downtown Charlotte,"12 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0362_02

"Black college students from Johnson C. Smith University picket the Imperial Theater in downtown Charlotte,"12 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0362_03

"Black college students from Johnson C. Smith University picket the Imperial Theater in downtown Charlotte,"12 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

05 images

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0363_01

"Blacks challenge the status quo in York County and Rock Hill, South Carolina; students from Friendship Junior College visit blacks jailed after sit-in at McCrorey's store in Rock Hill; another black couple attends worship services at the First Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill,"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

York County and Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0363_02

"Blacks challenge the status quo in York County and Rock Hill, South Carolina; students from Friendship Junior College visit blacks jailed after sit-in at McCrorey's store in Rock Hill; another black couple attends worship services at the First Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill,"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

York County and Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0363_03

"Blacks challenge the status quo in York County and Rock Hill, South Carolina; students from Friendship Junior College visit blacks jailed after sit-in at McCrorey's store in Rock Hill; another black couple attends worship services at the First Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill,"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

York County and Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/09

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0363_04

"Blacks challenge the status quo in York County and Rock Hill, South Carolina; students from Friendship Junior College visit blacks jailed after sit-in at McCrorey's store in Rock Hill; another black couple attends worship services at the First Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill,"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

York County and Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_01

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_02

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

31 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_03

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_04

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_05

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_06

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_07

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_08

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_09

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_10

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_11

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_12

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0364_13

"Women shooting pool in Charlotte (Second Session),"13 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

7 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0365_01

"University of North Carolina versus University of South Carolina (basketball),"17 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0365_02

"University of North Carolina versus University of South Carolina (basketball),"17 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0365_03

"University of North Carolina versus University of South Carolina (basketball),"17 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0365_04

"University of North Carolina versus University of South Carolina (basketball),"17 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0366_01

"Basketball clinic at Charlotte College with coaches Al McGuire, Frank McGuire and Press Maravich,"18 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0366_02

"Basketball clinic at Charlotte College with coaches Al McGuire, Frank McGuire and Press Maravich,"18 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0367

"Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo at Ovens Auditorium,"21 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0368

"Charlotte debutante Harriet Houston with chimp,"21 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

7 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0369

"Window washer Henry Cleveland at main library in downtown Charlotte,"21 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0370

"64 year old Benjamin Harris arrives in Charlotte looking for a boarding room,"28 February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0371

"Photographs of Charlotte Observer building for Chicago architect,"February 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0372

"Sports department in Charlotte Observer newsroom,"1 March 1961

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

2 images

Images taken with Panon camera

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0373_01

"Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus opening night,"1 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0373_02

"Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus opening night,"1 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0373_03

"Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus opening night,"1 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0373_04

"Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus opening night,"1 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0373_05

"Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus opening night,"1 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0374_01

"Walter Hilderman III and his Civil War collection,"3 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0374_02

"Walter Hilderman III and his Civil War collection,"3 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

8 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0375

" Charlotte Observer columnist Kays Gary in the newsroom," 3 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0376_01

"Saturday fun at Northwest Junior High School,"4 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0376_02

"Saturday fun at Northwest Junior High School,"4 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0377

"Casa Rancho Motor Lodge on N. Tryon Street, Crosby Breeze, owner,"9 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0378

"Dress rehearsal of Aida at Ovens Auditorium,"10 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0379

"Child being baptized at Myers Park Methodist Church,"10 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_01

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_02

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_03

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_04

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_05

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Includes images of Wake Forest University coach Bones McKinney and guard Billy Packer (#34).

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_06

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_07

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Includes images of Wake Forest University coach Bones McKinney and guard Billy Packer (#34).

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_08

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Includes images of Wake Forest University coach Bones McKinney and guard Billy Packer (#34).

