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Collection Number: P0127

Collection Title: Winifred Bryant World War II Photograph Album, circa 1943-1945

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Size 1.5 feet of linear shelf space (approximately 164 items)
Abstract Winifred Bryant, a white woman who enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve in 1943, compiled this photograph album while stationed at Camp Lejune and Cherry Point Marine bases in North Carolina between 1944 and 1945. The album begins with photographs of Bryant's first day in uniform followed by portrait images of fellow (women and men) Marines, many signed. Other photographs show Bryant and other women in a variety of uniforms including coveralls. They are also seen in convoy training, with a variety of jeeps and trucks, "cattle trucks" used to transport large groups of marines to training sites, working on engines, and a long chow line. Leisure and downtime are also photographed with images of bedtime with "mascots" (stuffed animals), on leave at the beach, and on a fishing trip. Also included are images of their barracks, including bunks and the laundry. North Carolina sites include Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point United States Marine Corps bases.
Creator Bryant, Winifred, 1915-1992.
Curatorial Unit University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives.
Language English
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Restrictions to Access
No restrictions. Open for research.
Restrictions to Use
No usage restrictions.
Copyright Notice
Copyright is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], in the Winifred Bryant World War II Photograph Album #P0127, North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, Wilson Special Collections Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Acquisitions Information
Purchased by the North Carolina Collection, July 2019 (Acc. 103644)
Sensitive Materials Statement
Manuscript collections and archival records may contain materials with sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations, the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. § 132 1 et seq.), and Article 7 of the North Carolina State Personnel Act (Privacy of State Employee Personnel Records, N.C.G.S. § 126-22 et seq.). Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assumes no responsibility.
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Processed by: Patrick Cullom, July 2019

Encoded by: Patrick Cullom, July 2019

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Winifred Bryant was born 14 June 1915 and died 13 December 1992. She enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve on 25 October 1943 and was an "MT light truck driver." She was released from service on 1 December 1945.

The United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve, authorized by the United States Congress in 1942, was the women's reserve branch of the United States Marine Corps.

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The album begins with photographs of Bryant's first day in uniform followed by portrait images of fellow (women and men) Marines, many signed. Other photographs show Bryant and other women in a variety of uniforms including coveralls. They are also seen in convoy training, with a variety of jeeps and trucks, "cattle trucks," used to transport large groups of marines to training sites, working on engines, a long chow line. Leisure and downtime are also photographed with images of bedtime with "mascots" (stuffed animals), on leave at the beach, and on a fishing trip. Also included are images of their barracks, including bunks and the laundry. North Carolina sites include Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point United States Marine Corps bases.

String-tied flexible leather U.S. Marines Service Album featuring a colored Eagle, Globe, and Anchor Marine Corps emblem and a stylized color illustration of an amphibious landing on the front board. Contains 164 sepia-toned or black and white silver gelatin photographs measuring between 1" x 1" and 8" x 10" with captions.

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Contents list

expand/collapse Expand/collapse Winifred Bryant World War II Photograph Album, circa 1943-1945.

1 Photograph album (165 images).

Arrangement: Original order.

Photograph Album PA-P0127/1

Winifred Bryant World War II Photograph Album, 1943-1945

165 Images

A majority of the images are captioned. There are several loose images in the album.

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