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_09

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0380_10

"National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eastern Regional at Coliseum,"18 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0381_01

""Miracles" performed by evangelist A. A. Allen at Park Center,"21 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0381_02

""Miracles" performed by evangelist A. A. Allen at Park Center,"21 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0381_03

""Miracles" performed by evangelist A. A. Allen at Park Center,"21 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0381_04

""Miracles" performed by evangelist A. A. Allen at Park Center,"21 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0381_05

""Miracles" performed by evangelist A. A. Allen at Park Center,"21 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0381_06

""Miracles" performed by evangelist A. A. Allen at Park Center,"21 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0381_07

""Miracles" performed by evangelist A. A. Allen at Park Center,"21 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

05 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0382

"J.D. Clemmons and Nancy deliver coal in a horse drawn wagon in Charlotte,"22 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

37 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0383_01

"Television star Jon Provost at WBTV,"22 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0383_02

"Television star Jon Provost at WBTV,"22 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0383_02

"Television star Jon Provost at WBTV,"22 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0384

"Liquor raids by Alcoholic Beverage Control officers in colored sections of Charlotte/Peewee being mugged,"23 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0385_01

"Baby squirrels and female dog take up with each other,"24 March 1961

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

14 images

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0385_02

"Baby squirrels and female dog take up with each other,"24 March 1961

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0386

"Outlandish hats at Stoneybrook Steeplechase in Pinehurst, North Carolina,"25 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

03 images

Pinehurst, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0387_01

"Stoneybrook Steeplechase at Pinehurst, North Carolina,"25 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Includes images of competition among the women to wear the most outrageous hats; Pinehurst, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/70

Black and White Photographic Print P0070/0387_02

"Stoneybrook Steeplechase at Pinehurst, North Carolina,"25 March 1961

Black and white oversized photographic print

1 image

Made from P0070/0387_01; Includes images of competition among the women to wear the most outrageous hats; Pinehurst, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0388

"Boy and baby duckling,"30 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0389_01

"Ghoul promotion at the Imperial Theater in downtown Charlotte,"31 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Frames 32-34: "1-20"; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0389_02

"Ghoul promotion at the Imperial Theater in downtown Charlotte,"31 March 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0390_01

"Blockhouse Steeplechase,"8 April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Tryon, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0390_02

"Blockhouse Steeplechase,"8 April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Tryon, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0390_03

"Blockhouse Steeplechase,"8 April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

8 images

Tryon, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0391_01

"Kids jumping rope and swinging across a creek on a vine,"11 April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

37 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0391_02

"Kids jumping rope and swinging across a creek on a vine,"11 April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Frames 40-42: "1-23";

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0392

"Charlotte skyline from atop the Cutter Building on South Tryon Street,"11 April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0393_01

"Action at North 29 Bowling Lanes,"27 April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Frames 32-34: "1-32"; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/70

Black and White Photographic Print P0070/0393_02

"Action at North 29 Bowling Lanes,"27 April 1961

Black and white oversized photographic prints

1 image

Made from roll P0070/0393_01; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0394

"Winners in national Pictures of the Year competition: Don Sturkey, Declan Hawn, and Bruce Roberts,"27 April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Photographer Don Sturkey's portraits is included.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0395

"Entries in 1961 Southern Short Course in News Photography in Durham (copies of prints),"April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0396

"North Carolina Press Association convention in Charlotte just before close/mug of Shelby Daily Star publisher Lee Weathers,"April 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Frames 14-16: "1-24";

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0397_01

"Golf at Charlotte Country Club (includes Arnold Palmer, Titly, Thomas, and Patton),"16 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0397_02

"Golf at Charlotte Country Club (includes Arnold Palmer, Titly, Thomas, and Patton),"16 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0397_03

"Golf at Charlotte Country Club (includes Arnold Palmer, Titly, Thomas, and Patton),"16 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0397_04

"Golf at Charlotte Country Club (includes Arnold Palmer, Titly, Thomas, and Patton),"16 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0397_05

"Golf at Charlotte Country Club (includes Arnold Palmer, Titly, Thomas, and Patton),"16 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Frames 1-3: "1-25; Charlotte, North Carolina."

Image Box IB-P0070/10

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0398

"Racial tension at Johnson C. Smith University,"23 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0399

"New Charlotte police chief John Hord and wife,"24 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

34 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0400

"Senator John McClellan arrives in Charlotte,"25 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0401

"Midget car races by cub scouts at Dilworth Methodist Church,"26 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0402_01

"100-mile stock car race on day before 2nd annual World 600 race,"27 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0402_02

"100-mile stock car race on day before 2nd annual World 600 race,"27 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0403_01

"Bonnie Cone gets honorary degree at Davidson College,"28 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0403_02

"Bonnie Cone gets honorary degree at Davidson College,"28 May 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0404_01

"Dressing room photographs of the Charlotte Hornets at Griffith Park,"1 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

39 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0404_02

"Dressing room photographs of the Charlotte Hornets at Griffith Park,"1 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0404_03

"Dressing room photographs of the Charlotte Hornets at Griffith Park,"1 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0405_01

"Skydivers landing in Freedom Park,"3 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Frames 32-34: "1-27"Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0405_02

"Skydivers landing in Freedom Park,"3 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0405_03

"Skydivers landing in Freedom Park,"3 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0406

"Opening of Summer Theater at Ovens Auditorium,"13 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0407

"Kids "shooting" common weed heads,"13 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0408_01

"School library at Sedgefield open for the summer,"15 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Frames 41-43: "1-28"

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0408_02

"School library at Sedgefield open for the summer,"15 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0409_01

"Courtney Hill, wardrobe mistress for Summer Theater,"15 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0409_02

"Courtney Hill, wardrobe mistress for Summer Theater,"15 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0409_03

"Courtney Hill, wardrobe mistress for Summer Theater,"15 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0410

"Newsmen wait for word on liquor raids by Alcoholic Beverage Control officers,"17 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

5 images

Frames 20-22: "1-26"

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0411

"Sponge painting at Mint Museum class,"20 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0412_01

"Children playing chess at YMCA, Charlotte,"28 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0412_02

"Children playing chess at YMCA, Charlotte,"28 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Charlotte, North Carolina; Frames 28-29: "1-14"Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0412_03

"Children playing chess at YMCA, Charlotte,"28 June 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Frames 23-25: "1-14"Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/70

Black and White Photographic Print P0070/0412_04

"Children playing chess at YMCA, Charlotte,"28 June 1961

Black and white photographic print

1 image

Included in Sturkey portfolio for "Wold Book Encyclopedia Photo Competition"; Made from roll P0070/0412_01; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0413

"Freedom Park lit at night with multi-flashes,"June 1961

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0414_01

"Little Theater building on Queens Road being painted by group of patrons,"1 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0414_02

"Little Theater building on Queens Road being painted by group of patrons,"1 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/1868_01

"Activities at Camp Providence in Mecklenburg County,"6 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/1868_02

"Activities at Camp Providence in Mecklenburg County,"6 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/1869_01

"New Post Office in Derita dedicated,"8 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

31 images

Frames 42-45: "1-15"

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/1869_02

"New Post Office in Derita dedicated,"8 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

19 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/1869_03

"New Post Office in Derita dedicated,"8 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/1870

"Boy with lost dog looking for its owner,"9 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0415_01

"A night at the Rescue Mission, Charlotte,"11 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0415_02

"A night at the Rescue Mission, Charlotte,"11 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0416_01

"Girl picking peaches at Spring's Orchard south of Charlotte,"11 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0416_02

"Girl picking peaches at Spring's Orchard south of Charlotte,"11 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

5 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0417_01

"Backstage at the Summer Theater, Ovens Auditorium, during play Student Prince,"12 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Frames 21-23: "1-28"

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0417_02

"Backstage at the Summer Theater, Ovens Auditorium, during play Student Prince,"12 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0417_03

"Backstage at the Summer Theater, Ovens Auditorium, during play Student Prince,"12 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0417_04

"Backstage at the Summer Theater, Ovens Auditorium, during play Student Prince,"12 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0417_05

"Backstage at the Summer Theater, Ovens Auditorium, during play Student Prince,"12 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0418_01

"Hearing on the Cutter murder case...FBI report made public,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0418_02

"Hearing on the Cutter murder case...FBI report made public,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0419

"Mrs. Longley and baby,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Frames 5-7: "1-17"

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0420

"Seniors dancing at Charlottetown Mall,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

7 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0421_01

"Douglas Nike Missile Plant on Statesville Road, Charlotte,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0421_02

"Douglas Nike Missile Plant on Statesville Road, Charlotte,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0421_03

"Douglas Nike Missile Plant on Statesville Road, Charlotte,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0421_04

"Douglas Nike Missile Plant on Statesville Road, Charlotte,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0421_05

"Douglas Nike Missile Plant on Statesville Road, Charlotte,"20 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

7 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0422_01

"Tennis at Charlotte Country Club (Scarpa versus Jarrard),"22 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes images of Scarpa versus Jarrard; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0422_02

"Tennis at Charlotte Country Club (Scarpa versus Jarrard),"22 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes images of Scarpa versus Jarrard; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0422_03

"Tennis at Charlotte Country Club,"22 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Includes images of Scarpa versus Jarrard; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0423

"Sunken boat at Boy Scout's Camp Steere with "help" sign,"25 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0424_01

"Home of artist Phillip Moose at Blowing Rock, North Carolina,"27 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0424_02

"Home of artist Phillip Moose at Blowing Rock, North Carolina,"27 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0425_01

"Rehearsal of puppet show at Latta Park Center,"28 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0425_02

"Rehearsal of puppet show at Latta Park Center,"28 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0425_03

"Rehearsal of puppet show at Latta Park Center,"28 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0425_04

"Rehearsal of puppet show at Latta Park Center,"28 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0425_05

"Rehearsal of puppet show at Latta Park Center,"28 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

14 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0425_06

"Rehearsal of puppet show at Latta Park Center,"28 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

8 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0425_07

"Rehearsal of puppet show at Latta Park Center,"28 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

10 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0426

"Registered Nurse and practical nurse at Presbyterian Hospital,"28 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0427_01

"Little League baseball/Nevin Derrita versus Dilworth Rotary,"29 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0427_02

"Little League baseball/Nevin Derrita versus Dilworth Rotary,"29 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0427_03

"Little League baseball/Nevin Derrita versus Dilworth Rotary,"29 July 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0428_01

"Little League: Dilworth Rotary versus Greenville,"2 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0428_02

"Little League: Dilworth Rotary versus Greenville,"2 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0429_01

"Mae McRacken and her daughter Myrtis leave for Mayenne, France. Her husband was a World War II hero and died in battle at Mayenne,"2 August 1961

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0429_02

"Mae McRacken and her daughter Myrtis leave for Mayenne, France. Her husband was a World War II hero and died in battle at Mayenne,"2 August 1961

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0429_03

"Mae McRacken and her daughter Myrtis leave for Mayenne, France. Her husband was a World War II hero and died in battle at Mayenne,"2 August 1961

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0429_04

"Mae McRacken and her daughter Myrtis leave for Mayenne, France. Her husband was a World War II hero and died in battle at Mayenne,"2 August 1961

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0429_05

"Mae McRacken and her daughter Myrtis leave for Mayenne, France. Her husband was a World War II hero and died in battle at Mayenne,"2 August 1961

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_01

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near Little Switzerland, North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_02

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near Little Switzerland, North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_03

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near Little Switzerland, North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_04

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near Little Switzerland, North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_05

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near Little Switzerland, North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_06

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near Little Switzerland, North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_07

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_08

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

31 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/11

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0430_09

"Oratorio singers at Wildacres near North Carolina,"15-16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Little Switzerland, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0431_01

"Blowing Rock fashion show at Mayview Manor,"16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0431_02

"Blowing Rock fashion show at Mayview Manor,"16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives


Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0432

"Grading on Blowing Rock Ski Run,"16 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0433

"Kids playing football in Memorial Stadium just before the season starts,"22 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

39 images

Frames 13-15/25-27: "1-12"; Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0434

"Burn victim given party by nurses at Charlotte Memorial Hospital,"25 August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0435_01

"The James McNamara children at play in Bethesda, Maryland,"August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

31 images

Frames 41-4: "1-7"; Frames 5-9: "1-8";Bethesda, Maryland.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0435_02

"The James McNamara children at play in Bethesda, Maryland,"August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Frames 2-7: "1-8";Bethesda, Maryland.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0435_03

"The James McNamara children at play in Bethesda, Maryland,"August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Frames 4-8: "1-8";Bethesda, Maryland.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0435_04

"The James McNamara children at play in Bethesda, Maryland,"August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Bethesda, Maryland.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0436

"Highlights in Washington, D.C.,"August 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Frames 30-36: "1-9";Washington, D.C.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0437

"Kids in tree apartment at Tremont and South Boulevard, Charlotte,"1 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0438

"Last day of swimming at Revolution Park pool,"4 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

34 images

Frames 37-39: "*";Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0439

"Jody Hicks, 5 1/2, of Charlotte wearing fallout mask to be used in nuclear bomb attack,"5 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Frames 11-13: "1-33";Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0440_01

"Students decorate Memorial Stadium before football game,"8 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0440_02

"Students decorate Memorial Stadium before football game,"8 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0441_01

"Tryouts for drum and bugle corps in Charlotte,"9 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0441_02

"Tryouts for drum and bugle corps in Charlotte,"9 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0442

"Eighteen admitted to Mecklenburg Bar Association,"14 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0443_01

"Ervin Construction Company, major home builder in Charlotte,"14 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0443_02

"Ervin Construction Company, major home builder in Charlotte,"14 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_01

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

34 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_02

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_03

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_04

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_05

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_06

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_07

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_08

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0444_09

"The Cutter murder trial involving a very prominent Charlotte businessman,"15 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0445_01

"Charlie Jennings and his airplanes/other feature photos,"21 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0445_02

"Charlie Jennings and his airplanes/other feature photos,"21 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0446_01

"Kids shooting rockets in competition at Charlottetown Mall,"23 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0446_02

"Kids shooting rockets in competition at Charlottetown Mall,"23 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0447_01

"Cotton picking time for sharecropper George Smother and family, on a South Mecklenburg County farm,"28 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0447_02

"Cotton picking time for sharecropper George Smother and family, on a South Mecklenburg County farm,"28 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0447_03

"Cotton picking time for sharecropper George Smother and family, on a South Mecklenburg County farm,"28 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

5 images

Includes descriptions in document box; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0448_01

"Myers Park High School versus South Mecklenburg High School (football),"29 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0448_02

"Myers Park High School versus South Mecklenburg High School (football),"29 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0448_03

"Myers Park High School versus South Mecklenburg High School (football),"29 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0449_01

"Philadelphia Warriors at Charlotte Coliseum,"29 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Includes images of new coach Frank McGuire and star Wilt the Stilt; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0449_02

"Philadelphia Warriors at Charlotte Coliseum,"29 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Includes images of new coach Frank McGuire and star Wilt the Stilt; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0449_03

"Philadelphia Warriors at Charlotte Coliseum,"29 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Includes images of new coach Frank McGuire and star Wilt the Stilt; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0450

"Crowd at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University game,"30 September 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0451_01

"The George Smothers family picking cotton on a south Mecklenburg county farm near Highway 51 and Park Road,"2 October 1961

Black and white 120 roll film negatives

8 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0451_02

"The George Smothers family picking cotton on a south Mecklenburg county farm near Highway 51 and Park Road,"2 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0451_03

"The George Smothers family picking cotton on a south Mecklenburg county farm near Highway 51 and Park Road,"2 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0451_04

"The George Smothers family picking cotton on a south Mecklenburg county farm near Highway 51 and Park Road,"2 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0451_05

"The George Smothers family picking cotton on a south Mecklenburg county farm near Highway 51 and Park Road,"2 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

13 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0451_06

"The George Smothers family picking cotton on a south Mecklenburg county farm near Highway 51 and Park Road,"2 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

4 images

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0452_01

"Dennis Myers home on Queens Road West,"4 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0452_02

"Dennis Myers home on Queens Road West,"4 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0452_03

"Dennis Myers home on Queens Road West,"4 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0452_04

"Dennis Myers home on Queens Road West,"4 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0453

"Woman in Mint Museum framed by an art object made of steel nails,"10 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

3 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0454_01

"Son of Circus animal trainer with a tiger,"10 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Images include Johnny Nawman (10) and his father Heinz Nawman.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0454_02

"Son of Circus animal trainer with a tiger,"10 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Images include Johnny Nawman (10) and his father Heinz Nawman.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0455

"A wino's lunch in downtown Charlotte doorway,"12 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0456_01

"Miss Universe at hotel and on Queens College campus in Charlotte,"13-14 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0456_02

"Miss Universe at hotel and on Queens College campus in Charlotte,"13-14 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

31 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0456_03

"Miss Universe at hotel and on Queens College campus in Charlotte,"13-14 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

17 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0457_01

"Baseball greats Roger Maris and Harmon Killebrew and Jim Gentile at a home run derby at Griffith Park in Charlotte. Maris holds the bat that Babe Ruth hit homers 58 and 59 with during the 1921 season. The bat belongs to local celebrity Jerry Ball, " 18 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

34 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0457_02

"Baseball greats Roger Maris and Harmon Killebrew and Jim Gentile at a home run derby at Griffith Park in Charlotte. Maris holds the bat that Babe Ruth hit homers 58 and 59 with during the 1921 season. The bat belongs to local celebrity Jerry Ball, " 18 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

27 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0457_03

"Baseball greats Roger Maris and Harmon Killebrew and Jim Gentile at a home run derby at Griffith Park in Charlotte. Maris holds the bat that Babe Ruth hit homers 58 and 59 with during the 1921 season. The bat belongs to local celebrity Jerry Ball, " 18 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0457_04

"Baseball greats Roger Maris and Harmon Killebrew and Jim Gentile at a home run derby at Griffith Park in Charlotte. Maris holds the bat that Babe Ruth hit homers 58 and 59 with during the 1921 season. The bat belongs to local celebrity Jerry Ball, " 18 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

15 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0458

"Shadows and stairs at railroad underpass on North Tryon Street,"19 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

23 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0459

"Girl football player at Independence Park,"19 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0460

"Nighttime photos in Charlotte,"19 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0461_01

"University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus University of South Carolina (football),"21 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0461_02

"University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus University of South Carolina (football),"21 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Frames 17-19: "*";

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0461_03

"University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus University of South Carolina (football),"21 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

20 images

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0461_04

"University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus University of South Carolina (football),"21 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0462_01

"Kids playing hopscotch on Woodhaven in Charlotte suburbs,"25 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

22 images

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0462_02

"Kids playing hopscotch on Woodhaven in Charlotte suburbs,"25 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0463_01

"Hyman Harris holds girl hostage at her home off Carmel Road,"26 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

4 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0463_02

"Hyman Harris holds girl hostage at her home off Carmel Road,"26 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0464

"Photographers Declan Haun and Michael Mauney,"27 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

5 images

These two photographers later worked together on both National Geographic and Life magazines.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0465_01

"Kids look at Halloween masks at Rose's 5 and 10,"28 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

29 images

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0465_02

"Kids look at Halloween masks at Rose's 5 and 10,"28 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0466

"Kids playing with yo-yos,"28 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0467

"Brush fire off U.S. 29 North,"28 October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0468

"Halloween night in Charlotte,"31 October 1961

11 images

Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0469_01

"Trade Fair at Charlotte Merchandise Mart and Charlotte Coliseum,"October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

28 images

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0469_02

"Trade Fair at Charlotte Merchandise Mart and Charlotte Coliseum,"October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

21 images

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0469_03

"Trade Fair at Charlotte Merchandise Mart and Charlotte Coliseum,"October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0469_04

"Trade Fair at Charlotte Merchandise Mart and Charlotte Coliseum,"October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

12 images

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0469_05

"Trade Fair at Charlotte Merchandise Mart and Charlotte Coliseum,"October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

9 images

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0469_06

"Trade Fair at Charlotte Merchandise Mart and Charlotte Coliseum,"October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

16 images

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/12

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0469_07

"Trade Fair at Charlotte Merchandise Mart and Charlotte Coliseum,"October 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

7 images

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford; Charlotte, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0470

"University of North Carolina versus Clemson University (football),"Fall 1961

Black and white 70mm roll film negatives

15 images

Images taken using a Hulcher Sequence camera.

Image Box IB-P0070/02

Black and White 120 Roll Film P0070/0471

"University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill versus North Carolina State University (football)," Fall 1961

Black and white 70mm roll film negatives

15 images

Images taken using a Hulcher Sequence camera.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_01

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

32 images

Miss Beale went on to become Miss America in 1962; Frames 3-7, 8-12, 18-22: used in "Miss America story";Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_02

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

42 images

Frames 32-36: "Miss America story";Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_03

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_04

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

30 images

Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_05

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

26 images

Includes images of Governor Terry Sanford; Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_06

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

33 images

Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_07

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

25 images

Frames 44-1,15-19: "Miss America story"; Includes images of University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill football great Charlie "Choo-Choo" Justice; Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_08

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

11 images

Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_09

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

6 images

All frames may have been used in Miss America story; Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_10

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Frames 34-36: used in "Miss America story";Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_11

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

24 images

Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_12

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

35 images

Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box IB-P0070/13

Black and White 35mm Roll Film P0070/0472_13

"Miss America 1962, Maria Beale Fletcher, at her homecoming celebration in Asheville, North Carolina,"3-4 November 1961

Black and white 35mm roll film negatives

18 images

Asheville, North Carolina.

Image Box